Starting an application located in an Alternate Data Stream - windows-7

On Windows 7, starting a program located in an Alternate Data Stream (e.g. start c:\temp\application.exe:hiddenProgram.exe) does not work anymore!
Using Process Monitor, I see that the access result is OK, but somehow, the OS is blocking access to this file. On Vista and earlier versions, this method used to work.
Does anyone knows how to start it using windows 7 ?

Do what Marc Russinovich does with the Sysinternals tools: store additional executables as resources in the main EXE and unpack them when needed.
There is an additional advantage over ADS: portability. ADS do not survive being stored on FAT formatted volumes, for example.
This technique can indeed be helpful if you want to distribute single EXEs that unpack required device drivers or other helper tools when needed (-> Sysinternals).


How find a process which removed/moved a given file in Windows

Suppose I have some files removed (or probably moved or renamed) in a Windows machine. Now I would like to find out what process removes/moves them. How can I do it?
Assuming that you need this in code, the only option is to have a filesystem filter driver intercept the requests and capture the information you need. Our CallbackFilter product lets one do this in user-mode (the driver is included).
Other options (not in code) are enable audit on the files in question and use ProcMon tool (Process Monitor by Sysinternals) to monitor the files.

How to create a 'sandbox' with a virtualised registry for an application?

We have a 3rd party native application (written in C I believe) which we want to run multiple instances of on a machine.
however the application reads and writes from one particular registry key in order to find the location of a config file. It reads this location continuously during its running. The registry key is in HKLM. this means that if we try and run 2 different instances of the app with 2 different locations for the config file the processes tread on each others toes.
Is it possible to 'virtualise' the registry (or run each process in a sandbox) that the processes are using so that they can both think they are writing to a single location, but actually they are writing and reading from somewhere different and they won't step on each others toes?
There are several options to virtualize a program:
Creating your own virtualization software is much more complicated and would require an entire coarse on programming and hooking library calls using the windows SDK.
However an easier option that doesn't require setting up and running additional software for each copy of the program I suggest creating multiple copies of the program and hex editing each executable.
Make as many copies of the application as you need to run, then open the application file in a hex editor and search for the name of the registry key, ie:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
Then change the last byte to a digit for each different version (1 byte, 0-9) ie:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manage1
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manage2
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manage3
For more than 10 differences (2 bytes, 00-99) use the last two bytes:
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manag01
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manag02
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manag03
While the solution from Joshua will work for this particular application, it might not work for others (f.e. where the registry path is constructed in code or when the application is signed).
Therefore, I would suggest using DLL injection and intercept calls to RegOpenKey(Ex), RegCreateKey(Ex), etc. That way, you can fiddle with the registry path before passing the call down to the real Windows Advapi32.dll.
Some great articles about API hooking:
API Hooking and DLL Injection on Windows
API Hooking with MS Detours
Yes, Sandboxie can run multiple instances of an app, each in it's own "Sandbox" which it believes to be the entire universe. But you can also access the data directly through the normal ways if you need to.
So in other words, Sandboxie lets you see all the registry changes that were made in the app's operations, and you can roll them back if you like.
Yes, you can virtualize the application, this technology is called Application Virtualization.
Try Cameyo is a software used to build virtual application.
A virtual application is a single EXE file that holds an entire application including files, DLLs and registry. Virtual apps are isolated from your system and can be copied & moved from one computer to another without installation.

Windows 7 and VB6: Event Error ID 1000

I have a completely random error popping up on a particular piece of software out in the field. The application is a game written in VB6 and is running on Windows 7 64-bit. Every once in a while, the app crashes, with a generic "program.exe has stopped responding" message box. This game can run fine for days on end until this message appears, or within a matter of hours. No exception is being thrown.
We run this app in Windows 2000 compatibility mode (this was its original OS), with visual themes disabled, and as an administrator. The app itself is purposely simple in terms of using external components and API calls.
Visual Basic for Applications
Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures
Visual Basic objects and procedures
OLE Automation
Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library
Microsoft Data Formatting Object Library
Microsoft Comm Control 6.0
Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6)
Resizer XT
As you can see, these are pretty straightforward, Microsoft-standard tools, for the most part. The database components exist to interact with an Access database used for bookkeeping, and the Resizer XT was inserted to move this game more easily from its original 800x600 resolution to 1920x1080.
There is no networking enabled on the kiosks; no network drivers, and hence no connections to remote databases. Everything is encapsulated in a single box.
In the Windows Application event log, when this happens, there is an Event ID 1000 faulting a seemingly random module -- so far, either ntdll.dll or lpk.dll. In terms of API calls, I don't see any from ntdll.dll. We are using kernel32, user32, and winmm, for various file system and sound functions. I can't reproduce as it is completely random, so I don't even know where to start troubleshooting. Any ideas?
EDIT: A little more info. I've tried several different versions of Dependency Walker, at the suggestion of some other developers, and the latest version shows that I am missing IESHIMS.dll and GRPSVC.dll (these two seems to be well-known bugs in Depends.exe), and that I have missing symbols in COMCTRL32.dll and IEFRAME.dll. Any clues there?
The message from the application event log isn't that useful - what you need is a post mortem process dump from your process - so you can see where in your code things started going wrong.
Every time I've seen one of these problems it generally comes down to a bad API parameter rather than something more exotic, this may be caused by bad data coming in, but usually it's a good ol fashioned bug that causes the problem.
As you've probably figured already this isn't going to be easy to debug; ideally you'd have a repeatable failure case to debug, instead of relying on capturing dump files from a remote machine, but until you can make it repeatable remote dumps are the only way forwards.
Dr Watson used to do this, but is no longer shipped, so the alternatives are:
How to use the Userdump.exe tool to create a dump file
Sysinternals ProcDump
Collecting User-Mode dumps
What you need to get is a minidump, these contain the important parts of the process space, excluding standard modules (e.g. Kernel32.dll) - and replacing the dump with a version number.
There are instructions for Automatically Capturing a Dump When a Process Crashes - which uses cdb.exe shipped with the debugging tools, however the crucial item is the registry key \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
You can change your code to add better error handling - especially useful if you can narrow down the cause to a few procedures and use the techniques described in Using symbolic debug information to locate a program crash. to directly process the map files.
Once you've got a minidump and the symbol files WinDbg is the tool of choice for digging into these dumps - however it can be a bit of a voyage to discover what the cause is.
The only other thing I'd consider, and this depends on your application structure, is to attempt to capture all input events for replay.
Another option is to find a copy of VMWare 7.1 which has replay debugging and use that as the first step in capturing a reproducible set of steps.
Right click your executable object and let it be WINXP compatible pending
when you discover source of the problem to finally solve it

Windows - download a file on-demand, when FileNotFound in file system?

I want to put some sort of "hook" into windows (only has to work on Windows Server 2008 R2 and above) which when I ask for a file on disk and it's not there it then requests it from a web server and caches it locally.
The files are immutable and have unique file names.
The application which is trying to open these files is written in C and just opens a file using the operating system in the normal way. Say it calls OpenFile asking for c:\scripts\1234.12.script, and that is there then it will just open it normally. If then it asks for c:\scripts\1234.13.script and it isn't then my hook in the operating system will then go and ask my web service for the file, download it and then return that file as it it were there all the time.
I'd prefer to write this as a usermode process (I've never written a windows driver), it should only fire when files are not found in a specific folder, and I'd prefer if possible to write it in a managed language (C# would be perfect). The files are small (< 50kB) and the web service is fast and the internet connection blinding so I'm not expecting it to take more than a second to download the file.
My question is - where do I start looking for information about this kind of thing? And if anyone has done anything similar - do you know what options I have (eg can it be done in C#?)?
You would need to create a kernel-mode filesystem filter driver which would intercept requests for opening such files and would "fake" those files. I should say that this is a very complicated task even for driver development. Our CallbackFilter product would be able to solve your problem however mechanism for "faking" files is not yet ready (we plan this feature for CallbackFilter 3). Until then I don't know any user-mode solutions (frankly speaking, no kernel-mode solutions as well) that would solve your problem.
If you can change the folder the application is accessing, then you can create a virtual file system and map it to the drive letter or a folder on NTFS drive. From the virtual file system you can direct most requests to/from real disk and if the file doesn't exist, you can download the file and cache it. Our other product, Callback File System, lets you do what I described in user-mode. If you have a one-time task you need to accomplish, and don't have a budget for it, please contact us anyway and maybe we can find some solution. There also exists an open-source solution with similar (but not so comprehensive) functionality named Dokan, yet I will refrain from commenting on its quality.
You can also try Dokan , it open source and you can check its discussion group for question and guides.

Rewrite Registry File in Windows

I have been trying to find a way to "defragment" the registry on my Windows machine. Firstly, does this make sense? Any benefits in doing this? (Not much love on Secondly, I am looking for a way to rewrite the registry using C/C++ with Windows API. Is there a way to read the registry and write it to a new file getting rid of unused bytes along the way? (I might have to write the new file and then boot into another OS/disk before I can overwrite the original... but I am willing to take that risk.)
Microsoft's PageDefrag does exactly this, as it states on its page "PageDefrag uses the standard file defragmentation APIs to defragment the files."
(A copy of the linked article is here because in typical MSDN style their link is dead.) - NTREGOPT NT Registry Optimizer
Similar to Windows 9x/Me, the registry files in an NT-based system
can become fragmented over time, occupying more space on your hard
disk than necessary and decreasing overall performance. You should
use the NTREGOPT utility regularly, but especially after installing
or uninstalling a program, to minimize the size of the registry files
and optimize registry access.
The program works by recreating each registry hive "from scratch",
thus removing any slack space that may be left from previously
modified or deleted keys. - Offreg.dll MS WDK Offline Registry Library
The offline registry library (Offreg.dll) is used to modify a registry hive outside the active system registry. This library is intended for registry update scenarios such as servicing an operating system image. The library supports registry hive formats starting with Windows XP.
Developer Audience - Offline Registry MS WDK Command-Line Tool
A command line tool that will allow one to read and write to an offline registry hive.
Reading the values should be possible.
But I've never seen any spec for how the registry files are written to disk, and unless you could find one you'd have to reverse engineer those files in your OS (might be differences between XP and 7 etc). Then you have to remember that the registry isn't just one file, it's multiple files and some of them belongs to certain users and I think they use SIDs rather than user names so even if you move them to a new computer, you have to be sure it's the same OS version with the same users with the same SIDs set up on it.
All this for little or no gain so I'd agree with the superuser users that it wouldn't make sense.
