A Persistent Store for Increment/Decrementing Integers Easily and Quickly - performance

Does there exist some sort of persistent key-value like store that allows for quick and easy incrementing, decrementing, and retrieval of integers (and nothing else). I know that I could implement something with a SQL database, but I see two drawbacks to that:
It's heavyweight for the task at hand. All I need is the ability to say "server[key].inc()" or "server[key].dec()"
I need the ability to handle potentially thousands of writes to a single key simultaneously. I don't want to deal with excessive resource contention. Change the value and get out - that's all I need.
I know memcached supports inc/dec, but it's not persistent. My strategy at this point is going to be to use a SQL server behind a queueing system of some sort such that there's only one process updating the database. It just seems... harder than it should be.
Is there something someone can recommend?

Redis is a key-value store that supports several data types. Integer is present, along with incr and decr commands.


My company uses memcache as object just fine, can't see need for redis in caching

I'm learning about redis/memcache and redis is clearly the more popular option. My question is about supported data types. At my company we use the memcashier library which is built in memcached. We store temporary user data when they're making a purchase in memcache. We can easily update this object as things are added to the cart or more info about the user is given. This appears to be the same functionality as a hash in redis. I don't understand how this is only a basic string data type and how it's less powerful than a hash.
If you are using strings, that's fine - but any change involves loading the data to your application, parsing it, modifying it, and serializing it back to Redis/Memcache.
This has two problems: it's slow and non atomic. You can have two servers modifying the same object arriving in an inconsistent state - such as double or missing items in a shopping cart. And again, it's slow.
With a Redis hash key, you can atomically modify specific fields of the object without loading the entire object into memory. Instead of read, parse, modify, save - you just update.
Besides, Redis has many many data structures that can create very flexible data stores with different properties, whereas Memcache can only store strings.
BTW Redis has a module that allows you to store JSON objects just as you would a string, and manipulate them directly and atomically without getting them to the client. See Rejson.io for details.
Memcached doesn't support complex datastructures
In redis you have Lists, Sets, SortedSets, HashTables , and more.
Each data-structure mentioned above supports mutation of one or more of its elements atomically and without replacing the entire data-structure/value.
Memcached on the other hand , is a simple key-value store - that means every operation involving an attribute change within a complex object is a read-modify-write. If you just go around blindly replacing fields in objects then you are risking race-conditions and operations atomicity issues (which you can get away from by using CAS )
If the library abstracts that complexity, well - that's great but it's still less efficient than mutating only the relevant field(s)
This answer only relates to your usecase. Redis holds many other virtues over memcached, which are not relevant to this question.

Memcache global expiration change

Is it possible to change all the key/value pairs in memcache instances with a command line?
Say, I have 10 memcache servers and they have key value pairs, and they all have the objects with 30 days expiration. But they don't expire at the same time, and I don't want all of them to expire at the same time. I want to change the objects to expire in 10 days. How can I make this change?
Is this even possible?
Can this be done via a commandline? Do I have to write a program for this?
You can accomplish this by touching values periodically. The FAQ describes a way to do this.
However, memcache isn't designed for this. What you're doing seems to be more like a persistent cache scenario. If you love memcache semantics, Membase and MemcacheDB provide solutions that may better fit your needs. There are many different persistent cache systems that do this just as well.
Depending on your specs, sometimes speeding up your data source may deliver better performance than memcache. Modern DMBSs cache heavily with sensible access protocols. This is entirely dependent on what your data sources look like and how much flexibility you have in your system design.
Memcache has a telnet interface. Then you can use FLUSH_ALL or FLUSH_ALL <seconds_to_wait>, if that's what you mean...

Cache vs HashMap for simple usecase

This must be a very basic:- Just curious, If I don't need distributed, cache-as-sor models, why do we need third party cache libraries (ehcache, memcached) when all you need (for simple use case) is just a key-value pair holder, something like HashMap ?
A lot of thought goes into producing software, and the more thought and testing by others (and fixes) improves the value of the software and also validates the code as a model (I didn't say a good model).
For the example, above, how would you handle the deleting of "old" cache items? You would have to add more code/features to insure that the cache could be emptied.
Using memcache may be overkill for a simple program, but it's already solved many of the problems that you will have and gives you a bit of extra ability.
I would also use Redis as an example. You can DO a lot of stuff in your own language, but sometimes, Redis would make other items easier.

Organizing memcache keys

Im trying to find a good way to handle memcache keys for storing, retrieving and updating data to/from the cache layer in a more civilized way.
Found this pattern, which looks great, but how do I turn it into a functional part of a PHP application?
The Identity Map pattern: http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/identityMap.html
Update: I have been told about the modified memcache (memcache-tag) that apparently does do a lot of this, but I can't install linux software on my windows development box...
Well, memcache use IS an identity map pattern. You check your cache, then you hit your database (or whatever else you're using). You can go about finding information about the source by storing objects instead of just values, but you'll take a performance hit for that.
You effectively cannot ask the cache what it contains as a list. To mass invalidate, you'll have to keep a list of what you put in and iterate it, or you'll have to iterate every possible key that could fit the pattern of concern. The resource you point out, memcache-tag can simplify this, but it doesn't appear to be maintained inline with the memcache project.
So your options now are iterative deletes, or totally flushing everything that is cached. Thus, I propose a design consideration is the question that you should be asking. In order to get a useful answer for you, I query thus: why do you want to do this?

Does soCaseInsensitive greatly impact performance for a TdxMemIndex on a TdxMemDataset?

I am adding some indexes to my DevExpress TdxMemDataset to improve performance. The TdxMemIndex has SortOptions which include the option for soCaseInsensitive. My data is usually a GUID string, so it is not case sensitive. I am wondering if I am better off just forcing all the data to the same case or if the soCaseInsensitive flag and using the loCaseInsensitive flag with the call to Locate has only a minor performance penalty (roughly equal to converting the case of my string every time I need to use the index).
At this point I am leaving the CaseInsentive off and just converting case.
IMHO, The best is to assure the data quality at Post time. Reasonings:
You (usually) know the nature of the data. So, eg. you can use UpperCase (knowing that GUIDs are all in ASCII range) instead of much slower AnsiUpperCase which a general component like TdxMemDataSet is forced to use.
You enter the data only once. Searching/Sorting/Filtering which all implies the internal upercassing engine of TdxMemDataSet it's a repeated action. Also, there are other chained actions which will trigger this engine whithout realizing. (Eg. a TcxGrid which is Sorted by default having GridMode:=True (I assume that you use the DevEx. components) and having a class acting like a broker passing the sort message to the underlying dataset.
Usually the data entry is done in steps, one or few records in a batch. The only notable exception is data aquisition applications. But in both cases above the user's usability culture allows way greater response times for you to play with. (IOW how much would add an UpperCase call to a record post which lasts 0.005 ms?) OTOH, users are very demanding with the speed of data retreival operations (searching, sorting, filtering etc.). Keep the data retreival as fast as you can.
Having the data in the database ready to expose reduces the risk of processing errors when you'll write (if you'll write) other modules (you need to remember to AnsiUpperCase the data in any module in any language you'll write). Also here a classical example is when you'll use other external tools to access the data (for ex. db managers to execute an SQL SELCT over the data).
Maybe the DevExpress forums (or ever a support email, if you have access to it) would be a better place to seek an authoritative answer on that performance question.
Anyway, is better to guarantee that data is on the format you want - for the reasons plainth already explained - the moment you save it. So, in that specific, make sure the GUID is written in upper(or lower, its a matter of taste)case. If it is SQL Server or another database server that have an guid datatype, make sure the SELECT make the work - if applicable and possible, even the sort.
