Add zip files from one archive to another using command line - macos

I have two zip archives. Say, set1 has 10 csv files created using Mac OS X 10.5.8 compress option, and set2 has 4 csv files similarly created. I want to take the 4 files from zipped archive set2 and add them to list of files in archive set1. Is there a way I can do that?
I tried the following in Terminal:
This adds the whole archive to, i.e., in now I have:
file1.csv, file2.csv,..., file10.csv,
What I instead want is:
file1.csv, file2.csv,..., file10.csv, file11.csv, ..., file14.csv
where, is the archive containing file11.csv, ..., file14.csv.

I don't know of a built-in OS X tool, but there's a zipmerge utility as part of the libzip package (hg repository available).

unzip -d .tmpdir; cd .tmpdir; zip ../ *; cd ..; rm -r .tmpdir;

This script here should do it.
#Example: ./
mkdir .tmp
unzip $2 -d .tmp
zip $1 .tmp/*
rm -r .tmp
Hope that helps!


How to delete few files from zip in bash?

In my zip archive I have many txt files. Some of them have names ending on _temp_file.txt.
I know I can delete files from my zip archive with zip -d command, but how do I remove all files that have that ending? Is that even possible?
Try using the command:
zip -d "*_temp_file.txt"
that should remove anything ending with _temp_file.txt from the archive.

HP-UX - How can I read a text file from tar archive without extracting it?

I have a tar archive which contains several text files. I would like to write a script to display (stdout) the content of a file without extracting it to the current directory.
Actually I would like to do the same as:
tar tf myArchive.tar folder/someFile.txt
cat folder/someFile.txt
rm -R folder
but without the rm...
I tried this way but it didn't work:
tar tf myArchive.tar folder/someFile.txt | cat
Use x to extract, with f from archive file. Then add also option -O to direct extracted files to standard output.
tar xf myArchive.tar folder/someFile.txt -O

How to unzip to the same directory in bash

I have hundreds of directories, each containing several zip files. I would like to iterate over each directory and unzip all zip files, placing the contents of the zip files into the same directory as the zip files themselves (without creating new sub-directories). Here's the bash script I have:
for dir in `ls "$src/"`
unzip "$src/$dir/*"
This script does the unzipping, but it creates thousands of sub-directories and dumps them on my desktop! How can I get the desired behavior? I'm on Mac OSX if that makes a difference.
for dir in "$src"/*
(cd "$dir" && unzip '*')

Unzip ZIP file and extract unknown folder name's content

My users will be zipping up files which will look like this:
|--------- UnknownName
|------- index.html
|------- images
|------- image1.jpg
I want to extract this zip file as follows:
My trouble is with UnknownName - I do not know what it is beforehand and extracting everything to the "base" level breaks all the relative paths in index.html
How can I extract from this ZIP file the contents of UnknownName?
Is there anything better than:
1. Extract everything
2. Detect which "new subdidrectory" got created
3. mv newsubdir/* .
4. rmdir newsubdir/
If there is more than one subdirectory at UnknownName level, I can reject that user's zip file.
I think your approach is a good one. Step 2 could be improved my extracting to a newly created directory (later deleted) so that "detection" is trivial.
# Bash (minimally tested)
tempdest=$(mktemp -d)
unzip -d "$tempdest" TEMPLATE1.ZIP
if (( ${#dir[#]} == 1 )) && [[ -d $dir ]]
# in Bash, etc., scalar $var is the same as ${var[0]}
mv "$dir"/* /mysite/user_uploaded_templates/myrandomname
echo "rejected"
rm -rf "$tempdest"
The other option I can see other than the one you suggested is to use the unzip -j flag which will dump all paths and put all files into the current directory. If you know for certain that each of your TEMPLATE1.ZIP files includes an index.html and *.jpg files then you can just do something like:
unzip -j -d "$destdir"
mkdir "${destdir}/images"
mv "${destdir}/*.jpg" "${destdir}/images"
It's not exactly the cleanest solution but at least you don't have to do any parsing like you do in your example. I can't seem to find any option similar to patch -p# that lets you specify the path level.
Each zip and unzip command differs, but there's usually a way to list the file contents. From there, you can parse the output to determine the unknown directory name.
On Windows, the 1996 Wales/Gaily/van der Linden/Rommel version it is unzip -l.
Of course, you could just simply allow the unzip to unzip the files to whatever directory it wants, then use mv to rename the directory to what you want it as.
$tempDir = temp.$$
mv $zipFile temp.$$
cd $tempDir
unzip $zipFile
$unknownDir = * #Should be the only directory here
mv $unknownDir $whereItShouldBe
cd ..
rm -rf $tempDir
It's always a good idea to create a temporary directory for these types of operations in case you end up running two instances of this command.

Automated unzipping of files

I have a folder full of zipped files (about 200). I would like to transform this into a folder consisting only of unzipped files. What would be the easiest and quickest way to do this?
Please note that I would like to remove the zipped file from the folder once it us unzipped.
Also, I'm on a Mac.
You can do something like:
for file in `ls *.zip`; do unzip -f $file; rm $file; done
We are looping through all the zip files in the directory, unzipping it and then deleting it.
Note that the -f option of zip will overwrite any file without prompting if it finds a duplicate.
You need to run the above one-line command on the command line from the directory that has the all the zip files. That one line is equivalent to:
for file in `ls *.zip` # ls *.zip gets the list of all zip file..iterate through that list one by one.
do # for each file in the list do the following:
unzip -f $file # unzip the file.
rm $file # delete it.
I found this answer which is a simple one liner to gunzip all .gz compressed files within a folder.
Basically you cd to the folder and then run
gunzip *.gz
If you want to only unzip files with a certain prefix you put that before the *
gunzip example*.gz
Easy as cake!
