How to update GetBundles in TextMate? - textmate

I originally installed GetBundles using Trey Piepmeier's instructions. Afterwards, I installed all TextMate bundles using GetBundles. I noticed that my copy of GetBundles was old, so I did the following:
cd ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
svn co
When I restarted TextMate and opened GetBundles, a dialog box popped up asking me to select the source for many—if not all—of my bundles. I can't remember which version of the Django bundle I installed or numerous others.
Is there anyway to update GetBundles without having it lose its head on the sources?

Yes, in TextMate click Bundles->GetBundles->Edit Preferences File. Either copy the data or back up the file to another location. Then update GetBundles. Now, select Edit Preferences File again, and paste that info back in. That should update the GetBundles bundle while maintaining its own data about which bundles you have installed.
Here are a couple sample lines from mine:
As you can see, it keeps track of the repository info, etc. The file itself is com.macromates.textmate.getbundles.plist and is located in ~/Library/Preferences.
I hope this helps.


Restore deleted files in visual studio code in the code management menu

I am really devastated because I have accidentally deleted 3 of my files in Visual Studio Code. I did it through the Source Code Management menu on the left side. Now my question... Is there any possibility to restore the 3 files I deleted like this? I would appreciate any answer and maybe you want to know: I use Windows
I tried to look into the recycle bin of windows but it isn't there. :-(
vscode maintains a file-history using its latest TIMELINE view.
How to restore deleted git-untracked files in vscode:
Create the files with the same name at the same directory.
Go to TIMELINE on the File Explorer.
You can get the older versions of the files.
No, you cannot recover those files using VS Code or standard tools. They aren't put in the recycling bin (or your operating system's equivalent), they are removed using git cleanor git reset --hard. Condolences :-(
There are of course utilities for recovering deleted files that may or may not be successful, but that is outside the scope of this question.
I accidentally removed a file that wasn't even checked in to git. Google brought me here. The file wasn't in the Trash can either (Ubuntu 18.4 VS Code 1.31.1). Looking at the git output I can see that it used git clean -f to remove it by force).
Fortunately the file was still in the editor. Just press Ctrl+P and type the file name. It should show up in the list of files and if you open it, it says "FILE_NAME (deleted from disk)" on the tab. Just copy/paste the content to where it should be.
if you accidently click the delete menu option right below rename, as long as you don't panic and like restart your computer or something you can open that directory in the file explorer on your computer
and right click.
there should be options there to undo delete or whatever else you did to the directory.
Open VSCode's command menu, and type "Local History" and select "Local History: Find Entry to Restore." Then type the name of the file you deleted.
This has worked for me when "undo" in the file tree has not.
Super easy, and has saved me from despair.

Several versions of VS Code after update

After updating VS Code for the second time, I can now right-click a file and open it with 3 different versions of it: 1.6.1, 1.8.1 & 1.9.0.
How can I either automatically prevent this on an update or remove the old versions after the update? My applications folder only shows one version of it.
Locate the other versions
You can just run each of them, right-click on the Dock icon of the running version and select Options → Show in Finder.
My versions were located here
~/Library/Application Support/
Delete it
Just delete the whole directory update.OhD5XFk

How can I export/import settings of Sublime Text 3 from one PC to another using Windows?

I use Sublime Text 3 in my company and I want to export all the settings, including packages and whatever, to use the same configurations in Sublime Text 3 I have at home. How can I do this?
PS.: I use Windows 8
The best way is to sync the User directory, there are multiple available ways to do this - dropbox, git and manual ways.
Installed packages are registered in Package Control.sublime-settings, which is located in the user folder as well, thus, it does not require you to sync anything besides that. A pretty good guide to syncing can be found here.
You also may wish to check out this package.
For me (Windows installation) transferring all the content from old installation - AppData\Roaming\Subime Text 3, to new installation - AppData\Roaming\Subime Text 3, does the job. All the packages and UI settings are transferred and are working correctly.
None of the manual efforts are needed now (I think). Both sublime text (ver 3) and visual studio code (if anyone cares) have extensions that do this for us.
For VS Code -
For ST3 -
With a few clicks like generating token and configuration, one should be able to easily port the settings from any machine (Win, OSX, Linux) to any machine.
You can try this plugin PackageSync. It can package your settings and packages into a zip or 7z file, then, you can import them on another machine.
As an aside an easy way to locate the 'User' or 'Sublime text {2/3/etc}' folder regardless of OS is to:
Open go-to-anything and just type: 'us'
From the available options select 'Preferences: Package Control Settings - User’ to open that file.
Right click on the file and make the selection to open the containing folder (Mac: reveal in finder)
Navigate back up to the parent folder Sublime Text 3 (or whatever version number you are on)
Copying this folder and replacing the Sublime Text 3 folder in a fresh Sublime install with this one should install all packages and replicate any other settings you have.
"If you want to sync settings across machines, the best way to do so is to just sync the Packages\User\ folder. This contains all customized settings, and if you are using Package Control, it includes a list of all installed packages. If Package Control sees that an installed package is not present on the machine, it will automatically install it the next time Sublime Text starts."
PS: if I am not mistaken the author of this post is the key developer of sublime.

Xcode/Git Repository Error: "Please verify that the working copy is reachable and try again."

Here are the steps I take.
I open Xcode (4.3.3) organizer and select Checkout or Clone Repository
I choose the location
Press Clone button and it successfully clones it on my local disk
So I open the local copy of the project and perform some changes to it.
When I try to commit changes (or do any other git related operation) I get the following error:
The working copy "MyAppName" could not be reached.
Please verify that the working copy is reachable and try again.
However I can perform commits (and other types of git operations) without any issues from the Terminal app using command lines.
I've tried restarting my computer, deleting all Xcode settings, but nothing helped.
Update: I tried it again today and it works fine now. Maybe it's some sort of an intermittent bug in Xcode.
Whenever this happens to me (and it happens often) I do the following:
1-Close the project
2-Open the organiser
3-Go into the repositories tab.
If your current working copy has been added to the list already, then within the organizer navigate to it, and double-click on the .xcodeproj project.
This will re-open the project in XCode, and you'll find that now SCM operation will work fine.
If your current working copy hasn't been added to the list, press the + button in the bottom left corner, select "Add Working Copy", navigate to the folder containing the .xcodeproj and open this folder.
Now double click on the .xcodeproj file, the project will open in XCode.
And it's all working fine again...
No idea why this make things work... but it does
I have the same problem. It happens if you have ~/ in the path to project. Works fine, when you open your project from organizer.
It's a bug of Xcode! When you search the xxx.xcodeproj from your Home folder of the dialog box directly, Xcode will use the ~/xxx/xxx as the SVN/Git path which is completely wrong.
So you should avoid this, and search from the "/" path instead.
This is not exactly the answer you might be looking for, but I ran across similar problems when using Remote git repository (Github) and Xcode.
I ended up using a GUI tool "SourceTree", a good and easy to use tool to pull/push your code from Local Git to Remote Git Repository. Try it out

.app file not get install using package installer

I have created a package installer using Xcode's PackageMaker. I want to install a .app file into the applications folder, but when i am running installer package, it's showing that the software is installed succesfully. When i checked the applications folder, the application i m installing is not there. Can anybody help me to solve this?
While the Installer is still running you can select the Window menu and choose the Installer Log option. In the Installer Log dialog select the 'Show All Logs' from the drop down control. This might help you determine where the Installer put your .app or what happened.
BTW I'm seeing the same thing with a .pkg I have written and would love to hear if you find a solution.
I ended up getting things working with my .pkg by making it install into /Applications/ with the trailing slash. I had previously been just using /Applications. Maybe that works for your package?
The issue is that the installer can upgrade packages even if their not located in /Applications. So if there is an application with the same name or it already exists on your hard drive it will try and install over that. To fix it click on the item your trying to install in the content pane then click on the components tab and make sure the "allow relocation" check box is unchecked. Should work perfect after that
