What does the bash command "rm *~" do? - bash

Does the bash command rm *~ just remove files ending in tilde or is there a more advanced bash or gnu make pattern here? Google does not seem able to search for this two symbol combination. I found this in a Makefile clean: target.
Would gnu make ever create files with trailing ~'s using only the implicit rules?

The ~ (tilde) character has a special meaning in a path in two cases:
~user # the home directory of user
~/folder # folder inside your home directory
For the most part, that's it. The command you refer to does exactly what it looks like it does: removes files whose names end in a tilde. Text editors such as emacs save backup copies of files under filenames ending in tildes.
So, this command is probably used to remove these backup copies from the current directory (but not subdirectories). One reason why one would want to do so is if the directory will be copied to a web server, as server-side code (e.g. PHP files) can contain sensitive information such as passwords.

As you guessed, rm *~ just removes file with names ending with a tilde (~). Filenames ending with a tilde are usually backup files created by editors (in particular, emacs was one of the earlier editors to use this convention). After editing source code, it is common to have a number of these files left behind. This is why the clean target in the Makefile removes these.
Whether *~ is some special bash pattern is not relevant for most makefiles, as /bin/sh is used by default to execute make recipes. Only if SHELL is set in the makefile will a different shell be used.
An easy way to see make's implicit rules is to run make -p in a directory without a makefile. You will get an error saying no targets specified, but make will also print out the implicit rules it is using. If you grep this output for a tilde, you'll see there are no implicit rules that name files with it.

Nope, just what you said. Removes files ending with ~.
Edit -> the only special meaning the ~ character may have, is as short-hand for the the current user's home directory (as $HOME), but only in the beginning of a path.

I have used that command to erase files ending in "~". I think that there is no special escape character associated with the tilde symbol.

Yes to both
Actually, both of your possibilities are somewhat true.
There is no wildcard or special filename syntax associated with ~, unless it occurs at the beginning of a word.
But the filename pattern ending in tilde is produced automatically by the mv(1) and cp(1) programs on most linux distros1 if the -b (backup) option is specified and the target file exists. A make rule on such a system might contain a mv -b ... or cp -b ... command.
1. But not on the Mac or BSD.


Why can ''rm *(1)*'' delete files which do not contain the string "(1)" in their names?

I used the rm command in my downloads folder (windows subsystem for linux). although I told it to delete anything with (1) within it, all the files in the downloads folder were removed. Why would this have occurred?
rm *(1)*
*(...) is extglob syntax for "zero or more of ...".
Thus, you told your shell to pass rm an argument list consisting of all file which start with zero or more 1s, and then have any suffix following. Every possible filename matches this pattern, so the result is equivalent to rm *.
If you want to be certain that a substring is literal rather than treated as glob syntax, always quote it:
rm -- *'(1)'*
...is going to behave consistently on all POSIX-superset systems, including ones that implement extglob-like extensions.

is there a way to create symbolic link with wildcard

I have a script run.sh to which i created a number of symlinks like pf1, pf2 etc.
I want anything which starts with pf to map to this. Is there a way for me to create a symbolic link with a wildcard like "pf*" so that i don't have to create symbolic links for pf11, pf12 etc in the future?
In case bash is supported on your system (which is the case in most systems), you could do something like this -
bash -c "ln -s sourcedir/pf* targetdir/"
No. Symbolic link resolution is handled by the kernel whereas globbing is shell-specific.
If you store pf* in a symlink, the kernel will look for a file literally named pf*. You could theoretically readlink that and have your shell expand the read pattern, but then you might as well store the pattern in a regular file.
You can create symbolic links, which are broken (and become fully working, once the file is there), but a * wildcard will not be expanded before the files are there. Other expansions will work. Check it yourself using echo:
$ echo asdf*
The wildcard is not expanded here, but you can use
$ echo asdf{1,2,3}
asdf1 asdf2 asdf3
and it is expanded as you would expect it.

Blacklist program from bash completion

Fedora comes with "gstack" and a bunch of "gst-" programs which keep appearing in my bash completions when I'm trying to quickly type my git aliases. They're of course installed under /usr/bin along with a thousand other programs, so I can't just remove their directory from my PATH. Is there any way in Linux to blacklist these specific programs from appearing for completion?
I've tried the FIGNORE and GLOBIGNORE environment variables but they don't work, it looks like they're only for file completion after you've entered a command.
In 2016 Bash introduced an option for that. I'm reproducing the text from this newer answer by zuazo:
This is rather new, but in Bash 4.4 you can set the EXECIGNORE variable:
aa. New variable: EXECIGNORE; a colon-separate list of patterns that
will cause matching filenames to be ignored when searching for commands.
From the official documentation:
A colon-separated list of shell patterns (see Pattern Matching) defining the list of filenames to be ignored by command search using
PATH. Files whose full pathnames match one of these patterns are not
considered executable files for the purposes of completion and command
execution via PATH lookup. This does not affect the behavior of the [,
test, and [[ commands. Full pathnames in the command hash table are
not subject to EXECIGNORE. Use this variable to ignore shared library
files that have the executable bit set, but are not executable files.
The pattern matching honors the setting of the extglob shell option.
For Example:
$ EXECIGNORE=$(which pytest)
Or using Pattern Matching:
$ EXECIGNORE=*/pytest
I don't know if you can blacklist specific files, but it is possible to complete from your command history instead of the path. To do that add the following line to ~/.inputrc:
TAB dynamic-complete-history
FIGNORE is for SUFFIXES only. It presumes for whatever reason that you want to blacklist an entire class of files. So you need to knock off the first letter.
E.g. To eliminate gstack from autocompletion:
Will rid gstack but also rid anything else ending in stack.

Deleting "C:\Blah\Blah\..\...\Blah" File on Unix

I have a remote Linode, which I am using Cygwin to access. An errant database file, specifically "C:\Users\Blah\Blah\website\blah\sqlite.db" was created. This file was used for local testing on my Windows machine, but was generated due to a mistake on the Linode. Note, this is the full file name inside the Linode, not the location of it. This is Windows syntax, not Unix, which is where I think the problem lies.
Now, I cannot delete it! It says, cannot remove file "file name" where file name does not have any of the original backslashes. This tells me that it cannot recognize that this is an errant windows DB file.
How can I delete this? If I had access to a GUI folder I could use that, but I only have the command line!
Please help!
The backslash and colon are not special characters to the filesystem (which is why you can have a file with those characters in its name), but backslash is a special character to the shell (and : is special in some contexts).
You just have to pass the file's name to the rm command. To do this from the shell, you need to escape the backslash characters.
This should work:
rm C:\\Users\\Blah\\Blah\\website\\blahsqlite.db
For example (I just tried this on my own system):
$ touch C:\\Users\\Blah\\Blah\\website\\blahsqlite.db
$ ls
$ rm C:\\Users\\Blah\\Blah\\website\\blahsqlite.db
And if your shell supports tab completion, then you can probably just type rm Ctab
and, if there are no other files in the current directory whose names start with C, the shell will expand that to (an escaped version of) the file name. (Bash happens to insert a a \ in front of the : as well; this is unnecessary but harmless.)

Shell variable with spaces , quoting for single command line option

Autoconf scripts have trouble with a filename or pathname with spaces. For example,
./configure CPPFLAGS="-I\"/path with space\""
results in (config.log):
configure:3012: gcc -I"/path with space" conftest.c >&5
gcc: with: No such file or directory
gcc: space": No such file or directory
The compile command from ./configure is ac_compile='$CC -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' and I am not able to modify this (I could perhaps, but working around autoconf in this way is not a general solution).
I think it comes down to getting a shell variable that contains spaces to be parsed as a single command line variable rather than split at spaces. The simplest shell example I can come up with is to create a file with spaces and attempt to list is with ls with a shell variable as the argument to ls:
$ touch "a b"
$ file="a b"
$ ls $file
ls: a: No such file or directory
ls: b: No such file or directory
This works, but is illegal since in autoconf I can't modify the shell code:
$ ls "$file"
a b
None of the following attempts at quoting things work:
$ file="\"a \"b"; ls $file
ls: "a: No such file or directory
ls: b": No such file or directory
$ file="a\ b"
$ file="a\\ b"
$ file="`echo \\"a b\\"`"
and so on.
Is this impossible to accomplish in shell scripts? Is there a magical quoting that will expand a shell variable with spaces into a single command line argument?
You should try to set the $IFS environment variable.
from man bash(1):
IFS - The Internal Field Separator that is used for word splitting
after expansion and to split lines into words with the read builtin
command. The default value is ''space tab newline''.
For example
IFS=<C-v C-m> # newline
file="a b"
touch $file
ls $file
Don't forget to set $IFS back or strange things will happen.
if you give command
gcc -I"x y z"
in a shell then certainly the single command line parameter "-Ix y z" will be passed to gcc. There is no question to that. That's the whole meaning of double quotes: things inside double quotes are NOT subject to field splitting, and so not subject to $IFS either, for instance.
But you need to be careful about the number of quotes you need. For instance, if you say
file="a b" # 1
and then you say
ls $file # 2
what happens is that the file variable's contents are 'a b', not '"a b"', because the double quotes were "eaten" when line 1 was parsed. The replaced value is then field-separated and you get ls on two files 'a' and 'b'. The correct way to get what you want is
file="a b"; ls "$file"
Now the problem in your original case is that when you set a variable to a string that CONTAINS double quotes, the double quotes are later not interpreted as shell quote symbols but just as normal letters. Which is why when you do something like
file="\"a b\""; ls $file
actually the shell tokenizes the contents of the file variable into '"a' and 'b"' when the ls command is analyzed; the double quote is no longer a shell quote character but just part of the variable's contents. It's analogous to that if you set
file="\$HOME"; ls $file
you get an error that '$HOME' directory does not exist---no environment variable lookup takes place.
So your best options are
Hack autoconf
Do not use path names with spaces (best solution)
Using space in directory names in the Unix world is simply asking for trouble. It's not just the problem of quoting in shell scripts (which needs to be done right anyway): some tools simply cannot cope with spaces in filenames. For instance, you can't (portably) write a Makefile rule that says build baz.o from foo bar/baz.c.
In the case of CPPFLAGS above, I would try one of the following (in order of preference):
Fix the system not use use any space in directory names.
Write a small wrapper around the compiler and call ./configure CC=mygcc. In that case mygcc might be:
gcc "-I/foo bar/include" "$#"
Create a symbolic link (e.g., /tmp/mypath) to the dreaded path and use CPPFLAGS=-I/tmp/mypath.
You want to quote the entire argument, in either of these ways:
./configure "CPPFLAGS=-I/path with space"
./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/path with space"
The ./configure command then sees a single argument
"CPPFLAGS=-I/path with space"
which is parsed as a parameter named«CPPFLAGS» having the value«-I/path with space» (brackets added for clarity).
Using quotes is interesting. From (lightly) reading the bash man page I thought you had to escape the space with \, thus "/path with space" becomes /path\ with\ space I've never tried the quotes, but it seems that it doesn't work generally (your ls example). Escaping works with ls without quoting and without changing IFS.
What happens if you use the "escaping spaces" format of the command?
$ file="\"a b\""
$ eval ls $file
Everything depends on how the variable is used. First, note that if you are using Autoconf, this probably means that make will be used eventually, so that the rules are dictated by make, and in particular, the default make rules. Even though you may want to use your own rules exclusively, things must remain consistent between tools, and some variables have standard meanings, so that you do not want to deviate from them. This is not the case of CPPFLAGS, but this should remain similar to CFLAGS, which is standard. See the POSIX make utility, where variables are simply expanded with standard sh word splitting, which does not provide any quoting mechanism (the field separator is controlled by $IFS, but do not change the IFS variable to accept spaces as normal characters since this will break other things, like being able to provide several -I and/or -L options in such variables with the standard way).
Since there is such a limitation with make, I suppose that it would be useless to try to avoid this limitation in Autoconf.
Now, since a space is necessarily a field separator, the only possibility is to provide pathnames without space characters. If spaces in pathnames were to be supported in the future, this would probably be done via pathname encoding, with decoding at the high-level UI (a bit like with URL's). Alternatively, if you have the choice and really want to use spaces in pathnames, you may use some non-ASCII space (BTW, this is how RISC OS supports space in pathnames, by forcing it to be the no-break space).
