firefox extension help - firefox

I am developing a firefox extension which needs to add some html on the page it runs.
This element I will be writing needs to be decorated with css and also load some images.
I have both the css file and the images in the plugin, but I do not know how to reference them.
Do I need to insert the css file to the page I want to modify?
In the css file how can I reference the images that are in the extensions?

You need to use chrome notation:
Check here:


where do I find ckeditor's default style?

my documents are looking good in the CKeditor's textarea field. But when using the so generated HTML-files it doesn't look good. No wonder: there are no CSS styles saved in the HTML.
Which css files do I have to include to display ckeditor's HTML files looking similar to those within the editor? Or can I make Ckeditor include it's styles information in the HTML?
Use contents.css, located in your ckeditor root folder.

What's the fastest was to load Font Awesome?

I'm wondering how will Font Awesome load faster.
Should I use the JavaScript code or the CSS? Where should I put it in my HTML file? If I use the JavaScript code, what options should I use?
Here is a screenshot of the Font Awesome CDN interface when creating an embed code :
screenshot of the Font Awesome CDN interface when creating an embed code
For now, I'm using a JavaScript file and I don't understand why Google PageSpeed tells me to "Remove the JavaScript resources that block the display" although I put the script juste before the </body> closing tag...
NB : I'm using the Font Awesome CDN.
Thanks in advance for your help. :)
Currently the fastest way of loading the font awesome is using cloudflare CDN.
Use this if you are on WordPress.
function add_font_awesome() {
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_font_awesome');
Additionally, you could edit font awesome files to remove unnecessary elements too, but it's a waste of time. Also you could load font awesome file in the footer instead of header to have a better score in Google pagespeed.
I think it's better to use CSS, and include it in the head of your HTML file.
Im using a different technique with a way better result.
Loading only a set of selected icons that im using in that particular website.
Its better than loading the all icons at once like in fontawsome
Im using this tool: icomoon

joomla autogenerated css classes

i want to make a new joomla template, i dropped into that but i am confused now.
i want to know where is the joomla autogenerated css class list.
for example i insert a module in template and what is the css class for example for menu title or the css class for search input box or what is the default css class for readmore link in main.
i found a little in joomla doc but i want the whole list
I fail to understand how you are prepared to make a Joomla template which is far more complex than a plain CSS template, yet you are unable to find the necessary CSS files. You said you wanted to make a new template therefore shouldn't you know where you have put the CSS file?
You are in dire need of Firebug for starters. Have a look at all it's features. It will help you to find CSS files and the specific line you need to edit.
I assume you are editing someone elses template in which case this is the sort of location you will be looking for.
It varies with different template so I suggest you download Firebug as I suggested above.

How to add an external stylesheet/js file to a UIWebView without having it stored?

I want to change some CSS properties and HTML content from a random web, so I download and save the html file in the device and load it in a UIWebView to modify it.
The problem occurs when the html has referenced stylesheet/javascript files and they aren't loaded in the UIWebView.
Is there a way to access automatically to these files?
I've thought of getting the path through javascript and add the web url to it, and then download... but first I'll have to check if the path is relative or absolute and that...
Is there an easy and clean way to do this?
(I have the same problem with the images that are not url linked...)
Any idea would be appreciated :)

Can I use CSS in directory listing of Firefox?

For example if I put "C:\docs" in address bar of Firefox, it shows all files in the directory. Is it possible to customize this page with CSS?
Apache 2.2 allows us to do it using IndexStyleSheet directive, so I wondered if Firefox can do it.
Firefox has a file userContent.css for each profile (found in the profile's settings folder). That file defines the standard CSS, why may then be overwritten by a website. So they also apply to directory listings.
You should have a look at the actual HTML code Firefox is creating for the directory listing to see how to do the CSS definitions right. You will find extensive documentation about userContent.css on the web.
I think the easiest way is to create an own skin which custom css. You have to modify dirListing.css in this case. (chrome://global/skin/dirListing/dirListing.css)
I know the walnut theme ( includes a modified file listing.
