MVC subController - model-view-controller

My application has the following module:
/groups/{id_group} -- > GroupController.php
My question is this,
Which controller should handle this?

If you are using groups/n/ as routing, you would want to use your framework's routing system to route to the event controller. Otherwise, it is the groups controller.

If you want to stick to just using the first parameter as the Controller, then consider using the further parameters as purely parts of the query string e.g
and use the controller to route it to the correct place e.g.
$model->getGroup($id_group, 'events', $id_event);


Calling a controller/action through query parameters

Is it possible to call a controller and action directly by using query parameters in Laravel? I see some frameworks allow /index.php?_controller=X&_action=Y, or Yii allows /index.php?r=X/Y. I was wondering if something similar was possible in Laravel/Symfony.
The query string of a URL is not considered when matching routes. In this example, URLs like /blog?foo=bar and /blog?foo=bar&bar=foo will also match the blog_list route.
laravel afaik doesnt support that either
you are obviously free to just forward yourself
e.g. write one router that forwards to other controllers

how to use two functions from same controller in single page route using get in laravel

Am trying to use two different functions from one controller in a single page route
But the problem is the function alldata works where the function index doesn't
You can't have 2 GET routes with the same path.
The /cart route is overwritten by the alldata(). So the alldata() is calling instead of index().
kindly remove the alldata()'s route and pass the data from index().
Try to manipulate your logic in controller rather than in route file.
Use conditional in controller function.

Product And Category Separation In Route (Laravel)

I'm setting up a new route system.
Route::get('/{cat1Url}', 'CategoryController#showCat1')->name('showCat1');
Route::get('/{productUrl}', 'ProductController#showProduct')->name('showProduct');
My sef link is after "/"
{{ route('showProduct',[$p->pr_url]) }}
This method not working with route name. Working only upside route.
I don't want use
Can't I use route name to work this way?
What is the solution to this?
In this way, if you make a get request to /something the laravel you start from top of web.php file looking to a route that follows the pattern. Your both routes will follow that pattern, but the laravel will always, pass the first one to controller.
You have two options:
Put only one route, and inside the controller you switch to the appropriate function. But this isn't a great ideia, because this is the function of the Web.php.
Use the routes like the documentation recommend:
Route::get('/cat/{catId}', 'CategoryController#showCat')->name('showCat');
Route::get('/prod/{productId}', 'ProductController#showProduct')->name('showProduct');
and in Controller you make the appropriate handler of your Category or Product.
You will have to have a way to tell Laravel which url to be mapped to what otherwise it will always use the last defined route. So in your case calling /myVariable and /myVariable it will use the latest definition which is showProduct. The only other way is if you use regular expression to differentiate the variables. For example:
Route::get('/{cat1Url}', 'CategoryController#showCat1')
->name('showCat1')->where('cat1Url', 'cat-*');
Route::get('/{productUrl}', 'ProductController#showProduct')
->name('showProduct')->where('productUrl', 'prod-*');
This way your slugs need to start with what you define, but you cannot use just id as a numeric value for both.

Asp.Net Web Api - Change parameter name

In my team we have coding rule that requires that every function's parameter starts with prefix, e.g. *p_someParam*.
With Web Api if we want to request a GET function that takes two parameters, we should add those parameters like "...?p_firstParam=value1&p_secondParam=value2".
Is there some way to use in requests more user-friendly names, like someParam without prefix, that will automatically map to parameters in controller's action? Maybe there is some attribute to rename action parameters? I couldn't find any similar example.
Every clue is appreciated.
I think you looking for URL rewriting, in that you need to map the urls to config or programmatic nice article to follow, its in ASP.Net,

MVC3: Areas and routes

I configured my MVC3 app to use Areas (/Company1, /Company2, etc).
I am successful at calling /Company1/{controller}/{action} and I would like to add another parameter to the route so that I could call it /Company1/Chicago/{controller}/{action} or /Company1/Detroit/{controller}/{action}.
I am imagining that in my solution folder structure it would flow similarly: Areas/Company1/Controllers/Chicago/{controller}, Areas/Company1/Views/Chicago/{view}.
What is involved to add that parameter to the route mapping?
