Wine Tasting problem - algorithm

I've spent almost all competition time(3 h) for solving this problem. In vain :( Maybe you could help me to find the solution.
A group of Facebook employees just had a very successful product launch. To celebrate, they have decided to go wine tasting. At the vineyard, they decide to play a game. One person is given some glasses of wine, each containing a different wine. Every glass of wine is labelled to indicate the kind of wine the glass contains. After tasting each of the wines, the labelled glasses are removed and the same person is given glasses containing the same wines, but unlabelled. The person then needs to determine which of the unlabelled glasses contains which wine. Sadly, nobody in the group can tell wines apart, so they just guess randomly. They will always guess a different type of wine for each glass. If they get enough right, they win the game. You must find the number of ways that the person can win, modulo 1051962371.
The first line of the input is the number of test cases, N. The next N lines each contain a test case, which consists of two integers, G and C, separated by a single space. G is the total number of glasses of wine and C is the minimum number that the person must correctly identify to win.
N = 20
1 ≤ G ≤ 100
1 ≤ C ≤ G
For each test case, output a line containing a single integer, the number of ways that the person can win the game modulo 1051962371.
Example input
1 1
4 2
5 5
13 10
14 1
Example output

Here's the one that doesn't need the prior knowledge of Rencontres numbers. (Well, it's basically the proof a formula from the wiki but I thought I'd share it anyway.)
First find f(n): the number of permutations of n elements that don't have a fixed point. It's simple by inclusion-exclusion formula: the number of permutations that fix k given points is (n-k)!, and these k points can be chosen in C(n,k) ways. So, f(n) = n! - C(n,1)(n-1)! + C(n,2)(n-2)! - C(n,3)(n-3)! + ...
Now find the number of permutations that have exactly k fixed points. These points can be chosen in C(n,k) ways and the rest n-k points can be rearranged in f(n-k) ways. So, it's C(n,k)f(n-k).
Finally, the answer to the problem is the sum of C(g,k)f(g-k) over k = c, c+1, ..., g.

My solution involved the use of Rencontres Numbers.
A Rencontres Number D(n,k) is the number of permutations of n elements where exactly k elements are in their original places. The problem asks for at least k elemenets, so I just took the sum over k, k+1,...,n.
Here's my Python submission (after cleaning up):
from sys import stdin, stderr, setrecursionlimit as recdepth
from math import factorial as fact
cache=[[-1 for i in xrange(101)] for j in xrange(101)]
def ncr(n,k):
return fact(n)/fact(k)/fact(n-k)
def D(n,k):
if cache[n][k]==-1:
if k==0:
if n==0:
elif n==1:
cache[n][k]= (n-1)*(D(n-1,0)+D(n-2,0))
return cache[n][k]
return cache[n][k]
def answer(total, match):
return sum(D(total,i) for i in xrange(match,total+1))%MOD
if __name__=='__main__':
for case in xrange(cases):
stderr.write("case %d:\n"%case)
print answer(G,C)

from sys import stdin, stderr, setrecursionlimit as recdepth
from math import factorial as fact
cache=[[-1 for i in xrange(101)] for j in xrange(101)]
def ncr(n,k):
return fact(n)/fact(k)/fact(n-k)
def D(n,k):
if cache[n][k]==-1:
if k==0:
if n==0:
elif n==1:
cache[n][k]= (n-1)*(D(n-1,0)+D(n-2,0))
return cache[n][k]
return cache[n][k]
def answer(total, match):
return sum(D(total,i) for i in xrange(match,total+1))%MOD
if __name__=='__main__':
for case in xrange(cases):
stderr.write("case %d:\n"%case)
print answer(G,C)

Like everyone else, I computed the function that I now know is Rencontres Numbers, but I derived the recursive equation myself in the contest. Without loss of generality, we simply assume the correct labels of wines are 1, 2, .., g, i.e., not permuted at all.
Let's denote the function as f(g,c). Given g glasses, we look at the first glass, and we could either label it right, or label it wrong.
If we label it right, we reduce the problem to getting c-1 right out of g-1 glasses, i.e., f(g-1, c-1).
If we label it wrong, we have g-1 choices for the first glass. For the remaining g-1 glasses, we must get c glasses correct, but this subproblem is different from the f we're computing, because out of the g-1 glasses, there's already a mismatching glass. To be more precise, for the first glass, our answer is j instead of the correct label 1. Let's assume there's another function h that computes it for us.
So we have f(g,c) = f(g-1,c-1) + (g-1) * h(g-1, c).
Now to compute h(g,c), we need to consider two cases at the jth glass.
If we label it 1, we reduce the problem to f(g-1,c).
If we label it k, we have g-1 choices, and the problem is reduced to h(g-1,c).
So we have h(g,c) = f(g-1,c) + (g-1) * h(g-1,c).
Here's the complete program in Haskell, with memoization and some debugging support.
import Control.Monad
import Data.MemoTrie
--import Debug.Trace
trace = flip const
add a b = mod (a+b) 1051962371
mul a b = mod (a*b) 1051962371
main = do
(_:input) <- liftM words getContents
let map' f [] = []
map' f (a:c:xs) = f (read a) (read c) : map' f xs
mapM print $ map' ans input
ans :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
ans g c = foldr add 0 $ map (f g) [c..g]
memoF = memo2 f
memoH = memo2 h
-- Exactly c correct in g
f :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
f g c = trace ("f " ++ show (g,c) ++ " = " ++ show x) x
where x = if c < 0 || g < c then 0
else if g == c then 1
else add (memoF (g-1) (c-1)) (mul (g-1) (memoH (g-1) c))
-- There's one mismatching position in g positions
h :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
h g c = trace ("h " ++ show (g,c) ++ " = " ++ show x) x
where x = if c < 0 || g < c then 0
else add (memoF (g-1) c) (mul (g-1) (memoH (g-1) c))


Solving CHRL4 on code chef (CHEF and Way) in Haskell

I am trying to solve this question in Haskell but the codechef compiler keeps on saying it is the wrong answer. The question is as follows:
After visiting a childhood friend, Chef wants to get back to his home. Friend lives at the first street, and Chef himself lives at the N-th (and the last) street. Their city is a bit special: you can move from the X-th street to the Y-th street if and only if 1 <= Y - X <= K, where K is the integer value that is given to you. Chef wants to get to home in such a way that the product of all the visited streets' special numbers is minimal (including the first and the N-th street). Please, help him to find such a product.
The first line of input consists of two integer numbers - N and K - the number of streets and the value of K respectively. The second line consist of N numbers - A1, A2, ..., AN respectively, where Ai equals to the special number of the i-th street.
The output should be modulo 1000000007
4 2
1 2 3 4
The solution I used is as follows:
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
findMinIndex x index minIndex n
| index == n = minIndex
| (x!!index) < (x!!minIndex) = findMinIndex x (index+1) index n
| otherwise = findMinIndex x (index+1) minIndex n
minCost [] _ = 1
minCost (x:xs) k = let indexList = take k xs
minIndex = findMinIndex indexList 0 0 (length indexList)
in x * minCost(drop minIndex xs) k
main :: IO()
main = do
t <- B.getContents
let inputs = B.lines t
let firstLine = inputs !! 0
let secondLine = inputs !! 1
let [n,k] = map (fst . fromJust . B.readInt) $ B.split ' ' firstLine
let specialNums = reverse $ map (fst . fromJust . B.readInteger) $ B.split ' ' secondLine
putStrLn $ show ((minCost specialNums k) `mod` 1000000007)
It worked for the given test case and a few other test cases I tries out. But it is not being accepted by codechef. I followed the editorial for the problem and made it. Basically starting from the last number in the list of special numbers the program search it's immediate k predecessors and finds the minimum one in that range and multiplies it with the current value and so on till the beginning of the list
Your algorithm doesn't always give the smallest product for all the inputs, e.g. this one:
5 2
3 2 3 2 3
The editorial explained the problem throughout, you really should read it again.
This problem is basically a shortest path problem, streets are vertices, possible movements from street to street are edges of the graph, the weight of an edge is determined by the special value of the tail alone. While the total movement cost is defined as the product but not the sum of all the costs, the question can be normalized by taking logarithms of all the special values, since
a * b = exp(log(a) + log(b))
Given log is monotonically increasing function, the minimal product is just the minimal sum of logarithms.
In editorial the editor picked Dijkstra's algorithm, but after taking the log transformation, it will be a standard shortest path problem and can be solved with any shortest path algorithm you like.
There are many implementations of Dijkstra's algorithm in Haskell, I found two on Hackage and one here. The parsing and graph initializing code is straight forward.
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.IntMap.Strict as M
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Set as S
-- Code from's_algorithm#Haskell
dijkstra :: (Ix v, Num w, Ord w, Bounded w) => v -> v -> Array v [(v,w)] -> (Array v w, Array v v)
dijkstra src invalid_index adj_list = runST $ do
min_distance <- newSTArray b maxBound
writeArray min_distance src 0
previous <- newSTArray b invalid_index
let aux vertex_queue =
case S.minView vertex_queue of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ((dist, u), vertex_queue') ->
let edges = adj_list Data.Array.! u
f vertex_queue (v, weight) = do
let dist_thru_u = dist + weight
old_dist <- readArray min_distance v
if dist_thru_u >= old_dist then
return vertex_queue
else do
let vertex_queue' = S.delete (old_dist, v) vertex_queue
writeArray min_distance v dist_thru_u
writeArray previous v u
return $ S.insert (dist_thru_u, v) vertex_queue'
foldM f vertex_queue' edges >>= aux
aux (S.singleton (0, src))
m <- freeze min_distance
p <- freeze previous
return (m, p)
where b = bounds adj_list
newSTArray :: Ix i => (i,i) -> e -> ST s (STArray s i e)
newSTArray = newArray
shortest_path_to :: (Ix v) => v -> v -> Array v v -> [v]
shortest_path_to target invalid_index previous =
aux target [] where
aux vertex acc | vertex == invalid_index = acc
| otherwise = aux (previous Data.Array.! vertex) (vertex : acc)
-- Code I wrote
instance Bounded Double where
minBound = -1e100
maxBound = 1e100
constructInput :: Int -> Int -> M.IntMap Integer -> Array Int [(Int, Double)]
constructInput n k specMap =
specMap' = fmap (log . fromIntegral) specMap
edges = [(src, [(dest, specMap' M.! dest) | dest <- [src+1..src+k], dest <= n]) | src <- [1..n]]
array (1, n) edges
main :: IO ()
main = do
rawInput <- getContents
[l, l'] = lines rawInput
[n,k] = fmap read . words $ l
specs = fmap read . words $ l'
specMap = M.fromList $ [1..n] `zip` specs
adj_list = constructInput n k specMap
(_, previous) = dijkstra 1 0 adj_list
path = shortest_path_to n 0 previous
weight = (product $ fmap (specMap M.!) path) `mod` 1000000007
print weight
PS: My program scores 30 with a lot of TLE (short for "Too Long Execution" I guess) on CodeChief, for the full mark you may have to try it yourself and get a better solution.

Algorithm to find a group seating arrangement for an open book test

You are planning the group seating arrangement for a open book test given a list of students, V from different schools to participate. Assuming the fact that students who are known to each other directly or indirectly will probably cheat more as compared to unknown people sitting together.
Suppose you are also given a lookup table T where T[u] for u ? V is a list of students that u knows. If u knows v, then v knows u. You are required to arrange the seating such that any student at a table doesn't knows any other student sitting at the same table either directly or through some other student sitting at the same table. For example, if x knows y, and y knows z, then x, y, z can sit at the same table. Describe an efficient algorithm that, given V and T, returns the minimum number of tables needed to achieve this requirement. Analyze the running time of your algorithm.
Follow a student relations out to two edges, get a graph:
a - e - j
\ q
b - d
\ t
r - w - x - y - z
All the students in the same subgraph have to be separated, so the minimum number of tables is one for each students in the largest group - in this example the largest subgraph is r-w-x-y-z, so 5 tables.
Untested Python pseudocode:
# Given a student list
# a b c d e f j q r t w x y z
# start a chain at a
# a b c d e f j q r t w x y z
# .
# visit friends of a
# a b c d e f j q r t w x y z
# . .
# visit friends of a's friends
# a b c d e f j q r t w x y z
# . . . .
# if e and j are friends, don't double-count
# Get a count of 4 starting at person a
# Repeat for all students
# Report the longest chain.
friendCounts = {}
def countFriendsOf(T, student, friendTracker, moreSteps=2):
friendTracker[student] = True #quicker to set it regardless,
#than to check if it's set
if not moreSteps:
for friend in T[student]:
countFriendsOf(T, friend, friendTracker, moreSteps - 1)
return friendTracker
for u in V:
friends = countFriendsOf(T, u, friendTracker={})
friendCounts[u] = (len(friends), friends)
results = sorted(friendCounts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0], reverse=True)
(student, (friendCount, friends)) = results[0]
print "The smallest number of tables is:", friendCount
print "Mandated by the friend group of:", student
from pprint import pprint
Analyze the running time of your algorithm.
Analysis: Fine on any computer more powerful than a snowglobe.
Not sure. Best case: students have no friends - linear with respect to number of students. O(n). Worst case: every student is friends with every other student, then it does lookups for every student for every student, so O(n^3). Ew.
It was running more like O(n^2) until I realised that version was definitely wrong.
This version is only not-definitely-wrong, it isn't definitely-right.
I didn't even start it as a recursive solution, it just ended up going that way. friendTracker use is a nasty side-effect, and the recursive call is not tail recursion optimizable. Not that Python does that,

Improvement of the Greedy Algorithm

I've been working on an abstract chess algorithm using Haskell (trying to expand my understanding of different paradigms), and I've hit a challenge that I've been pondering about for weeks.
Here's the problem:
Given a board (represented by a list of lists of integers; each
integer represents a subsequent point value), with dimensions n x n,
determine the path that provides the most points. If there is a tie
for best path, return either of them.
Here are the specifics:
A = [[5,4,3,1],[10,2,1,0],[0,1,2,0],[2,3,4,20]]
which renders as:
R1: 5 4 3 1, R2: 10 2 1 0, R3: 0 1 2 0, R4: 2 3 4 20.
The rules are:
You may start anywhere on the top row
You may move one square at a time, either straight down, down-left (diagonal) , or down-right (diagonal).
The output must be a tuple of integers.
First element is a list representing the columns vs. row, and the second element is the total number of points. Eg. for the above board, the best solution is to travel from top-left (5) and go diagonally for the remaining steps (until the 20 point square). This would result in the tuple ([1,2,3,4], 29).
Remember, this is all in Haskell so it is a functional-paradigm recursive problem. At first, I was thinking about using the greedy algorithm, that is, choosing the highest value in r1, and recursing through comparing the next 3 possibilities; choosing the highest of the 3. However, the downfall is that the greedy algorithm doesn't have the ability to see potential ahead of the next row.
How would I go about this? I'm not looking for code per se, since I enjoy solving things on my own. However, pseudocode or some algorithmic guidance would be much appreciated!
I saw your previous question on the same topic, and I start to work on it.
As you doesn't want the direct solution, I can provide you my reflexion about your problem, I guess it could help you.
Some basic property :
1. The number of movement is alway egal to the length of the list m = length A
2. The number of starting point is egal to the length of the head of the list n = length (head A)
3. The current position could never be negative, then :
- if the current position is egal to 0 you can either go down or right
- else you can go to left, down or right
Which lead us to this pseudo code
generate_path :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
generate_path [] = [[]]
generate_path A = ... -- You have to put something here
m = length A
n = length (head A)
This things should look like something as this
move pos0 count0
| count0 == 0 =
| pos0 == 0 = move (down count) ++ move (right count)
| otherwise = move (left count) ++ move (down count) ++ move (right count)
count = count0 - 1
down = position0
left = position0 - 1
right = position0 + 1
In fact keeping all of this in mind and adding the (!!) operator, we shouldn't be so far of the solution. To convince you play with A + list comprehension + !!, as
[A !! x !! y | x <- [1..2], y <- [0..2]] -- I take random range
Or play with another version :
[[A !! x !! y | x <- [1..2]] | y <- [0..2]]] -- I take random range
In fact you have two recursion the main one working on the parameter n = length (head A), you repeat the same action from 0 to (n-1) at (n-1) retrieve the result, this recursion embedded another one which work on m, repeat the same action from 0 to (m-1).
Hope it help.
Good luck.
Keep a list of the paths to each column in the row just reached with the highest score to that cell.
You'd start (in your example), with the list
[([1],5), ([2],4), ([3],3), ([4],1)]
Then, when checking the next row, for each column, you pick the path with the highest score in the previous row that can reach that column, here, for the second row, in column 1 and 2, you'd pick the path ending in column 1 on the row above, and in column 3, you'd pick the path ending in column 2 in the row above, in column 4, the path ending in colum 3 in the previous row, so that would give you
[([1,1],15), ([1,2],7), ([2,3],5), ([3,4],3)]
for the third row, [0,1,2,0], you'd again pick the path ending in column 1 for the first two columns, the path ending in column 2 for the third, and the path ending in column 3 for the fourth,
[([1,1,1],15), ([1,1,2],16), ([1,2,3],9), ([2,3,4],5)]
for the fourth row, [2,3,4,20], you'd pick the path ending in column 2 for the first three columns, and the path ending in column 3 for the last,
[([1,1,2,1],18), ([1,1,2,2],19), ([1,1,2,3],20), ([1,2,3,4],29)]
Then, when you've reached the last row, you pick the path with the highest total.
Why it works:
Let the highest-scoring path end in column c. The part above the last column must be the highest scoring path ending in one of the columns c-1, c, c+1 on the penultimate row, since column c in the last row can only be reached from those.
The best solution is not a greedy algorithm from the top down, but rather an approach that starts with the last row and works up:
import Data.Function
import Data.List
-- All elements of Board are lists of equal lengths
-- valid b = 1 == length (group (map length b))
type Value = Int
type Board = [[Value]]
type Index = Int
type Result = ([Index], Value)
p :: Board
p = [[5,4,3,1],[10,2,1,0],[0,1,2,0],[2,3,4,20]]
best_from :: Board -> Result
best_from [] = undefined
best_from xs | any null xs = undefined
best_from b = best_of . best_list $ b
best_list :: Board -> [Result]
best_list b = foldr1 layer (map label b)
where label = zipWith (\index value -> ([index],value)) [1..]
layer new rest = zipWith (\(i1,v1) (i2,v2) -> (i1++i2, v1+v2)) new best
where temp = head rest : map best_pair (zip rest (tail rest))
best = map best_pair (zip temp (tail rest)) ++ [last temp]
best_pair :: (Result,Result) -> Result
best_pair (a#(_,a1), b#(_,b1)) | a1 >=b1 = a
| otherwise = b
best_of :: [Result] -> Result
best_of = maximumBy (compare `on` snd)
main = do
print (best_from p)
It is easy to solve if there is one row. So this converts each row into a list of Result with a simple [#] solution path.
Given the rest for the puzzel below a new row then adding the new row is a matter of finding the best solution from rest (by checking down, down left, down right) and combining with the new row.
This makes foldr, or here foldr1 the natural structure.
I chose a different path, no pun intended. I listed the allowed index combinations and mapped the board to them. Perhaps someone can find a way to generalize it to a board of any size.
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Maybe
a = [[5,4,3,1],[10,2,1,0],[0,1,2,0],[2,3,4,20]]
r1 = a !! 0
r2 = a !! 1
r3 = a !! 2
r4 = a !! 3
i = [0,1,2,3]
index_combinations = [[a,b,c,d] | a <- i, b <- i, c <- i, d <- i,
abs (b-a) < 2, abs (c-b) < 2, abs (d-c) < 2]
mapR xs = [r1 !! (xs !! 0), r2 !! (xs !! 1),
r3 !! (xs !! 2), r4 !! (xs !! 3)]
r_combinations = map mapR index_combinations
r_combinations_summed = zip r_combinations $ map (foldr (+) 0) r_combinations
result = maximumBy (comparing snd) r_combinations_summed
path = index_combinations !! fromJust (elemIndex result r_combinations_summed)

Finding largest f satisfying a property given f is non-decreasing in its arguments

this has been bugging me for a while.
Lets say you have a function f x y where x and y are integers and you know that f is strictly non-decreasing in its arguments,
i.e. f (x+1) y >= f x y and f x (y+1) >= f x y.
What would be the fastest way to find the largest f x y satisfying a property given that x and y are bounded.
I was thinking that this might be a variation of saddleback search and I was wondering if there was a name for this type of problem.
Also, more specifically I was wondering if there was a faster way to solve this problem if you knew that f was the multiplication operator.
Edit: Seeing the comments below, the property can be anything
Given a property g (where g takes a value and returns a boolean) I am simply looking for the largest f such that g(f) == True
For example, a naive implementation (in haskell) would be:
maximise :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Bool) -> Int -> Int -> Int
maximise f g xLim yLim = head . filter g . reverse . sort $ results
where results = [f x y | x <- [1..xLim], y <- [1..yLim]]
Let's draw an example grid for your problem to help think about it. Here's an example plot of f for each x and y. It is monotone in each argument, which is an interesting constraint we might be able to do something clever with.
+------- x --------->
| 0 0 1 1 1 2
| 0 1 1 2 2 4
y 1 1 3 4 6 6
| 1 2 3 6 6 7
| 7 7 7 7 7 7
Since we don't know anything about the property, we can't really do better than to list the values in the range of f in decreasing order. The question is how to do that efficiently.
The first thing that comes to mind is to traverse it like a graph starting at the lower-right corner. Here is my attempt:
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
maximise :: (Ord b, Num b) => (Int -> Int -> b) -> (b -> Bool) -> Int -> Int -> Maybe b
maximise f p xLim yLim =
listToMaybe . filter p . map (negate . snd) $
enumIncreasing measure successors (xLim,yLim)
measure (x,y) = negate $ f x y
successors (x,y) = [ (x-1,y) | x > 0 ] ++ [ (x,y-1) | y > 0 ] ]
The signature is not as general as it could be (Num should not be necessary, but I needed it to negate the measure function because enumIncreasing returns an increasing rather than a decreasing list -- I could have also done it with a newtype wrapper).
Using this function, we can find the largest odd number which can be written as a product of two numbers <= 100:
ghci> maximise (*) odd 100 100
Just 9801
I wrote enumIncreasing using meldable-heap on hackage to solve this problem, but it is pretty general. You could tweak the above to add additional constraints on the domain, etc.
The answer depends on what's expensive. The case that might be intersting is when f is expensive.
What you might want to do is look at pareto-optimality. Suppose you have two points
(1, 2) and (3, 4)
Then you know that the latter point is going to be a better solution, so long as f is a nondecreasing function. However, of course, if you have points,
(1, 2) and (2, 1)
then you can't know. So, one solution would be to establish a pareto-optimal frontier of points that the predicate g permits, and then evaluate these though f.

Godel, Escher, Bach Typographical Number Theory (TNT) puzzles and solutions

In chapter 8 of Godel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstader, the reader is challenged to translate these 2 statements into TNT:
"b is a power of 2"
"b is a power of 10"
Are following answers correct?:
(Assuming '∃' to mean 'there exists a number'):
∃x:(x.x = b)
i.e. "there exists a number 'x' such that x multiplied x equals b"
If that is correct, then the next one is equally trivial:
∃x:(x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x = b)
I'm confused because the author indicates that they are tricky and that the second one should take hours to solve; I must have missed something obvious here, but I can't see it!
In general, I would say "b is a power of 2" is equivalent to "every divisor of b except 1 is a multiple of 2". That is:
∀x((∃y(y*x=b & ¬(x=S0))) → ∃z(SS0*z=x))
EDIT: This doesnt work for 10 (thanks for the comments). But at least it works for all primes. Sorry. I think you have to use some sort of encoding sequences after all. I suggest "Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems" by Raymond Smullyan, if you want a detailed and more general approach to this.
Or you can encode Sequences of Numbers using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, and then encode recursive definitions, such that you can define Exponentiation. In fact, that is basically how you can prove that Peano Arithmetic is turing complete.
Try this:
a=b mod c = ∃k a=c*k+b
∃y ∃k(
∀x(D(x,y)&Prime(x)→¬D(x*x,y)) &
∀x(D(x,y)&Prime(x)&∀z(Prime(z)&z<x→¬D(z,y))→(k=1 mod x)) &
∀a<x ∀c<z ((k=a mod x)&(k=c mod z)-> a=c*10))&
∀x(D(x,y)&Prime(x)&∀z(Prime(z)&z>x→¬D(z,y))→(b<x & (k=b mod x))))
should state "b is Power of 10", actually saying "there is a number y and a number k such that y is product of distinct primes, and the sequence encoded by k throug these primes begins with 1, has the property that the following element c of a is 10*a, and ends with b"
Your expressions are equivalent to the statements "b is a square number" and "b is the 10th power of a number" respectively. Converting "power of" statements into TNT is considerably trickier.
There's a solution to the "b is a power of 10" problem behind the spoiler button in skeptical scientist's post here. It depends on the chinese remainder theorem from number theory, and the existence of arbitrarily-long arithmetic sequences of primes. As Hofstadter indicated, it's not easy to come up with, even if you know the appropriate theorems.
In expressing "b is a power of 10", you actually do not need the Chinese Remainder Theorem and/nor coding of finite sequences. You can alternatively work as follows (we use the usual symbols as |, >, c-d, as shortcuts for formulas/terms with obvious meaning):
For a prime number p, let us denote EXP(p,a) some formula in TNT saying that "p is a prime and a is a power of p". We already know, how to build one. (For technical reasons, we do not consider S0 to be a power of p, so ~EXP(p,S0).)
If p is a prime, we define EXPp(c,a) ≖ 〈EXP(p,a) ∧ (c-1)|(a-1)〉. Here, the symbol | is a shortcut for "divides" which can be easily defined in TNT using one existencial quantifier and multiplication; the same holds for c-1 (a-1, resp.) which means "the d such that Sd=c" (Sd=a, resp.).
If EXP(p,c) holds (i.e. c is a power of p), the formula EXPp(c,a) says that "a is a power of c" since a ≡ 1 (mod c-1) then.
Having a property P of numbers (i.e. nonnegative integers), there is a way how to refer, in TNT, to the smallest number with this property: 〈P(a) ∧ ∀c:〈a>c → ~P(a)〉〉.
We can state the formula expressing "b is a power of 10" (for better readability, we omit the symbols 〈 and 〉, and we write 2 and 5 instead of SS0 and SSSSS0):
∃a:∃c:∃d: (EXP(2,a) ∧ EXP(5,c) ∧ EXP(5,d) ∧ d > b ∧ a⋅c=b ∧ ∀e:(e>5 ∧ e|c ∧ EXP5(e,c) → ~EXP5(e,d)) ∧ ∀e:("e is the smallest such that EXP5(c,e) ∧ EXP5(d,e)" → (d-2)|(e-a))).
Explanation: We write b = a⋅c = 2x⋅5y (x,y>0) and choose d=5z>b in such a way that z and y are coprime (e.g. z may be a prime). Then "the smallest e..." is equal to (5z)y = dy ≡ 2y (mod d-2), and (d-2)|(e-a) implies a = 2x = e mod (d-2) = 2y (we have 'd-2 > 2y' and 'd-2 > a', too), and so x = y.
Remark: This approach can be easily adapted to define "b is a power of n" for any number n with a fixed decomposition a1a2...ak, where each ai is a power of a prime pi and pi = pj → i=j.
how about:
∀x: ∀y: (SSx∙y = b → ∃z: z∙SS0 = SSx)
(in English: any factor of b that is ≥ 2 must itself be divisible by 2; literally: for all natural numbers x and y, if (2+x) * y = b then this implies that there's a natural number z such that z * 2 = (2+x). )
I'm not 100% sure that this is allowed in the syntax of TNT and propositional calculus, it's been a while since I've perused GEB.
(edit: for the b = 2n problem at least; I can see why the 10n would be more difficult as 10 is not prime. But 11n would be the same thing except replacing the one term "SS0" with "SSSSSSSSSSS0".)
Here's what I came up with:
Which translates to:
For all numbers c, there exists a number d, such that if c times d equals b then either c is 1 or there exists a number e such that d equals e times 2.
For all numbers c, there exists a number d, such that if b is a factor of c and d then either c is 1 or d is a factor of 2
If the product of two numbers is b then one of them is 1 or one of them is divisible by 2
All divisors of b are either 1 or are divisible by 2
b is a power of 2
For the open expression meaning that b is a power of 2, I have ∀a:~∃c:(S(Sa ∙ SS0) ∙ Sc) = b
This effectively says that for all a, S(Sa ∙ SS0) is not a factor of b. But in normal terms, S(Sa ∙ SS0) is 1 + ((a + 1) * 2) or 3 + 2a. We can now reword the statement as "no odd number that is at least 3 is a factor of b". This is true if and only if b is a power of 2.
I'm still working on the b is a power of 10 problem.
I think that most of the above have only shown that b must be a multiple of 4. How about this: ∃b:∀c:<<∀e:(c∙e) = b & ~∃c':∃c'':(ssc'∙ssc'') = c> → c = 2>
I don't think the formatting is perfect, but it reads:
There exists b, such that for all c, if c is a factor of b and c is prime, then c equal 2.
Here is what I came up with for the statement "b is a power of 2"
∃b: ∀a: ~∃c: ((a * ss0) + sss0) * c = b
I think this says "There exists a number b, such that for all numbers a, there does not exist a number c such that (a * 2) + 3 (in other words, an odd number greater than 2) multiplied by c, gives you b." So, if b exists, and can't be zero, and it has no odd divisors greater than 2, then wouldn't b necessarily be 1, 2, or another power of 2?
my solution for b is a power of two is :
∀x: ∃y x.y=b ( isprime(x) => x = SS0 )
isprime() should not be hard to write.
