Make Visual Studio not to compile any projects - visual-studio

Is it possible to tell VS not to recompile some projects every time and use already compiled dll-s instead?

You can exclude any project from building in Configuration manager. Just unselect desired projects in Build column. You still will be able to debug those projects.

Instead of project references, you can add the compiled DLLs as references.
Any such referenced project will not rebuild if not changed.
However, since the references will now be to DLLs, you need some strategy to keep them synchronized and up to date with your code.

As I understood your question, you have a solution with multiple projects and you seem to have dependency of some of them on some other.
VS will always compile all the "loaded" projects. But when you add a reference to a project, add it directly to a (preferred) DLL assembly file, and not to one of the projects. This way the other project will be compiled but you are referencing the same DLL assembly over and over. Since if you reference the project, the output of the project is always what you reference actually.


How to combine two dependent projects in Visual Studio

I have a solution which has two projects. One is a static link library project, and another is a console project for demo. Now I want to create a MFC project to replace the console project, what should I do to configure the MFC project.
the MFC project need to use some classes in the .lib project.
I have set MFC project as start project and depend on the .lib project.
My platform is win7 + vs2015.
Actually, the solution is EasyPR, you can get it here EasyPR.
Thanks for any help.
Setting the dependency to the static library is one step.
To compile the code you may need headers for the compiler. So the MFC projects may need settings for the compiler to define additional include paths.
You still need to configure the linker to use and find the library. To reference the library you may use a pragma comment lib. In the linker settings you may add an additional path for the libraries.
Or you may simply drag the lib into the solution explorer. The build mechanism will know how to treat a lib and will include it into the build process. The later will only work if you have 1 lib for release and debug.
If you have different libs for release and debug a advise you to use different names. You may adjust the project settings of the MFC program for debug and release differently.

How to get Visual Studios build system to understand unmanaged dependencies of managed dlls?

When building managed code Visual Studio correctly (and recursively) copies dlls of referenced managed projects to the output folder of the project being build.
However, if one the of those references is a managed DLL that depends on unmanaged dlls then these unmanaged DLLs are not copied to the output folder, even though their corresponding projects in the same solution and are listed as dependencies of the managed DLL.
I realize that this problem can be resolved by having all projects use the same output folder. We already do that for most projects, but we prefer to keep unit test output folders separate, causing the above issue for unit tests that use a managed Dll with unmanaged dependencies.
The solution we are using right now is a pre-build event to copy the necessary DLLs but this wastes time and is error-prone as it needs to be repeated for every project that uses the managed DLL.
I would therefore like to know if there is a way to get the build system to understand that it should always copy the unmanaged dependencies of the managed DLL whenever it decides to copy the managed DLL?
One workaround seems to be to add another node to the managed DLL project, naming the unmanaged DLL and setting the Build Action = "None", and Copy to Output Directory = "Copy if Newer".
Edit: For building a C++/CLR project, I think this would work:
Add the node, and set its build tool to Custom Build Tool. Then, in the Custom Build Step page, set the Command to copy $(InputPath) $(OutDir) and the Outputs to $(OutDir)\$(InputFileName). Looks like that should work.

Visual Studio: How to make one solution depend on another?

Is it possible to make a solution in VS depend on (i.e. include) an entire other solution? I've seen some stuff about "Solution Folders", but these don't seem to be the same thing....? Thanks! (BTW, I'm using VS 2008)
Not really. You'd have to do one of the following:
Make a build script that builds the solutions in the correct order.
Pre-build solution A, and only reference the built binary outputs from it in solution B.
Make a third solution containing all of the projects from both solutions.
The first two items are the most common, where I personally prefer the second.
This post is old, but these days you can easily reuse dependencies in other solutions by building nuget packages for all of them. VS 2015 has nuget package building built in but is currently a Release Candidate. In Visual Studio 2013 you can use the Nuget.Packaging nuget package to allow your project to build as a Nuget Package.
Then you can just publish new versions of your packages to a local network share and configure it as a Repository in Visual Studio.
Then your other solution's projects can depend on that package.
For example, say you have a reusable Utility DLL in a Solution Called "Core Framework" and you want to use a utility in there on a WebSite you are building in a solution called "XYZEcosystem".
In the CoreFramework solution you would build a nuget package for the Utility Project that compiles to the utility dll and include the dll and it's pdb file in the package.
Then you publish that to your network share.
So let's say your package has an ID like "XYZ.Core.Utilities" with a version of
Now in XYZEcosystem you would use the package manager console, set the repository drop down to your repository and type "Install-Package XYZ.Core.Utilities" and it will install the latest version of XYZ.Core.Utilities.
If you make a change to XYZ.Core.Utilities you can run Update-Package XYZ.Core.Utilities on XYZEcosystem and it will pick up the new version.
Take a look here:
Actually the method described adds all projects from another solution to the current solution, not quite what we want, but at least this saves time adding all of the projects manually one by one.
A solution is a collection of assemblies that build to create some kind of executable or dll. Having one solution depend on another does not make sense. The output assembly (executable/dll) depends on the assemblies that it references. If your solution depends on other assemblies, then reference them. You can add projects to your solution (File>Add>Existing Project) and then you can add refences these projects from your output project.
You cannot do that. And why would you want to?
Simply add all the projects that you depend on (the projects in the 'other' solution) to the solution.
Then use project references (not file references) between the projects.

Visual Studio (2008) mixed mode project dependencies. C-sharp project depends on C++ dll, but C++ dll is not getting re-built

I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution with two projects in it. A C++ DLL and a Csharp application.
The Csharp application uses [DllImport] to access the functions in the DLL, and has a dependency set on the DLL.
For some reason, setting the dependency isn't sufficient to cause VS to copy the DLL to the build path of the app. So the app project has a post-build event which causes the DLL to get copied. (If anyone knows of a cleaner way of doing this, please let me know!)
The problem I have is that when I make a change to the DLL code, then attempt to run the Csharp application in the debugger, VS2008 fails to realise that the DLL must be rebuilt (and re-copied).
I have to force a re-build of the Csharp application (ie by explicitly choosing build, or by "touching" a .CS file).
Does anyone know how to tell Visual Studio to do the right thing?
I am using project dependencies. They aren't working correctly.
I am using a post-build event to copy the DLL across.
The issue is that, if you simply choose to debug the application, Visual Studio fails to recompile the changed C++ project, despite the fact that there is a dependency in place.
I know the dependency is working, because if I choose "Build" (as opposed to "Debug") the C++ DLL is built.
"Build" and "Debug" do different things. In Tools - Options - Projects and Solutions - Build and Run, there is a checkbox "Only build startup projects and dependencies on Run". This is checked by default. So, if VS isn't recognising the DLL as a dependency, it won't build it when you choose "Debug".
I don't have VS to hand (only Express), but you could try adding the C++ DLL as a reference rather than a dependency.
Hmm... so I haven't done this exact thing before but I just threw together a C++ lib project and a C# winform project in the same solution. I right-clicked the solution, chose Properties and then under Common Properties->Project Dependencies, I made the C# one depend on the C++ one.
When I make a mod to the C++ one, it will ask me if I want to rebuild the C++ one. There's a "Don't ask me" checkbox too.
Maybe my test is different than your situation, but it seemed to work when I did that.
Hope that is some help.
Assuming the DLL project isn't used in another solution, why not put the post-build event on the DLL app project, so it is always copied?
I've not tried, but can't you do this with the build order?
I have experienced this same issue with applications that have DLL project dependencies. It seems to me that the problem is that Visual Studio only launches the post-build event if it has to recompile something in the Application's project. So, if you modify the DLL source without modifying any of the headers that the Application includes, then the Application is not recompiled because from it's perspective the DLL is the same. Since the application is not recompiled, the post-build event is not triggered. So, the Application is left with out of date DLLs. I have yet to come up with a good solution to this problem.

What do you do about references when unloading a project in Visual Studio?

When you unload a project in Visual Studio, any referencing projects get warning triangles on their reference to the unloaded project. I've written myself a macro to do clever stuff (detect add/remove of project and transform any references from-to file/project dependency), but I can't believe that I'm not missing something much simpler. How can the unload function be any use if I have to go around manually changing references (and it breaks the 'personal solutions/shared projects' team development paradigm).
(This question is related to answers to this question about structuring large solutions in Visual Studio - some answers mentioned having solutions with lots of projects, but 'unloading' unused projects to improve performance.)
For my projects, I create an assemblies folder which the projects automatically copy into from a set location to which other projects copy builds.
Post-build for referenced assembly's project:
if not exist "C:\builds\Project1" md "C:\builds\Project1\"
copy "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).*" "C:\builds\Project1\"
Pre-build for referencing projects:
if exist "c:\builds\Project1\" copy "c:\builds\Project1*.*" "$(ProjectDir)assemblies"
The project file points to its assemblies subfolder for references so even if the source projects are unloaded from the solution, the last-built assemblies will be used without the performance problems of having the whole project in memory while developing.
What are the advantages of having projects in the same solution if you use file references?
If your app.exe uses utils.dll and you change the code for utils.dll, then if it's in the same solution VS will notice the dependency and recompile both. If it's not in the solution you'll have to jump out, recompile utils.dll seperately, then jump back in and recompile app.exe.
This becomes either more or less important depending on how many other dll's your exe is referencing, and how often they change (in team environments shared dll's change often in my experience).
There is also the side effect that if you have 100 projects in VS it will take a long time to process them all just to figure out if they need recompiling or not.
Unloading projects is meant to be a temporary action so you can edit the actual project file as XML (text). If you want to completely remove a project from your solution, you should use the "Remove" menu option, which will take care of removing any references to that project.
One advantage to using project references is that it allows you to easily debug through the code. It also automatically ensures that you are using the correct configuration build (ie, if you are building in "Debug" mode it will use the Debug version of the assembly). That being said, you loose some determinisim about which version/build of the dependent project you will pick up - project references mean you always use the latest.
Yes, for Visual Studio to determine build dependencies it must be able to see and build all of the projects which would mean project references.
I've just had a eureka moment reading through MSDN doc on structuring solutions and projects.
What I hadn't noticed is that in a multi-project solution, the context menu in the Solution Explorer proposes a Project Dependencies popup. Here you can define the project dependencies manually, if you haven't defined them by project references between projects.
See here (MSDN link, so will self destruct after a few weeks)
