Mathematica: How to apply function to a certain column of a table - wolfram-mathematica

I would like to apply a function to a specific column of a table. Say to the i-th column of a (m x n) table. Actually I just want to multiply all elements in that column with a scalar, but the application of a general function would be fine as well.
It probably just needs some Map or MapAt command, maybe combined with a Transpose in order to apply to rows instead of columns - but I can't figure out the correct syntax for addressing an entire column (or row)..
Any hints would be highly appreciated.

Here's a 3x3 table:
In[1]:= table = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9}}
Out[1]= {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}}
In[2]:= table//TableForm
Out[2]//TableForm= 1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Column 2 is table[[All, 2]]:
In[3]:= table[[All, 2]]
Out[3]= {2, 5, 8}
So it's a simple matter to modify only that column:
In[4]:= table[[All, 2]] = 10 * table[[All, 2]]
Out[4]= {20, 50, 80}
In[5]:= table//TableForm
Out[5]//TableForm= 1 20 3
4 50 6
7 80 9

For example,
ranfunc=Function[{f,mat, n},Transpose[MapAt[f /# # &, Transpose[mat], n]]]
will apply f to each element of the nth column of mat. So, for instance,
ranfunc[Sin[Cos[#]] &, {{1, 2, 3}, {a, b, c}, {\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Gamma]}}, 2]
will apply Sin[Cos[#]]& to each element of the second column, while
ranfunc[s*# &, {{1, 2, 3}, {a, b, c}, {\[Alpha], \[Beta], \[Gamma]}},2]
will multiply each element on the second column by s

One versatile approach is to use ReplacePart
For example, to apply f to column 3 of mat:
(mat = Array[Subscript[a, ##] &, {4, 4}]) // MatrixForm
(newmat = ReplacePart[#, 3 -> f ##[[3]] ] & /# mat) // MatrixForm
The following multiplies each entry by 10:
(newmat2 = ReplacePart[#, 3 -> 10 #[[3]] ] & /# mat) // MatrixForm
However, a 'quick' way to do this it as follows:
mat[[All, 3 ]] *= 10
(Unlike the first method, all entries in column 3 of mat are now modified. It is not clear whether you want to modify the existing table, or to create a new table with modifications, leaving the original intact)

MapAt function accepts the following Part specification:
MapAt[f, mat, {All, 3}]
to apply 'f' to column 3 of your matrix.

Another compact solution I found is using Map and MapAt:
Here is an example Matrix:
Now apply the function f to the second column:
The result is then:


A fast implementation in Mathematica for Position2D

I'm looking for a fast implementation for the following, I'll call it Position2D for lack of a better term:
Position2D[ matrix, sub_matrix ]
which finds the locations of sub_matrix inside matrix and returns the upper left and lower right row/column of a match.
For example, this:
{0, 1, 2, 3},
{1, 2, 3, 4},
{2, 3, 4, 5},
{3, 4, 5, 6}
}, {
{2, 3},
{3, 4}
should return this:
{{1, 3}, {2, 4}},
{{2, 2}, {3, 3}},
{{3, 1}, {4, 2}}
It should be fast enough to work quickly on 3000x2000 matrices with 100x100 sub-matrices. For simplicity, it is enough to only consider integer matrices.
The following code is based on an efficient custom position function to find positions of (possibly overlapping) integer sequences in a large integer list. The main idea is that we can first try to eficiently find the positions where the first row of the sub-matrix is in the Flatten-ed large matrix, and then filter those, extracting full sub-matrices and comparing to the sub-matrix of interest. This will be efficient for most cases except very pathological ones (those, for which this procedure would generate a huge number of potential position candidates, while the true number of entries of the sub-matrix would be much smaller. But such cases seem rather unlikely generally, and then, further improvements to this simple scheme can be made).
For large matrices, the proposed solution will be about 15-25 times faster than the solution of #Szabolcs when a compiled version of sequence positions function is used, and 3-5 times faster for the top-level implementation of sequence positions - finding function. The actual speedup depends on matrix sizes, it is more for larger matrices. The code and benchmarks are below.
A generally efficient function for finding positions of a sub-list (sequence)
These helper functions are due to Norbert Pozar and taken from this Mathgroup thread. They are used to efficiently find starting positions of an integer sequence in a larger list (see the mentioned post for details).
fdz[v_] := Rest#DeleteDuplicates#Prepend[v, 0];
seqPos[list_List, seq_List] :=
fdz[#1 (1 - Unitize[list[[#1]] - #2])] + 1 &,
fdz[Range[Length[list] - Length[seq] + 1] *
(1 - Unitize[list[[;; -Length[seq]]] - seq[[1]]])] + 1,
] - Length[seq];
Example of use:
In[71]:= seqPos[{1,2,3,2,3,2,3,4},{2,3,2}]
Out[71]= {2,4}
A faster position-finding function for integers
However fast seqPos might be, it is still the major bottleneck in my solution. Here is a compiled-to-C version of this, which gives another 5x performance boost to my code:
seqposC =
Compile[{{list, _Integer, 1}, {seq, _Integer, 1}},
Module[{i = 1, j = 1, res = Table[0, {Length[list]}], ctr = 0},
For[i = 1, i <= Length[list], i++,
If[list[[i]] == seq[[1]],
While[j < Length[seq] && i + j <= Length[list] &&
list[[i + j]] == seq[[j + 1]],
If[j == Length[seq], res[[++ctr]] = i];
j = 1;
Take[res, ctr]
], CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"]
Example of use:
In[72]:= seqposC[{1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 2}]
Out[72]= {2, 4}
The benchmarks below have been redone with this function (also the code for main function is slightly modified )
Main function
This is the main function. It finds positions of the first row in a matrix, and then filters them, extracting the sub-matrices at these positions and testing against the full sub-matrix of interest:
Position2D[m_, what_,seqposF_:Automatic] :=
Module[{posFlat, pos2D,sp = If[seqposF === Automatic,seqposC,seqposF]},
With[{dm = Dimensions[m], dwr = Reverse#Dimensions[what]},
posFlat = sp[Flatten#m, First#what];
pos2D =
Pick[Transpose[#], Total[Clip[Reverse#dm - # - dwr + 2, {0, 1}]],2] &#
{Mod[posFlat, #, 1], IntegerPart[posFlat/#] + 1} &#Last[dm];
Transpose[{#, Transpose[Transpose[#] + dwr - 1]}] &#
m[[Last## ;; Last## + Last#dwr - 1,
First## ;; First## + First#dwr - 1]] == what &
For integer lists, the faster compiled subsequence position-finding function seqposC can be used (this is a default). For generic lists, one can supply e.g. seqPos, as a third argument.
How it works
We will use a simple example to dissect the code and explain its inner workings. This defines our test matrix and sub-matrix:
m = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4, 5}};
what = {{2, 3}, {3, 4}};
This computes the dimensions of the above (it is more convenient to work with reversed dimensions for a sub-matrix):
Out[78]= {3,4}
Out[79]= {2,2}
This finds a list of starting positions of the first row ({2,3} here) in the Flattened main matrix. These positions are at the same time "flat" candidate positions of the top left corner of the sub-matrix:
In[77]:= posFlat = seqPos[Flatten#m, First#what]
Out[77]= {3, 6, 9}
This will reconstruct the 2D "candidate" positions of the top left corner of a sub-matrix in a full matrix, using the dimensions of the main matrix:
In[83]:= posInterm = Transpose#{Mod[posFlat,#,1],IntegerPart[posFlat/#]+1}&#Last[dm]
Out[83]= {{3,1},{2,2},{1,3}}
We can then try using Select to filter them out, extracting the full sub-matrix and comparing to what, but we'll run into a problem here:
During evaluation of In[84]:= Part::take: Cannot take positions 3 through 4
in {{0,1,2,3},{1,2,3,4},{2,3,4,5}}. >>
Out[84]= {{3,1},{2,2}}
Apart from the error message, the result is correct. The error message itself is due to the fact that for the last position ({1,3}) in the list, the bottom right corner of the sub-matrix will be outside the main matrix. We could of course use Quiet to simply ignore the error messages, but that's a bad style. So, we will first filter those cases out, and this is what the line Pick[Transpose[#], Total[Clip[Reverse#dm - # - dwr + 2, {0, 1}]], 2] &# is for. Specifically, consider
Reverse#dm - # - dwr + 2 &#{Mod[posFlat, #, 1],IntegerPart[posFlat/#] + 1} &#Last[dm]
Out[90]= {{1,2,3},{2,1,0}}
The coordinates of the top left corners should stay within a difference of dimensions of matrix and a sub-matrix. The above sub-lists were made of x and y coordiantes of top - left corners. I added 2 to make all valid results strictly positive. We have to pick only coordiantes at those positions in Transpose#{Mod[posFlat, #, 1], IntegerPart[posFlat/#] + 1} &#Last[dm] ( which is posInterm), at which both sub-lists above have strictly positive numbers. I used Total[Clip[...,{0,1}]] to recast it into picking only at those positions at which this second list has 2 (Clip converts all positive integers to 1, and Total sums numbers in 2 sublists. The only way to get 2 is when numbers in both sublists are positive).
So, we have:
Out[92]= {{3,1},{2,2}}
After the list of 2D positions has been filtered, so that no structurally invalid positions are present, we can use Select to extract the full sub-matrices and test against the sub-matrix of interest:
finalPos =
Out[93]= {{3,1},{2,2}}
In this case, both positions are genuine. The final thing to do is to reconstruct the positions of the bottom - right corners of the submatrix and add them to the top-left corner positions. This is done by this line:
In[94]:= Transpose[{#,Transpose[Transpose[#]+dwr-1]}]&#finalPos
Out[94]= {{{3,1},{4,2}},{{2,2},{3,3}}}
I could have used Map, but for a large list of positions, the above code would be more efficient.
Example and benchmarks
The original example:
In[216]:= Position2D[{{0,1,2,3},{1,2,3,4},{2,3,4,5},{3,4,5,6}},{{2,3},{3,4}}]
Out[216]= {{{3,1},{4,2}},{{2,2},{3,3}},{{1,3},{2,4}}}
Note that my index conventions are reversed w.r.t. #Szabolcs' solution.
Benchmarks for large matrices and sub-matrices
Here is a power test:
nmat = 1000;
(* generate a large random matrix and a sub-matrix *)
largeTestMat = RandomInteger[100, {2000, 3000}];
what = RandomInteger[10, {100, 100}];
(* generate upper left random positions where to insert the submatrix *)
rposx = RandomInteger[{1,Last#Dimensions[largeTestMat] - Last#Dimensions[what] + 1}, nmat];
rposy = RandomInteger[{1,First#Dimensions[largeTestMat] - First#Dimensions[what] + 1},nmat];
(* insert the submatrix nmat times *)
With[{dwr = Reverse#Dimensions[what]},
Do[largeTestMat[[Last#p ;; Last#p + Last#dwr - 1,
First#p ;; First#p + First#dwr - 1]] = what,
{p,Transpose[{rposx, rposy}]}]]
Now, we test:
In[358]:= (ps1 = position2D[largeTestMat,what])//Short//Timing
Out[358]= {1.39,{{{1,2461},{100,2560}},<<151>>,{{1900,42},{1999,141}}}}
In[359]:= (ps2 = Position2D[largeTestMat,what])//Short//Timing
Out[359]= {0.062,{{{2461,1},{2560,100}},<<151>>,{{42,1900},{141,1999}}}}
(the actual number of sub-matrices is smaller than the number we try to generate, since many of them overlap and "destroy" the previously inserted ones - this is so because the sub-matrix size is a sizable fraction of the matrix size in our benchmark).
To compare, we should reverse the x-y indices in one of the solutions (level 3), and sort both lists, since positions may have been obtained in different order:
In[360]:= Sort#ps1===Sort[Reverse[ps2,{3}]]
Out[360]= True
I do not exclude a possibility that further optimizations are possible.
This is my implementation:
position2D[m_, k_] :=
Module[{di, dj, extractSubmatrix, pos},
{di, dj} = Dimensions[k] - 1;
extractSubmatrix[{i_, j_}] := m[[i ;; i + di, j ;; j + dj]];
pos = Position[ListCorrelate[k, m], ListCorrelate[k, k][[1, 1]]];
pos = Select[pos, extractSubmatrix[#] == k &];
{#, # + {di, dj}} & /# pos
It uses ListCorrelate to get a list of potential positions, then filters those that actually match. It's probably faster on packed real matrices.
As per Leonid's suggestion here's my solution. I know it isn't very efficient (it's about 600 times slower than Leonid's when I timed it) but it's very short, rememberable, and a nice illustration of a rarely used function, PartitionMap. It's from the Developer package, so it needs a Needs["Developer`"] call first.
Given that, Position2D can be defined as:
Position2D[m_, k_] := Position[PartitionMap[k == # &, m, Dimensions[k], {1, 1}], True]
This only gives the upper-left coordinates. I feel the lower-right coordinates are really redundant, since the dimensions of the sub-matrix are known, but if the need arises one can add those to the output by prepending {#, Dimensions[k] + # - {1, 1}} & /# to the above definition.
How about something like
Position2D[bigMat_?MatrixQ, smallMat_?MatrixQ] :=
Module[{pos, sdim = Dimensions[smallMat] - 1},
pos = Position[bigMat, smallMat[[1, 1]]];
Quiet[Select[pos, (MatchQ[
bigMat[[Sequence##Thread[Span[#, # + sdim]]]], smallMat] &)],
which will return the top left-hand positions of the submatrices.
Position2D[{{0, 1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 3, 4, 5}, {3, 5, 5, 6}},
{{2, 3}, {3, _}}]
(* Returns: {{1, 3}, {2, 2}, {3, 1}} *)
And to search a 1000x1000 matrix, it takes about 2 seconds on my old machine
big = RandomInteger[{0, 10}, {1000, 1000}];
Position2D[big, {{1, 1, _}, {1, 1, 1}}] // Timing
(* {1.88012, {{155, 91}, {295, 709}, {685, 661},
{818, 568}, {924, 45}, {981, 613}}} *)

how to generate list of products from elements of a pair of lists in mathematica

Is there a pre-canned operation that would take two lists, say
a = { 1, 2, 3 }
b = { 2, 4, 8 }
and produce, without using a for loop, a new list where corresponding elements in each pair of lists have been multiplied
{ a[1] b[1], a[2] b[2], a[3] b[3] }
I was thinking there probably exists something like Inner[Times, a, b, Plus], but returns a list instead of a sum.
a = {1, 2, 3}
b = {2, 4, 8}
Thread[Times[a, b]]
Or, since Times[] threads element-wise over lists, simply:
a b
Please note that the efficiency of the two solutions is not the same:
i = RandomInteger[ 10, {5 10^7} ];
{First[ Timing [i i]], First[ Timing[ Thread[ Times [i,i]]]]}
-> {0.422, 1.235}
The behavior of Times[] is due to the Listable attribute. Look at this:
-> {f[1,3],f[2,4],f[3,5]}
You can do this using Inner by using List as the last argument:
In[5]:= Inner[Times, a, b, List]
Out[5]= {2, 8, 24}
but as others already mentioned, Times works automatically. In general for things like Inner, it's frequently useful to test things with "dummy" functions to see what the structure is:
In[7]:= Inner[f, a, b, g]
Out[7]= g[f[1, 2], f[2, 4], f[3, 8]]
and then work backwards from that to determine what the actual functions should be to give the desired result.

How to insert a column into a matrix, the correct Mathematica way

I think Mathematica is biased towards rows not columns.
Given a matrix, to insert a row seems to be easy, just use Insert[]
(a = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 0, 8}, {7 , 8, 0}}) // MatrixForm
1 2 3
4 0 8
7 8 0
row = {97, 98, 99};
(newa = Insert[a, row, 2]) // MatrixForm
1 2 3
97 98 99
4 0 8
7 8 0
But to insert a column, after some struggle, I found 2 ways, I show below, and would like to ask the experts here if they see a shorter and more direct way (Mathematica has so many commands, and I could have overlooked one that does this sort of thing in much direct way), as I think the methods I have now are still too complex for such a basic operation.
First method
Have to do double transpose:
a = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 0, 8}, {7 , 8, 0}}
column = {97, 98, 99}
newa = Transpose[Insert[Transpose[a], column, 2]]
1 97 2 3
4 98 0 8
7 99 8 0
Second method
Use SparseArray, but need to watch out for index locations. Kinda awkward for doing this:
(SparseArray[{{i_, j_} :> column[[i]] /; j == 2, {i_, j_} :> a[[i, j]] /; j == 1,
{i_, j_} :> a[[i, j - 1]] /; j > 1}, {3, 4}]) // Normal
1 97 2 3
4 98 0 8
7 99 8 0
The question is: Is there a more functional way, that is little shorter than the above? I could ofcourse use one of the above, and wrap the whole thing with a function, say insertColumn[...] to make it easy to use. But wanted to see if there is an easier way to do this than what I have.
For reference, this is how I do this in Matlab:
EDU>> A=[1 2 3;4 0 8;7 8 0]
A =
1 2 3
4 0 8
7 8 0
EDU>> column=[97 98 99]';
EDU>> B=[A(:,1) column A(:,2:end)]
B =
1 97 2 3
4 98 0 8
7 99 8 0
Your double Transpose method seems fine. For very large matrices, this will be 2-3 times faster:
MapThread[Insert, {a, column, Table[2, {Length[column]}]}]
If you want to mimic your Matlab way, the closest is probably this:
ArrayFlatten[{{a[[All, ;; 1]], Transpose[{column}], a[[All, 2 ;;]]}}]
Keep in mind that insertions require making an entire copy of the matrix. So, if you plan to build a matrix this way, it is more efficient to preallocate the matrix (if you know its size) and do in-place modifications through Part instead.
You can use Join with a level specification of 2 along with Partition in subsets of size 1:
a = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 0, 8}, {7 , 8, 0}}
column = {97, 98, 99}
newa = Join[a,Partition[column,1],2]
I think I'd do it the same way, but here are some other ways of doing it:
-With MapIndexed
newa = MapIndexed[Insert[#1, column[[#2[[1]]]], 2] &, a]
-With Sequence:
newa = a;
newa[[All, 1]] = Transpose[{newa[[All, 1]], column}];
newa = Replace[a, List -> Sequence, {3}, Heads -> True]
Interestingly, this would seem to be a method that works 'in place', i.e. it wouldn't really require a matrix copy as stated in Leonid's answer and if you print the resulting matrix it apparently works as a charm.
However, there's a big catch. See the problems with Sequence in the mathgroup discussion "part assigned sequence behavior puzzling".
I usually just do like this:
In: m0 = ConstantArray[0, {3, 4}];
m0[[All, {1, 3, 4}]] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 0, 8}, {7, 8, 0}};
m0[[All, 2]] = {97, 98, 99}; m0
{{1, 97, 2, 3}, {4, 98, 0, 8}, {7, 99, 8, 0}}
I don't know how it compare in terms of efficiency.
I originally posted this as a comment (now deleted)
Based on a method given by user656058 in this question (Mathematica 'Append To' Function Problem) and the reply of Mr Wizard, the following alternative method of adding a column to a matrix, using Table and Insert, may be gleaned:
(a = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 0, 8}, {7, 8, 0}});
column = {97, 98, 99};
Table[Insert[a[[i]], column[[i]], 2], {i, 3}] // MatrixForm
Similarly, to add a column of zeros (say):
Table[Insert[#[[i]], 0, 2], {i, Dimensions[#][[1]]}] & # a
As noted in the comments above, Janus has drawn attention to the 'trick' of adding a column of zeros by the ArrayFlatten method (see here)
ArrayFlatten[{{Take[#, All, 1], 0, Take[#, All, -2]}}] & #
a // MatrixForm
Perhaps simpler, at least for smaller matrices
(Insert[a[[#]], column[[#]], 2] & /# Range[3]) // MatrixForm
or, to insert a column of zeros
Insert[a[[#]], 0, 2] & /# Range[3]
Or, a little more generally:
Flatten#Insert[a[[#]], {0, 0}, 2] & /# Range[3] // MatrixForm
May also easily be adapted to work with Append and Prepend, of course.

how to extract rows from matrix based on value in first entry?

This is another simple 'matrix' question in Mathematica. I want to show how I did this, and ask if there is a better answer.
I want to select all 'rows' from matrix based on value in the first column (or any column, I used first column here just as an example).
Say, find all rows where the entry in the first position is <=4 in this example:
list = {{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 8},
{7 , 8, 9}}
So, the result should be
Well, the problem is I need to use Position, since the result returned by Position can be used directly by Extract. (but can't be used by Part or [[ ]], so that is why I am just looking at Position[] ).
But I do not know how to tell Position to please restrict the 'search' pattern to only the 'first' column so I can do this in one line.
When I type
pos = Position[list, _?(# <= 4 &)]
it returns position of ALL entries which are <=4.
{{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 1}}
If I first get the first column, then apply Position on it, it works ofcourse
list = {{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 8},
{7 , 8, 9}};
pos = Position[list[[All, 1]], _?(# <= 4 &)]
Extract[list, pos]
--> {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 8}}
Also I tried this:
pos = Position[list, _?(# <= 4 &)];
pos = Select[pos, #[[2]] == 1 &] (*only look at ones in the 'first' column*)
{{1, 1}, {2, 1}}--->
and this gives me the correct positions in the first column. To use that to find all rows, I did
pos = pos[[All, 1]] (* to get list of row positions*)
---> {1, 2}
list[[ pos[[1]] ;; pos[[-1]], All]]
{{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 8}}
So, to summarize, putting it all together, this is what I did:
method 1
list = {{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 8},
{7 , 8, 9}};
pos = Position[list[[All, 1]], _?(# <= 4 &)]
Extract[list, pos]
--> {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 8}}
method 2
list = {{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 8},
{7 , 8, 9}}
pos = Position[list, _?(# <= 4 &)];
pos = Select[pos, #[[2]] == 1 &];
pos = pos[[All, 1]];
list[[ pos[[1]] ;; pos[[-1]], All]]
{{1, 2, 3},
{4, 5, 8}}
The above clearly is not too good.
Is method 1 above the 'correct' functional way to do this?
For reference, this is how I do the above in Matlab:
EDU>> A=[1 2 3;4 5 8;7 8 9]
A =
1 2 3
4 5 8
7 8 9
EDU>> A( A(:,1)<=4 , :)
1 2 3
4 5 8
I am trying to improve my 'functional' handling of working with matrices in Mathematica commands, this is an area I feel I am not good at working with lists. I find working with matrices easier for me.
The question is: Is there is a shorter/more functional way to do this in Mathematica?
You could use Pick[] as follows:
Pick[list, list[[All, 1]], _?(# <= 4 &)]
How about the following?
In[1]:= list = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 8}, {7, 8, 9}};
In[2]:= Select[list, First[#] <= 4 &]
Out[2]= {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 8}}
Here's a loose translation of your matlab code:
list[[Flatten[Position[Thread[list[[All, 1]] <= 4], True]]]]
(of course, the Flatten would not be needed if I used Extract instead of Part).
There is a faster method than those already presented, using SparseArray. It is:
list ~Extract~
SparseArray[UnitStep[4 - list[[All, 1]]]]["NonzeroPositions"]
Here are speed comparisons with the other methods. I had to modify WReach's method to handle other position specifications.
f1[list_, x_] := Cases[list, {Sequence ## Table[_, {x - 1}], n_, ___} /; n <= 4]
f2[list_, x_] := Select[list, #[[x]] <= 4 &]
f3[list_, x_] := Pick[list, (#[[x]] <= 4 &) /# list]
f4[list_, x_] := Pick[list, UnitStep[4 - list[[All, x]]], 1]
f5[list_, x_] := Pick[list, Thread[list[[All, x]] <= 4]]
f6[list_, x_] := list ~Extract~
SparseArray[UnitStep[4 - list[[All, x]]]]["NonzeroPositions"]
For a table with few rows and many columns (comparing position 7):
a = RandomInteger[99, {250, 150000}];
timeAvg[#[a, 7]] & /# {f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6} // Column
For a table with few columns and many rows (comparing position 7):
a = RandomInteger[99, {150000, 12}];
timeAvg[#[a, 7]] & /# {f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6} // Column
If you want the rows that meet the criteria, use Cases:
Cases[list, {n_, __} /; n <= 4]
(* {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 8}} *)
If you want the positions within the list rather than the rows themselves, use Position instead of Cases (restricted to the first level only):
Position[list, {n_, __} /; n <= 4, {1}]
(* {{1}, {2}} *)
If you want to be very clever:
Pick[list, UnitStep[4 - list[[All, 1]]], 1]
This also avoids unpacking, which means it'll be faster and use less memory.

Replace a part in a table n times by adding the previus values of each iteration and substructing the initial value

I have the following Nested table
(myinputmatrix = Table[Nest[function, myinputmatrix[[i]][[j]],
myinputmatrix[[i]][[j]][[2]][[2]] +
myinputmatrix[[i]][[j]][[3]][[2]]], {i,
Dimensions[myinputmatrix][[1]]}, {j,
Dimensions[myinputmatrix][[2]]}]) // TableForm
fq[k_?NumericQ] := Count[RandomReal[{0, 1}, k], x_ /; x < .1]
function[x_List] := ReplacePart[
x, {{2, 1} -> x[[2]][[1]] - #1,
{2, 2} -> x[[2]][[2]] + #1,
{3, 1} -> x[[3]][[1]] - #2, {3, 2} ->
x[[3]][[2]] + #2}] &[fq[x[[2]][[1]]], fq[x[[2]][[1]]]];
My problem is that I want to add only the #1 in the bold part above, but not only the new one, I want it to add all #1 for the n times (Nest function times]
If I try the function
function[x_List] := ReplacePart[
x, {{2, 1} -> x[[2]][[1]] - #1, {2, 2} -> #1,
{3, 1} -> x[[3]][[1]] - #2, {3, 2} -> #2}] &[fq[x[[2]][[1]]],
I am having as a result the last value of fq[k]. I thought of replacing that part in my table with 0 but is not going to work since I am using it in my nested list, also I thought of substricting that part from my initial table but I am not sure which way is the best to do it and if the way I am thinking is the correct one. Can anyone help me?
If I may restate the problem and hopefully clarify the question for myself. At each iteration in the Nest, you want to add not the current (random) output from fq, but the cumulation of the current and all past values of it. But because the random output depends at each iteration on the input matrix, you need to calculate both the random number and the current value of the matrix in the same iteration.
If that hadn't been true you could use Fold.
Restating fq as Sasha suggested EDIT with some type checking to avoid problems with incorrect input:
You might want to add some other error checking code. Something like this, depending on your requirements, might do.
fq[0]:= 0;
You need function to take the random numbers as parameters. EDIT 1 and 2 I have changed the syntax of this function to use the parameters explicitly instead of the original question's anonymous function within a function. This should avoid some syntax errors. Also note that I have used "NumericQ" rather than "Real" as the type for the rv1 and rv2 parameters, because they can be integers at the start of the Nest iteration.
function[x_List, rv1_?NumericQ, rv2_?NumericQ] := ReplacePart[
x, {{2, 1} -> x[[2]][[1]] - rv1, {2, 2} -> rv1,
{3, 1} -> x[[3]][[1]] - rv2, {3, 2} -> rv2}]
And then pass the current random number as a local constant using With to a Nest function that works on a list containing your matrix and the cumulation of the random variates. I have used myoutputmatrix because I really don't like the idea of rewriting existing expressions all the time. That's just me. Now, the one other thing is that you need to set n, the number of iterates. I've set it to 5 but you can make this a parameter in a function if you want (see below).
(myoutputmatrix = Table[ First[Nest[With[{rv=fq[#1[[1]][[2]][[1]] ]},
{function[#1[[1]],rv, rv+#1[[2]] ],rv+#1[[2]] }]&,
{ myinputmatrix[[i]][[j]], 0 }, 5]],
{i, Dimensions[myinputmatrix][[1]]}, {j,
Dimensions[myinputmatrix][[2]]}]) // TableForm
The First is there because in the end you only want the matrix, not the cumulation of the random variates.
outputmatrix[input_List, n_Integer?Positive] /;
Length[Dimensions[input]] == 4 :=
Nest[With[{rv = fq[#1[[1]][[2]][[1]]]}, {function[#1[[1]], rv,
rv + #1[[2]]], rv + #1[[2]]}] &, {input[[i]][[j]], 0}, n]],
{i, Dimensions[input][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[input][[2]]}]
outputmatrix[myinputmatrix, 10] // TableForm
EDIT I have checked this now and it runs, but note that you can get negative numbers in the output, which is not what you want, I don't think.
