Need a fast programming language that can drive two printers [closed] - windows

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I have a rather unusual application that isn't working the way I need, and I hope someone here will have some suggestions or at least a direction to investigate.
We have a museum exhibit that has a computer at the entrance driving two small receipt printers. There are two buttons on a console, wired to the left and right buttons of a disemboweled mouse. The two printers and associated buttons are for girls and boys, each button does a random selection from a database of names and prints a small ticket on the appropriate printer with a graphic image, a few words about the exhibit and the randomly chosen name.
Conceptually all is well, but it hangs quite often. I got the project at the last minute, because the original designer got bogged down and couldn't deliver, so the exhibit's author asked me the day before opening, whether I could write something that would work.
I did it in Word, since I am an experienced VBA programmer. Several other avenues I attempted first all lead to dead ends - one couldn't do graphics, another couldn't handle two printers, yet another couldn't change fonts and so on. The problem is that it simply isn't fast enough - Word can only drive one printer at a time and changing the active printer takes a long time. Not by office standards, where a second or two of delay before a printer starts working on your document is not an issue, but here I need more or less instant response. If kids press a button and nothing happens, they press it over and over until something does happen, resulting in maybe half a dozen commands being sent before the printer starts reacting. Sometimes it jams the program completely, since boys and girls will be pressing the two buttons simultaneously and Word locks up, and even when it doesn't jam, the printers then spit out a stream of tickets, making a mess. The kids start squabbling over which ticket is whose, pulling them out of the printers, snarling the paper tape, jamming the printer and generally making a mess of the whole affair, often necessitating the exhibit caretakers having to restart the computer and clear torn bits of paper out the printers.
What I need is some sort of fast programming language that can drive two printers *-simultaneously-*, not the MSOffice claptrap of having to switch the active printer, that can react to both left and right mouse button click events, can print a small graphic image and can print in different font sizes and styles and. I don't need many, but it's not all in one typeface.
Can anyone suggest what I might use for this? I don't even know if it's possible at all under Windows, whether the "single active printer" garbage is an Office artifact, or a Windows restriction. My little Commodore-64 twenty-five years ago had two printers attached to it and drove both simultaneously with no difficulties - it doesn't seem to me it should be such an impossible requirement today.

Being a Python programmer myself, I would use something like, and render the documents directly using Python. It looks like it supports text and images, and you can easily select any printer in the system by name.
You would need to:
Install Python.
Install Python for Windows Extensions.
Install PIL.
Install MSWinPrint.
Then, you would need to write a program to do the printing. Something like the following.
import sys
import Image, ImageWin
import MSWinPrint
# workaround for PIL namespace change
MSWinPrint.ImageWin = ImageWin
def print_name(name, printer_name):
doc = MSWinPrint.document(printer_name)
doc.begin_document('nametag for %s' % name)
# print the name at position 20,20
text_pos = 20, 20
doc.text(text_pos, name)
# add an image for this person
img_pos = 40, 40
img_size = 100, 100
doc.image(img_pos, get_image(), img_size)
def get_image():
image_filename = 'my image.jpg'
if __name__ == '__main__':
name, printer_name = sys.argv[1:]
print_name(name, printer_name)
If you save this as, then you can execute it with two command line arguments, the name to be printed and the image filename. Sally "EPSON Artisan 810"
I ran this code and it worked great. I didn't know creating a custom print job could be so easy.
You can of course run the program as often as you like on as many printers as you would like. There's certainly more you can do to customize when an how the print job is run. You could customize the code to always run and interpret the mouse clicks (for that you might need wxPython), or you might have another program that just executes the script.

As other have said, the programming language isn't going to make much difference. However (and this is a BIG however), the print libraries built into most scripting languages, such as VBA and .NET, either only support printing to the system default printer (most common, and cannot be worked around by having two instances open simultaneously, as the system default printer is a global setting) or require you to configure a global variable to specify the active printer (this only affects one process, so could be worked around using two instances).
Instead, you will have to invoke the windows API directly. It most certainly allows printing directly to any printer on the system. Here is an example of how to use the default printer. Note that only one line of code (calling the GetDefaultPrinter function) ties this to the default printer. Supplying a different printer name to CreateDC gets you a different printer.
If you instead call the EnumPrinters function, you can find out ANY or ALL of the printer names, not just the default. Or have the administrator preconfigure the printer names to use in a registry setting or text file.
In any case, you can have device contexts for all printers open simultaneously. Of course, once you have the printer device context, you have to create a print job, send your content, and end the print job. There's a great deal of information available on MSDN.
All the examples are in C, which makes C++ the obvious language for printing to non-default printers, but as long as you know how to call WinAPI functions from your language, you can use it instead. In VBA, that'd require Declare Function XYZ Lib "gdi32" (params here)

This is not a problem with the programming language, its just a limitation of the printer stack you are using.
I am not sure if .NET would support it (or Windows for that matter) would support sending printing on a thread. You could put each printer in its own thread and block the UI from accepting more print requests.
You could also try to turn on print spooling for both printers. That will render it locally and return then print.

I wrote something a few years ago (in VB6 so could probably be ported to VBA easily) that bypassed the printer driver (a printer must be set up but the actual driver used was irrelevant) and sent raw commands to the printer. Depending on what sort of printer you are using this may or may not be an issue (some use complex escape sequences). If you want to print graphics, this could add another layer of complication - although it can be done if you know what commands the printer supports. I managed to get bitmaps printing on a dot matrix printer, but it wasn't a 5 minute task. If this is something you are interested in I can try and dig out the code?
The Code is as follows:
Public Type DOCINFO
pDocName As String
pOutputFile As String
pDatatype As String
End Type
Declare Function ClosePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal hPrinter As Long) As Long
Declare Function EndDocPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal hPrinter As Long) As Long
Declare Function EndPagePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal hPrinter As Long) As Long
Declare Function OpenPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "OpenPrinterA" (ByVal pPrinterName As String, phPrinter As Long, ByVal pDefault As Long) As Long
Declare Function StartDocPrinter Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "StartDocPrinterA" (ByVal hPrinter As Long, ByVal Level As Long, pDocInfo As DOCINFO) As Long
Declare Function StartPagePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal hPrinter As Long) As Long
Declare Function WritePrinter Lib "winspool.drv" (ByVal hPrinter As Long, pBuf As Any, ByVal cdBuf As Long, pcWritten As Long) As Long
Public Function PrintRawData(ByVal sPrinter As String, ByVal sDocName As String, ByVal sData As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo PrintErr:
Dim lhPrinter As Long, lReturn As Long, lpcWritten As Long
Dim lDoc As Long, sWrittenData As String
Dim MyDocInfo As DOCINFO
Dim pOutput As Printer
Dim p As Printer
For Each p In Printers
If p.DeviceName = sPrinter Then
Set pOutput = p
GoTo StartPrinting
End If
Next p
MsgBox "Unable to find the specified printer [" & sPrinter & _
"] in the list of currently installed printers" & vbCrLf & _
"Printing will be aborted", vbCritical
Exit Function
lReturn = OpenPrinter(pOutput.DeviceName, lhPrinter, 0)
If lReturn = 0 Then
MsgBox "Print was unsuccessful. Make sure there is a printer installed on the port you are trying to print to"
Exit Function
End If
MyDocInfo.pDocName = sDocName
MyDocInfo.pOutputFile = vbNullString
MyDocInfo.pDatatype = vbNullString
lDoc = StartDocPrinter(lhPrinter, 1, MyDocInfo)
Call StartPagePrinter(lhPrinter)
sWrittenData = sData
lReturn = WritePrinter(lhPrinter, ByVal sWrittenData, Len(sWrittenData), lpcWritten)
lReturn = EndPagePrinter(lhPrinter) 'need this??
lReturn = EndDocPrinter(lhPrinter)
lReturn = ClosePrinter(lhPrinter)
Exit Function
MsgBox "Print was unsuccessful. Make sure there is a printer installed on the port you are trying to print to"
Exit Function
End Function
To use it you need to install a printer that uses the correct port using any driver (I generally use the Generic / text Only Driver) and then call it as follows replacing the Hello with the data you want to send to the printer including control characters etc:
PrintRawData "Generic / Text Only", "My Document", "Hello"

Updated and completely overhauled Answer :
Pete, have you considered an entirely different kind of printer? The setting, changing and sending PostSCript commands can take, indeed, a lot of time.
A strange solution you might call it, but our instant B/W laser Brother label printer prints out instantly on a press of the button. Their specialty rock solid in house developed P-Touch Editor 5.4 Software is created in such a way as to output to multiple printers simeltaneously(!!), each printing the same or different lables (for example different serial numbers or dates from a database).
Its snappy: when letting go of a return button, just when my finger has reached half a centimeter in the button already IIIIEEEUUUUUU (1 second after release of return key) the entire lable is out. Albeit in black and white.
Aside lables there are also paper lables without sticky backs 102mm wide rols by either original or third party brands makes.
Cost: 100$ ~ 400$ per unit incl software to design and customise connections with database.
I know that those instant printers use much less windows-based drivers and more embedded technologies, relieving the system from standardized print jobs.
Perhaps this solves your problem or brings you on a new idea.


Control brightness in Windows at software Level

It might be possible for a similar question to be already present on the site, but I have searched a lot and didn't find any relevant solution, so I'm posting it here.
I'm making a Night Light Application, which has two options-
Lessen the Brightness of the PC
Apply a Blue light filter mask over the screen.
I'm making this app cross platform, so I've already found a solution for Linux Systems, where I've been making use of xrandr utility to adjust the brightness and gamma at the software level, and my app works flawlessly.
The main problem is for Windows systems, where the brightness feature is only available for portable screens such as for a Laptop.
I cannot find any solution for this.
I made use of Qt5 for making a translucent app window which works good, but doesn't meet the requirement because the things displayed at kernel level are not masked like the cursor, taskbar, start menu, action center, and lots of other.
I searched a lot and lot, which included Microsoft Developer Network, where documentation included the Win32 API where brightness feature was present, but it didn't work for me, as I had a Desktop PC.
So my main problem is, How can I ajust the brightness of all Windows PC, including Laptops, Desktops n all others.
I'm working on Python with ctypes module.
I'm not that much familiar with VC+ and I cannot even afford to install it on my system as it is too much storage and resource intensive.
I primarily want to modify the output going to the physical monitor, that is to modify the Gamma values to get appropriate brightness and Yellow tincture.
I got something called gdi32.dll which deals with the outputs to screens, but I cannot find a way out as everything on the Internet is alongside C++.
Also, I cannot even provide my try code, as I'm not that much familiar to C type coding in Python.
Also, the thing I want to do, Intel Graphics Command Center already does it on my desktop.
If it can do it on at a software level, then I know its possible programmatically.
Can anyone tell is this possible what I'm thinking, and if yes, how can I achieve this?
I don't want the source code, I just want the way out for that.
Maybe GammaRamp from the Gdi32 API can be used, but I don't know how to begin.
This is a thread which actually asked this, but I didn't get my answer from here, and newbies are restricted from commenting, so I didn't have any choice than to post this question here.
I have found the way for the problem.
We can use GetDeviceGammaRamp and SetDeviceGammaRamp from the gdi32.dll library in Windows OS to set the brightness level.
To call these functions through Python, we can use ctypes module.
Below is the sample code that can set brightness of in Windows 10 via Python.
import ctypes
def displayGammaValues(lpRamp):
Displays the GammaArray of 256 values of R,G,B individually
:param lpRamp: GammaArray
:return: None
print("R values: ", end=' ')
for j in range(256):
print(lpRamp[0][j], end=' ')
print("G values: ", end=' ')
for j in range(256):
print(lpRamp[0][j], end=' ')
print("B values: ", end=' ')
for j in range(256):
print(lpRamp[0][j], end=' ')
print(), print()
def changeGammaValues(lpRamp, brightness):
Modifies the Gamma Values array according to specified 'Brightness' value
To reset the gamma values to default, call this method with 'Brightness' as 128
:param lpRamp: GammaArray
:param brightness: Value of brightness between 0-255
:return: Modified GammaValue Array
for i in range(256):
iValue = i * (brightness + 128)
if iValue > 65535: iValue = 65535
lpRamp[0][i] = lpRamp[1][i] = lpRamp[2][i] = iValue
return lpRamp
if __name__ == '__main__':
brightness = 100 # can be aby value in 0-255 (as per my system)
GetDC = ctypes.windll.user32.GetDC
ReleaseDC = ctypes.windll.user32.ReleaseDC
SetDeviceGammaRamp = ctypes.windll.gdi32.SetDeviceGammaRamp
GetDeviceGammaRamp = ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetDeviceGammaRamp
hdc = ctypes.wintypes.HDC(GetDC(None))
if hdc:
GammaArray = ((ctypes.wintypes.WORD * 256) * 3)()
if GetDeviceGammaRamp(hdc, ctypes.byref(GammaArray)):
print("Current Gamma Ramp Values are:")
GammaArray = changeGammaValues(GammaArray, brightness)
print("New Current Gamma Ramp Values are:")
if SetDeviceGammaRamp(hdc, ctypes.byref(GammaArray)): print("Values set successfully!")
else: print("Unable to set GammaRamp")
if ReleaseDC(hdc): print("HDC released")
else: print("HDC not found")
This sets the brightness value, that's between 0-255. Values may differ system-to-system, so preferable range for brightness is 0 - 128 where 128 is the default brightness.
FYI windows already has a monitor blue shade/color shift built in. Dimming external monitor outputs on a desktop is likely not possible.
You'll need to hook into the windows API somehow to control windows functions. There's some documentation about adjusting color temperature (making that warmer would essentially add a "blue light" filter to a screen on microsoft's website.
In terms of executing a small CPP script that actually can interface with windows, you can write a small CPP program, then compile it and execute from python using (slightly modified from this question)
import os
import subprocess
for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
proc = subprocess.Popen(["./prog", filename])
However if you don't have the room to install visual studio compile tools, you won't be able to compile a small CPP script locally. There are a few online services that would be able to do that for you though.

Find MAC address using VB6

I want to find the MAC address of network adopter, I have a working code too but my problem is it only works if IP addres is enabled otherwise it won't get the address is there any solution to find MAC address even if IP Enabled is false
if its possible update me with sample code
Here is my code to find MAC
Dim myWMI As Object, myObj As Object, Itm
Set myWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set myObj = myWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM " & _
"Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration " & _
"WHERE IPEnabled = True")
For Each Itm In myObj
Dim macme As String
Dim NewMac As String
macme = Itm.MACAddress
NewMac = Replace(macme, ":", "")
Text1.Text = NewMac
Exit For
Querying the heavyweight WMI service is not the best choice for application programs. It is a convenience feature meant only for admin scripting. The service could be disabled or even uninstalled on older versions of Windows.
Instead you can go directly to the source. The GetAdaptersInfo function is one of the more obvious candidates.
Using this involves more code than can be conveniently inlined here. Look for the many examples of use in VB6 posted with working source code at more programmer-friendly sites that permit uploaded attachments.
No matter how you go about it the value of doing this is questionable anyway. Many integrated network adapters allow users to insert their own MAC Address values anyway. Quite a few PCs today rely on USB network adapters that are not even plugged in all the time and may get swapped around between devices.

Return to an already open application when a user tries to open a new instance in vb6

Suppose a user minimize my visual basic application to the taskbar notification icon. Now I want when user open a new instance, the old one should restore.
Generally, the strategy used to create a single-instance application is to add some code to the application initialization that determines whether an instance is already running. If one is, it gets a handle to its main window, passes the focus to it, and silently dies. If one is not, it continues to run and completes the rest of the initialization sequence as usual.
You'll find lots of old VB 6 articles that accomplished this by iterating through all of the top-level windows, looking for one whose caption matches the one you expect. But this is a pretty fragile solution, it doesn't take very much to throw it off.
Same deal with the App.PrevInstance property. This is very simple to use, but also very simple in its implementation. It works based on the name of the executable and looks for a running process whose name is a match. However, this is easily defeated if a user creates and renames a copy of the executable. If this is acceptable for you, you could implement this very easily by querying the App.PrevInstance property. Otherwise, you'll need to use a more robust solution.
One such possibility is to create and register a named mutex when the first instance of your application is starting up. Then, when subsequent instances try to register that same mutex, they will fail, indicating that an instance is already running. You can find instructions on using mutexes in VB 6 in the answers to this question.
A couple of important caveats to using mutexes:
You need to make sure that you call the ReleaseMutex and CloseHandle functions when your application is closed in order to release ownership of and destroy the mutex that you created.
When you are running your program in the VB 6 IDE (e.g., to debug it) and it registers a mutex, the mutex belongs to the IDE and won't be released until you close the IDE and restart it. To prevent this, you can suppress the creation of the mutex when running inside of the IDE/debugger using conditional compilation. If you take this approach, make sure to test your program outside of the debugger to be sure that the mutex-related functionality is working as expected! You should never ship something to customers that you haven't thoroughly tested.
You can find all of the VB 6 declarations for these Windows API functions by using the API Viewer program that comes bundled with your VB 6 installation.
More information about handling multiple instances of a VB 6 application is available here on Karl Peterson's site. There's also a complete example implementation in this article on VB Accelerator—focus specifically at step 2, you don't need the rest of the code.
You can often do this fairly simply using DDE in a degenerate way:
Option Explicit
'This is Form1. To use as DDE source at design time we set:
' Form1.LinkMode = 1 (Source, i.e. vbLinkSource).
' Form1.LinkTopic = "Form1" (default).
'Note we use (hidden) Label1 on this Form as a DDE destination.
Private PrevState As Integer
Private Sub Form_LinkExecute(CmdStr As String, Cancel As Integer)
'Got a "command" so restore Form1 and accept the command.
WindowState = PrevState
Caption = "I am awake!"
Cancel = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
PrevState = WindowState
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
If WindowState <> vbMinimized Then PrevState = WindowState
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Sub Main()
Load Form1
'After Form1 is loaded (hidden), try DDE link to possible prior copy.
With Form1.Label1
.LinkTopic = App.EXEName & "|Form1"
On Error Resume Next
.LinkMode = vbLinkManual
If Err.Number = 0 Then
On Error GoTo 0
'Link succeeded. Wake up prior copy via pushback to
'the DDE source, then unload Form1 and terminate.
.LinkExecute "Wake up!"
Unload Form1
On Error GoTo 0
'Link failed, so we're 1st. Show Form1.
Form1.Show vbModal
End If
End With
End Sub

Windows: How to tell printer to issue a FormFeed during printing?

i need to tell a printer driver to issue a form feed.
i'm printing directly to a printer using the:
set of API calls.
A lot of the inspiration came from KB138594 - HOWTO: Send Raw Data to a Printer by Using the Win32 API. An important point to note in that KB article is that they (and my copied code) start the document in RAW mode:
// Fill in the structure with info about this "document."
docInfo.pDocName = "My Document";
docInfo.pOutputFile = NULL;
docInfo.pDatatype = "RAW";
StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, docInfo);
Note: RAW mode (as opposed to TEXT mode) means we are issuing raw bytes to the printer driver. We promise to talk in the language it understands.
We can then use WritePrinter to write everything we want:
WritePrinter(hPrinter, "Hello, world!"); //note, extra parameters removed for clarity
WritePrinter(hPrinter, 0x0c); //form-feed
The problem here is the 0x0c form-feed character. Because we've opened the printer in RAW mode, we are promising we will send the printer driver bytes it can process. The drivers of most printers take 0x0C to mean you want to issue a form-feed.
The problem is that other printers (PDF printer, Microsoft XPS Printers) expect RAW print jobs to be in their own printer language. If you use the above to print to an XPS or PDF printer: nothing happens (i.e. no save dialog, nothing printed).
i asked for a solution to this question a while ago, and a response was that you have to change the document mode from RAW:
docInfo.pDatatype = "RAW";
to TEXT:
docInfo.pDataType = "TEXT";
Well this probably is because you send
"RAW" data directly to the printer,
and RAW can be any PDL. But the XPS
driver will probably only understands
XPS, and it will probably just ignore
your "unknown: Hello, world!0xFF" PDL. The
XPS driver will probably, if any, only
accept XPS data when you write
directly to it.
If you want to render text on the XPS
driver, you should use GDI. You might
be able to send plain text to the
driver if you specify "TEXT" as the
datatype. The print processor attached
to the driver will then "convert" the
plaintext for you by rendering the job
via GDI to the driver.
So that worked, i changed my code to declare the print document as TEXT:
// Fill in the structure with info about this "document."
docInfo.pDocName = "My Document";
docInfo.pOutputFile = NULL;
docInfo.pDatatype = "TEXT";
StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, docInfo);
WritePrinter(hPrinter, "Hello, world!");
WritePrinter(hPrinter, 0x0c); //form-feed
And then the Save As dialog for XPS and PDF printers appear, and it saves correctly. And i thought all was fixed.
Except months later, when i tried to print to a <quote>real</quote> printer: the form-feed doesn't happen - presumably because i am no longer printing in "raw printer commands" mode.
So what i need is the Windows-ish way of issuing a form feed. i need the API call that will tell printer driver that i want the printer to perform a form-feed.
My question: How to tell a printer to issue a Form-Feed during printing?
Background on Data Types
The print processor tells the spooler to alter a job according to the document data type. It works in conjunction with the printer driver to send the spooled print jobs from the hard drive to the printer.
Software vendors occasionally develop their own print processors to support custom data types. Normally, the print processor does not require any settings or intervention from administrators.
Data types
The Windows printing process normally supports five data types. The two most commonly used data types, enhanced metafile (EMF) and ready to print (RAW), affect performance in different ways on both the client computer and the print server computer.
RAW is the default data type for clients other than Windows-based programs. The RAW data type tells the spooler not to alter the print job at all prior to printing. With this data type, the entire process of preparing the print job is done on the client computer.
EMF, or enhanced metafile, is the default datatype with most Windows-based programs. With EMF, the printed document is altered into a metafile format that is more portable than RAW files and usually can be printed on any printer. EMF files tend to be smaller than RAW files that contain the same print job. Regarding performance, only the first portion of a print job is altered, or rendered on the client computer, but most of the impact is on the print server computer, which also helps the application on the client computer to return control to the user faster.
The following table (taken from MSDN) shows the five different data types supported by the default Windows print processor:
Data type: RAW
Directions to spooler: Print the document with no changes.
Use: This is the data type for all clients not based on Windows.
Data type: RAW [FF appended]
Directions to spooler: Append a form-feed character (0x0C), but make no other changes. (A PCL printer omits the document's last page if there is no trailing form-feed.)
Use: Required for some applications. Windows does not assign it, but it can be set as the default in the Print Processor dialog box.
Data type: RAW [FF auto]
Directions to spooler: Check for a trailing form-feed and add one if it is not already there, but make no other changes.
Use: Required for some applications. Windows does not assign it, but it can be set as the default in the Print Processor dialog box.
Data type: NT EMF 1.00x
Directions to spooler: Treat the document as an enhanced metafile (EMF) rather than the RAW data that the printer driver puts out.
Use: EMF documents are created by Windows.
Data type: TEXT
Directions to spooler: Treat the entire job as ANSI text and add print specifications using the print device's factory defaults.
Use: This is useful when the print job is simple text and the target print device cannot interpret simple text.
You can see the print processors available for a printer, and the data types that each processor supports, through the properties of a printer in the control panel:
See also
Send ESC commands to a printer in C#
Feed paper on POS Printer C#
Print raw data to a thermal-printer using .NET
Yeah, that doesn't work. You are intentionally bypassing the printer driver, the chunk of code that presents a universal interface to any printer. Which leaves you to deal with the peculiarities of each specific printer model.
There are some common interfaces, the one you used in your code is the one that dot matrix printers of old used. PCL is common on Hewlett Packard laser printers. Postscript is common on high-end printers. The latter two have their own incantations to get a form feed.
Then there's the ocean of cheap laser and ink jet printers. They often don't have a well defined interface at all. Instead of having a processor inside the printer that translates printer commands to dots on paper, they let the printer driver do all the hard work. You'll never get one of those going, the interface is proprietary and undocumented.
The printer driver is your friend here. PrintDocument the class to use it. Getting a form feed is easy, just set e.HasMorePages = true and exit the PrintPage event handler. You already saw the StreamPrinter class I linked.
I'm unfamiliar with the TEXT document type, but I presume it's just a lowest common denominator "dumb printer" representation. If so, it might recognize a form-feed character, except you've been using the wrong character - it's not 0x12 or 0xFF, it's 0x0c. See
Since my last answer was no help, lets try the obvious. Have you tried doing EndPagePrinter followed by StartPagePrinter whenever you need a page break?
If that still doesn't work you may need to do it the hard way, using GDI. The stack looks just slightly different from the one you're using:
You'll be required to manage a font and place the text on the page yourself at each line position.

How do you use SetThreadAffinityMask with QueryPerformanceFrequency?

I have a long standing program with the FAA that was running great until the FAA started deploying Dell GX-760 desktops. The program is a graphical replay of air traffic. I use the QueryPerformanceFrequency function to get the processor counter. With the GX 760 it appears to not be processor dependent. I found this which descibes what I am seeing.
On a multiprocessor computer, it
should not matter which processor is
called. However, youit can get
different results on different
processors due to bugs in the basic
input/output system (BIOS) or the
hardware abstraction layer (HAL). To
specify processor affinity for a
thread, use the SetThreadAffinityMask
I not familiar with SetThreadAffinityMask, how does this work and how should I implement it? Here is my code that gets the count.
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As Currency) As Long
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As Currency) As Long
'I set the Frequency on Startup
Public Sub SetFrequency()
'Get the Processor Frequency. This is locked at Windows startup and does n
Dim f As Currency
QueryPerformanceFrequency f
cTime.Frequency = f
End Sub
When the program needs the time it calls
Public Function CurrentCount() As Currency
'What is the current processoer count
QueryPerformanceCounter CurrentCount 'get current count number
End Function
It isn't exactly clear what kind of problem you are having. It is very unlikely that the quoted MSDN article is relevant, a Dell Optiplex 760 doesn't have multiple processors. Just one with multiple cores, it is not subject to this kind of bug. You can easily test this by running your program with the start.exe, it allows setting the processor affinity:
start /affinity 1 yourapp.exe
Perhaps more relevant is that newer machines take shortcuts on the frequency source, using whatever source happens to be available in the chipset. They typically have a much higher return value for QueryPerformanceFrequency. Two billion isn't unusual, maybe that screws up your math. Working with 'currency' instead of a true 64-bit integer is rather toe-curling.
Also check the BIOS revision for your machine, they had rather a large number of them, all the way up to A08.
