Sample CakePHP Application - model-view-controller

I'm looking for a basic CakePHP application I can use as base for a new project and future ones as well. What I need is basic functionality such as users, user groups, login and register and forgot password. I have been doing some Googling and found a few tutorials and that but all don't seem to be what I'm after. I found BakeMe which seemed good, but had lots of errors and doesn't seem to have been updated.
Anyone know of some good ones? Or perhaps have their own skeleton they use for new projects that they would be happy to share. Thanks.

How about the 'standard' blog tutorial:
You could follow this up with the ACL tutorial and so tick most of your boxes:
I really recommend these two. They will introduce you to so many fundamental concepts of CakePHP that you'd be foolish to skip them. Anything built with CakePHP is extensible and the Cake Blog is no exception.


How to add new field in checkout that is displayed in order view in backend

I am totally new to Magento. Still learning, so I am confused about where to start off when I have to do something new.
I have to add just another input field in the checkout that gets saved in the order and displayed in the back-end.
So can someone give me directions? It can probably be implemented in an existing extension, but I don’t really have a clue. Any help and explanation will be greatly appreciated.
It would seem a popular solution is to utilize the order "agreements" for comments.
My answer here has lots of tips
And this blog specifically talks about installing a free extension and his explanation of the process is simple and thorough.

Joomla 2.5 Add Option Groups to Article

I'm playing with Joomla 2.5.9 (The latest 2.X download). Do you know how you can add additional menu's to the "Article Manager: Edit Article" page? (This is in the Administration)
Their API gives me some hint on several things but I am don't know what this right "Slide Down Option Area" is called in the Administration.
In the right area there are things such as:
Publishing options
Article Options
Configure Edit Screen
Images and Links
I want to know where to start to add my own, or where they are already built in the system so I can base mine off it -- Is this a plugin, module, or something else? :)
As i say don't change any of the core file in Joomla. If you want to add any functionality into the article manager you can make your own plugin to add functionality in it. For doing this see this link :
Creating a content plugin
I hope this is what you looking for.Good luck.
There are some extensions that allow you to do that.
I recommend (although somewhat buggy and a code mess) this one:
It does exactly what you want.
Or, you could make your own as Toretto suggests, there are some tutorials on creating a plugin for extra items in the article form, but the already-made-extension route seems to make more sence.
I've been using FieldsAttach for this sort of thing, for a few years, the code is often a little messy, that is true, but the the concepts are clean and eloquent. Brian Teeman explains it well from an integrator point of view in his talk at but in some ways it is even more compelling from a developer's perspective.
However, after watching Marco Ding's Joomla Day UK 2016 talk on I think DPFields may be a better choice. The architecture is perhaps more rugged and neater, but also because it may well end up being a core extension in Joomla in the near future. More info on DPFields is at , and .

Using GWT to build a sortable table/grid without EXT/GXT/Smart GWT/etc

For some background, I'm currently an intern who has been asked to use GWT to create some kind of table/grid that can be sorted by column. Ideally my boss (who told me to ask for help about this here on Stack Overflow) also wants to be able to have multiple pages of data as well, but I'm concentrating on the sorting part right now.
Before jumping to suggest the various EXT and GXT things, unfortunately 1) what this will be used for will eventually be a part of their product, and therefore, used commercially and 2) this is for a not-for-profit company, so they don't really want to pay for a license. I have been searching for what feels like weeks in vain for something that I can both use and understand.
I am using Eclipse (indigo) to create GWT web apps, but I am still quite a newbie at anything related to GWT and I'm sure that most of my problem is that I don't really understand how to get and use the code that is presented as an example in tutorials. I have read through all the GWT documentation I can find and many tutorials and showcases, but I still don't really understand how to do things... which is unfortunate and frustrating. I have also tried using the GWT Designer in Eclipse and while neat, I can't use the CellTable stuff (which of course is exactly what my boss wants) - I assume because I don't have the license for it? Right now, I don't need to be getting data from a server (literally, if I could just put all my people-data in an ArrayList and populate columns from there, I would be very happy).
Can anyone help me out with this? Sorry it's kind of a two-fold question (one that I'm such a newbie about GWT, two that I am not having any luck figuring out how to make a sortable table/grid) but I would really appreciate any help.
CellTable is one of the more complicated concepts in GWT. You are looking in the right place, the documentation is here:
This should have everything you need including all the code with an EntryPoint class. I think it is just a case of getting this code running on your machine and working through it line by line understanding what it is doing.

CodeIgniter 2.1.0 Template Library

Recently CI 2.1.0 is out.
I have a question. As I recognized that the CI folder structure has been 'evolved' (easy to setup, automatically defines base_url,etc), I'm wondering if the current template libraries like Phil's,william's concept,ocular,etc.. can be adapted to this new CI version.
I've tried Phil's but no luck, I mean..I don't know if I'm missing something this time, and ocular, also, to no avail ( I don't subclass the Controller, as suggested here)
Any better templating suggestions that will be suited enough to the latest CodeIgniter 2.1.0?
It seems like from the comments above that you're having trouble finding any resources online on the matter. Here's my suggestion for you:
Check the CodeIgniter Change Log here, and compare all the changes between this newest release, and the release that you know last worked with the template libraries that you've mentioned above. Use deductive reasoning, and see if you can find a way to modify the templates you need to work with the current CodeIgniter structure. I know that's a lot of work, and is not ideal for your situation. Regardless, it's the best advice I can give at the current moment. Good luck, and happy reading!

codeigniter php

I want to ask one of those broad questions so please go easy on me. I know that phil is doing well with pyrocms but I would like to use pyro for my sites and also know how to write custom additions to the cms to suit my needs so what bums me out is how do you use it? where do i add my additions? how is it laid out? Like I said before go easy with me cos there is no documentation for pyrocms.
I suppose this is one for me then :-)
modules can be added to the system by adding the folder to application/modules and copying the folder structure. To understand the modular structure better read the documentation for Matchbox by Zacharius K. I'm on my iPhone on a train so not going to look I up for you :-)
look a details.XML within the module to see how to set frontend/backend module type and when you have set a module with is_backend_sidebar clear the cache (or wait 6 hours :-p).
Documentation WILL come soon, my Internet has been down 2 months longer than expected so finishing v0.9.8 then documenting the lot will take a while.
Tweet or email me for more help.
