Randomly generating levels for Sokoban game? - random

I'm making a Sokoban style game (i.e. it's not exactly the same as Sokoban so I can't use existing levels) and would like to create random levels on it so a player could keep playing it and always have levels to try. Are there any ways I can get the computer to generate levels for me automatically or semi-automatically (by semi, I mean I could give it the initial map perhaps but without the crate positions)?
One idea I had was to randomly generate a map, place the crates in their finishing state (i.e. on the crosses) and then randomly move the crates as if they were being pulled by the game character. This guarantees me that the level should be solvable. However, the main problem would be how to know if the level is easy/hard and interesting/boring? For example, Sokoban is NP-hard so I couldn't realistically ask the machine to then check if there was an easy solution.
I know it would be hard to create random levels that would compete with human experts but I'm just looking for something that is decent.
Edit: By the way, I would be more interested in generating small but interesting Sokoban-like levels e.g. 5x5 levels instead of 50x50 levels. This may make things more computationally feasible.

This site has a number of Sokoban level generators: http://www.erimsever.com/sokoban7.htm
You may find it useful to look at how they work.


Tiling Algorithm

I'm faced with a problem where I have to solve puzzles.
E.g. I have an (variable) area of 20x20 (meters for example). There are a number of given set pieces having variable sizes. Such as 4x3, 4x2, 1x5 pieces etc. These pieces can also be turned to add more pain to my problem. The point of the puzzle is to fill the entire area of 20x20 with the given pieces.
What would be a good starting algorithm to achieve such a feat?
I'm thinking of using a heuristic that calculates the open space (for efficiency purposes).
Thanks in advance
That's an Exact Cover problem, with a nice structure too, usually, depending on the pieces. I don't know about any heuristic algorithms, but there are several exact options that should work well.
As usual with Exact Covers, you can use Dancing Links, a way to implement Algorithm X efficiently.
Less generally, you can probably solve this with zero-suppressed decision diagrams. It depends on the tiles though. As a bonus, you can represent all possible solutions and count them or generate one with some properties, all without ever explicitly storing the entire (usually far too large) set of solutions.
BDDs would work about as well, using more nodes to accomplish the same thing (because the solutions are very sparse, as in, using few of the possible tile-placements - ZDDs like that but BDDs like symmetry better than sparseness).
Or you could turn it into a SAT problem, then you get less information (no solution count for example), but faster if there are easy solutions.

Search space data

I was wondering if anyone knew of a source which provides 2D model search spaces to test a GA against. I believe i read a while ago that there are a bunch of standard search spaces which are typically used when evaluating these type of algorithms.
If not, is it just a case of randomly generating this data yourself each time?
Edit: View from above and from the side.
The search space is completely dependent on your problem. The idea of a genetic algorithm being that modify the "genome" of a population of individuals to create the next generation, measure the fitness of the new generation and modify the genomes again with some randomness thrown is to try to prevent getting stuck in local minima. The search space however is completely determined by what you have in your genome, which in turn in completely determined by what the problem is.
There might be standard search spaces (i.e. genomes) that have been found to work well for particular problems (I haven't heard of any) but usually the hardest part in using GAs is defining what you have in your genome and how it is allowed to mutate. The usefulness comes from the fact that you don't have to explicitly declare all the values for the different variables for the model, but you can find good values (not necessarily the best ones though) using a more or less blind search.
One example used quite heavily is the evolved radio antenna (Wikipedia). The aim is to find a configuration for a radio antenna such that the antenna itself is as small and lightweight as possible, with the restriction that is has to respond to certain frequencies and have low noise and so on.
So you would build your genome specifying
the number of wires to use
the number of bends in each wire
the angle of each bend
maybe the distance of each bend from the base
(something else, I don't know what)
run your GA, see what comes out the other end, analyse why it didn't work. GAs have a habit of producing results you didn't expect because of bugs in the simulation. Anyhow, you discover that maybe the genome has to encode the number of bends individually for each of the wires in the antenna, meaning that the antenna isn't going to be symmetric. So you put that in your genome and run the thing again. Simulating stuff that needs to work in the physical world is usually the most expensive because at some point you have to test the indivudal(s) in the real world.
There's a reasonable tutorial of genetic algorithms here with some useful examples about different encoding schemes for the genome.
One final point, when people say that GAs are simple and easy to implement, they mean that the framework around the GA (generating a new population, evaluating fitness etc.) is simple. What usually is not said is that setting up a GA for a real problem is very difficult and usually requires a lot of trial and error because coming up with an encoding scheme that works well is not simple for complex problems. The best way to start is to start simple and make things more complex as you go along. You can of course make another GA to come with the encoding for first GA :).
There are several standard benchmark problems out there.
BBOB (Black Box Optimization Benchmarks) -- have been used in recent years as part of a continuous optimization competition
DeJong functions -- pretty old, and really too easy for most practical purposes these days. Useful for debugging perhaps.
ZDT/DTLZ multiobjective functions -- multi-objective optimization problems, but you could scalarize them yourself I suppose.
Many others

Connecting pieces of wires- algorithm

I'm using C#, but in the future I might need to use it on other languages.
Many games have such puzzles. There is a group of wires (there are 2 types of wires: straight and curved.), there is a place from where a signal comes and there is a place from where the signal must leave. But the arrangement of the wires doesn't allow that to happen. You must turn some of the wires in order to create a path for the signal.
Yeah, I'm trying to find the continent America again, in order not to try finding it more than once in the future.
Somewhere in the future I will also try the same thing but this time with wires that split the signal to 2 or 3 signals.
Problem is that I can't think of an algorithm that I can imagine how to turn it into a code. I have been thinking for some time and I can't think of anything good.
So, can you help me? I will be able to understand the algorithm as "what does the program has to do", but I basically need help with understanding the algorithm as "how to write the code".
Take a look at some maze generation algorithms -- they do the same thing you're looking for, and as such are what you'll need to create the grid. Pick a simple 'cell-carver' from the ones I linked to; randomly rotate all of the wire-pieces, et voilĂ !
A comment on your question notes that turning an algorithm into code involves breaking it down bit by bit -- so that's what we'll do:
You'd start with a grid of potential wire locations (probably 2D, but a 3D game would be amazing).
To produce a solvable level, you could do a couple things -- produce a level, and see if it is solvable (bad), or produce a solved level, then "unsolve" it (better). As I alluded to above, producing a solved level involves algorithms very similar to maze generation -- a solved level would have many traversable "paths", just like a maze. Unsolving the level would just loop through all wire pieces, and rotate them a bit.
But what of maze generation? The resource I linked to contains some algorithms that would be perfect for your use -- a simple randomized DFS should be plenty for your needs.
You'll note that I covered the general case involving branching wires -- as it is, excluding branching means you have to do more coding, to "prune" branches intelligently -- that is, backtracking when your one true path gets stuck, say in a corner, due to the random movement probably necessary to make an interesting level.
You should also note that a solution for such a game would, if I understood correctly, require use of all given wire (I know some games like this). Otherwise, the game would probably be a lot simpler to play given the above generation tactics.
The Union-Find algorithms (that answer my problem) are explained in this PDF file: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rs/AlgsDS07/01UnionFind.pdf
I don't think I would have ever thought of this algorithm, let alone making it fast.

How to implement AI for Puyo Puyo game?

Can someone give me some pointers on how I should implement the artificial intelligence (human vs. computer gameplay) for a Puyo Puyo game? Is this project even worth pursuing?
The point of the game is to form chains of 4 or more beans of the same color that trigger other chains. The longer your chain is, the more points you get. My description isn't that great so here's a simple video of a game in progress: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1JQQbDKTd8&feature=related
You could also design a fairly simple expert system for a low-level difficulty. Something like:
1) Place the pieces anywhere that would result in clearing blocks
2) Otherwise, place the pieces adjacent to same-color pieces.
3) Otherwise, place the pieces anywhere.
This is the basic strategy a person would employ just after becoming familiar with the game. It will be passable as a computer opponent, but it's unlikely to beat anybody who has played more than 20 minutes. You also won't learn much by implementing it.
Best strategy is not to kill every single chain as soon as possible, but assemble in a way, that when you brake something on top everything collapse and you get lot of combos. So problem is in assembling whit this combo strategy. It is also important that there is probably better to make 4 combos whit 5 peaces that 5 combos whit 4 peaces (but i am not sure, check whit scoring)
You should build big structure that allows this super combo moves. When building this structure you have also problem, that you do not know, which peace you will you get (except for next peace), so there is little probability involved.
This is very interesting problem.
You can apply:
Dynamic programming to check the current score.
Monte Carlo for probability needs.
Little heuristics (heuristics always solve problem faster)
In general I would describe this problem as optimal positioning of peaces to maximise probability of win. There is no single strategy, because building bigger "heap" brings greater risk for loosing game.
One parameter of how good your heap is can be "entropy" - number of single/buried peaces, after making combo.
The first answer that comes to mind is a lookahead search with alpha-beta pruning. Is it worth doing? Perhaps as a learning exercise.

Finding patterns in Puzzle games

I was wondering, which are the most commonly used algorithms applied to finding patterns in puzzle games conformed by grids of cells.
I know that depends of many factors, like the kind of patterns You want to detect, or the rules of the game...but I wanted to know which are the most commonly used algorithms in that kind of problems...
For example, games like columns, bejeweled, even tetris.
I also want to know if detecting patterns by "brute force" ( like , scanning all the grid trying to find three adyacent cells of the same color ) is significantly worst that using particular algorithms in very small grids, like 4 X 4 for example ( and again, I know that depends of the kind of game and rules ...)
Which structures are commonly used in this kind of games ?
It's always domain-dependent. But there's also two situations where you'd do these kinds of searches. Ones situation is after a move (a change to the game field made by the player), and the other would be if/when the whole board has changed.
In Tetris, you wouldn't need to scan the whole board after a piece is dropped. You'd just have to search the rows the piece is touching.
In a match-3 games like Bejeweled, where you're swapping two adjacent pieces at a time, you'd first run a localized search in each direction around each square that changed, to see if any pieces have triggered. Then, if they have, the game will dump some new, random pieces onto the board. Now, you could run the same localized search around each square that's changed, but that might involve a lot of if statements and might actually be slower to just scanning the whole board from top left to bottom right. It depends on your implementation and would require profiling.
As Adrian says, a simple 2D array suffices. Often, though, you may add a "border" of pixels around this array, to simplify the searching-for-patterns aspect. Without a border, you'd have to have if statements along the edge squares that says "well, if you're in the top row, don't search up (and walk off the array)". With a border around it, you can safely just search through everything: saving yourself if statements, saving yourself branching, saving yourself pipeline issues, searching faster.
To Jon: these kinds of things really do matter in high-performance settings, even on modern machines, if you're making a search algorithm to play/solve the game. If you are, you want your underlying simulation to run as quickly as possible in order to search as deep as possible in the fewest cycles.
Regarding algorithms: It certainly depends on the game. For example for tetris, you'd only have to scan each row if it has the same color. I can't even think of something that would not equal the brute force approach in this case. But for most casual games brute force should be perfectly fine. Pattern recognition should be negligible in comparison to graphics and sound processing.
Regarding structures: A simple 2D-Array should suffice for representing the board.
Given the average computer speed these days, if it's real-time as the user is playing the game, it probably won't matter (EDIT: for very small game boards only). Certainly, it would depend on the complexity of the game logic, but also how fast the code is going to run on the target machine (i.e., is this a JavaScript web page game, or a Windows app written in C++).
If this is for something like simulating gameplay strategies, then use an algorithm that's more efficient.
A more efficient strategy could involve keeping track of incremental changes to the game board, instead of re-scanning the whole board every time.
