Has google closure a contains-function where I can specify the comparing function? - google-closure-library

I have an array of DateObjects and DateRange-Objects and a single DateObject.
I would like to know if this single Date is in the array of DateObjects or in the range of one DateRange-Object.
goog.array.contains(arr, obj) is almost what I want, but I would like the goog.date.isSameDay(date, opt_now) function to compare.
Has google closure a contains-function where I can specify the comparing function?

find/findIndex might be what you're looking for. Something like:
goog.array.find(dates, goog.partial(goog.date.isSameDay, singleDateObject));
goog.array.findIndex(ranges, function(range) { /* your comparison */ });


Is it possible to work with more than one array in vuetify v-autocomplete?

Normally one would just make a simple join to merge both arrays in one array, the problem is that i have arrays with different object structures, and depending on the type of object, i need to pass a different value.
array 1: fruits.type.name
array 2: animals.family.name
Is there any possibility other than having to craft a custom component from scratch using something like v-text-input, for example?
You mean something like this? Check this codesanbox I made:
computed: {
autoArray() {
return this.typeAnimal ? this.animals : this.fruits
autoTypeId() {
return this.typeAnimal ? 'family.id' : 'type.id'
autoText() {
return this.typeAnimal ? 'family.name' : 'type.name'
With help of a couple computed props you could be able to switch array, item-text and item-value depending of the array you're working with.
As far as I know, there's no easy way to supply two different arrays to v-autocomplete and retain the search functionality.
You could probably join the arrays and write a custom filter property. Then use selection and item slots to change the output of the select based on the structure.
But if your data arrays aren't too complicated, I would avoid the above. Instead, I would loop through both arrays, and build a new combined one with a coherent structure.

Implementing transpose in Laravel collection

This is a macro that I want to use it in Laravel collection. I know what the transpose is and how it works. But I didn't get exactly how this piece of code is implementing transpose in Laravel collection.
Can you explain how the items that we will pass, would be transposed?
What new static($items) does here?
Collection::macro('transpose', function () {
$items = array_map(function (...$items) {
return $items;
}, ...$this->values());
return new static($items);
The code you provided should be placed in a Service Provider according to the Laravel Docs: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/collections#extending-collections. However, you could technically place them anywhere.
What exactly don't you understand about the piece of code? The macro function of the Illuminate\Support\Collection accepts a closure. In this case, it means $items is referring to the Collection that transpose is called on.
Then that Collection is mapped (using array_map) and the $items are passed as a spread operator function parameter. Perhaps you're familiar with the spread operator, but it spreads the values of an array (or other iterable) to separate variables.
In that same function, these separate variables are returned, and the values() are provided as a spread operator to run through the callback function. For more information about array_map, you can read the PHP Docs: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-map.php.
If anything is unclear, please let me know what part needs clarification.

Returning multiple values in UDF

I have written an AggregateFactory Vertica UDF which returns a single value
getReturnTypes(si,columnTypes args,columnTypes returnTypes){
//I want to add second returnType
getProtoType(si,columnTypes args,columnTypes returnTypes){
//I want to add second returnType
this is not working, how can I return two values from an AggregateFactory UDF?
You cannot. User Defined Aggregate Functions (as explained in the fine manual) return ONE value per group. You might want to write a User Defined Transform Function (maybe a multi-phase Transform Function).

Ti Nspire: Convert solve(...) output to a callable Function

in order to calculate the inverse function of f(x) I defined following function:
which output is:
inv(x^(2)) {piecewise(−√(y),y≥0),piecewise(√(y),y≥0)}
So that part works already, but how can I use this result as a callable function i(y)?
Thanks for your help
Outside of your program, you can turn the result into function i(y) with:
I do not have a CAS, so your results may differ, but, because the function can only return one value, it would only return (and display in the graph) the first value, in this case, -√(y). If you want to display on the graph or get the values of both, you would be better off creating two separate functions (-√(y), and √(y)). Hope this helps you "use the result as a callable function."

Order $each by name

I am trying to figure why my ajax $each alters the way my list of names gets printed?
I have an json string like this:
Here all the names are sorted in alphabetic order, but when getting them out they are sorted by "cid"? Why, and how can I change this?
Here is my jQuery:
var names = {};
$.getJSON('http://mypage.com/json/names.php', function(data){
$.each(data.courses, function (k, vali) {
names[vali.cid] = vali.name;
I guess its because "names[vali.cid]", but I need that part to stay that way. Can it still be done?
Hoping for help and thanks in advance :-.)
Ordering inside an object is not really defined or predictable when you iterate over it. I would suggest sorting the array based on an internal property:
var names = [];
$.getJSON('http://mypage.com/json/names.php', function(data){
$.each(data.courses, function (k, vali) {
names.push({name: vali.name, cid: vali.cid});
names.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
Now you have an array that is ordered and you can iterate over it in a predictable order as well.
There is no "ajax $each" - you probably mean the jQuery function.
With "when getting them out" I presume you mean something like console.debug(names) after your $each call
Objects aren't ordered in javascript per definition, so there is no more order in your variable "names". Still, most javascript implementations today (and all the ones probably important to you - the ones used in the most used browsers) employ a stable order in objects which normally depends on the order you insert stuff.
All this said, there can probably be 3 reasons you're not getting what you're expecting:
Try console.debug(data) and see what you get - the order as you want it?
As you don't explicitly state how you debug your stuff, the problem could be in the way you output and not the data is stored. Here too try console.debug(names).
You're using a function which dereferences on expection, like console.*. This means if you console.debug() an object, the displayed values will depend on the moment you unfold the displayed tree in your browser, not when the line was called!
