Form action submit but NOT redirect (facebook static + magento) - ajax

This seems simple enough but there are complications...
I have a facebook FBML static page where I want users to sign up to my magento newsletter.
I think I'm right in saying typically you can put the form code as below into the fbml page and on submit it will add the user to the newsletter;
<form action="" method="post" id="newsletter-validate-detail">
<fieldset class="block-content">
<label id="newsletter-label" for="newsletter" class="left">Join our mailing list</label>
<div class="input-box left">
<input name="email" type="text" id="newsletter" class="input-text required-entry validate-email" />
<button id="newsletter-submit" type="submit" class="button btn-submit"><span>Join</span></button>
But of course at my site I have an ajax function that returns a thanks for registering, so when this submit is sent from fb, this just lands me at a confirmation message on my domain that is supposed to feed through java and say thanks very much for signing up.
So what I need is some way of posting the action, but keeping the user on facebook, or at least leaving them at some other landing page after the action.
Something that posts but doesn't redirect, or something that posts then redirects to something other than the url in the form action?
Not sure if I need ajax for this or if js is even allowed within the fb environment, could I use any of their proprietary FBML to achieve this?
Many thanks

Could you add onSubmit="handleData(); return false;" to your form so it doesn't submit? and use the handleData() function to proccess the data in whatever way you need? This will keep the user from moving off the current page.


What are the methods to pass Springboot/Thyleaf objects to Modal forms?

I'm confused. I've thought it's possible to pass SpringBoot/Thymeleaf objects from the html page to the Modal form. I've come across many examples using ajax to pull data from the REST endpoint instead.
Is using ajax to pull in objects into Modals, the only method?
Thymeleaf is a server side templating language... the concept of a modal form usually means showing/hiding a window opens and closes on the client side (meaning JavaScript that runs when a user clicks a link or a button ). If you don't want to use an API to pull that data (which I think makes the most sense), then you have to create a hidden modal for every row on your page. For example:
<div th:each="item, i: ${items}">
<a href="#"
Edit modal #<span th:text="${i.index}" />
<div th:id="|modal${i.index}|" style="display: none;">
<p>I am a modal form for element <span th:text="${i.index}" />!</p>
<input type="text" th:value="${item.value}" />
You can see how this works... creating a hidden div/modal form for every row (so you don't have to call an API to get the form values), but it comes with a lot of extra HTML.

3DSv2 Sagepay Direct Integration 'page not found' after correct challenge

We have configured a test for the up comming 3DSv2 payment card checks. The server responds with a page not found for '' which is their response to a correct challenge.
Has anyone else been successful in testing this on their version 4.00 implementation?
<form action="" name="threed1form" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="creq" value="ewogICJtZXNzYWdlVHlwZSIgOiAiQ1JlcSIsCiAgIm1lc3NhZ2VWZXJzaW9uIiA6ICIyLjEuMCIsCiAgInRocmVlRFNTZXJ2ZXJUcmFuc0lEIiA6ICI0NzE3Nzc3Yi0yYjA3LTQzOGQtYWU1OS0xNjE2NzFiNzJkYTAiLAogICJhY3NUcmFuc0lEIiA6ICJkMjBlMTQyZC1lYWEyLTRjMTMtYTAyYy1jN2EwMmZmNDMyMDgiLAogICJjaGFsbGVuZ2VXaW5kb3dTaXplIiA6ICIwMSIKfQ"/>
<input type="hidden" name="threeDSSessionData" value="{39D1BC2D-AC1D-8267-753E-2AEDB9E2DE9D}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="ThreeDSNotificationURL" value=""/>
Click the button below :-<br>
<input type="submit" value="Go 3DS "/>
Spoke to SagePay this morning,
They are aware of the problem at their end, they are unable to say when this may be fixed.
Additionally they are unable to confirm when V4.00 Direct integration will be available on the live server.
Hope this helps
#SteveWinn. & #KH S.
Your answers helped and contributed to moving forward. Appreciated.
On speaking to sagepay they are unable to indicate what exactly will happen on the 14 th September 2019, they reckon the Banks themselves may not be ready to implement this by then.
Hope this helps
#SteveWinn, I'm having the exact same problem as you. I'm pretty sure my VPSTxId is correct and getting the same error. I'm wondering if /direct3dcallback.vsp has not been updated to 4.00 as it is responding with 3.00?
After having the exact same problem as reported by #SteveWinn, I gave sage a call. They suggested removing curly brackets from the start and end of the VPSTxId when sending it to "/direct3dcallback.vsp". I thought this was a bit or a strange suggestion, as vspdirect-register.vsp added the curly brackets in the first place, but I removed them and everything springs to life.
In a nutshell, to fix, return the VPSTxId as:
abc123-4567-FG5F-DFESDFR12243 not {abc123-4567-FG5F-DFESDFR12243}
Have a look at this post: Direct Protocol 4.00: PDS2 - 5083: VpsTxId provided in callback does not match transaction in CRes
Looks like we need to remove the curly brackets from the VPSTxId.
Once you post to the challenge window will come up. Complete the Challenge. After the challenge has been completed you need to read the cres and VPSTxId from the posted data from the bank. This will come to the ThreeDSNotificationURL you provided with your payment request.
I do this with an iFrame in a Modal.
The iFrame loads first one of my pages with the post data for the bank. Then the challenge window and then my ThreeDSNotificationURL which reads the post data (from the bank) and if successful sends to the thank you page breaking out of the iframe.
Hope this helps.
Smitthhy, just saw your last post here.
Here how I do this for 3DSecure v2:
I get the SagePay response.
If the payment get challenged I redirect to a page which handles that.
That page has the modal with an iFrame.
The iFrame loads another page which I show here:
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="ChallengeiFrame.aspx.cs" Inherits="ac_ChallengeiFrame" %>
<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<div id="content">
<div id="contentHeader">
Your Bank requires Authentication
Please click the button below to continue.
<form action="<%= sACSUrl %>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="creq" value="<%= sCReq %>" />
<input type="hidden" name="threeDSSessionData" value="<%= sVPSTxId %>" />
<input type="submit" value="Click to continue" />
The customer clicks the button (I don't have an auto post version. I rather let the customer know what happens next so he is not surprised with that challenge window) which posts to SagePay (see the hidden fields and the form action to the ACSURL.
The response from SagePay gets picked up by the page I submitted as the ThreeDSNotificationURL for 3DSecure v2.
That page handle the response and finish the order.
Hope this helps.

WIX: Add custom HTML or my own form (to another website)

I need to create a form that by clicking on it will redirect to another website with special 'inputs' tags values.
something like:
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="val1" value="something">
<input type="hidden" name="val2" value="else">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Go">
The custom HTML feature that I find will put it inside an iframe, and it looks bad. Is there a way to do it that will look 'normal'?
If you utilize Wix Code you can develop that inside your Wix page without the need of any html forms.
Simple solution:
- Add the form input elements you need on your page
- Add a button to click on
- Add av event handler to the button and grab the values from the input fields
- Send that data to any site or redirect the user to the site you want using"url") with the query parameters you might need from the form.

CS CART call a controller at add on front end with microformat ajax

I am very new to cs cart. I have read their documentation about calling Ajax with form micrformats. I am able to create a Ajax request. But I would like to call a controller inside my add-on controllers/frondend/ directory names as mycheckout.php. I am using the a hidden file dispatch with the valu mycheckout.mymode. Can any one help me. I actually want to perform some action in my controller. But their documentation did not help me. Thanks in advance.
You can do something like this (use extra "cm-ajax-force" or "cm-ajax-full-render" classes if needed):
<form class="cm-ajax" name="your_name" action="{""|fn_url}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="result_ids" value="div_id_to_be_updated" />
{include file="buttons/go.tpl" but_name="mycheckout.mymode" alt=__("Ajax button")}
Or you can use any button you want (even <input type="submit" name="mychechkout.mymode" value="Ajax!">)
Note that the Ajax request can be also done via simple link:
<a class="cm-ajax cm-post" href="{"mycheckout.mymode?param1=value1&param2=value2"|fn_url}" data-ca-target-id="div_id_to_be_updated">Ajax!</a>

Submit button to submit a form in dreamweaver cs4

I can not get the form to submit with the button. The best luck I have had is to send a generic email with no data attached.
This is the code:
<input name="mailto:" type="submit" onClick=mailto: value="Submit Form" id="mailto:" >
the value is: /frms/contact.con
Can anyone help????
Submit buttons generally aren't used for storing information -- as a rule, they just submit the page, and any other information (such as the email recipient's address) will be put in other inputs in the form. For example:
<form action="/frms/contact.con" method="post">
<label>Subject: <input type="text" name="subject" value="" /></label>
<label for="message-editor">Message</label>
<textarea name="message" rows="6" cols="60" id="message-editor"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="" />
In this example, the "action" attribute of the FORM element specifies the script on the server which will process the information once someone clicks Submit. The hidden input which I have named "recipient" specifies the email address, and the value of that will be sent in along with the rest of the form when it's submitted. All the submit button itself does is cause the browser to send the finished form off to the server for processing.
Note that the example I've given here probably won't work with your particular script, because the names I've selected for the example inputs ("subject", "message", and "recipient") probably don't match the ones your script expects.
Do you have documentation on how the /frms/contact.con script works? If so, check it -- it should tell you what to name your form elements. Failing that, and assuming that you know whatever programming language it was written in, you could read the code in contact.con to see what names it's expecting.
If all else fails, try a different server-side script, there are about eight zillion available.
