Detecting URL rewrites (SEO urls) - url-rewriting

How could a client detect if a server is using Search Engine Optimizing techniques such as using mod_rewrite to implement "seo friendly urls."
For example:
Normal url:
SEO friendly URL:

Since mod_rewrite runs server side, there is no way a client can detect it for sure.
The only thing you can do client side is to look for some clues:
Is the HTML generated dynamic and that changes between calls? Then /pic/1 would need to be handled by some script and is most likely not the real URL.
Like said before: are there <link rel="canonical"> tags? Then the website likes to tell the search engine, which URL of multiple with the same content it should use from.
Modify parts of the URL and see, if you get an 404. In /pic/1 I would modify "1".
If there is no mod_rewrite it will return 404. If it is, the error is handled by the server side scripting language and can return a 404, but in most cases would return a 200 page printing an error.

You can use a <link rel="canonical" href="..." /> tag.

The SEO aspect is usually on words in the URL, so you can probably ignore any parts that are numeric. Usually SEO is applied over a group of like content, such that is has a common base URL, for example:
Base www.domain.ext/article, with fully URL examples being:
Such that the SEO aspect of the URL is the suffix. Algorithm to apply is typify each "folder" after the common base assigning it a "datatype" - numeric, text, alphanumeric and then score as follows:
HTTP Response Code is 200: should be obvious, but you can get a 404 www.domain.ext/errors/file-not-found that would pass the other checks listed.
Non Numeric, with Separators, Spell Checked: separators are usually dashes, underscores or spaces. Take each word and perform a spell check. If the words are valid - including proper names.
Spell Checked URL Text on Page if the text passes a spell check, analyze the page content to see if it appears there.
Spell Checked URL Text on Page Inside a Tag: if prior is true, mark again if text in its entirety is inside an HTML tag.
Tag is Important: if prior is true and tag is <title> or <h#> tag.
Usually with this approach you'll have a max of 5 points, unless multiple folders in the URL meet the criteria, with higher values being better. Now you can probably improve this by using a Bayesian probability approach that uses the above to featurize (i.e. detects the occurrence of some phenomenon) URLs, plus come up with some other clever featurizations. But, then you've got to train the algorithm, which may not be worth it.
Now based on your example, you also want to capture situations where the URL has been designed such that a crawler will index because query parameters are now part of the URL instead. In that case you can still typify suffixes' folders to arrive at patterns of data types - in your example's case that a common prefix is always trailed by an integer - and score those URLs as being SEO friendly as well.

I presume you would be using of the curl variants.
You could try sending the same request but with different "user agent" values.
i.e. send the request one using user agent "Mozzilla/5.0" and a second time using User Agent "Googlebot" if the server is doing something special for web crawlers then there should be a different response

With the frameworks today and url routing they provide I don't even need to use mod_rewrite to create friendly urls such so I doubt you can detect anything. I would create such urls for all visitors, crawlers or not. Maybe you can spoof some bot headers to pretend you're a known crawler and see if there's any change. Dunno how legal that is tbh.

For the dynamic url's pattern, its better to use <link rel="canonical" href="..." /> tag for other duplicate


Ajax results filtering and URL parameters

I am building a results filtering page using AJAX requests. I would like to reflect the filters in the URL. For example: for price_from I want to add ?price_from=VAL to the URL.
I have a backend that is capable of rendering the page with URL parameters.
After some googling I would a Backbone.router solution which has a hash fallback for the IE that does not support HTML5 history API.
I have a problem with setting a good philosophy of routes. I have a set of filtering parameters (price_from, price_to, color, ...) and I would like to attach each parameter to one route.
Is that possible to chain the routes to match for example: ?price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red? (the item order can change)
It means: call all the routes at the same time and keep the ie backwards compatibility?
Your best bet would be to have a query portion of the URL rather than using GET parameters to denote the search criteria. For example:
Push state: /search/query/price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red
Hash based: #search/query/price_from=0&price_to=1&color=red
Your backend would of course need to change a bit to be able to parse the new URL structure.

How to differentiate from the server side, between the first request of the browser (HTML file) and the following (images, CSS, scripts...)?

I'm programming a website with SEO friendly links, ie, put the page title or other descriptive text in the link, separated by slashes. For example: h*tp://
I redirect the request to the main script with mod_rewrite, but links in script, img and link tags are not resolved correctly. For example: assuming you are visiting the above link, the tag request the file at the URL h*tp://, but the file is actually
I do not want to use a variable or constant in all HTML file URLs.
I'm trying to redirect client requests to a directory or to another of the server. It is possible to distinguish the first request for a page, which comes after? It is possible to do with mod_rewrite for Apache, or PHP?
I hope I explained well:)
Thanks in advance.
Using rewrite rules to fix the problem of relative paths is unwise and has numberous downsides.
Firstly, it makes things more difficult to maintain because there are hundreds of different links in your system.
Secondly and more seriously, you destroy cacheability. A resource requested from here:
will be regarded as a different resource from
and loaded two times, causing the number of requests to grow dozenfold.
What to do?
Fix the root cause of the problem instead: Use absolute paths
<script src="/js/file.js">
or a constant, or if all else fails the <base> tag.
This is an issue of resolving relative URIs. Judging by your description, it seems that you reference the other resources using relative URI paths: In /section/page-title-bla-bla-bla a URI reference like js/file.js or ./js/file.js would be resolved to /section/page-title-bla-bla-bla/js/file.js.
To always reference /js/file.js independet from the actual base URI path, use the absolute path /js/file.js. Another solution would be to set the base URI explicitly to / using the BASE element (but note that this will affect all relative URIs).

how does URL rewrite work in plain english

I have read a lot about URL rewriting but I still don't get it.
I understand that a URL like
can be replaced with a friendlier one like
and the server code can remain unchanged because there is some filter which transforms the new URL and sends it to the old, but does it replace the URLs in the HTML of the response too?
If the server code remains unchanged then it is possible that in my returned HTML code I have links like:
This defeats the purpose of having the nice URLs if in my page I still have the old ones.
Does URL rewriting (with a filter or something) also replace this content in the HTML?
Put another way... do the rewrite rules apply for the incoming request as well as the HTML content of the response?
Thank you!
The URL rewriter simply takes the incoming URL and if it matches a certain pattern it converts it to a URL that the server understands (assuming your rewrite rules are correct).
It does mean that a specific resource can be accessed multiple ways, but this does not "defeat the point", as the point is to have nice looking URLs, which you still do.
They do not rewrite the outgoing content, only the incoming URL.

SEO URL Structure

Based on the following example URL structure:
Pages in the application use user controls and some of these controls build a query string. To prevent duplicate keys being created e.g. &pid=12&pid=10, I am researching methods of rewriting the URL:
Pages using this structure would be publishing content that I would like to get indexed and ranked - articles and products (8,000 products to start, with thousands more being added later)
My gut instinct tells me to go with the first method, but would it would be overkill to add all that infrastructure if the second method will accomplish my goal of getting pages indexed AND ranked.
So my question, looking at the pro's and con's, Google Ranking, time to implement etc. which method should I use?
From an SEO perspective you want to try and avoid the querystring, so getting it into the URL and a short form URL is going to get you a better "bang for the buck" on the implementation side of things.
Therefore, I'd recommend the first.
Why don't use MVC pattern, this way all your link will be SEO ready. Check here, you will find what is MVC and also some implementation in .net!
You can easily make SEO-friendly URLs with the help of Helicon Ape (the software which allows having basic Apache functionality on your IIS server). You'll need mod_rewrite I guess.
If you get interested, I can help you with the rules.
Can you explain in more detail your current architecture and what the parameters all mean? There's nothing really wrong with query strings if it's truly dynamic content. Rewriting ?a=red&b=green&c=blue to /red/green/blue is kinda pointless and it's unclear from the URL what might be on the page.
The key is to simplify as much as possible. Split the site into categories and give each "entity" one URL.
For example, if you are selling products, use one URL per product, with keywords in the URL - e.g. or if you need the product ID.

Ajax and filenames - Best practices

I am using jQuery to call PHP files via the $.get method
function fetchDepartment(company_id)
$.get("ajax/fetchDepartment.php?sec=departments&company_id="+company_id, function(data){
What I am thinking is can I secure the filename even further?
Currently I have a global access check within the .php file that check if the user is logged in, if he can access this data etc.
But I am wondering if there are further steps I can take so a user couldn't see this filename, or what other steps you recommend to take.
Encoded requests
You could make the request details effectively invisible to the casual miscreant by encoding almost all of the URL and then decoding the request details server-side.
The request details would include the action you wish to perform plus the parameters relevant to that action.
All requests would be sent to a single URL, where a server-side process would decode the request details and perform the relevant action as required.
Example Original URL:
Request details:
Encoded request details (encoded using base64):
Encoded URL:
I don't believe there is native functionality to encode to base64 in JavaScript, but it's far from impossible to find a suitable method or to write your own.
With obfuscated/minified client-side JavaScript it would be quite tricky for someone to determine how to make a request 'by hand'.
Hide implementation details
There are a number of practices you can follow to make your application less susceptible to attack through URL misuse.
Let's start with a URL of: ajax/fetchDepartment.php?sec=departments&company_id=99
There's no need to reveal what server-side technology you're using (PHP) nor, through the query string (sec, company_id), what the query string values actually mean.
Masking the server-side technology
Assuming you have index.php defined as a default, the following URLs are equivalent:
The third URL does not reveal the server-side technology you're using. This limits the range of possible attacks. It also makes it easier for you to switch over to a different server-side technology without changing your URLs.
Hiding the meaning of request parameters
The latter URL still conveys enough information to perform the request without revealing what the information means.
Whilst someone could still change the values, they won't know what they're changing. This will make it more difficult for an attacker to evaluate and understand the result of any URL changes they make.
Pretty much the only way you can obscure the URL for a certain piece of information from the user is by not loading it in through http. Maybe you can load a set of data on the calling page, or another page with a more generic url.
