Magento - Where does the Google Sitemap get created? - magento

I am using Mangento and have configured the admin section to export Google XML Sitemaps daily.
Mangento uses cron to execute this however the cron job runs but never outputs a sitemap nor does it email me an error.
I was thinking maybe I need to manually create the folders / files and then maybe they would then be populated by the cron job.
So my question is, where in the file system does Magento create these files?

From memory I think sitemap.xml normally gets created in the Magento directory - usually whatever is the public root of your website. Of course this is configurable.


Submitting Sitemap.xml to Google

How frequently it is recommended to generate and upload Sitemap.xml to Google for an e-commerce site where products are added and removed on daily basis?
You can set cron job to run daily. The instruction to set up cron job can be found here
Magento and Google Sitemap - Cron

custom contact form not working with magento installation

I want to implement this Contact form from inside a separate folder (named "custom-contact-form") on my Magento root directory.
Now, gives you whole package with html, php and css files to make and run your custom contact form. Here is the package.
One of the files that they give out is test.php to send a test mail to a given email address to see if everything works all right or not. This file is has a pretty simple php script to send an email to a secific email address. Now, it doesn't work! And I can't figure out why? Is it because of some kind of PHP conflict with magento installation?
Infact, I have tried many other simple contact form scripts and none of them seem to work.
I want to know the reason causing it not to work. Also, is there a way to add a custom contact form in magento WITHOUT creating a new extenshion?
oh, why do you want use that contact form?
the magento connect has this very nice webforms extension.

Calling Magento API Script from Admin Backend

Ive writte a little Magento API script which gets some order data and writes it to a *.csv file.
Is it possible to make it so that the scipt can be run from the Admin Backend? For example can I add a button to the Admin area that will run my script?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Yes it is possible... but I don't think that will be the right approach. Could you elaborate a bit more in what needs do you have to get order information out of Magento by using the API?
If you are going to extract information out of Magento from another system then the API will be your best solution, but if in turn you have access to the admin try thinking other ways to get this job done without using the api.

Magento not using appropriate URL - 404 Page not found

I have a magento site running locally using WAMP and it works great. However I need to create a different site so I created a folder for this new site under htdocs.
In that folder I loaded the Magento files.
Created a new database for newsite with all rights in phpmyadmin.
Went to the localhost:8888/newsite and started Magento installation wizard.
In the configuration section of the wizard I entered all the info required: db name, user, password. For URL Base I used the default (http://localhost:8888/newsite). Selected allow charts and Allow apache rewrites. Finished installing magento.
Now magento is running on newsite. I can see the front and back-end of the site.
Here is the problem: When I create a category and/or subcategory, magento does create the menu link but when I click any category, the browser takes me to a 404 not found. Upon analyzing the URL that took me there i see that the URL is : http://localhost:8888/newsite/category.html BUT by adding "index.php" into the URL (http://localhost:8888/newsite/index.php/category.html , the page does work!
So this means magento IS creating the page for the category but the linking is somewhat wrong.
Now, I've been making sure that rewrite is enabled and after all, the other site I mentioned I have is working properly, so I assume rewrite is properly enabled.
So I need help finding:
Why is one site working and the other isn't?
How can I fix this issue?
Thank you!
Sounds like you haven't copied over the .htaccess file (in your Magento root folder). You need this file for the Apache rewrites to work.

how to run an admin task in joomla with a cron job?

I wrote a custom component in Joomla! that pulls in content from an XML feed and stores it in the Joomla database. I want the admin URL (/administrator/index?option=com_mycomp) to run via cron once every night to run the component. I can't figure out how to make this work, though, since the component is an administrator task and you have to be logged in to run it.
How do I get by this? I tried including my user/pw in the url ( but it doesn't work. Is there anyway other way to send login credentials, or any other way to do this?
I know this thread is very old, but here's how I handled a similar task.
The "trick" is to take the custom PHP code you have created, and embed it into an article within your Joomla website.
I did this by using the JUMI extension, that allows custom PHP code to be stored within the Joomla repository and embedded, as required, within an article.
Then, create a CRON task that will activate the appropriate URL for the page containing the code you want to run.
Just put your script in the administrator directory of the component like
This is how FeedGator handles cron tasks [Sounds very similar to what you're trying to do.] ... you can also write a frontend controller in your component per one of the comments
========== [Update] ============
I created this ultra-simple installable component that could also be used for this purpose. It allows for a frontend menu item to be assigned to a php page (including the route as suggested). So you:
install the component
create new menu item, (may want to use a 'hidden' menu) select the 'show' view option and enter the script to run via cron in 'file to include' like path/yourcron.php
call the 'page' in your cron or test using: or
Mostly corn urls works from front-end even if your component deals with administrator only in Joomla.
So whatever your code in admin cron get it to front-end & so that your cronurl becomes like index.php?option=com_yourcomponent&task=cronjob.
Use this url to set cron using cPanel.
However this solution doesn't need to see whether admin is logged or not.
