ASP.Net membership for sql server compact database for ASP.Net MVC 3 project -

When we start ASP.Net MVC 3 Starter Site Project in WebMatrix.
We get membership tables pre-installed in SDF (SQL Compact) db.
Now, if we want to create them in new SQL CE 4.0 DB, what is the procedure?
i dont want to use starter site.

What about ASP.NET Universal Providers?
Pretty sure it will be default on next ASP.NET version.

The Starter Site is not an MVC application. It's a Web Pages application. The Starter Site is designed to show you how to use security and membership in a Web Pages application, but more detailed instructions can be found here: Adding Security and Membership


how to create spring template project in sts-3.6.3?

please suggest if is there any other solution to do scaffolding of an app in STS.
In many examples/tutorials about creating web services using Spring MVC framework are using Spring MVC project template. I can't find it in my project tempaltes list. Am i missing some plugin installed?
The best way to create a new Rest service Spring app in STS 3.6.3 and beyond is to select the "Import Spring Getting Started Content". This allows you to get the guides from directly into your workspace. If you look for "Rest Service" in the list of available guides, the wizard will download the initial and the completed version of this guide, showing you how to write a Rest service using the latest Spring versions. The completed version of the project could also be used for just creating a new Spring project and continue to do development from there.

how to add an external spring application as a portlet to a liferay portal

I have developed a Primefaces- Spring Application.
I have installed Liferay IDE/Plugings/server. I Want to deploy the Primeface-Spring application a s a portlet to my Liferay Portal. How do i achieve it? Please help.
Mmm... if I well undestood, you create a standard web application and need to deploy it as a portlet?
I'm sad to say that it is impossible: you need to convert your webapp to a "portlet application" before deploy.
By the way Liferay tries to meet your need... you can deploy your webapp inside your application server like any other web application. So your webserver will be able to serve Liferay (in root context) or your application in its context. Then you have to embed it inside a liferay "Embedded page": just create an "Embedded" page using your Liferay admin features.
This solution uses an iframe, so if you prefer you can try to use a "web-proxy" portlet (to integrate your code server side): see here
Next time you develop a portlet application a good starting point is to understand basics on portlet lifecycle, then to develop it directly thinking on a portlet.
It should be possible to deploy your PrimeFaces+Spring web application as a portlet in Liferay using Liferay Faces Bridge. The purpose of the bridge is to provide developers with a way to develop JSF applications without being concerned about the Portlet API. The Liferay Faces project has a primefaces4-portlet demo and a jsf2-spring-portlet demo that you can download in order to verify that these technologies work in your Liferay Portal environment.

How to integrate Orbeon and another Spring Web application running in separate Tomcat server?

I am new to Orbeon. My company has a requirement to integrate our Spring MVC application with Orbeon. I read many posts about deploying Orbeon and Spring app war files separately but mostly within the same Tomcat container by using crossContext config. Is there a way to have both applications running on separate tomcat servers? If so, are there examples available online?
Orbeon Forms 4.7 will have a built-in embedding solution, see Server-side Form Runner embedding #1808. Until that is done, there is no good solution.

JBoss portal with an existing application

I have never worked with portals before. So I am confused now. We have an application which is working with Spring and tomcat 5.5. So now they are telling me to use JBoss portal on top of that. My question is that is it possible to link my application which is already done with jsp, spring, etc to the JBoss portal. When I want to install JBoss portal as options it has JBoss7 and tomcat 6 options. This wouldn't interfere with my own app which has to run on tomcat 5.5. Am I right?
The closest you can get is with JSR 329 which allows to bridge JSF1.2 applications with JSR 286 based portal environment. The JBoss implementation of JSR 329 called JBoss Portlet Bridge gives you the flexibility to run SEAM as well in portal environment without knowing the details of the portal technology. In addition to this, you can also explore Spring's Portlet MVC Framework but the limitation with this framework is your portlet implementation would be in JSR 168 style which is earlier/base version of portlet specification. Another option for you is to develop a separate portal application with portlets calling your business layer services directly to get the work done. I am not aware about any other frameworks/technology you can use to run spring applications in portal environment. And so go ahead with detailed requirement analysis session with your team and identify how they really want the portal to function.

Embedding a NoSQL DB into an MVC web application

I'm working on a development plan for an MVC web application. I'm trying to see what my options are as far as a MVC application with and embedded noSQL document-oriented database is concerned. I'm looking at ASP.Net MVC with an embedded RavenDB instance, but I wanted to see what my other options are. RavenDB would be perfect if not for the commercial licensing fees, this is a commercial project I'm building for my employer, so unfortunately I cannot use the free version of RavenDB. Is there a similar alternative combination? It doesn't have to be the .Net MVC framework, my requirements are an MVC framework with an embedded noSQL database to be used as the model. Any insight is appreciated.
