How to create a system restore point? [duplicate] - windows

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How to create a system restore point programmatically?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Installing, I found a string Creating system restore point...
I guess it is creating a restore point for Volume Shadow Service. -Isn't it? I'm not sure.
If I'm right, how do I do this in my app?
Let me know please if there are proper Apis.

You can do this using the System Restore API.
See the documentation for the SRSetRestorePoint function, along with adetailed example.


MsgBox displaying old icons. How do I fix this? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I load the same icon as used by MessageBox on Windows 10?
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
So I have minimal experience in VBScript. I only need it for a little project I'm doing and I just need a bit of assistance because I can't find this anywhere else. When it creates a MsgBox, the error icons are the ones from Windows 7. Although this doesn't matter that much to me it would be nice of someone knew how to fix this.
That is the icon in user32.dll. VBS Msgbox is a wrapper around the system's MessageBox() function in that dll.
The icon you want is from ComCtl32.dll.

SAS Enterprise 5.1 Entering variable values via a GUI [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to add input box to sas sql query which ask user about parameter?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have several programs in SAS for database access and I was asked if I can put a GUI on top so that some "Analysts" can also use my programs without using code. I know this can be done in SAS. But how?
They basically want to change variables like start_date or other parameters and then hit a run button :-)
This can be done with prompts.
Right click your code in Enterprise Guide, then Properties.
You will then need to go to the prompt manager from there, and after creating the fields, you have to add them to your code.
There is a way to create this via base language, but I cannot test it, since it's not supported in my SAS environment.
Edit: THIS question has an example of how to do it with BASE. Written by SMW.

Creating arrow key navigation in a command line application? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How can I capture terminal arrow keys in Ruby?
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm trying to dynamically generate a list from file names in a directory using Ruby.
I already have all the code, but my problem is the user interface. In programs such as "testdisk" and "photorec", menu navigation is done via the arrow keys and the enter key alone, without having to type out the name of the option.
Is there a way to reproduce this behavior in a Ruby program?
Ruby Toolbox is a great resource for finding gems that you can use, the link here pointing toward the search for 'curses'.
ncurses should work with any ANSI/Posix compliant system.

Where canI find AppleScript scriptable references? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Applescript API documentation
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am reading an excellent article The examples are good and easy to understand.
But now I have a question. The article only lists a few 'tell's, where can I find the complete references to those scriptable objects?
In your Applescript editor, you will find in the leftmost menu some reference named "Dictionaries".
Keep in mind that those are present only if the application you want to pilot via applescript is open.
I use Satimage's Smile to develop/debug my applescripts, but the native editor is OK as well.
You'll also receive help reading articles from places like MacScripter, Satimage's site, AppleScript Support COmmunities... and SOF :)

Calendar gui for Matlab Guide [duplicate]

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Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
MATLAB date selection popup calendar for gui
Does anyone know of a Calendar GUI for matlab's Guide gui system? I'd like to implement an easy user clickable date selection.
You can easily integrate several built-in date-selection (calendar) components in your Matlab GUI:
You will need to place the relevant code in the *_OutputFcn() function within your GUIDE-generated m-file
Yair Altman
