Problem with JBoss > 5 in Ubuntu Server Service Script - shell

Hi everybody again.
I have a trouble with some script that I wanna to be executed as a Service in an Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS PC. This is the script:
#! /bin/sh
$ECHO "Starting JBoss"
su - jboss -c $JBOSS_START_SCRIPT $JBOSS_BIND_ADDR "> /dev/null &"
$ECHO "."
$ECHO "Stopping JBoss"
su - jboss -c $JBOSS_STOP_SCRIPT -S
$ECHO "."
case "$1" in
sleep 30
$ECHO "Usage: jboss (start|stop|restart)"
exit 1
exit 0
Well That script is not working because I don't know exactly how to put "> /dev/null &" for being executed correctly. See, if I do the command in a hand in the gnome-terminal it works, but when I write it in the script and execute it, it fails. So I don't know what is working wrong. Perhaps some buggy syntax? plz help me; I'm really stuck with this.

Leave off the quotes that you have around > /dev/null &
su - jboss -c $JBOSS_START_SCRIPT $JBOSS_BIND_ADDR > /dev/null &


bash script: to check if Apache server is up and running

I am new to bash scripting and trying to figure out why the below script is outputting that Apache server is not running whereas it is running properly.
ps cax | grep httpd
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Process is running."
echo "Process is not running."
I'm running it on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
Also, how do I make changes to the script that this can test apache server installed on another machine.
Kindly help
This is a working sample of bash script which check the apache status, restart it automatically if down, and alert by telegram bot within unicode emoji.
telegram=(xxxxx, yyyyyy)
if ! pidof apache2 > /dev/null
# web server down, restart the server
echo "Server down"
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart > /dev/null
sleep 10
#checking if apache restarted or not
if pidof apache2 > /dev/null
for i in "${telegram[#]}"
curl -s -X POST -d chat_id="$i" -d text="`echo -e '\U0001F525'` Apache stoped on Molib Stage. Automatically restarted succesfully."
for i in "${telegram[#]}"
curl -s -X POST -d chat_id="$i" -d text="`echo -e '\U0001F525'` Apache stoped on Molib Stage. Automatically restart failed. Please check manually."
Use this:
service apache2 status
Or this:
service --status-all | grep apache2
Instead of httpd try to grep "apache2". To be sure try to check services with the next command and decide the registered name of the apache webserver:
service --status-all
Try and see - simply simplest, most didactic here and well working on Ubuntu 20.04:
catching output of status to bash variable
"if" status includes substring (from "Active:" statement) - do job you wanted
"else" - do another job you defined
servstat=$(service apache2 status)
if [[ $servstat == *"active (running)"* ]]; then
echo "process is running"
else echo "process is not running"
This work perfect in an old Debian. Remember to run with bash and not with sh.
In Centos replace with httpd.
if [ $(/etc/init.d/apache2 status | grep -v grep | grep 'apache2 is running' | wc -l) > 0 ]
echo "Process is running."
echo "Process is not running."
## Plz run this script .. its working
ps cax | grep httpd
if [ $? -eq 1 ]
echo "Process is running."
else if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "Process is not running."
This is menu driven one stop shell script in which you can check the firewall,apache or any other webservices ,you can start or stop the services just by choosing the option in below script
echo "welcome please select your options"
read choice
firewall=`sudo systemctl status firewalld`
apache=`sudo systemctl status apache2`
firewall1=`sudo systemctl stop firewalld`
apache1=`sudo systemctl stop apache2`
startrfirewall=`sudo systemctl start firewalld`
startapache=`sudo systemctl start apache2`
case $choice in
1) status of the firewall is $firewall
2) status of apache is $apache
3) echo stop firewall by $firewall1
4) echo stop apache by $apache1
5) echo start firewall by $startrfirewall
6) echo start apache by $startapache
*) echo exit
I put this together based on the above and made so can use other services.
Hope this helps.
# Must be running as root or via sudo permissions to be able to restart
# Put your process name restart command line in
if ! pidof $PROCESS_NAME > /dev/null
# web server down, restart the server
echo "Server $PROCESS_NAME down"
/usr/sbin/apachectl restart > /dev/null
echo "Tried restart of $PROCESS_NAME. Waiting 10 seconds to settle."
# wait ten
sleep 10
#checking if process restarted or not
if pidof $PROCESS_NAME > /dev/null
echo "$PROCESS_NAME was down but is now up."
echo "$PROCESS_NAME is still down. Please take some action."
echo "Server $PROCESS_NAME up."

How to run ruby via sudo

Hi I am creating a new init script for monitoring a ruby program .
EXEC='/home/amer/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/ruby main_scheduler.rb'
echo "started"
$EXEC >> init_log/output.log &
echo $! > $PIDFILE
echo "---------"
echo `cat $PIDFILE`
echo "all are DONE "
echo $PID
if ps -p $PID ; then
kill -6 $PID
echo "it is over"
echo "its not running"
case "$1" in
echo $$
echo -n "Starting script differ "
echo "stopping ...."
echo "STATUS $PID"
if ps -p $PID -f; then
echo running
echo not running
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/blah {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
And my monit process is
check process differ with pidfile /home/amer/pid/
if changed pid then exec "/etc/init.d/differ start"
start program = "/etc/init.d/differ start"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/differ stop"
if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout
But when I execute start service in my monit the status was "Execution failed" and i checked the log file of monit it said
info : 'differ' start: /bin/bash
error : 'differ' failed to start
error : 'differ' process is not running
When I analyzed the root of the problem . the reason was monit is running as root and the script which executes ruby will be executing as sudo /etc/init.d/ start but ruby is installed only in user 'amer' . I have tried
sudo -u amer $EXEC >>init_log/output.log &
it displayed the error as
amer#amer-Inspiron-1525:~$ /home/amer/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:in `require': cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError)
from /home/amer/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:in `require'
from main_scheduler.rb:2:in `<main>'
Please help in this problem . I have two ruby versions.
It looks like your environment is missing. Replace
sudo -u amer $EXEC >>init_log/output.log &
su -s /bin/bash - amer -c "$EXEC >> init_log/output.log 2>&1" &
This should setup your shell environment properly. If you ran sudo .. >> log before, the log file might be owned by root. Change that or it will fail. I also added the redirect of STDERR to STDOUT, since you are probably interested in error messages.
after a long struggle i found the solution for this problem .
Two things must be done
1) EXPORT your PATH,GEM_HOME,GEM_PATH in the script
export PATH="/home/amer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247#rails329/bin:/home/amer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247#global/bin:/home/amer/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin:/home/amer/.rvm/bin:/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"
export GEM_HOME=/home/amer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247#rails329
export GEM_PATH=/home/amer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247#rails329:/home/amer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247#global
2) USE rvmsudo bundle exec ruby "filename" (use full path)
rvmsudo -u amer /home/amer/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p247#rails329/bin/bundle exec /home/amer/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/bin/ruby main_scheduler.rb&
it worked for me . hope it does for everyone .
Here's what I do when I want to run ruby scripts in init:
I switch to super user and install rvm. This won't cause problems with your single user installation.
I put this in the init script:
/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm-shell 'yourgemset' -c 'ruby pathtoyourscript/yourscript.rb'
/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm-shell 'jruby-1.7.4' -c 'ruby /home/someone/service.rb'
Hint: all the necessary gems need to be installed in that gemset.
The proper way of doing all this is to create an rvm wrapper script (see example) but I find my method easier for a simple setup where there aren't many gemsets.

SHOUTcast daemon script not functioning properly

I've got a SHOUTcast server running on Ubuntu. The server process is running great, but I can't seem to get the daemon script to function properly. Following a couple tutorials I found I came up with this:
case "$1" in
echo "Starting SC..."
$DAEMON $CONFIG > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "Stopping SC..."
kill -9 `ps -C sc_serv -o pid --no-headers`
echo "Rebooting SC..."
kill -9 `ps -C sc_serv -o pid --no-headers`
$DAEMON $CONFIG > /dev/null 2>&1 &
echo "usage: service sc32d {start | stop | restart}"
exit 1
This however does not work. I didn't know what a lot of this meant, so I started to break it down line by line. If I remove the /dev/null stuff - which as I now understand keeps the program running 'silent' in the background - I get this message, and the program closes:
root#streams3:/etc/init.d# service sc32d start
Starting SC...
root#streams3:/etc/init.d# 2013-05-21 14:41:50 E msg:<***> logger could not open file logs/sc_serv.log
2013-05-21 14:41:50 I msg:<***> Logger shutdown
root#streams3:/etc/init.d# ps -C sc_serv
I was still in the process of researching what exactly /dev/null did and why, so I wanted to run those commands with all the /dev/null stuff by hand, which I did, and that's where I got some sort of error code:
root#streams3:/etc/init.d# /home/apps/shout32/sc_serv /home/apps/shout32/sc_plex.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 &
[2] 2261
[2]- Exit 255 /home/apps/shout32/sc_serv /home/apps/shout32/sc_plex.conf > /dev/null 2>&1
root#streams3:/etc/init.d# ps -C sc_serv
Unfortunately from the brief amount of research I did it sounds like 'Exit 225' is like a catch-all error code for codes that are outside of the acceptable range of codes.
The interesting part of the whole issue is this: When I navigate to the /home/apps/shout32/ folder, and run the commands there, without the full path... damn thing works:
root#streams3:/home/apps/shout32# ./sc_serv sc_plex.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 &
[2] 2245
root#streams3:/home/apps/shout32# ps -C sc_serv
2245 pts/0 00:00:00 sc_serv
So, something is messing up because the script file is in /etc/init.d/ and not in the folder the application is in? As far as I know I followed every step in the published tutorials for setting up SHOUTcast in Ubuntu and then making a daemon... I don't think I missed anything. I have a feeling the solution is either staring me right in the face or its some sort of obscure permissions thing that's a bit over my head.
But any help would be greatly appreciated!
So, based on an answer below I added cd /home/apps/shout32/ to the START command in my script, also added pwd and ls... to see if we could eliminate the fact that the script couldn't find the /log/ directory.
So now my script is:
cd /home/apps/shout32/
case "$1" in
echo "Starting SC..."
cd /home/apps/shout32/
echo "Stopping SC..."
kill -9 `ps -C sc_serv -o pid --no-headers`
echo "Rebooting SC..."
kill -9 `ps -C sc_serv -o pid --no-headers`
echo "usage: service sc32d {start | stop | restart}"
exit 1
I got this:
admin#streams3:/etc/init.d$ service sc32d start
Starting SC...
changes.txt readme.txt sc_serv_debug.conf
config_builder sc_plex.conf sc_serv_public.conf
control sc_serv sc_serv_relay.conf
docs sc_serv2_linux_07_31_2011.tar sc_serv_simple.conf
logs sc_serv_basic.conf tos.txt
admin#streams3:/etc/init.d$ 2013-06-05 17:52:08 E msg:<***> logger could not open file logs/sc_serv.log
2013-06-05 17:52:08 I msg:<***> Logger shutdown
your second snippet contains logger could not open file logs/sc_serv.log. So it tries to write to a file sc_serv.log which it either expects or wants to create in the directory logs which it expects in the current directory. This also explains that it works when you cd to /home/apps/shout32/ first. I guess there's a file /home/apps/shout32/logs/sc_serv.log.
can you configure the location of that file?
can't you just add some cd ... at the start of the script?

nohup doesn't work when used with double-ampersand (&&) instead of semicolon (;)

I have a script that uses ssh to login to a remote machine, cd to a particular directory, and then start a daemon. The original script looks like this:
ssh server "cd /tmp/path ; nohup java server 0</dev/null 1>server_stdout 2>server_stderr &"
This script appears to work fine. However, it is not robust to the case when the user enters the wrong path so the cd fails. Because of the ;, this command will try to run the nohup command even if the cd fails.
The obvious fix doesn't work:
ssh server "cd /tmp/path && nohup java server 0</dev/null 1>server_stdout 2>server_stderr &"
that is, the SSH command does not return until the server is stopped. Putting nohup in front of the cd instead of in front of the java didn't work.
Can anyone help me fix this? Can you explain why this solution doesn't work? Thanks!
Edit: cbuckley suggests using sh -c, from which I derived:
ssh server "nohup sh -c 'cd /tmp/path && java server 0</dev/null 1>master_stdout 2>master_stderr' 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null &"
However, now the exit code is always 0 when the cd fails; whereas if I do ssh server cd /failed/path then I get a real exit code. Suggestions?
See Bash's Operator Precedence.
The & is being attached to the whole statement because it has a higher precedence than &&. You don't need ssh to verify this. Just run this in your shell:
$ sleep 100 && echo yay &
[1] 19934
If the & were only attached to the echo yay, then your shell would sleep for 100 seconds and then report the background job. However, the entire sleep 100 && echo yay is backgrounded and you're given the job notification immediately. Running jobs will show it hanging out:
$ sleep 100 && echo yay &
[1] 20124
$ jobs
[1]+ Running sleep 100 && echo yay &
You can use parenthesis to create a subshell around echo yay &, giving you what you'd expect:
sleep 100 && ( echo yay & )
This would be similar to using bash -c to run echo yay &:
sleep 100 && bash -c "echo yay &"
Tossing these into an ssh, and we get:
# using parenthesis...
$ ssh localhost "cd / && (nohup sleep 100 >/dev/null </dev/null &)"
$ ps -ef | grep sleep
me 20136 1 0 16:48 ? 00:00:00 sleep 100
# and using `bash -c`
$ ssh localhost "cd / && bash -c 'nohup sleep 100 >/dev/null </dev/null &'"
$ ps -ef | grep sleep
me 20145 1 0 16:48 ? 00:00:00 sleep 100
Applying this to your command, and we get
ssh server "cd /tmp/path && (nohup java server 0</dev/null 1>server_stdout 2>server_stderr &)"
ssh server "cd /tmp/path && bash -c 'nohup java server 0</dev/null 1>server_stdout 2>server_stderr &'"
Also, with regard to your comment on the post,
Right, sh -c always returns 0. E.g., sh -c exit 1 has error code
this is incorrect. Directly from the manpage:
Bash's exit status is the exit status of the last command executed in
the script. If no commands are executed, the exit status is 0.
$ bash -c "true ; exit 1"
$ echo $?
$ bash -c "false ; exit 22"
$ echo $?
ssh server "test -d /tmp/path" && ssh server "nohup ... &"
Answer roundup:
Bad: Using sh -c to wrap the entire nohup command doesn't work for my purposes because it doesn't return error codes. (#cbuckley)
Okay: ssh <server> <cmd1> && ssh <server> <cmd2> works but is much slower (#joachim-nilsson)
Good: Create a shell script on <server> that runs the commands in succession and returns the correct error code.
The last is what I ended up using. I'd still be interested in learning why the original use-case doesn't work, if someone who understands shell internals can explain it to me!

Bash script send enter key or prevent cat hang

I am currently running a Minecraft server in a screen session with this command:
(tail -f /path/to/fifo & cat) | java -Xmx2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
You can shutdown a minecraft server by sending 'stop' in the server console. I am using the fifo to send commands from other bash scripts, and cat to allow input from the actual Minecraft server console in the screen session.
What happens though, is that if you put the command 'stop' in the actual minecraft console, the server ends up hanging right before it should exit because of the 'cat' command. The only way to get past this, is to press enter again after sending the stop command.
How can I get 'cat' to not cause this to hang?
Edit: The full script.
cleanup() {
rm -f $pidFile
rm -f $fifoFile
if [ ! -p $fifoFile ]; then
mkfifo $fifoFile && chmod 0777 $fifoFile
echo $$ > $pidFile
# restart server if it stops
while true
# how minecraft server should handle an interruption
trap "{ echo 'stop' > $fifoFile ; }" SIGINT
(tail -f $fifoFile & cat) | java -Xmx2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
echo "Restarting server...."
# if interruption occurs before we restart, stop trying to restart and clean up
trap "{ cleanup ; exit 0 ; }" SIGINT SIGTERM
sleep 5
I haven't used a minecraft server, so I don't know if I'm on the right track here, but would this work?
mkfifo $fifo
trap "rm -f $fifo" 0 1 2 3 6 15
/path/to/java -Xmx2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui < $fifo &
echo $? > /path/to/
cat > $fifo
This still doesn't kill off the cat once the server quits, but at least it doesn't block the server. You might want to launch the minecraft server in a function that kills the cat when it exits. I suggest keeping the .pid file for possible future use. :-)
