Incompatible encodings with ruby and Nokogiri HTML - ruby

I'm parsing an external HTML page with Nokogiri. That page is encoded with ISO-8859-1. Part of the data I want to extract, contains some – (dash) html entities:
xml = Nokogiri.HTML(open(""), nil, 'ISO-8859-1')
f = xml.xpath("//div[#style='background-color:#D9DBD9; padding:15px 12px 10px 10px;']//div[#class='tit_inter_cnz']/text()")
f[0].text #=> Preview M/E/C/A \u0096 John Digweed
In the last line, the String should be rendered on the browser with a dash. The browser correctly renders it if I specify my page as ISO-8859-1 encoding, however, my Sinatra app uses UTF-8. How can I correctly display that text in the browser? Today is is being displayed as a square with a small number inside.
I tried force_encoding('ISO-8859-1'), but then I get a CompatibilityError from Sinatra.
Any clues?
Below are screenshots of the app:
-> Firefox with character encoding UTF-8
-> [Firefox with character encoding Western (ISO-8859-1)
It's worth mentioning that in the ISO-8859-1 mode above, the dash is shown correctly, but there is another incorrect character with it just before the dash. Weird :(

After parsing a document in Nokogiri you can tell it to assume a different encoding. Try:
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML((open(""), nil, 'ISO-8859-1')
doc.encoding = 'UTF-8'
I can't see that page from here, to confirm this fixes the problem, but it's worked for similar problems.

Summary: The problematic characters are control characters from ISO-8859-1, not intended for display.
Details and Investigation:
Here's a test showing that you are getting valid UTF-8 from Nokogiri and Sinatra:
require 'sinatra'
require 'open-uri'
get '/' do
html = open("").read
p [ html.encoding, html.valid_encoding? ]
#=> [#<Encoding:ISO-8859-1>, true]
str = html[ /Preview.+?John Digweed/ ]
p [ str, str.encoding, str.valid_encoding? ]
#=> ["Preview M/E/C/A \x96 John Digweed", #<Encoding:ISO-8859-1>, true]
utf8 = str.encode('UTF-8')
p [ utf8, utf8.encoding, utf8.valid_encoding? ]
#=> ["Preview M/E/C/A \xC2\x96 John Digweed", #<Encoding:UTF-8>, true]
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri.HTML(html, nil, 'ISO-8859-1')
p doc.encoding
#=> "ISO-8859-1"
dig = doc.xpath("//div[#class='tit_inter_cnz']")[1]
p [ dig.text, dig.text.encoding, dig.text.valid_encoding? ]
#=> ["Preview M/E/C/A \xC2\x96 John Digweed", #<Encoding:UTF-8>, true]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>Dig it!</title></head><body>
<p>Here it comes...</p>
This properly serves up content with Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8 on my computer. Chrome does not show my this character in the browser, however.
Analyzing that response, the same Unicode byte pair comes back for the dash as is seen in the above: \xC2\x96. This appears to be this Unicode character which seem to be an odd dash.
I would chalk this up to bad source data, and simply throw:
#encoding: UTF-8
at the top of your Ruby source file(s), and then put in:
f = ...text.gsub( "\xC2\x96", "-" ) # Or a better Unicode character
Edit: If you look at the browser test page for that character you will see (at least in in Chrome and Firefox for me) that the UTF-8 literal version is blank, but the hex and decimal escape versions show up. I cannot fathom why this is, but there you have it. The browsers are simply not displaying your character correctly when presented in raw form.
Either make it an HTML entity, or a different Unicode dash. Either way a gsub is called for.
Edit #2: One more odd note: the character in the source encoding has a hexadecimal byte value of 0x96. As far as I can tell, this does not appear to be a printable ISO-8859-1 character. As shown in the official spec for ISO-8859-1, this falls in one of the two non-printing regions.

I work in publishing of scientific manuscripts and there are many dashes. The dash that you are using is not an ASCII dash, it is a unicode dash. Forcing the ISO encoding is probably having the effect of making the dash change.
That site is excellent for unicode issues.
The reason you are getting a square is that perhaps your browser does not support this. It is probably correctly rendered. I would keep UTF-8 encoding, and if you want to make that dash so everyone can see it, convert it to an ascii dash.
You may want to try Iconv to convert the characters to ASCII/UTF-8


Ruby URI.extract returns empty array or ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

I'm trying to get a list of files from url like this:
require 'uri'
require 'open-uri'
url = ''
html = open(url).read
puts URI.extract(html).select{ |link| link[/(PL)/]}
This code returns ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 in line with URI.extract (even though html.encoding returns utf-8)
I've found some solutions to encoding problems, but when I'm changing the code to
html.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '?')
URI.extract returns empty string, even when I'm not calling the select method on it. Any suggestions?
The character encoding of the website might be ISO-8859-1 or a related one. We can't tell for sure since there are only two occurrences of the same non-US-ASCII-character and it doesn't really matter anyway.
html.each_char.reject(&:ascii_only?) # => ["\xDC", "\xDC"]
Finding the actual encoding is done by guessing. The age of HTML 3.2 or the used language/s might be a clue. And in this case especially the content of the PDF file is helpful (it contains SPRÜH-EX and the file has the name TI_DE_SPR%dcH_EX.pdf). Then we only need to find the encoding for which "\xDC" and "Ü" are equal. Either by knowing it or writing some Ruby: { |e| "Ü" == "\xDC".encode!(Encoding::UTF_8, e) rescue next }.map(&:name)
Of course, letting a program do the guessing is an option too. There is the libguess library. The web browser can do it too. However you you need to download the file though unless the server might tell the browser it's UTF-8 even if it isn't (like in this case). Any decent text editor will also try to detect the file encoding: e.g. ST3 thinks it's Windows 1252 which is a superset of ISO-8859-1 (like UTF-8 is of US-ASCII).
Possible solutions are manually setting the string encoding to ISO-8859-1:
Or (preferably) transcoding the string from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8:
html.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::ISO_8859_1)
To answer the other question: URI.extract isn't the method you're looking for. Apparently it's obsolete and more importantly, it doesn't extract relative URI.
A simple alternative is using a regular expression with String#scan. It works with this site but it might not with other ones. You have to use a HTML parser for the best reliability (there might be also a gem). Here's an example that should do what you want:
html.scan(/href="(.*?PL.*?)"/).flatten # => ["SI_PL_ACTIV_bicompact.pdf", ...]

Ruby character encoding issue with scraped HTML

I'm having a character encoding issue with a Ruby script that does some HTML scraping and parsing with the Nokogiri gem. At one point in the script, I call join("\n") on an array of strings that have been pulled from some HTML, which causes this error:
./script.rb:333:in `join': incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT (Encoding::CompatibilityError)
In my logs, I can see Café showing up for some of the strings that would be included in the join operation.
Is it that some of the strings in my array to be joined are ASCII-8BIT and some are UTF-8 and ruby can't combine them? Do I need to convert or sanitize my strings after parsing them with Nokogiri (into UTF-8)?.
I tried force_encoding('UTF-8') and encode('UTF-8') on the scraped HTML content before I do anything else with it, but it didn't help. In fact, after I tried encode('UTF-8'), my script crashed even earlier when it called to_s on a string containing Café.
Character encoding always really confuses me. Is there something else I can do to sanitize the strings to avoid this error?
I was doing something similar in Perl recently and used a module called Text::Unidecode and was able to pass my strings to a function that translates any problematic characters e.g. the letter a with an acute to the plain letter a. Is there anything similar for ruby? (This isn't necessarily what I'm aiming for though, if I can keep the a with acute then that's preferable I think.
I'm really confused by this and it's proving difficult to reproduce reliably. Here's some code:
I removed the previously posted code example because it wasn't correct. But the bottom line is, whenever I try to print or call to_s on the string that was scraped, I get the encoding error.
It turned out in the end that the scraped html input was not what was causing the problem. I got the encoding error whenever I tried to print or call to_s on a hash containing, among other things, the scraped html text. The 'other things' were values from database queries, and they were being returned in ASCII-8BIT. To fix the issue, I explicitly had to call force_encoding('UTF-8') on each database value that I use (although I hear that the mysql2 gem does this automatically so I should switch to that).
I hate character encoding.
Presumably, Café is supposed to be Café. If we start out with Café in UTF-8 but treat the bytes as though they were encoded in ISO-8859-1 (AKA Latin-1) and then re-encode them as UTF-8, we get the Café that you're seeing; for example:
> s = 'Café'
=> "Café"
> s.encoding
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
> s.force_encoding('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8')
=> "Café"
So somewhere you're reading a UTF-8 string but treating it as Latin-1 and re-encoding it as UTF-8. I'd guess that Nokogiri is reading the page and thinking that it is Latin-1 or being told by your user agent that it is getting Latin-1 text. Perhaps you have a bad default encoding somewhere, or the HTTP headers are lying about the encoding, or the page itself is lying about its encoding.
You need to get everything into UTF-8 at the edges of your scraper. Figure out who is lying about the encoding and sort it out right there.
Don't feel bad, scraping and encoding is a nightmare of confusion, stupidity, guesswork, and hard liquor. Servers lie, pages lie, browsers lie, no one is happy.

Encoding Unicode code points with Ruby

I'm retrieving an HTML document that is parsed with Nokogiri. The HTML is using charset ISO-8859-1. The problem is there are some Unicode chars in the document which are converted to Unicode code points instead of their respective character.
For example, this is some text in the HTML as received (in ISO-8859-1):
\x95\x95 JOHNNY VENETTI \x95\x95
And when attempting to work with this text, it gets converted to this:
\u0095\u0095 JOHNNY VENETTI \u0095\u0095
So my question is, how can I ensure those characters are represented as their appropriate character instead of the code point? I've tried doing a gsub on the text, but that seems wrong for this. Also, I do not have control over the encoding of the HTML document.
First you should realize that this string is NOT ISO-8859-1 encoded (file says "Non-ISO extended-ASCII text" and the codepage verifies this). May well be this is your problem, in that case you should specify the right encoding (probably something like Windows-1252, in this case) in your HTML document.
In Nokogiri, you can also set the encoding explicitly in cases where the document specifies the wrong encoding:
Nokogiri.HTML("<p>\x95\x95 JOHNNY VENETTI \x95\x95</p>", nil, "Windows-1252")
# => #<Nokogiri::HTML::Document: ...
# children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x15744cc "•• JOHNNY VENETTI ••">]>]>]>]>
If you don't have the option to solve this cleanly like above, you can also do it the hard way and associated the string with its correct encoding:
s = "\x95\x95 JOHNNY VENETTI \x95\x95"
s.encoding # => #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
s.force_encoding 'Windows-1252'
s.encode! 'utf-8'
s # => "•• JOHNNY VENETTI ••"
Note that this last piece of code is Ruby 1.9 only. If you want, you can read more about the new encoding system in Ruby 1.9.

display iso-8859-1 encoded data gives strange characters

I have a ISO-8859-1 encoded csv-file that I try to open and parse with ruby:
require 'csv'
filename = File.expand_path('~/myfile.csv')
file =, "r:ISO-8859-1")
CSV.parse(, col_sep: "\t") do |row|
puts row
If I leave out the encoding from the call to, I get an error
ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
My problem is that the call to puts row displays strange characters instead of the norwegian characters æ,ø,å:
I get the same if I open the file in textmate, forcing it to use UTF-8 encoding.
By assigning the file content to a string, I can check the encoding used for the string. As expected, it shows ISO-8859-1.
So when I puts each row, why does it output the string as UTF-8?
Is it something to do with the csv-library?
I use ruby 1.9.2.
Found myself an answer by trying different things from the documentation:
require 'csv'
filename = File.expand_path('~/myfile.csv'), "r:ISO-8859-1") do |file|
CSV.parse("UTF-8"), col_sep: "\t") do |row|
# ↳ returns a copy transcoded to UTF-8.
puts row
As you can see, all I have done, is to encode the string to an UTF-8 string before the CSV-parser gets it.
Trying this solution on macruby-head, I get the following error message from encode( ):
Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError: "\xD8" on UTF-8
Even though I specify encoding when opening the file, macruby use UTF-8.
This seems to be an known macruby limitation: Encoding is always UTF-8
Maybe you could use Iconv to convert the file contents to UTF-8 before parsing?
ISO-8859-1 and Win-1252 are reaallly close in their character sets. Could some app have processed the file and converted it? Or could it have been received from a machine that was defaulting to Win-1252, which is Window's standard setting?
Software that senses the code-set can get the encoding wrong if there are no characters in the 0x80 to 0x9F byte-range so you might try setting file =, "r:ISO-8859-1") to file =, "r:Windows-1252"). (I think "Windows-1252" is the right encoding name.)
I used to write spiders, and HTML is notorious for being mis-labeled or for having encoded binary characters from one character set embedded in another. I used some bad language many times over these problems several years ago, before most languages had implemented UTF-8 and Unicode so I understand the frustration.

Nokogiri, open-uri, and Unicode Characters

I'm using Nokogiri and open-uri to grab the contents of the title tag on a webpage, but am having trouble with accented characters. What's the best way to deal with these? Here's what I'm doing:
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(link))
title = doc.at_css("title")
At this point, the title looks like this:
Instead of:
How can I have nokogiri return the proper character (e.g. ù in this case)?
Here's an example URL:
Summary: When feeding UTF-8 to Nokogiri through open-uri, use open(...).read and pass the resulting string to Nokogiri.
If I fetch the page using curl, the headers properly show Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 and the file content includes valid UTF-8, e.g. "Genealogía de Jesucristo". But even with a magic comment on the Ruby file and setting the doc encoding, it's no good:
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(''))
doc.encoding = 'utf-8'
h52 = doc.css('h5')[1]
puts h52.text, h52.text.encoding
#=> Genealogà a de Jesucristo
#=> UTF-8
We can see that this is not the fault of open-uri:
html = open('')
gene =[/Gene\S+/]
puts gene, gene.encoding
#=> Genealogía
#=> UTF-8
This is a Nokogiri issue when dealing with open-uri, it seems. This can be worked around by passing the HTML as a raw string to Nokogiri:
# encoding: UTF-8
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
html = open('')
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(
doc.encoding = 'utf-8'
h52 = doc.css('h5')[1].text
puts h52, h52.encoding, h52 == "Genealogía de Jesucristo"
#=> Genealogía de Jesucristo
#=> UTF-8
#=> true
I was having the same problem and the Iconv approach wasn't working. Nokogiri::HTML is an alias to Nokogiri::HTML.parse(thing, url, encoding, options).
So, you just need to do:
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(link).read, nil, 'utf-8')
and it'll convert the page encoding properly to utf-8. You'll see Ragù instead of Rag\303\271.
When you say "looks like this," are you viewing this value IRB? It's going to escape non-ASCII range characters with C-style escaping of the byte sequences that represent the characters.
If you print them with puts, you'll get them back as you expect, presuming your shell console is using the same encoding as the string in question (Apparently UTF-8 in this case, based on the two bytes returned for that character). If you are storing the values in a text file, printing to a handle should also result in UTF-8 sequences.
If you need to translate between UTF-8 and other encodings, the specifics depend on whether you're in Ruby 1.9 or 1.8.6.
For 1.9:
for 1.8, you probably need to look at Iconv.
Also, if you need to interact with COM components in Windows, you'll need to tell ruby to use the correct encoding with something like the following:
require 'win32ole'
WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8
If you're interacting with mysql, you'll need to set the collation on the table to one that supports the encoding that you're working with. In general, it's best to set the collation to UTF-8, even if some of your content is coming back in other encodings; you'll just need to convert as necessary.
Nokogiri has some features for dealing with different encodings (probably through Iconv), but I'm a little out of practice with that, so I'll leave explanation of that to someone else.
Try setting the encoding option of Nokogiri, like so:
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(link))
doc.encoding = 'utf-8'
title = doc.at_css("title")
Changing Nokogiri::HTML(...) to Nokogiri::HTML5(...) fixed issues I was having with parsing certain special character, specifically em-dashes.
(The accented characters in your link came through fine in both, so don't know if this would help you with that.)
url = ''
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
=> "Josh Waitzkin â\u0080\u0094 How to Cram 2 Months of Learning into 1 Day | The Tim Ferriss Show - YouTube"
doc = Nokogiri::HTML5(open(url))
=> "Josh Waitzkin — How to Cram 2 Months of Learning into 1 Day | The Tim Ferriss Show - YouTube"
You need to convert the response from the website being scraped (here into utf-8 encoding.
as per the html content from the page being scraped, its "ISO-8859-1" for now. So, you need to do something like this:
require 'iconv'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(Iconv.conv('utf-8//IGNORE', 'ISO-8859-1', open(link).read))
Read more about it here:
Just to add a cross-reference, this SO page gives some related information:
How to make Nokogiri transparently return un/encoded Html entities untouched?
Tip: you could also use the Scrapifier gem to get metadata, as the page title, from URIs in a very simple way. The data are all encoded in UTF-8.
Check it out:
Hope it's useful for you.
