If you define a While method of the builder-object, you can use while-loops in your computation expressions. The signature of the While method is:
member b.While (predicate:unit->bool, body:M<'a>) : M<'a>
For comparison, the signature of the For method is:
member b.For (items:seq<'a>, body:unit->M<'a>) : M<'a>
You should notice that, in the While-method, the body is a simple type, and not a function as in the For method.
You can embed some other statements, like let and function-calls inside your computation-expressions, but those can impossibly execute in a while-loop more than once.
builder {
while foo() do
printfn "step"
yield bar()
Why is the while-loop not executed more than once, but merely repeated? Why the significant difference from for-loops? Better yet, is there some intended strategy for using while-loops in computation-expressions?
If you look at how computation expressions are evaluated, you'll see that
while foo() do
printfn "step"
yield bar()
is translated to something like
builder.While(fun () -> foo(),
builder.Delay(fun () ->
printfn "step"
This translation allows the body of the while loop to be evaluated multiple times. While your type signatures are accurate for some computation expressions (such as seq or async), note that the insertion of the call to Delay may result in a different signature. For instance, you could define a list builder like this:
type ListBuilder() =
member x.Delay f = f
member x.While(f, l) = if f() then l() # (x.While(f, l)) else []
member x.Yield(i) = [i]
member x.Combine(l1,l2) = l1 # l2()
member x.Zero() = []
member x.Run f = f()
let list = ListBuilder()
Now you can evaluate an expression like:
list {
let x = ref 0
while !x < 10 do
yield !x
x := !x + 1
to get the equivalent of [0 .. 9].
Here, our While method has the signature (unit -> bool) * (unit -> 'a list) -> 'a list, rather than (unit -> bool) * 'a list -> 'a list. In general, when the Delay operation has type (unit -> M<'a>) -> D<M<'a>>, the While method's signature will be (unit -> bool) * D<M<'a>> -> M<'a>.
open System
let rec quick (cast: int list) mmm =
match mmm with
| [] -> []
| first::rest ->
let small = (rest |> List.filter (fun x -> x < first))
let large = (rest |> List.filter (fun x -> x >= first))
quick small |> ignore
quick large |> ignore
//[small # [first] # large]
List.concat [small; [first]; large]
let main argv =
printfn "%A" (quick [3;5;6;7;8;7;5;4;3;4;5;6]);;
Trying to implement a simple quicksort function in F#.
Relatively new to the language, but by all account from what I've read and my understanding of the syntax this should present an integer list but is instead presenting the ambiguous "unit list".
Why does this give a unit list and not an int list?
It errors out at "%A" saying the types do not match.
As given in the OP, quick is a function that takes two parameters: cast and mmm. The type of the function is int list -> int list -> int list.
The function call quick [3;5;6;7;8;7;5;4;3;4;5;6], however, only supplies one argument. Since F# functions are curried, the return value is a new function:
> quick [3;5;6;7;8;7;5;4;3;4;5;6];;
val it : (int list -> int list) = <fun:it#3-4>
This function (in my F# Interactive window called it#3-4) has the type int list -> int list - that is: It's a function that 'still waits' for an int list argument before it runs.
When you print it with the %A format specifier, it prints <fun:it#4-5> to the console. The return value of printfn is () (unit):
> printfn "%A" (quick [3;5;6;7;8;7;5;4;3;4;5;6]);;
val it : unit = ()
You probably only want the function to take a single list parameter. Additionally, the steps you ignore are having no effect, so you might consider another way to recursively call quick.
Maybe it's already implemented in F# ?
basically i would like to define a class of generic filter functions with infix operators, so something which would look like
type Filter<'T> = ('T -> bool) with
static member (|*) (f:Filter<'T>) (g:Filter<'T>) = (fun x -> (f x) ||
(g x)) // OR operator
but this is not the right syntax it seems
Stopped due to error System.Exception: Operation could not be
completed due to earlier error Type abbreviations cannot have
augmentations at 2,5 Type abbreviations cannot have members at 3,19
What you are defining there is a type abbreviation, which, as the errors will indicate, can neither have augmentations nor members. You could fix that by using a single case discriminated union:
type Filter<'T> = Filter of ('T -> bool) with
static member (|* ) (Filter f, Filter g) =
Filter(fun x -> f x || g x) // OR operator
Of course, you now need to unwrap the predicate function prior to the boolean operation, and wrap the composed function again afterwards. A simple test...
let odd x = x % 2 <> 0
let big x = x > 10
let (Filter f) = Filter odd |* Filter big in [8..12] |> List.filter f
// val it : int list = [9; 11; 12]
I've got a library which implements a set (interface with documentation available here: http://pastebin.com/j9QUyN1G). I understand everything apart from this fragment:
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
(** [iter f s] applies [f] to all elements in set [s]. The elements
are passed to [f] in increasing order with respect to the ordering
used to create the set. *)
So iter takes a function as one of the arguements and applies it to all elements of set. So I would expect something like ('a -> 'a) which takes an element of the set and changes it to element of the same type with other value or ('a -> 'b) which takes 'a t and transforms it to 'b t. But instead iter takes a function of type ('a -> unit) and also returns unit, not an 'a t nor 'b t.
So how should an example function passed to iter look like?
iter doesn't change the elements of the set. It's executed purely for its side effects. You might use it to print the elements, for example:
module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
StringSet.iter print_endline ss
The set data structure is immutable, so you can't change the elements of the set. You can build a new set whose elements are derived from an existing set. For a list, there's the function map which takes a list [x1; …; xn] and returns a new list [f x1; …; f xn]. There is no similar function in the Set module because elements in a set are not stored in the order chosen by the caller: there's no such thing as a set with its elements in an order derived from another set. If you want to build a set from the images of the elements of a set, insert the new elements one by one.
module Int = struct
type t = int
let compare = Pervasives.compare
module IntSet = Set.Make(Int)
module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
let int_to_string_set is =
IntSet.fold (fun i ss -> StringSet.add (string_of_int i) ss) is StringSet.empty
iter takes such function that accepts argument of type 'a do with it whatever it whats and returns a value of type unit. In other words it is evaluated for the side-effects since it can't return anything worthwhile.
What you're looking for is a map function, that usually accepts a function of type 'a -> 'b a container with elements of type 'a and returns an container with elements of type 'b. Unfortunately to you, the interface you've shown, doesn't provide such function. But this is not a problem, since it provides a fold function, that is the most general iterator. Having only fold you can implement any other iteratos, like map, iter, exists, etc... Indeed in Core library you can find Container.Make functor that will automatically derive a common container interface from only one function - fold. But also, you can define map by yourself:
let map f xs =
fold (fun x ys -> add (f x) ys) xs empty
It would be a function with side effects, like this:
Let p x = Printf.printf "%d\n" x
while working on a project I accidentally noticed that the same method with only one additional (unused) argument manages to run even ten times faster than the other one, with optimizations enabled.
type Stream () =
static member private write (x, o, a : byte[]) = (for i = 0 to 3 do a.[o + i] <- byte((x >>> 24 - i * 8) % 256)); 4
static member private format f x l = Array.zeroCreate l |> fun a -> (f(x, 0, a) |> ignore; a)
static member private format1 f x l o = Array.zeroCreate l |> fun a -> (f(x, 0, a) |> ignore; a)
static member Format (value : int) = Stream.format (fun (x: int, i, a) -> Stream.write(x, i, a)) value 4
static member Format1 (value : int) = Stream.format1 (fun (x: int, i, a) -> Stream.write(x, i, a)) value 4
When tested, Stream.Format1 runs much faster than Stream.Format, although the only difference between the private members Stream.format and Stream.format1 is just the o argument, which moreover is unused by the method itself.
How does the compiler treat in so different ways two almost identical methods?
EDIT: thanks for the explanation and sorry for the ignorance.
The problem is that when you call Format1 with just a single argument, it only returns a function. It doesn't do the actual formatting yet. This means that if you compare the performance of:
Stream.Format 42
Stream.Format1 42
... then you're actually comparing the performance of actual formatting (that creates the array and writes something in it) in the first case and the performance of code that simply returns a function value without doing anything.
If you're not using the o parameter of format1 for anything, then you can just pass in some dummy value, to actually evaluate the function and get the result. Then you should get similar performance:
Stream.Format 42
Stream.Format1 42 ()
Format actually invokes Array.zeroCreate l |> fun a -> (f(x, 0, a) |> ignore; a).
Format1 returns a function that when passed an object invokes Array.zeroCreate l |> fun a -> (f(x, 0, a) |> ignore; a).
I.e., one does actual work, the other is merely a partial function application; the latter is obviously quicker.
If you're not familiar with partial function application, there is a section in the F# docs titled 'Partial Application of Arguments' that's worth reading over: Functions (F#)
I have a function which is constant to its argument, for example
let is_prime x = (test)
But it's pretty large and slow. So I want the result of it to be calculated only once while I'm calling it as often as I want.
I've tried to do it in a way I did it in not functional languages:
let _is_prime x = (test)
let mutable _is_prime_primes = []
let mutable _is_prime_tested = []
let is_prime x =
if List.exists (fun el -> el = x) _is_prime_primes then
if List.exists (fun el -> el = x) _is_prime_tested then
let result = _is_prime x
if result then _is_prime_primes <- x :: _is_prime_primes
_is_prime_tested <- x :: _is_prime_tested
But I think I'm deeply wrong. Caching such result must be something very common and simple for functional languages.
Here is the Internet Archive link.
I'm having trouble testing this in FSI, but it should be fine in a normal F# project.
let cache f =
let dict = new Dictionary<_,_>()
fun n ->
if dict.ContainsKey(n) then dict.[n]
let r = f n
dict.[n] <- r
Its signature is ('a->'b) -> ('a->'b) when 'a : equality. It takes non-curried function and returns another with an identical signature. The function given is only called once for each unique argument that is passed to it. This makes it good for expensive pure functions. This cache function however is not pure, and not thread-safe. Here's an example of its usage:
let slow n = // 'a -> 'a
let fast = cache slow // 'a -> 'a
Calling fast 1 will cause a second of sleep the first time you call it. Each successive call with the same parameter will return the value instantly.