How can I bump a version number using bash - bash

I would like to know how to bump the last digit in a version number using bash.
EDIT: The version number will only contain natural numbers.
Can the solution be generic to handle any number of parts in a version number.

echo $VERSION | awk -F. '/[0-9]+\./{$NF++;print}' OFS=.
# will print
For a detailed explanation, read on.
Let's start with the basic answer by froogz3301:
echo $VERSION | awk -F. '{$NF = $NF + 1;} 1' | sed 's/ /./g'
How can we improve on this? Here are a bunch of ideas extracted from the copious set of comments.
The trailing '1' in the program is crucial to its operation, but it is not the most explicit way of doing things. The odd '1' at the end is a boolean value that is true, and therefore matches every line and triggers the default action (since there is no action inside braces after it) which is to print $0, the line read, as amended by the previous command.
Hence, why not this awk command, which obviates the sed command?
awk -F. '{$NF+=1; OFS="."; print $0}'
Of course, we could refine things further — in several stages. You could use the bash '<<<' string redirection operator to avoid the pipe:
awk -F. '...' <<< $VERSION
The next observation would be that given a series of lines, a single execution of awk could handle them all:
echo "$VERSIONS" | awk -F. '/[0-9]+\./{$NF+=1;OFS=".";print}'
without the for loop. The double quotes around "$VERSION" preserve the newlines in the string. The pipe is still unnecessary, leading to:
awk -F. '/[0-9]+\./{$NF+=1;OFS=".";print}' <<< "$VERSIONS"
The regex ignores the blank lines in $VERSION by only processing lines that contain a digit followed by a dot. Of course, setting OFS in each line is a tad clumsy, and '+=1' can be abbreviated '++', so you could use:
awk -F. '/[0-9]+\./{$NF++;print}' OFS=. <<< "$VERSIONS"
(or you could include 'BEGIN{OFS="."}' in the program, but that is rather verbose.
The '<<<' notation is only supported by Bash and not by Korn, Bourne or other POSIX shells (except as a non-standard extension parallelling the Bash notation). The AWK program is going to be supported by any version of awk you are likely to be able to lay hands on (but the variable assignment on the command line was not supported by old UNIX 7th Edition AWK).

I have come up with this.
echo $VERSION | awk -F. '{$NF = $NF + 1;} 1' | sed 's/ /./g'

if [[ "$VERSION" == *.* ]]; then
Warning: if the minor part of the version number isn't in the expected format (integer, no leading zeros), this may have trouble. Some examples: "1.033" -> "1.28" (since 033 is octal for 27), "1.2.b" -> "1.2.1" (unless b is a defined variable, it'll be treated as 0), "1.2.3a" -> error ("3a" isn't a number). Depending on how many cases you want to cover, this can be made arbitrarily complex.

Well, Jonathan Leffler already answered the question, however I've generalized the solution to accept an arbitrary diff (passed as an awk parameter versionDiff):
awk -v versionDiff="0.1" -F. -f bump.awk OFS=. <<< "$VERSION"
the result will be:
as the numbers after last non-zero versionDiff number are zeroed.
and the bump.awk:
/[0-9]+\./ {
n = split(versionDiff, versions, ".")
if(n>NF) nIter=n; else nIter=NF
lastNonzero = nIter
for(i = 1; i <= nIter; ++i) {
if(int(versions[i]) > 0) {
lastNonzero = i
$i = versions[i] + $i
for(i = lastNonzero+1; i <= nIter; ++i) {
$i = 0


How to do operations depending on the presence of a specific string in bash?

I am working with a csv file, so imagine I have this column:
My desired output would be:
So I would like to add +1 to those values who have the greater than (>) symbol and to subtract 1 to those values with a lesser than (<) symbol with bash language. I have tried something weird with sed but given that it interprets those changes as strings it didn't work out.
Any suggestions?
With awk (tested with GNU awk):
$ awk -F\; -v OFS=\; '
for(i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
if($i ~ /^<[[:digit:]]+$/) {
else if($i ~ /^>[[:digit:]]+$/) {
} 1' <<< "5;10;>11;20;<14"
Warning: use the following if and only if you trust your input file and you are 100% sure it does not contains malicious fields (see the final note).
With GNU sed (and assuming your shell is bash), a bit shorter but also a bit more difficult to understand (as usual with sed):
$ sed -E '
s/.*/printf "%s\n" "&"/e
' <<< "5;10;>11;20;<14"
That is (where N is a string of digits), substitute all <N with $((N-1)), all >N with $((N+1)), substitute the resulting string S with printf "%s\n" "S", execute it with bash and replace with the output (this is what the e modifier of the substitute command does). In your example the input string successively becomes:
printf "%s\n" "5;10;$((11+1));20;$((14-1))"
The reason why there is a serious security issue here is that if one of your fields is, for instance, $(rm -rf ~/*) it will simply and recursively delete your entire home directory... So, if you do not control the input prefer the awk version.
{m,g}awk '
_*=(OFS= "") (__-=_^= FS ="("(\
} {
gsub(";[<>][0-9]+",____ "&" ___)
gsub(____ ";[<>]", "&" ___)
for(_+=(_^=($_=$_)<"")+_;_<=NF;_++) {
if ($_~"^[0-9]+$") {
} print $(_=_<_) }'

How to print both the grep pattern and the resulting matched line on the same line?

I have two files File01 and File02.
File01, looks like this:
File02, looks like this:
Using the string from File01, via grep, I would like to identify the lines in File02 that match and with this information generate a file that would look like this:
XP_033390442.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_488391_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_488391
XP_033390437.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_488386_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_488386
XP_033390400.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_417707_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_417707
XP_033390397.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_417704_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_417704
XP_033390371.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_488335_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_488335
XP_033376581.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_429509_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_429509
XP_033376580.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_210092_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_210092
XP_033376578.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_229465,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_229465
XP_033376577.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_498094,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_498094
XP_033376576.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_416051,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_416051
XP_033376575.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_482795,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_482795
I tried generating such file using the following code:
while read r;do CMD01=$(echo $r);CMD02=$(grep $r File01); echo "$CMD02 $CMD01";done < File02 | awk '(NR>1) && ($2 > 2 ) '
The problem I run into is that what I obtain extra matching lines:
XP_033390445.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_430534_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_4305
XP_033390371.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_488335_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_4883
Where, for example, the string: BU24DRAFT_4305 is wrongly recognizing the string: XP_033390445.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_430534_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79
This result is incorrect. The string in File01 must match a string in File02 that has a complete version of File01's string
Any ideas that could help me will be appreciated.
For the updated sample input and full-matching requirement and assuming you never have any regexp metacharacters in file1 and that the matching strings in file2 are never at the start or end of the line:
$ awk 'NR==FNR{strs[$0]; next} {for (str in strs) if ($0 ~ ("[^[:alnum:]]"str"[^[:alnum:]]")) print $0, str}' file1 file2
XP_033390445.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_430534_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_430534
XP_033390442.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_488391_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_488391
XP_033390437.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_488386_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_488386
XP_033390400.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_417707_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_417707
XP_033390397.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_417704_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_417704
XP_033390371.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_488335_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_488335
XP_033376581.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_429509_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_429509
XP_033376580.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_210092_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_210092
XP_033376578.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_229465,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_229465
XP_033376577.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_498094,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_498094
XP_033376576.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_416051,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_416051
XP_033376575.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_482795,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_482795
Original answer doing partial matching:
The correct approach is 1 call to awk:
$ awk 'NR==FNR{strs[$0]; next} {for (str in strs) if (index($0,str)) print $0, str}' file1 file2
XP_033376575.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_482795,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_482795
XP_033376576.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_416051,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_416051
XP_033376577.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_498094,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_498094
XP_033376578.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_229465,_partial_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_229465
XP_033376580.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_210092_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_210092
XP_033376581.1_uncharacterized_protein_BU24DRAFT_429509_Aaosphaeria_arxii_CBS_175.79 BU24DRAFT_429509
See and for some of the issues with the script in your question.
So, it looks like yours mostly works. A lot of what you are doing here is unnecessary. Here is your script broken into multiple lines for readability:
while read r; do
CMD01=$(echo $r)
CMD02=$(grep $r zztest01)
echo "$CMD02 $CMD01"
done < <(head zztest) | awk '(NR>1) && ($2 > 2 ) '
First, CMD01=$(echo $r): This is really the same (or intended to be) as CMD01="$r" so kind of useless.
Then, < <(head zztest): You are using head to output the contents of the file. This actually works just as well with a simple redirection like this: < zztest.
Last, | awk '(NR>1) && ($2 > 2 ) ': This appears to just be some sort of logic on whether we are going to print anything or not.
Here is a simplified version:
while read r; do
CMD02=$(grep "$r" zztest01) && echo "$CMD02 $r"
done < zztest
CMD02=$(grep $r zztest01) && echo "$CMD02 $r": The main part of this is really two commands separated by &&. This means execute the second command if the first one succeeded. grep will return a "failure" code if it does not find what it is looking for. So, if grep does not find a match, echo will not run.
The output of grep will be stored in the variable $CMD02. Then, you will echo that along with $r for each match.
If you really want to keep this on one line like the original:
while read r; do CMD02=$(grep "$r" zztest01) && echo "$CMD02 $r"; done < zztest
If you want to avoid partial matches as Ed asked, you can change the grep to this grep "$r[^0-9]" zztest01. This will avoid a match if there is a trailing digit after the initial match string (which is really an assumption given the sample).
While not explicit in the question, it seems that each pattern should only match single line in the input file (File02).
Based on this observation, possible to improve performance of the solution from Ed Morton:
awk '
NR==FNR{strs[$0]; next}
{ for (str in strs) if (index($0,str)) { print $0, str ; delete strs[str]; next } }
' file1 file2
For large files. with many patterns, it will reduce runtime by a factor of 4.

Print line after the match in grep [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to show only next line after the matched one?
(14 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to get the current track running from 'cmus-remote -Q'
Its always underneath of this line
tag genre Various
<some track>
Now, I need to keep it simple because I want to add it to my i3 bar. I used
cmus-remote -Q | grep -A 1 "tag genre"
but that grep's the 'tag' line AND the line underneath.
I want ONLY the line underneath.
With sed:
sed -n '/tag genre/{n;p}'
$ cmus-remote -Q | sed -n '/tag genre/{n;p}'
<some track>
If you want to use grep as the tool for this, you can achieve it by adding another segment to your pipeline:
cmus-remote -Q | grep -A 1 "tag genre" | grep -v "tag genre"
This will fail in cases where the string you're searching for is on two lines in a row. You'll have to define what behaviour you want in that case if we're going to program something sensible for it.
Another possibility would be to use a tool like awk, which allows for greater compexity in the line selection:
cmus-remote -Q | awk '/tag genre/ { getline; print }'
This searches for the string, then gets the next line, then prints it.
Another possibility would be to do this in bash alone:
while read line; do
[[ $line =~ tag\ genre ]] && read line && echo "$line"
done < <(cmus-remote -Q)
This implements the same functionality as the awk script, only using no external tools at all. It's likely slower than the awk script.
You can use awk instead of grep:
awk 'p{print; p=0} /tag genre/{p=1}' file
<some track>
/tag genre/{p=1} - sets a flag p=1 when it encounters tag genre in a line.
p{print; p=0} when p is non-zero then it prints a line and resets p to 0.
I'd suggest using awk:
awk 'seen && seen--; /tag genre/ { seen = 1 }'
when seen is true, print the line.
when seen is true, decrement the value, so it will no longer true after the desired number of lines are printed
when the pattern matches, set seen to the number of lines to be printed

Printf with AWK in Fortran D-like format "0.xxxxxD+x"

In Fortran programming language, there is a format, the "D" format, when you want to print a float. For instance, the float:
Will be printed as:
Yes, with D and this pseudo-scientific notation with floating point.
I would like to reproduce this specific formatting in my shell (wich is csh by the way but we don't care) thanks to AWK and the less "sed" possible.
AWK is not mandatory but I think is a good way to do it (with the "e" format %e at start and some "sed" after)
Where I am
Here is the text I need to read first:
NU 0.12345D+4 0.56789D+5
which is a typical input/config file (with two floats to read) for a tool in Fortran.
And here is my fully commented code in C-Shell:
set var_str_ori = `cat "$file" | awk '{print $2}'` # var_str_ori = "0.12345D+4"
# Transforming into a calculable float
set var_ori = `echo "$var_str_ori" | sed s/D/E/g | awk '{printf "%f", $1}'` # var_ori = 1234.500000
# Do some calculus
set var__new = `echo "$var_ori + 42.3" | \bc -l` # var_new = 1276.800000
# Re-formatting (the tricky part!)
set var_str_new = `echo "$var__new" | awk '{printf "%E", $1}' | awk -F. '{print "0."$1$2}' | awk -F"E+" '{print $1"D+0"$2+1}'` # var_str_new = "0.12768D+4"
and write the new $var_str_new well formatted to obtain the new file which looks like:
NU 0.12768D+4 0.56789D+5
As you can see, there is a trick with AWK/sed to reformat a true scientific format (x.xxxxE+x) into a Fortran D-Format. Okay, that's it! If you have any suggestion... Please remember, I'm in C-Shell, without any "function" definition. It (kind of) pure Shell!
Finally, I know that I could simplify my code but this is not the point (this example is deliberately verbose and not optimized). My real question is how to format in "D Fortran like" format.
you can write functions in awk,
this may get you started, it doesn't handle negative exponents but can be easily added as well
$ awk 'function tovalue(x)
return xa[1]*10^xa[2]}
function format(x)
return x/(10^p)"D+"p}
{print v2=tovalue($2), v3=tovalue($3), format(v2+11)}' file
1234.5 56789 0.12455D+4

Extract version number from file in shell script

I'm trying to write a bash script that increments the version number which is given in
For example.
Is there a good way to easily extract those 3 numbers using something like sed or awk such that I could increment the {revision} number and output the full version number string.
$ v=1.2.13
$ echo "${v%.*}.$((${v##*.}+1))"
$ v=
$ echo "${v%.*}.$((${v##*.}+1))"
Here is how it works:
The string is split in two parts.
the first one contains everything but the last dot and next characters: ${v%.*}
the second one contains everything but all characters up to the last dot: ${v##*.}
The first part is printed as is, followed by a plain dot and the last part incremented using shell arithmetic expansion: $((x+1))
Pure Bash using an array:
a=( ${version//./ } ) # replace points, split into array
((a[2]++)) # increment revision (or other part)
version="${a[0]}.${a[1]}.${a[2]}" # compose new version
I prefer "cut" command for this kind of things
major=`echo $version | cut -d. -f1`
minor=`echo $version | cut -d. -f2`
revision=`echo $version | cut -d. -f3`
revision=`expr $revision + 1`
echo "$major.$minor.$revision"
I know this is not the shortest way, but for me it's simplest to understand and to read...
Yet another shell way (showing there's always more than one way to bugger around with this stuff...):
$ echo 1.2.3 | ( IFS=".$IFS" ; read a b c && echo $a.$b.$((c + 1)) )
So, we can do:
$ x=1.2.3
$ y=`echo $x | ( IFS=".$IFS" ; read a b c && echo $a.$b.$((c + 1)) )`
$ echo $y
Awk makes it quite simple:
echo "1.2.14" | awk -F \. {'print $1,$2, $3'} will print out 1 2 14.
flag -F specifies separator.
If you wish to save one of the values:
firstVariable=$(echo "1.2.14" | awk -F \. {'print $1'})
I use the shell's own word splitting; something like
set -- $version
although you need to be careful with version numbers in general due to alphabetic or date suffixes and other annoyingly inconsistent bits. After this, the positional parameters will be set to the components of $version:
$1 = 1
$2 = 2
$3 = 13
($IFS is a set of single characters, not a string, so this won't work with a multicharacter field separator, although you can use IFS=.- to split on either . or -.)
Inspired by the answer of jlliagre I made my own version which supports version numbers just having a major version given. jlliagre's version will make 1 -> 1.2 instead of 2.
This one is appropriate to both styles of version numbers:
function increment_version()
local VERSION="$1"
if [[ "$VERSION" =~ .*\..* ]]; then
This will produce the following outputs:
increment_version 1 -> 2
increment_version 1.2 -> 1.3
increment_version 1.2.9 -> 1.2.10
increment_version ->
Small variation on fgm's solution using the builtin read command to split the string into an array. Note that the scope of the IFS variable is limited to the read command (so no need to store & restore the current IFS variable).
IFS='.' read -r -a a <<<"$version"
printf '%s\n' "${a[#]}" | nl
echo "$version"
See: How do I split a string on a delimiter in Bash?
I'm surprised no one suggested grep yet.
Here's how to get the full version (not limited to the length of x.y.z...) from a file name:
find -name "$filename" | grep -Eo '([0-9]+)(\.?[0-9]+)*' | head -1
# 4.12.0
