jmeter url formatting questions - jmeter

Trying to load test a site using a tool i dont quite understand against a formatting standard I cant seem to crack. so:
is the url in question. While I (think) I understand what this url is doing, what are my steps to test in jmeter?
Any help appreciated.

The steps to test in Jmeter depend largely on what you're trying to test.
As a starting point, I would recommend recording logging into the site, so you capture every parameter that's being sent along with its value.
You can then parametrize these values as needed. It looks like once someone logs in, they get redirected to another page. Mostly likely when you record, you'll see the login page and then a landing page captured.


Load Testing using JMeter on Magento Application

I still trying how to setup load testing using JMeter on Magento application. Any of you guys have experience on it?
At the moment I have problem on formkey initialization, for example when I try to make checkout scenario:
First, do user signin
Add product to cart
Then, do checkout
I have been used HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier, I set session argument name as "formkey", but It doesn't work.
Sorry I can't specific my question.
Thank you so much.
As far as I recall, the parameter should be form_key. Double check you correctly retrieve its value via Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination (see How to debug your Apache JMeter script guide for more information on how to get to the bottom of unexpected test script behaviour).
Also I don't think you need the URL ReWriting Modifier.
Refer JMeter Magento Login Test Plan as example.

Sometimes same test scenario not working when doing multiple recordings in Jmeter

I have recorded script for atlassian confluence system. Purpose of this recording is to perform load test on confluence. Below scenarios are recorded
Browse a Space
Create a wiki page
Edit a wiki page
Commenting on page
I have modified the script and those scenarios are worked fine when i run the script. Then when i record the script again and did the same modifications the edit action is not working as before. I have tried page editing action on multiple environments and sometimes it works and all the time it's not works. Why this is happening?
This is very high level information that you have shared. Please share more info about what kind error do you get in case of failures. You might be able to trace down your problem & solution by looking into following points.
Is your login request successful (valid login session)
Are you using cookie manager
Have you used assertions to verify valid/invalid responses
Have you used debug sampler and View Tree Results listener
Please use above to narrow down your problem and then share it over here.

Ways to programatically check if a website is up and functioning as expected

I know this is an open ended question, but hopefully it will get some good answers before the thread is locked...
I'm wondering what methods there are to programmatically check (language agnostic) if a website is online from a client perspective (assume you can't make changes to the site/server, but you can rely on certain behaviours of the site.)
The result of each method could stack to provide a measure of certainty that the site is up/down - that is, a method does not have to provide a definite indication if the site is up/down on its own.
Some common tests just to check 'upness' may be:
Ping the site (which in the case of shared hosting isn't very
Send a http head/get request and check the status
Others I can think of to check that the site is up and functioning:
Check you received a well formed html response i.e. html to html
tags, if the site is experiencing trouble it may spit an error and
exit without writing the rest of the page (not all that reliable
though because the site may handle most errors in a better way)
Check certain content is or is not on the page, i.e. perhaps there is some content that is always present on your pages, or always present in the case of an error
Can anybody think of any other methods that could be used to help determine if a site is in fact up/down and functioning/not functioning correctly from within a program?
If your get request on a page that displays info from database comes back with status 200 and matching keywords are found, you can be pretty certain that your site is up and running.
And you don't really need to write your own script to do that. There are free services such as GotSiteMonitor, Pingdom, UptimeRobot etc. allows you to monitor your site.
Based your set of test on the unit tests priciple. It is normally used in programming to test classes, modules or other artefacts after changes have been made. You can use any of the available frameworks, so don't have to reinvent the wheel. You must describe (implement) tests to be run, in your case a typical test should request a url inside the page and then do some evaluations like:
call result (for example return code of curl execution)
http return code
http headers
response mime type
response size
response content (test against a regular expression)
This way you can add, remove and modify single tests without having to care about the framework, once you are up. You can also chain tests, so perform a login in one test and virtually click a button in subsequent test.
There are also tools to handle such test runs automatically including visualization of results, statistics and the like.
OK, it sounds like you want to test and monitor your website from a customer experience perspective rather than purely establishing if a server is up (using ping for example). An effective way to replicate the customer experience is to simulate tests against the site using one of the headless browser testing tools (phantomJS is great a great choice) as they will render the page fully (including images, CSS, JS etc.) giving you a real page load time. These tools also allow you to make assertions on all aspects of the HTML content and HTTP response.
pingdom recently started offering a (paid for) service to perform these exact types of checks for alongside their existing monitoring solution. The demo is worth looking at, their interface for writing the actual tests is very nice.

JMeter Test Plan Login Issue

I was hoping someone could shine some light on my problem. I am in the process of load testing a website. For authenticity, I would like to simulate users logging in and such. JMeter refuses to comply. I have tried manually using HTTPS requests, HTTPS spoofing that is provided, and exporting login scripts from Badboy. Using the View Results Tree listener after running a test, it seems that everything is working, but in the end I am always redirected to the login page. The cookie appears to be functioning properly as it displays the same session for each request.
Thanks in advance for any wisdom you all may offer.
While badboy is a great tool to create jmeter test in https.
But on our apps, badboy seem to add get request that didn't work at all, I had to remove them manually to fix the problem.
And if you have a token or session id in your cookies, it's doesn't take care of it for you so you got to figure out how to extract them with a reg-ex extrator and put in a variable that your test will use.
These problem were very specific to our apps not sure it apply to you, but if you remove unessary request and take care of sending back your token/session id it might do the trick.
I was facing the similar issue sometime ago but since my web application was JSF based I had to take care of the javax.faces.ViewState.
In my case every response had a JFV and I had to pass it as a parameter to the next request using Regular Expression Extractor.
Kindly check if your application is having any such problem.

a script to log into webpage

I want to write a script to log in and interact with a web page, and a bit at a loss as to where to start. I can probably figure out the html parsing, but how do I handle the login part? I was planning on using bash, since that is what I know best, but am open to any other suggestions. I'm just looking for some reference materials or links to help me get started. I'm not really sure if the password is then stored in a cookie or whatnot, so how do I assess the situation as well?
Take a look a cURL, which is generally available in a Linux/Unix environment, and which lets you script a call to a web page, including POST parameters (say a username and password), and lets you manage the cookie store, so that a subsequent call (to get a different page within the site) can use the same cookie (so your login will persist across calls).
I did something like that at work some time ago, I had to login in a page and post the same data over and over...
Take a look at here. I used wget because I did not get it working with curl.
Search this site for screen scraping. It can get hairy since you will need to deal with cookies, javascript and hidden fields (viewstate!). Usually you will need to scrape the login page to get the hidden fields and then post to the login page. Have fun :D
