Change WizardForm.TasksList offset - windows

When I change WizardForm.TasksList.Offset to 20, the result looks like this:
When I change it to 120, it looks like this:
The problem is, I need it 120, but I don't want any space between the checkbox and it's label.
You can see that with offset 120 it looks just awful, because of that space. I want the space to appear only at the left side, not in the middle. Is there any way to accomplish that?
It actually looks like a bug to me, because offsetting on both sides of the "checkbox square" just doesn't make any sense. Or does it?

Instead of WizardForm.TasksList.Offset, does setting WizardForm.TasksList.Left := 120; work for your needs?
Seems to move the checkbox over but not affect spacing otherwise.

According to Jordan Russell (author of Inno Setup), this is not possible.


How to measure margin between font-elements in XD?

It seems not possible to view the exact margin between font-elements in XD (dev-view). Below you'll find a screenshot of a situation where we need to measure the exact distance between two Font-elements (XD developer-view).
It needs to bypass the line-height, but it doesn't. To be able to do this, we need the line-height to be zero. But when we edit the line-height in XD for a word or sentence on a single row, XD does not change that line-height.
Anybody encountered the same situation?
In this example the line-height is 32. We go to XD. Change it to zero, save it and SHARE FOR DEVELOPMENT. But the line-height remains 32. Also changing it to 1 instead of zero won't make any difference.
To fix this issue, you have to select the Text within Adobe XD. Right Click and select Path > Convert to Path. The margins around the Text will disappear and when in DEVELOPMENT view it becomes possible to see the right margin. A small problem remains. When you want to edit the text when it's a shape, you have to delete it and place a new text and turn it into a shape again. the text when converted to a shape
The default selector in Adobe XD will not give you the exact margin between two text. You have to convert the text layer into paths (Convert to Outlines) to get the exact margin.
But remember after converting text layer into path the text cannot be edited because now the letter are separate vector shapes.
To convert text layer into Path, select the layer and goto Object>Path>Click Convert to Path
You can use the Guides to drag one below your text and another one on top of the second text, and then you can see the distance between the 2 guides.
Check this youtube video for a quick tutorial on it. This is going to be a manual action. I don't think there's a key to press to check the distance automatically.

Grey line and area in primary editor window in XCode

Does anybody know where this line and the grey area to the right of it comes from?
If it's just a bug, feel free to close this question!
That line is there to give you an impression on how long your lines should be. It's good practice to keep your code within a certain width, so its readable on different resolutions.
That is the Page Guide.
You can disable it here...
By unchecking this...
You can also change the distance that it shows.
It's there to show where your code would wrap on a standard 80 character width terminal.

allowRotation in SceneKit?

How can I disallow rotation of a node in SceneKit?
For ex., I want a model (cone) to be dynamic, jumping and flying, but always vertically oriented?
I tried fix it like in apple's vehicle demo, it is bad solution. Also I tried below code, but model just slowly and glitchy falls down
- (void)renderer:(id<SCNSceneRenderer>)aRenderer didSimulatePhysicsAtTime:(NSTimeInterval)time{
_node.rotation = SCNVector4Make(0, 0, 0, 0);
//[_node.physicsBody resetTransform]; // - tried this too
...and finally I did not find any "allowRotation=NO" in scenekit manuals.
Instead of a Boolean allowsRotation flag like in SpriteKit, SceneKit lets you choose which directions a body is allowed to rotate in and by how much. See the angularVelocityFactor property.
This is probably a better idea than toggling the mass between different values — that approach looks like it could be unintended behavior, so you might not want to rely on it.
If you want to mix physics simulation and manual transforms, make sure to use a "kinematicBody" and not a "dynamicBody".
Ahaha, I found some bug solving this problem (but this is a bug, so it is weird)
create node
set mass=1
add node to scene
set mass=0 - this makes it static and unmovable, but...
set mass=1 - this makes it dynamic, jumping and falling but with fixed rotation!
iOS 8.0.2 iPad mini
Simple solution:
node.physicsBody?.allowsRotation = false

Box keeps resizing Interface Builder

Still a n00b (sorry) and I wondered if there is a solution this rather simple quandry which I cannot find an answer for (probably because it is so simple).
Basically I have a label which is inside a custom box. When I change the box size and then hit run the box size changes back to another random annoying size. It sounds simple enough but can I change it so that it sticks to the definitions I set. I have a series of labels and it would be great if the layout were the same. Thanks.
Turn off 'Live Autoresizing' in the menu.

How to use full-page background image leaving space for binding?

In Latex how can you make the background image to occupy the whole sheet on every page except a certain stripe on the inner side of each page? I can't figure it out.
I have a background image I'd like to be seen in whole on each page after printing/binding.
There's some rather scary LaTeX hackery involving putting a picture environment under every page and using \includegraphics to put an image into that environment. You'll have to adjust the size of the image using the width option, and if you want even and odd pages you'll have to check the page number to know whether to shift the image right or left by changing \put(0,0) to \put(3,0) for example.
For page number testing try something on the order of
\ifodd\count0 ...stuff for odd-numbered pages ...
\else ... stuff for even-numbered pages ...
This isn't really a full answer but will be enough to get you started.
Honestly, I'd just add the white space in the image :)
Well, I was thinking of something like this.
Is this really so rare need to have? I myself need such a thing for the first time now but I don't feel it a so big oddity. It's strange for me that if you want a background to change over even and odd pages, just like normal text do, you need to feel betraying Latex logics. Or maybe I'm too fanatic of this challenge of mine and I want to feel the whole tex world change to fulfill my wishes. :)
Thank you for the answers!
