is it possible to make the caret jump between highlighted text snippets in Scintilla? - scintilla

I want to know if it is possible with Scintilla API to make something like the following.
I have the following call:
cook(foo , bar);
where foo and bar are only highlighted and the caret is at the beginning of foo.
now if i type anything, it will override foo, and if I pressed Tab, the caret will jump to the highlighted bar.

FingerText does this with snippets (for Notepad++), but the majority of it uses Scintilla, so I would imagine it should be possible to fairly easily adapt it for another Scintilla based editor.


Smart indent effect on completion (intelliSense) sessions

I am writing a Visual Studio extension which provides intelliSense for a certain content type.
The problem that I am facing now is the effect of "Auto Indent" that Visual Studio provides on empty lines when user types a character.
Here a completion session started on an empty line (over virtual spaces):
Notice the tab symbols on the other lines and no tab on the line with caret on it.
Now when use starts typing, VS automatically and correctly adds necessary tab characters to the line:
Now the problem is those Added tabs apparently become part of the user input and as a result CurrentSession.SelectedCompletionSet.SelectBestMatch() or Filter() method cannot find the current item which starts with "C" here (thinking user has typed \t\tC instead).
If I start the session on anywhere else which does not require auto indent everything works fine.
Any idea?
Edit (more information): I used a code flow very similar to:
Ook here
vsLua here
vsClojure here
In Lua and Clojure you wouldn't face this problem because they never provide intelliSense on virtual spaces (meaning they always start after a certain set of characters) and if you start after a character virtual spaces are already turned into real spaces.
Ook on the other had has the same problem.
Revised Answer:
Ah, I see. I interpreted your question thinking that you were referring to completion triggering via typing, not from the explicit command. If you enable "show whitespace" for the C# editor, you can see what we do here: when you trigger the "show completion" command, we explicitly realize the whitespace so you're no longer floating around in virtual space. You should probably do this as well. (Alternatively, you could detect the scenario and fix it up on the first typing by adjusting your ApplicableTo span, but that's probably not worth the trouble.)
You can get the whitespace that should be inserted from IEditorOperations. So MEF import an IEditorOperationsFactoryService, and then do:
var editorOperations = editorOperationsFactoryService.GetEditorOperations(textView);
var whitespace = editorOperations.GetWhitespaceForVirtualSpace(textView.Caret.Position.VirtualBufferPosition);
if (whitespace.Length != 0)
textView.TextBuffer.Insert(textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition, whitespace);
(Funny aside: as I answered this, I was curious to see how we handled this in the Roslyn C# and VB editors. The answer was "not", but filtering still worked by pure luck later in the code.)
Original Answer:
I suspect by your description of the problem that you are implementing your completion like this: you know a character is about to be typed (either via a keyboard filter or IOleCommandTarget) and you trigger an ICompletionSession, where the tracking span is an empty span on the current caret position.
The best approach to fixing this is to not trigger the session before the key is pressed and goes into the editor, but rather after it. This is what we do in the Roslyn implementation for C# and VB completion. Then, when you are in your AugmentCompletionSession call and creating your CompletionSet, compute the "applicable to" span which consists of the non-whitespace characters around your caret. The easiest way to compute this might just be to call GetWordExtent from the text structure navigator.
This allows for other scenarios to work right. Consider scenarios where the user types C, presses escape, and then continues to type your identifier. If you want to trigger completion again, you'd have to do the math to ensure that the "C" is counted as part of your span anyways.

Is there an auto-close curly brackets plugin for the Geany IDE?

Geany is the closest thing I can find to the perfect web development IDE. However, I can't find a way to automatically close curly brackets ({).
For example, typing:
function test()
..and pressing RETURN should cause this to happen:
function test()
// cursor ends up here (indented by 1 tab)
Is there anything that can make Geany do that?
This is a native feature of Geany,
Go to Preferences, then Completions, down there you can choose which one you want to auto close.
Check here for screenshots
You make something else:
If you want, open and see "autoclose" plugin. You can install with :
sudo apt-get install geany-plugins-autoclose
and It is all
That isn't full answer to your question, but may be helpful.
I have Geany not in english, I make translations of menu's fields on my own.
Geany has a feature: when you type special text and press Tab, the text is going to be replaced with another text.
It works by default for if, else, for, while, do, switch and try.
Configuration of this feature is in [Tools]/[Config files]/[snippets.conf].
After doing some changes, save file and click [Tools]/[Reload configuration].
I added two lines to section C++:
class=class %cursor%%block%;\n
struct=struct %cursor%%block%;\n
With block=\s{\n\t%cursor%\n}
It doesn't let you press { Enter or { Tab to get
because {=anything is ignored, I don't know why.
What you can do? You can have some another text, replaced using {\n\t%cursor%\n}, or define keybinding inserting it.
Geany can have user defined snippets. It is possible to open snippet configuration file from menu.
Tools ->
Configuration files ->
Go to the language block where you want to add that feature.
For example:
if=if (%cursor%)%block_cursor%
for=for (i = 0; i < %cursor%; i++)%block_cursor%
while=while (%cursor%)%block_cursor%
do=do\n{\n\t%cursor%\n} while (%cursor%)\n%cursor%
switch=switch (%cursor%)%brace_open%case %cursor%:\n\t\t%cursor%\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\t%cursor%\n%brace_close%%cursor%
At first it can be thought that the problem can be fixed just with adding this line
But Geany does not accept that when snippet is one non alphabetic character.
It will work for any other alphabetic character like this
b=%\n{\n\t%cursor%\n}% or bl=%\n{\n\t%cursor%\n}%
However I dont think it is what you want. The real solution you can find from geanys menu.
Tick the Auto-close quotes and brackets then click on apply and save
The Auto-close doesn't work if we place brackets inside another pair of brackets. For example, the inner bracket doesn't auto-close.{{|}
However, we can use the following snippet to create a block.
But in order to use this snippet, we first have to include '{' char in our wordchars set by changing the below line in snippets.conf file.

Big comments with Sublime Text 2

I would like to make comments like this in Sublime Text 2:
* This is a comment *
Is there an easy way to make those automatically?
Also, where can I find good documentation about such stuff. I love Sublime, but I feel it's poorly documented!
You could create a snippet for doing this.
Go to Tools -> New Snippet and a new file is opened. Paste this in it:
* $0 *
Save this in your Packages\User-Folder (which should be set automatically when saving).
Now you can just type bigcom (as defined in the <tabTrigger> - element) and hit tab. The comment will appear and the cursor is set at the position, where $0 is set in the snippet.
Additionaly, you could add a scope - element inside the <snippet>-block, so this snippet will only work in a specific syntax scope, for example:
Unfurtonately, I don't know how you could add the *-character on both sides of the line you are writing in automatically, when you jump into a new line, so I don't know if this fits your needs. You would have to add those manually. Still I hope this helps in some way.
Found something for this in another question on stackoverflow. Have a look at this answer. When doing this, at least the * character on the beginning of the new line is added. I'll have a look if I can get it to add the character at the end of the line too.
When it comes to the documentation, I agree, there's not really a lot out there. Of course there is the official documentation: Sublime Doc and of course the forum: Sublime Forum (which is a good resource to some point, not like the poorly filled Doc). On the other hand I always recommend reading the post on net.tutsplus, which is a nice starting point.
I pretty much stumbled over the most interesting parts that come with the standard installation while browsing trough the Global Settings and Key Bindings-Files, which you can open over the Preferences - Menu
Warning, self plug.
The DocBlockr plugin can automatically 'decorate' a comment for you. Right now it only works on inline comments, but it gets the job done. The shortcut key is Ctrl+Enter
// foo bar baz
// foo bar baz //
And it works on consecutive comments too:
// foo
// bar baz quux
// foo //
// bar baz quux //
You could also try using the DocBlockr plugin
Use this handy sublime plugin

Reformatting code in text mate to established code conventions - Visual studio's ctrl K+D equivalent on Text Mate

Can anyone tell me if there's a quick way to format your code in Text Mate, similar to pressing ctrl K+D in Visual studio?
Edit by Damien_The_Unbeliever:
For those not familiar with Ctrl K+D, it doesn't just indent code - it reformats it using the generally established formatting conventions in the editor - it may replace spaces with tabs or vice-versa for the indentation, ensure code is consistently indented, move braces to separate lines, etc.
TextMate reindenting and reformatting varies a little depending on the language you're using.
You can generally use the Text menu, that depending wether you have an active selection or not it will show you different commands under it. For example, if you have selected a section of code, there will be a Indent Selection menu item. If you have no active selection, it will be Indent Line.
To have this working properly, be sure to select the current language, if it isn't assigned yet (like on unsaved documents). If you're working with HTML, it will simply indent the lines depending on what's above it. It will keep line breaks intact.
If you need something to break out tags on new lines and properly format the document, you should use the Tidy command that is found in the Bundles menu, under HTML (or simply by using the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+H. If you have a selection active at the moment that you use it, it will simply reindent that section. If instead you have no selection, it will properly reformat the whole document, including checking for tag validity and other errors.
The Bundles for other language have similar commands, like XML (still Tidy) and Javascript (that has a Reformat Document command).
As an ending note, I simply suggest to look into the Bundles menu; there are many little gems in it. ;)
Did you look in the menu bar? Under Text you have a couple of Reformat… entries that may fit your needs.
Beside these native features, some bundles — like the JavaScript one — have custom Reformat… commands : click on the little cog button at the bottom and explore your current language's bundle's content.

Can I add my own code snippets to xcode 4?

It'd be really handy to have collection KVC accessor snippets in xcode, as they're a pain to do by hand. Has anyone who's been using 4 for a while worked out how to add new ones?
(...we're allowed to talk about it now, right?)
Yes, it's quite easy - you just highlight text you want to use as a snippet and drag it into the snippets area (dragging selected text can be difficult, I find it works better if you drag from the left edge of the editor). It brings up a dialog box asking you to name it.
Also, you can have custom parameters in snippets - if you put the text <#paramName#> anywhere in the code you are dragging, when you use the snippet it will come up as a replaceable parameter that you can tab between just like in the official Snippets.
Also make sure to set a completion prefix, which makes it shorter to activate the snippet as you are typing. The nice thing about using Snippets over other solutions like global system text expanders, is that snippets can also be limited to being valid in a certain area of code - so for example a snippet that filled out a string formatting line can be marked as valid only within a block, not outside a method. That way the completion prefix only hits in areas where it's valid to use.
You can edit a snippet by clicking once on it, a box will come up with the snippet text and some other snippet settings you can edit.
A tip to help you drag the code every time, select text then click + hold (do not move mouse) until mouse pointer changes from "I" to pointer. You'll then be able to drag the selected text to the Code Snippet Library.
Drag the highlighted code to the Snippet library. (It can be stubborn and not want to drag. Holding the mouse button down for a moment before dragging seems to help.)
You can use Snippets to manage code snippets in Xcode. Check out this demo
Simply select the code, the press ALT key and drag it into the code snippets library and rename it there, Make sure to press the ALT key, other than this you won'n be able to drag it.
