Tweak Visual Studio open file Tabs - visual-studio

In VS2008, specifically:
Is it possible to add "close all" as well as "close all but this"?
Can we add a close button to each tab, like in FF, rather than having to right-click?

Is it possible to add "close all" as well as "close all but this"?
That's spelled "Window/Windows", Ctrl+A, "Close Window(s)"
Can we add a close button to each tab, like in FF, rather than having to right-click?
I don't think there's anything built in for this, and I doubt that any plugin could tweak the UI that much. You might make a feature request, though.

PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2008 add Close All to tab context menu. Tabs Studio add-in (developed by me) add a close button to each tab.


How to disable the document well in Visual Studio 2015?

The document well is the feature in VS 2015 that closes a tab automatically when you switch to a different tab, unless you click the "Keep Open" button in the tab.
I find this very annoying, because often I will open a tab during debugging only to have it disappear after which I have to go hunting for the file again.
Is there a way to disable this feature, i.e. to keep all tabs open permanently, the way VS 2013 did?
I've looked in Tools\Options, and also did a quick web search, but couldn't find a way to do this.
Uncheck the Allow new files to be opened in the preview tab option:

visual studio 2010 toolbox standard controls missing

I have created an project in visual studio 2010 ultimate edition.
I can't see Standard, Data etc toolbox tabs, I can only see Telerik and HTML controls.
I tried to reset the toolbox, tried to delete C:\Users\mypcuser\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\*.tbd.
I also tried devenv /ResetSkipPkgs but nothing worked for me.
Please suggest a Solution thanks!
This may help you.
In the Toolbox, select the tab where you want to add the control.
Right-click the Toolbox and select Choose Items from the shortcut menu.
The Choose Toolbox Items dialog box opens. The following illustration shows the Choose Toolbox Items dialog box.
Try to right click on the Toolbox and select "Reset Toolbox"
The common controls should appear in the Dialog Editor list along with all the MFC ones that I seem to be limited to when the problem happens.
I have this happen frequently. I don't know what causes it, but this fix always works and is fine for me since I didn't customize anything.
This will help you...
In Visual studio, go to view-toolbar-check standard and layout..
Then restart the visual studio and be sure on design page and check for toolbox..
Now the standard toolbox items will appear.. Thanks.
Just for the Future Viewer of this page
VS 2010 standard ToolBox cannot be viewed.
Mostly this is happen on a first run.
It solved the problem with Ctrl + Alt + X in your keyboard.

Split button in a tool window toolbar

i'm writing a visual studio 2010 extension and got a ToolWindow with a ToolWindowToolbar.
in my toolbar i want to add a split button that while pressing the button (left part) will show the 'open file' dialog, and when pressing the arrow (right part) will show a list of recently opened files.
i have tried several ways to no avail, can you help?
This thread from MSDN Visual Studio Extensibility Forum might help you.
"Bitmap icon does not appear on a SplitDropDown button in Visual Studio toolbar"
see solution in this discussion

Visual Studio 2010 tab close button

I'm used to having the 'x' close button that closes each tab you have open positioned on the right, the way it is in VS 2008. In 2010, each tab has it's own 'x' close. I like this but would also like to have the old close button too. Anyway of doing this?
There's an extension that will let you do this: Productivity Power Tools. After installing, if you go to Tools->Options...->Productivity Power Tools->General you can check the "Show close button at end of well" box. If you want the close button in both places, also check the "Show close button" box.

How to open header file (.h) in visual studio 2005

I'm tired of right clicking on the header file in c++ and choosing open document "blahblah.h"
Is there a keyboard shortcut?
I don't have VS 2005 installed anymore, so I can't guarantee it, but in 2008 you don't need a macro or VA-X for this (though you certainly want Visual Assist X if you don't have it). I don't recall much change in this for quite a while, so I'd expect it to work in VS 2005 as well.
Select Customize... from the Tools menu. Click on the Keyboard button at the bottom left corner of the dialog that comes up. In the "Show Commands Containing" field, type in "header". One of the commands that shows up should be something like "EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.GotoHeaderFile". Select that. In the Press Shortcut Keys field, press the keys you want to use to open the header file.
You need to use Visual Assist or write a macro.
