Show applicationbar menu programmatically (wp7) - windows-phone-7

I have a wp7 with some buttons in the application bar.
When each button is pressed I change the menuItems of the application bar's menu.
After this, I want to automatically open the menu when an application bar button is pressed.
But it seems that the SDK doesn't allow me to do that.
Do you know any work around?
I was thinking, if the above is not possible, to simulate a user finger click at the bottom right corner of the screen to open the menu. Any ideas on that?
Thanx in advance

It's possible to change the Application Bar Menu Items in response to an Icon Button click as demonstrated in the code below.
There isn't a way to forcibly open (or close) the application bar through code through.
It also isn't possible to simulate a finger click on the application bar as this isn't part of the actual page. Note that even if possible any click would need to be in the top right or bottom left if the device was in a landscape orientation.
Here's some code which demonstrates changing the menu items:
public partial class MainPage : PhoneApplicationPage
private ApplicationBar appbar;
public MainPage()
Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MainPage_Loaded);
void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
appbar = new ApplicationBar();
var ib1 = new ApplicationBarIconButton(new Uri("/images/one.png", UriKind.Relative)) { Text = "Option one" };
ib1.Click += new EventHandler(ShowMenuOption1);
var ib2 = new ApplicationBarIconButton(new Uri("/images/two.png", UriKind.Relative)) { Text = "Option two" };
ib2.Click += new EventHandler(ShowMenuOption2);
// Show menu option 1 as default
this.ApplicationBar = appbar;
private void DisplayMenuOption1()
var itemA = new ApplicationBarMenuItem("AAAA");
var itemB = new ApplicationBarMenuItem("BBB");
private void DisplayMenuOption2()
var itemC = new ApplicationBarMenuItem("CCCC");
var itemD = new ApplicationBarMenuItem("DDDD");
private void ShowMenuOption2(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ShowMenuOption1(object sender, EventArgs e)

As far as I'm aware this capability has not been exposed as yet. It wasn't possible during beta and I've not noticed anything that's changed since that would allow it. You could always comment on the their suggestions forum or raise it on connect (vs/wpdt).


How to change uwp app title bar color when Windows 10 change from dark theme to light and vice versa?

I have an app for test, with 3 buttons:
one for change title bar color to white
one for change title bar color to black
one for let the app title bar free to follow the Windows 10 theme color for its app title bar
Those first two buttons are ok and working, but the last one I don't know how to implement and where to put methods if necessary. I'd like, please, any help, tip or even a whole solution for the problem. Thank you in advance.
PS: would be great if title bar color can follow dark, light and even high contrast colors.
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
namespace App7
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewTitleBar titleBar = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().TitleBar;
public MainPage()
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
titleBar.BackgroundColor = Windows.UI.Colors.White;
private void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
titleBar.BackgroundColor = Windows.UI.Colors.Black;
private void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Title bar must be free to change its own colour accord/when/same time Windows theme change
//How can I do that?
//Where the code/methods goes?
You could handle the ColorValuesChanged Event of the UISettings Class. This event will happen when the Windows theme color is changed. You could get the current color of the Windows theme using UISettings.GetColorValue() to check if it is in Dark mode or Light mode. Then you could change the title bar color as you want.
Here is the code:
public Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UISettings uiSettings { get; set; }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
uiSettings = new Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UISettings();
uiSettings.ColorValuesChanged += UiSettings_ColorValuesChanged;
// if you want to stop this.
//uiSettings.ColorValuesChanged -= UiSettings_ColorValuesChanged;
private void UiSettings_ColorValuesChanged(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UISettings sender, object args)
// happens when the windows theme is changed.
// The color you get is either black(#FF000000) for dark theme or white(#FFFFFFFF) for light theme.
Color backgroundcolor = uiSettings.GetColorValue(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UIColorType.Background);
// change titlebar color.
Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().TitleBar.BackgroundColor = backgroundcolor;

FontAwesome icon with normal text in Xamarin

I want to make a button that has a small icon (from FontAwesome) and text on it in my Xamarin app. I know I can just make a button but the problem is that I will require two fonts (the standard font for text and FontAwesome for the icon). Would anyone happen to know how I can do this, or if there is another way to achieve what I want?
As the json mentioned, I just made a simple implementation.
Create a new class inherit from Label, set FormattedText to combine the string(standard and icon), and add tap gesture on it .
public class MyLabel : Label
public delegate void MyHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public event MyHandler myEvent;
public MyLabel(string _myIcon, string _myText)
//build the UI
FormattedString text = new FormattedString();
text.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = _myIcon ,FontFamily= "FontAwesome5Free-Regular" });
text.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = _myText, TextColor = Color.Red ,BackgroundColor = Color.Blue });
FormattedText = text;
//tap event
TapGestureRecognizer tap = new TapGestureRecognizer();
tap.Tapped += (sender,e) => {
MyLabel label = new MyLabel("", "test");
label.myEvent += (sener,e) =>
//do something when tapping
Content = label;
For how to integrate FontAwesome in Xamarin.Forms ,refer to

RecyclerView Click event

I have created a RecyclerView adapter and I'm trying to start an activity when a row is clicked:
public override OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position)
MyViewHolder viewHolder = (MyViewHolder)holder;
viewHolder.MyView.Click += (sender, e) =>
var context = viewHolder.MyView.Context;
var intent = new Intent(context, typeof(DetailActivity));
When I click the first row it will take me to the activity like I want. If I scroll down so that the first row is rebound and then scroll back to the top again and then click the first row then my Click event fires twice. Once for the first row that was bound and then again for a row that was bound when I scrolled.
Is there an event you need to handle to unregister the click events?
I believe the standard pattern is to setup your clickhandlers in the constructor of the ViewHolder. Then in OnBindViewHolder, you update the Views/Data inside the ViewHolder.
Something like this (not compiled code):
public override OnBindViewHolder()
MyViewHolder viewHolder = (MyViewHolder)holder;
viewHolder.SetData(whatever data you care about);
public MyViewHolder(View view) : base(view)
MainView = view;
MainView.Click += (sender, e) =>
var context = MainView.Context;
var intent = new Intent(context, typeof(DetailActivity));
Doing it this way keeps the Adapter cleaner by putting business logic in the ViewHolder, and also prevents your click handlers from being constantly setup and torn down as you scroll.

How to remove Gap between textbox and Keyboard in windows phone

I am creating a chat window with text box in the bottom and send bottom. when i click on text box keyboard is appearing, but is showing the gap between text box and keyboard. how to remove the gap between text box and Keyboard in windows phone
Good news! I have managed to figure out a fix for this. The below code stops the page from being moved up at all and then adds a margin to the bottom of the text box to place it above the keyboard. The value below of 417 seems to work well for me but you can change this to whatever you like. Using this method also stops other content being pushed off screen like the conversation as it will be fully scrollable while the keyboard is active.
private void TextBox_GotFocus_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var rootFrame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame;
rootFrame.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform() { TranslateY = +0 };
TextInput2.Margin = new Thickness(12, 0, 12, 417);
private void TextBox_LostFocus_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var rootFrame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame;
rootFrame.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform() { TranslateY = +0 };
TextInput2.Margin = new Thickness(12, 0, 12, 12);

Alarm feature in Windows Phone 7

I am trying to controll the snooze and dismiss button when the alarm sound in windows phone 7.
But i couldnt find any source code example on it.
Can anyone help me with it?
What i want is like when i clicked on the snooze or dimiss button it will do something such as the dismiss button will naviagte to another page.
And one more thing is that when the alarm is triggered can i set it to play some music??
Because the one that i have tried out does not play any music.
private static void CreateAlarm(string title, string time)
var alarm = new Alarm(title)
Content = "You have a meeting with your team now.",
BeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(time),
private static void ResetAlarm()
private void SetAlarm_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string time = Convert.ToString(timePicker1.ValueString);
CreateAlarm(txtTitle.Text, time);
private void ResetAlarm_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
The Alarm class has a .Sound property to controls the sound file that is played.
To use it, say you have Alarm.mp3 in your project under the Sounds folder with it's build action set to Content.
var alarm = new Alarm() {
Sound = new Uri('Sounds/Alarm.mp3', UriKind.Relative)
There is no way to respond to snooze or dismiss that I have seen.
