ef4 poco,how get id after insert? - linq

I am inserting a document and i want references id of document to a part of this
document...but the code is autoincrement, and i am using poco. how i can get
back the code of insert file?
ArquivoDTO file = new ArquivoDTO();
file.NomeArquivo = fileName;
file.TipoArquivo = fileType;
file.TamanhoArquivo = fileSize;
var context = new PROGISContext();
ArquivoRepository arquivoRepository = new ArquivoRepository(context);
arquivoRepository.IncluirArquivo(file); //insert file
ParteArquivoDTO part = new ParteArquivoDTO(); //create a part
part.CodArquivo = file.CodArquivo; // here id of inserted file

Something like this
[Key, DatabaseGenerated( DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity )]
public Guid Identifier { get; protected set; }
However you won't get the I'd untill you call SaveChanges()

It's kind of hard to say what's the problem with this code sample alone, but are you calling SubmitChanges() on your DataContext in arquivoRepository.IncluirArquivo(file)?
If you are, and the CodArquivo property of your ArquivoDTO class it correctly configured to be an auto increment ID, then the property should get updated automatically after SubmitChanges().


isolated storage in windows phone developement

Im using VS to develop a windows phone app. Im doing it wp8 but it doesnt matter because it the code works for 7 too. Anyway, I have a text box and a button. When the text from the text box is entered, and the button is clicked it adds that to isolated storage.
On my other page, I have a textblock. Which should display what I wrote in the text box. It does work, but first let me sho you my code.
if (appsettings.Contains("name"))
appsettings.Add("name", TitleTextBox.Text); //rename if already exists
and then the second page that collects the info is below.
if (appsettings.Contains("name"))
string content = appsettings["name"].ToString(); //converts to string
titleTextBlock.Text = content; //shows title in text block
The problem is, the "name" works. However, if I call it ANYTHING else it does not. I want to add a different name because i want to be able to input two lots. For example two text box's and then when you press the button and go to the other page, it has two textblocks displaying each string in each one. I can't seem to do this because only "name" works. Ive changed it to other names and it doesnt work. Does anyone know why?
IsolatedStorageSettings works as a Dictionary. If you want to acces a specific key it should exist in the Dictionary.
If you try to change the value that already exists you can do like this:
if (appSettings.Contains("key")) appSettings["key"] = "new value";
else appSettings.Add("key", "new value");
Don't also forget to save your appSettings:
And also according to your code - in ISS you can put not only string - it can be any object, if you want to get it, you should make a cast or use as:
string content = (string)appsettings["name"]; //converts to string
string content = appsettings["name"] as string;
EDIT - after comments, rebuild once more
If you want to have a to-do-list and you know that every task has its specific title, description and time then I would advise to create a special class for this, for example:
public class myTodo
public string TaskTitle { get; set; }
public string TaskDescription { get; set; }
public TimeSpan ElapsedTime { get; set; }
I used TimeSpan because I think it's easier to manage Time with it. Then if you want to Save/Load your myTodo you can do like this:
// create an example of your task
myTodo newTask = new myTodo() { TaskTitle = "Clean", TaskDescription = "Clean room", ElapsedTime = new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0) };
// add it to ISS and save
if (appSettings.Contains("firatTask")) appSettings["firatTask"] = newTask;
else appSettings.Add("firatTask", newTask);
// try to load
myTodo read = appSettings["firatTask"] as myTodo;
You can access your item like this:
read.Title = TitleTextBox.Text; // and so on
Consider also making a List<myToDo> and be aware that ISS shoul also handle this:
List<myTodo> listJob = new List<myTodo>();
listJob.Add(firstTask); // firstTask is myToDo
listJob.Add(secondTask); // secondTask is myToDo
if (appSettings.Contains("listTask")) appSettings["listTask"] = listJob;
else appSettings.Add("listTask", listJob);
List<myTodo> readList = appSettings["listTask"] as List<myTodo>;

Linq/Entity Framework syntax for adding a record to a database

I need to add a record to a database using the Entity Framework. Since I'm brand new to using this syntax I am not sure how to properly write the code (Below is my best guess).
First, the agent must have their info inserted into the Agent table. This table produces a self-incrementing primary key known as a SymNumber. I then need to take that SymNumber and use it as a primary key for an insert into the AgentIdentification table.
I have run this code a couple of times, and I do not come up with an error, however since I am using a unit test to test the code I cannot tell for sure if the agent is being added properly. Secondly, I know for a fact that I am not correctly grabbing the SymNumber as generated by the Agent table after the first insert. The SymNumber is an int value in the Linq code set to 0, and this does not change during the AgentIdentification insert.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
AgentResourcesEntities _db = new AgentResourcesEntities();
Agent agent = new Agent();
agent.EntityType = "P";
agent.FirstName = agentNewTraining.FirstName;
agent.LastName = agentNewTraining.LastName;
agent.LastChangeOperator = agentNewTraining.Requestor;
agent.LastChangeDate = DateTime.Now;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(agentNewTraining.NameSuffix)) agent.NameSuffix = agentNewTraining.NameSuffix;
AgentIdentification agentIdentification = new AgentIdentification();
agentIdentification.SymNumber = agent.SymNumber;
agentIdentification.ReferenceType = "S";
agentIdentification.DummyReference = 0;
agentIdentification.LastChangeOperator = agentNewTraining.Requestor;
agentIdentification.LastChangeDate = DateTime.Now;
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
First you need to call
to get your changed persisted.
But if you want also synchronize (get the new generated value) your agent.SymNumber you will need to call SaveChanges() right after adding it to context.
So the code will be like:
/// ...... ////
AgentIdentification agentIdentification = new AgentIdentification();
agentIdentification.SymNumber = agent.SymNumber; // sym number is now synchronized from DB
But if SymNumber is foreign key so the AgentIdentification has could have reference to some Agent instance, you can just tie those instances with that reference and would not need to call that additional SaveChanges() in the middle.
Call _db.SaveChanges() after inserting.

how can i get the values of the current item in sharepoint 2010

I have a list(registration) with fields like username,pwd ,name,age etc.
i want to send a mail to admin with all the fields (username,pwd,age etc...) when a new item is added to the custom list.i tried by using added event but i am unable to get the values of the newly added item.
it is entering into the if loop but at the next line i am getting an error object reference not set to any instance.
Thanks in advance
i am new to SharePoint
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
SPWeb oSPWeb = properties.OpenWeb();
String curListName = properties.ListTitle;
if (curListName == "registrtion")
string EMPLOYEENAME = properties.AfterProperties["EMPLOYEENAME"].ToString();
Use this instead:
string EMPLOYEENAME = properties.ListItem["InternalFieldName"]
Make sure you use the internal name of the field, check here how to get that name:

linq NullReferenceException question

I have a linq query to a XML dataset, which when executed is generating a NullReferenceException.
XDocument dataDoc = XDocument.Load(new StringReader(e.Result));
var Genres = from genre in dataDoc.Descendants("genres")
where (!genre.Element("ID").IsEmpty)
select (string)genre.Element("id").Value + ',' + (string)genre.Attribute("name").Value + ',' + (string)genre.Attribute("url").Value;
foreach (string myGenre in Genres)
When executed, the Linq query works fine, but when the code attempts to iterate through the foreach loop, the NullReferenceException occurs.
Now, i think that the issue has to do with the XML data I am reading, which looks like the following:
<genre name="1">
<genre name="2">
Is the first child node, which is different in structure, causing the issue?
My class behind this shouldn't be an issue, but is the following (just in case):
public class Genre
public string ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string URL { get; set; }
genre.Attribute("url") returns null, since there is no url attribute.
You need to call Element, not Attribute.
EDIT: Calling dataDoc.Descendants("genres") returns the single <genres> element, which is not what you want.
You need to call Descendants("genre") (singular) to get the individual <genre ...> elements.
You could also call dataDoc.Descendants("genres").Elements to get the elements inside the <genres> element.
SLaks has pointed out the mistake in using Attribute rather than Element, but there's another improvement you can make in your code. Currently you're using the Value property and then redundantly casting to string. If you just cast an XAttribute or XElement to string, then if the original reference is null, the result will be null as well, rather than an exception being thrown. There's no point in using Value and casting.

Auditing in Entity Framework

After going through Entity Framework I have a couple of questions on implementing auditing in Entity Framework.
I want to store each column values that is created or updated to a different audit table.
Right now I am calling SaveChanges(false) to save the records in the DB(still the changes in context is not reset). Then get the added | modified records and loop through the GetObjectStateEntries. But don't know how to get the values of the columns where their values are filled by stored proc. ie, createdate, modifieddate etc.
Below is the sample code I am working on it.
// Get the changed entires( ie, records)
IEnumerable<ObjectStateEntry> changes = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Modified);
// Iterate each ObjectStateEntry( for each record in the update/modified collection)
foreach (ObjectStateEntry entry in changes)
// Iterate the columns in each record and get thier old and new value respectively
foreach (var columnName in entry.GetModifiedProperties())
string oldValue = entry.OriginalValues[columnName].ToString();
string newValue = entry.CurrentValues[columnName].ToString();
// Do Some Auditing by sending entityname, columnname, oldvalue, newvalue
changes = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Added);
foreach (ObjectStateEntry entry in changes)
if (entry.IsRelationship) continue;
var columnNames = (from p in entry.EntitySet.ElementType.Members
select p.Name).ToList();
foreach (var columnName in columnNames)
string newValue = entry.CurrentValues[columnName].ToString();
// Do Some Auditing by sending entityname, columnname, value
Here you have two basic options:
Do it at the database level
Do it in the c# code
Doing it at the data base level, means using triggers. In that case there is no difference if you are using enterprise library or another data access technology.
To do it in the C# code you would add a log table to your datamodel, and write the changes to the log table. When you do a save changes both the changes to the data and the information which you wrote to the log table would be saved.
Are you inserting the new record using a stored proc? If not (i.e. you are newing up an object, setting values, inserting on submit and then saving changes the new object id will be automatically loaded into the id property of the object you created. If you are using a stored proc to do the insert then you need to return the ##IDENTITY from the proc as a return value.
StoreDateContext db = new StoreDataContext(connString);
Product p = new Product();
p.Name = "Hello Kitty Back Scratcher";
p.CategoryId = 5;
//p.Id is now set
return p.Id;
