jmeter latency problem - jmeter

After deployment from the nightly build, the response time of logging into the page is sometimes very high (30mins to more than an hour). I know jsps need to be recompiled after redeployment. However, it only takes 5 secs to login through the browser. It'd be great if anyone has any advice. Thanks!

When they updated code, did they modify anything on the login page? I would recommend re-recording the login process and compare to the original. You may find your script points to the wrong server or is now missing a required parameter.


Sometimes pages on my website load very slowly

Across all browsers/devices, I find random different pages, at random times, are very slow to load/don't load. The browser is stuck on 'Waiting for'. I will wait 20 seconds and nothing will happen until I manually refresh the page. As I realise this is very vague, can you suggest a) most likely issues to look for first or b) some diagnostic tools that I could use to try and de-bug the issue as a starting point, so that my hosts/developers can solve the issue. Here are some results of recent speed tests.
One thing to also add is that, it seems it more often gets stuck on particular pages. Namely the pages where users take practice tests. After each time the user clicks 'Next', their selected answer is inserted into the database. My speculation is that potentially it's an issue with the DB itself, or the process which inserts into the database. It's when clicking 'Next', that the whole website sometimes just dies as described above.
Results from Google Speed Test
Waterfall image
A wait time of 20secs at random times and random pages could possibly be due to stop-the-world garbage collection. So GC logs are probably a good starting point.
A thread sampler such as Djigger a colleague of mine wrote might probably also help you figuring out what the machine is doing during the 20 seconds.
If that doesn't help I suggest to use a Profiler or better an APM tool to monitor whats going on on your system. Those tools give a you a broader insight of the internals.
You need to run a few page speed tests and look at the waterfall images.
It is very common on shared servers for the server to be too busy to get to your request. 20 seconds would indicate a serious issue with the server.
Another common reason is the page has a link to a third party resource and that resource is too often unavailable.
In your case the culprit is and I assume that is your site.
Use something like to run the tests.
In the waterfall image below
Dark Green is DNS lookup time.
Orange is the time for Browser to connect to server.
Green is the wait time for server to put image in output buffer.
Blue is the time for the server to transmit to the Browser.
The problem with the sample waterfall page is the index page took 4 seconds to be generated or retrieved. Most likely this is a Word Press site with plugins.
I suspect yours may be 20 seconds. But due to the randomness, is is also a good possibility it is a page resource that is stalled.
If it is the index page, then you likely have a poor ISP and or one of the other users of the server is hogging the CPU.
Keep running the tests until you see the problem occur.
It will be very obvious where the problem is located.
You can post the waterfall image and send me a message if you have any questions.
Waterfall from

JMeter fails to simulate browser response time

I'm trying to simulate a connection to a website. The goal of the simulation is to collect statistics on page loading time on browser side.
I configured JMeter Flagging the option Retrieve Embedded Resources in order to simulate the real time to load the whole page. The issue is that while from a real Browser i have a response time (let's assume for the page A the response time is 10 seconds) in JMeter I found i response time 20 times higher.
It seems JMeter takes a much longer time to gather embedded resources (e.g. js, images, ...)
Do you have any suggestion for this issue?
Kind Regards
Update 31/07
I discovered some resources are not completely downloaded. Using Firebug i see some components with 0 bytes downloaded that the browsere keep trying to download (but the user do not percieve since the page is loaded). Therefore i suspect JMeter keeps trying downloading it. Is there any chance to set a timeout to overcome this kind of situation?
Update_1 31/07
I figured out that the issue is related with nested iframes. setting httpsampler.max_frame_depth=0 i get the correct time. however i would like to understand the reason of this issue. Do I have to set other paramters?
Disable browser cache and re-run your test in browser.
Jmeter will not store cache, unless otherwise specified.
Hope this will help.
Add a HTTP Cache Manager to your test plan.
Real browsers retrieve images, scripts, styles, etc. but do it only once. In order to simulate browser behavior you need to configure JMeter appropriately.
See How to make JMeter behave more like a real browser guide for more test elements which can be used for this.

close connection in LoadRunner

Practical Challenge:
I have a LR script that runs against an app being mocked and do not have a logout button (yet).
The test runs fine With stable response time for about 10 minutes, but after that the response time peaks and the server goes into 99% memory usage and transactions start to fail.
I suspect this is due to the script does not terminate the vusers after each run anf it builds up a lot of running sessions against the server wich is not terminated. But I might be wrong.
Anyays I want to programatically close each run after it has competed the business process.
I have red somewhere that web_set_sockets_option ("SHUTDOWN_MODE", "ABRUPT") could be used for this, but I want to be sure that this function actually does what I want and what does 'ABRUPT' means?
Are there better ways of closing sessions? Clicking the close browser during recording does not result in anything being captured in the script.
It's a server issue on session aging. Your server admin for your website can adjust the timeout values where no activity has taken place on a given session. By default most places have this set at 30 minutes. Trim it to what you need rather than taking the default value on the server.
Also, you may have hit a leak situation if resources are constantly accumulated on the server side but never released.
Based on your question I assume you're using the WEB/HTML protocol. I agree that the core issue is that your app's sessions should expire more elegantly and probably sooner. But, in order to get beyond this while testing you can try this. It isn't a guarantee, but it has worked sometimes for me in the past when dealing with similar situations. Try changing your Run-time Settings for the script:
Run-time Settings > Browser > Browser Emulation
Make sure you have the box checked for "Simulate a new user on each iteration". You can also try playing with the other settings here, like clearing the cache each iteration. This could cause a new connection setting with the web page for each iteration depending on the server's session settings. Again, this isn't 100%, but it has worked for me from time to time.
try this:
web_set_sockets_option("CLOSE_KEEPALIVE_CONNECTIONS", "1");

Ajax submitted form takes long time to process

I am wondering where this comes from : I have a 2 field form for a site that I am building and for some reason, the post request takes up to 13 seconds to complete, according to firebug... The script literally just sends an email in plain text with the user inputs and that's it, nothing complicated.
I am wondering where that delay could come from, any idea ?
Here is a link to a dev version :
I tend not to click links to sites I don't trust, but it could be either
1) Network latency. Are you on a vpn? Where is the dev server hosted? You can use traceroute or something like that to follow the request from the command line.
If both the client and the server are on your dev box this should not be an issue.
2) For really long requests, I think it is more likely something in your dev server is screwed up. It could be the code, or it could be that the dev server is having some issues. Did you log onto the dev server and look at its load? Has some process gone haywire? Has it used all its memory? Did you add some simple benchmarking code to the application server?
You need to diagnose where exactly the slowdown is.

AppEngine response time is slow

I am using a modified version of the TaskCloud example to try and read/write my own data.
While testing on a a deployed version, I've noticed that the round-trip response time is slow.
From my Android device, I have a 100ms ping response to
I have changed the AppEngine application to do nothing (The Google Dashboard shows insignificant Average Latency.
The problem is that the time it takes for HttpClient client .execute(post) is about 3 seconds.
(This is the time when an instance is already loaded)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I've watched the video of Google I/O showing the CloudTasks Android-AppEngine app, and you can see that refreshing the list (a single call to AppEngine) takes about 3 seconds as well. The guy is saying something about performance which I didn't fully get (debuggers are running at both ends?)
The video:
Time location: 0:46:45
I'll keep investigating...
Thanks for your help so far.
EDIT 2: Back to this issue...
I've used shark packet sniffer to find out what is happening. Some of the time is spent negotiating a SSL connection for each server call. Using http (and ACSID) is faster than https (and SACSID).
new DefaultHttpClient() and new HttpPost() are used for each server call.
Looking at the sniffer logs again, there is an almost 2 seconds delay before the actual POST.
I have also found out that the issue exists with Android 2.2 (all versions) but is resolved with Android 2.3
EDIT 4: It's been resolved. Please see my answer below.
It's difficult to answer your question since no detail about your app is provided. Anyway you can try to use appstats tool provided by Google to analyze the bottleneck.
After using the Shark sniffer, I was able to understand the exact issue and I've found the answer in this question.
I have used Liudvikas Bukys's comment and solved the problem using the suggested line:
post.getParams().setBooleanParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, false);
Often the first call to your GAE app will take longer than subsequent calls. You should make yourself familiar with loading and warm-up requests and how GAE handles instances of your app:
Some things you could also try:
make your app handle more than one request per instance (make sure your app is threadsafe!)
enable always on feature in app admin (this will cost you)
