Accessing Azure Blob Storage from a VB6 App - vb6

Does anyone know if its possible to connect to Azure blob storage from a VB6 App and, if so, how would you do it?
I've got a CMS written in VB6 and I need to offer uploading images and files to the web server. The idea is that we'll store images and files in Azure blob storage but seeing how I'm not using the .Net framework how could I do it? If at all.

A VB6 CMS that uses Azure? +1, Rock and roll!
I think I would write a .Net component to access the Blob storage, make it COM-visible, and call it from VB6 via COM.

I might be completely off, but I think the easiest way to access Azure is from a web service that is actually running on Azure. So I would write a web service that's sitting on Azure and then hit the web service from VB6.
There are a number of libraries out there that allow you to access Web Services from VB6.

Can't you just use a simple PUT via WinHTTPRequest, etc?


How to copy existing Blob into Azure Media Services using the CLI

I'm looking for a way to copy an existing Blob from an Azure "Storage account" to an Azure "Media Services account" using the CLI or the portal.
There seems to be plenty of documentation for Windows centric platforms- but nothing for 'nix or Mac users.
Side note: Why is there an assumption that I would want to do this via code? (which btw also seems to require a Windows platform)? I've got a large video (e.g., larger then the 200MB limit for portal upload) - I want to load it into media service - why is that so difficult?
I'm not an expert on this, but from a quick glance at the portal and testing it, it seems like you can just upload your video to the (classic) Storage Account created with Azure Media Services, using any tool that can handle Azure Blob Storage, such as the cross platform Cyberduck. After that you can simply select that video in the portal under upload content > from storage. Note that it only works with classic storage accounts.
You can upload you media to any blob storage account
Then when you want to create a media services asset you can copy it to the Media Services blob storage and create an asset using the blob you moved.
Unfortunately at the moment Azure Media Service is not supported VIA Azure Cli
But there is a power shell support
See this article
You can write some code and do everything using the SDK
There are SDKs for .Net , Java, Python, Node, Php and more...
To be visible in the Azure Media Service storage explorer UI, your files need to add a valid extension, as answered here : Azure not displaying blobs within container in Storage Account
Hope this helps,

how to manage BLOB not via Azure

we are currently working on a project to white label a cloud application.
what will be a proper application or add-on etc. to handle BLOBs ?
i have looked into SQL server RBS add-on but it seems quite dead over there...
the solution should be MS oriented
thanks Gilad

Code specifically for Azure?

I heard that apps don’t port directly and they have to be specifically written to work with Azure. I’m new to Azure and did some reading but I don’t see anything from their site or documentation that suggests that you must specifically code for Azure, so is it true?
If this question is better suited for another StackExchange site please let me know.
You should take a look at the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit to see some introductory project labs.
While you theoretically can just "drop in" some apps into a Windows Azure VM, it hardly makes sense to do so. Some apps can be migrated with only minor changes, such as an website - session state is easily handled by AppFabric Cache, and the Web Role VM is Windows Server 2008 with Full IIS. However, you'd still need to integrate with Windows Azure Diagnostics, to be able to have external visibility to the health of your app.
Further, with the example above, there are more optimal things you can do, such as moving static content to blob storage, and taking load off your VMs. This requires you to upload this content, and then change your IMG and other tag URLs to point to a slightly-different URL.
Just remember that you're moving to Windows Azure to take advantage of its platform and related services, not just to be a rack to host a server. To take advantages of these services, you're going to have to target them specifically, such as:
Access control services
Connectivity (vpn, service bus)
Database (SQL Azure)
Synchronization services
Traffic management across data centers
This is somewhat true. Your apps will typically run as-is. You just need to add an azure project to the solution, and add your MVC apps as roles to the Azure Project.
I found O'Reilly's "Programming Windows Azure" to be a good conceptual introduction to Azure.

Azure + Windows phone 7

I am planning on a photo app, and want to know how I could upload/ download images from windows phone 7 to the blob storage as well as access the table storage. I don't mind placing the access key on the application, since the app is planned to be distributed internally only.
Since the Azure API is not available can somebody tell me how I can do the same ?
You can:
use Azure BLOB API directly (including key on the phone)
Abstract Blob operations behind a server-side web service
I also recommend to check out article by Steve Marx on accessing Azure Blob from Silverlight. It covers a wide range of topics including Shared Access Signatures and how to actually work with Azure Blob API.
I would not place the Access key into any client device. You should think about creating a webservice which can handle the upload for you. That way your phone has not to know about the Azure API.
Try to decouple your Phone 7 application from the backend implementation. Windows Phone 7 supports XNA and Silverlight applications so I guess you're going for the latter. That implies that you need to connect to a service anyway. I would suggest that you put all the backend and Azure specific logic behind a WCF service and call that from within your application.

Questions about Microsoft Azure

I am a web developer that are working on several web applications. For my projects (running in a production environment), I always strive good performance.
So, I have started to look into Microsoft Azure. I have deployed some test-apps and they all work fine. They all run a lot quicker than on my regular shared hosting environment.
My questions are:
1. What should be ran at Azure? Are you suppose to deploy your whole web app (along with images, scripts etc) or are you just suppose to deploy services? (such as WCF)
2. It says "Data transfers within a sub region are free.", but what is a sub region?
3. CNAME works, but is it possible to use A-records of a domain to Azure?
For web sites that are just jQuery slabs calling web services Azure is very easy to adopt. Azure can store any type of file, so for traditional web sites follow this guide
Azure process to Azure process, or Azure SQL etc. May included other non Azure services within the same Microsoft network area. Basically they are saying LAN access if free, whoopee
What would you point you A-Name too? Azure is virtual
Here are the answers I can give you:
It depends on what you want and what kind of (web)application you want to build for Windows Azure. If you're going for fast performance, perhaps it is faster to deploy everything to the cloud (but face the financial costs)
A sub-regio is North-Europe, another one is West-Europe. So data transfering inside North-Europe will be free of charges. But if you have data transfering between North- and West-European hosted application/services you pay for this.
Note: North- and West-Europe form 1 region
Sorry, can't give an answer to this one
Azure is definitely geared to handle more than just hosting web services.
Putting all your web site's static content in Azure storage should enable you to take advantage of the Windows Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) service, which basically replicates your static content out to geo-local caches at the edge of the cloud to reduce network load on your Windows Azure web roles and improves the responsiveness of your web app for your end users scattered around the world.
Read more about the Windows Azure CDN here:
