Windows 7 application issue - only appears in taskbar - windows

I have an issue where a program that runs fine under windows xp has stopped working with windows 7. The application appears to start fine then disappears with only the taskbar icon remaining. If you hover over the taskbar icon you can see the application and it kind of looks correct but selecting it does nothing. I cannot seem to get the application to actually appear. Has anyone experienced anything like this and is aware of any possible solutions?
Recent builds have worked with windows 7 in the past and I don't believe any significant changes were made before this issue arrived.

It may be the program is running but somewhere off screen. Shift-right-click the taskbar button and select "Move." Press the arrow keys to begin the move, then move your mouse to attach the movement to the mouse cursor. See if that brings the app to the primary monitor.
If not, you may have an incompatibility issue which will require more research/investigation.

Holding down the Windows key and the letter P at the same time will allow you to change your projector settings. Select the "Duplicate" option. As mentioned above, this usually occurs when you typically use a dual monitor but switch to a single monitor.


Windows 8.1 thinks I have a touch screen

I have a problem - when accidentally launching any of native Windows apps and alt-tabbing to normal ones, then I have a hint (that occupies a fair quarter of the screen), that I can swipe between apps (screenshot is in Russian, but that's what it says).
The things is that I know for sure that my display is not a touch-screen, so how can I persuade Windows into believing that?
At the moment I have to reboot every time I got it (couldn't find any related process in the task manager to kill).
Actually a reply by #David.
You can move mouse to the upper left corner [to switch between apps], but also makes the swipe hint to hide.
Thanks, #David!

Tabbing between Xcode project windows?

Basically I am supposed to press Command + the [`~] button that is above the Tab.
This question has been answered twice here:
Tabbing between Xcode projects?
Navigate Between Projects in XCode 4.0
But it just wont work for me, has anything changed in the xcode versions? or the way the mac behaves?
When I press this combination all I hear is the "invalid" sound.
I am using the newest Mac OS mountain lion.
Sorry if this belong to the super user stack overflow I just figured more Xcode users would be found here.
I can do the swipe on the mouse pad to bring the screen where I see all the active windows for the current application... but this is much slower than just tabbing between the 2 projects I'm usually working with.
Do I infer from your comment about using the three finger swipe (for Mission Control) that the second window is not on the same desktop as the other windows? The command+` sequence only jumps between windows on the same desktop, not between different desktops (which is not to be confused with two physical monitors, which you can jump between, if you have multiple monitors hooked up to your computer).
The inability of command+` to not jump between desktops is a little curious, because command+tab, which jumps between apps, does go across desktops. If you want to jump between desktops, you can press control+1 or control+2 to jump to desktop 1 or 2, respectively. It should be noted, though, that while that might be a good alternative when trying to jump between your two desktops, though it admittedly selects the last active window in that other desktop, not necessarily a window from your current app in that other desktop. Also control+left and control+right let you jump between desktops, too.
This is a Mac OS "feature", not an Xcode issue, I believe. The command+` ability to jump between windows (but not windows across Mission Control desktops) is the same behavior across the Mac OS.
If this keyboard shortcut is not working at all, in any app, even within a single Mission Control desktop, then you don't need to worry about Xcode settings, but rather focus your attention on the keyboard settings:
You might want to look at your "Move focus to the next window" keyboard shortcut. There have been reported problems of people with international keyboards not getting this to work properly, but by clicking on (and thereby selecting) the command+` graphic, you can try using different keyboard shortcut, and see if that does it for you.
I have mountain lion as far as i know.
How about this?
control + down
You'll get the current application windows.
Below them there should be a horizontal list of recent projects for Xcode (both opened and closed). With arrows left or right choose the project (it should be highlighted with blue) and press enter.

Win7 and multiple monitors: switch focus when moving mouse to different monitor?

I recently upgraded to a dual monitor setup at work, and while the extra real estate is very nice, there's one annoyance: my intuitive reaction is that there are two "active" windows now, namely the topmost window in each monitor -- and I frequently get surprised when keyboard events go to the actual active window, rather than the one I've moused over and am looking at.
There's a setting in the control panel that gives this effect (ease of access -> make the mouse easier to use -> activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse) but it also acts on windows within the same monitor, which I don't want.
I frequently use my ThinkPad's scrolling function on unfocused windows which I don't want to receive focus, which come to think of it probably adds to my confusion, since I can scroll my email in the other window but my keyboard shortcuts don't go there.
Is there any way to achieve this effect or am I just wishing?
Yeah, get a Mac :-p
In all seriousness OS X does provide this functionality. It might be worth searching for an add on that does the same sort of thing. I know of Wizmouse --
There might be more though.
AT LAST!!! Windows 10 has this support :-)
You can change the settings to use classic windows appearance etc. and try to focus on the border color of the window. The board changes on the active window.
I use two monitors and there really isn't much you can do besides change your behavior.
Select things from the taskbar, drag active windows to the same screen and always refer to inactive windows by moving them to the inactive windows monitor and remember to go back to the window you want to be active.

Xcode window positions when switching from dual to single monitor

When I'm working at home I plug my MacBook in to my 20" monitor as a second (right side) monitor. I do all my editing in Xcode on the larger monitor, and leave the menu bar, debugging and documentation on the laptop's monitor.
The problem is when I disconnect from the second monitor and want to work on code in "laptop" mode. Now, whenever I open a file for editing, it shows up almost entirely off the screen and I have to drag it over to edit it. I understand (sort of) why this is happening, since I last had it open in a different monitor. What I'd like to do is reset the window positions in Xcode so the edit windows show up completely on the laptop monitor. Any ideas on how to do this?
I'd even be willing to nuke entries out of the preferences (or set up an applescript to do it) but the xcode plist is inscrutable to me.
Right click the project in finder, select show package contents, and delete the two username.* files. Its not automated... but it works.
Additionally if your using some kind of version control system you probably want to add username.* to your ignore pattern.

Sticky mouse when dragging controls in VS2005

Maybe this is a dumb question, but I have the following behavior in Visual Studio 2005 while designing forms:
1 - Drop a control onto the form (suppose it's a Label, just for discussion)
2 - Drag that label to a specific location (aligning w/other controls, whatever)
3 - Release the mouse button
4 - The control is still stuck to the mouse!!!
To get it un-stuck from the mouse, I have to hit ESC, which restores the Label to it's original location.
This is driving me nuts. I literally have to use the arrow keys to move each control into place, pixel-by-pixel. I don't observe this behavior anywhere else in VS2005, nor do I observe it in the OS in general.
I am running on Windows XP inside a Parallels Virtual Machine, hosted on OS X. I don't think there is a driver problem though, b/c as I already said, no other apps demonstrate anything like this.
Please tell me there is some tiny checkbox buried somewhere that will turn off this behavior.
Sounds like you might have ClickLock enabled (or a similar feature). Try this:
Go to Control Panel in Windows
Open the Mouse control panel
Go to the Activities tab
Deselect ClickLock
If that doesn't work, maybe you have a similar feature in OS X?
This problem spread to other applications within my VM, so I reinstalled Parallels tools and it went away.
