There are a limited number of players and a limited number of tennis courts. At each round, there can be at most as many matches as there are courts.
Nobody plays 2 rounds without a break. Everyone plays a match against everyone else.
Produce the schedule that takes as few rounds as possible. (Because of the rule that there must a break between rounds for everyone, there can be a round without matches.)
The output for 5 players and 2 courts could be:
| 1 2 3 4 5
2| 1 -
3| 5 3 -
4| 7 9 1 -
5| 3 7 9 5 -
In this output the columns and rows are the player-numbers, and the numbers inside the matrix are the round numbers these two players compete.
The problem is to find an algorithm which can do this for larger instances in a feasible time. We were asked to do this in Prolog, but (pseudo-) code in any language would be useful.
My first try was a greedy algorithm, but that gives results with too many rounds.
Then I suggested an iterative deepening depth-first search, which a friend of mine implemented, but that still took too much time on instances as small as 7 players.
(This is from an old exam question. No one I spoke to had any solution.)
In Prolog, CLP(FD) constraints are the right choice for solving such scheduling tasks.
See clpfd for more information.
In this case, I suggest using the powerful global_cardinality/2 constraint to restrict the number of occurrences of each round, depending on the number of available courts. We can use iterative deepening to find the minimal number of admissible rounds.
Freely available Prolog systems suffice to solve the task satisfactorily. Commercial-grade systems will run dozens of times faster.
Variant 1: Solution with SWI-Prolog
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
tennis(N, Courts, Rows) :-
length(Rows, N),
maplist(same_length(Rows), Rows),
transpose(Rows, Rows),
Rows = [[_|First]|_],
chain(First, #<),
length(_, MaxRounds),
numlist(1, MaxRounds, Rounds),
pairs_keys_values(Pairs, Rounds, Counts),
Counts ins 0..Courts,
foldl(triangle, Rows, Vss, Dss, 0, _),
append(Vss, Vs),
global_cardinality(Vs, Pairs),
maplist(breaks, Dss),
labeling([ff], Vs).
triangle(Row, Vs, Ds, N0, N) :-
length(Prefix, N0),
append(Prefix, [-|Vs], Row),
append(Prefix, Vs, Ds),
N #= N0 + 1.
breaks([P|Ps]) :- maplist(breaks_(P), Ps), breaks(Ps).
breaks_(P0, P) :- abs(P0-P) #> 1.
Sample query: 5 players on 2 courts:
?- time(tennis(5, 2, Rows)), maplist(writeln, Rows).
% 827,838 inferences, 0.257 CPU in 0.270 seconds (95% CPU, 3223518 Lips)
The specified task, 6 players on 2 courts, solved well within the time limit of 1 minute:
?- time(tennis(6, 2, Rows)),
maplist(format("~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+\n"), Rows).
% 6,675,665 inferences, 0.970 CPU in 0.977 seconds (99% CPU, 6884940 Lips)
- 1 3 5 7 10
1 - 6 9 11 3
3 6 - 11 9 1
5 9 11 - 2 7
7 11 9 2 - 5
10 3 1 7 5 -
Further example: 7 players on 5 courts:
?- time(tennis(7, 5, Rows)),
maplist(format("~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+\n"), Rows).
% 125,581,090 inferences, 17.476 CPU in 18.208 seconds (96% CPU, 7185927 Lips)
- 1 3 5 7 9 11
1 - 5 3 11 13 9
3 5 - 9 1 7 13
5 3 9 - 13 11 7
7 11 1 13 - 5 3
9 13 7 11 5 - 1
11 9 13 7 3 1 -
Variant 2: Solution with SICStus Prolog
With the following additional definitions for compatibility, the same program also runs in SICStus Prolog:
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(between)).
:- op(700, xfx, ins).
Vs ins D :- maplist(in_(D), Vs).
in_(D, V) :- V in D.
chain([], _).
chain([L|Ls], Pred) :-
chain_(Ls, L, Pred).
chain_([], _, _).
chain_([L|Ls], Prev, Pred) :-
call(Pred, Prev, L),
chain_(Ls, L, Pred).
pairs_keys_values(Ps, Ks, Vs) :- keys_and_values(Ps, Ks, Vs).
foldl(Pred, Ls1, Ls2, Ls3, S0, S) :-
foldl_(Ls1, Ls2, Ls3, Pred, S0, S).
foldl_([], [], [], _, S, S).
foldl_([L1|Ls1], [L2|Ls2], [L3|Ls3], Pred, S0, S) :-
call(Pred, L1, L2, L3, S0, S1),
foldl_(Ls1, Ls2, Ls3, Pred, S1, S).
time(Goal) :-
statistics(runtime, [T0|_]),
statistics(runtime, [T1|_]),
T #= T1 - T0,
format("% Runtime: ~Dms\n", [T]).
Major difference: SICStus, being a commercial-grade Prolog that ships with a serious CLP(FD) system, is much faster than SWI-Prolog in this use case and others like it.
The specified task, 6 players on 2 courts:
?- time(tennis(6, 2, Rows)),
maplist(format("~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+\n"), Rows).
% Runtime: 34ms (!)
- 1 3 5 7 10
1 - 6 11 9 3
3 6 - 9 11 1
5 11 9 - 2 7
7 9 11 2 - 5
10 3 1 7 5 -
The larger example:
| ?- time(tennis(7, 5, Rows)),
maplist(format("~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+~t~w~3+\n"), Rows).
% Runtime: 884ms
- 1 3 5 7 9 11
1 - 5 3 9 7 13
3 5 - 1 11 13 7
5 3 1 - 13 11 9
7 9 11 13 - 3 1
9 7 13 11 3 - 5
11 13 7 9 1 5 -
Closing remarks
In both systems, global_cardinality/3 allows you to specify options that alter the propagation strength of the global cardinality constraint, enabling weaker and potentially more efficient filtering. Choosing the right options for a specific example may have an even larger impact than the choice of Prolog system.
This is very similar to the Traveling Tournament Problem, which is about scheduling football teams. In TTP, they can find the optimal solution up to only 8 teams. Anyone who breaks an ongoing record of 10 or more teams, has it a lot easier to get published in a research journal.
It is NP hard and the trick is to use meta-heuristics, such as tabu search, simulated annealing, ... instead of brute force or branch and bound.
Take a look my implementation with Drools Planner (open source, java).
Here are the constraints, it should be straightforward to replace that with constraints such as Nobody plays 2 rounds without a break.
Each player must play at least n - 1 matches where n is the number of players. So the minimum of rounds is 2(n - 1) - 1, since every player needs to rest a match. The minimum is also bound by (n(n-1))/2 total matches divided by number of courts. Using the smallest of these two gives you the length of the optimal solution. Then it's a matter of coming up with a good lower estimating formula ((number of matches+rests remaining)/courts) and run A* search.
As Geoffrey said, I believe the problem is NP Hard, but meta-heuristics such as A* is very applicable.
Python Solution:
import itertools
def subsets(items, count = None):
if count is None:
count = len(items)
for idx in range(count + 1):
for group in itertools.combinations(items, idx):
yield frozenset(group)
def to_players(games):
return [game[0] for game in games] + [game[1] for game in games]
def rounds(games, court_count):
for round in subsets(games, court_count):
players = to_players(round)
if len(set(players)) == len(players):
yield round
def is_canonical(player_count, games_played):
played = [0] * player_count
for players in games_played:
for player in players:
played[player] += 1
return sorted(played) == played
def solve(court_count, player_count):
courts = range(court_count)
players = range(player_count)
games = list( itertools.combinations(players, 2) )
possible_rounds = list( rounds(games, court_count) )
rounds_last = {}
rounds_all = {}
choices_last = {}
choices_all = {}
def update(target, choices, name, value, choice):
current = target[name]
except KeyError:
target[name] = value
choices[name] = choice
if current > value:
target[name] = value
choices[name] = choice
def solution(games_played, players, score, choice, last_players):
games_played = frozenset(games_played)
players = frozenset(players)
choice = (choice, last_players)
update(rounds_last.setdefault(games_played, {}),
choices_last.setdefault(games_played, {}),
players, score, choice)
update(rounds_all, choices_all, games_played, score, choice)
solution( [], [], 0, None, None)
for games_played in subsets(games):
if is_canonical(player_count, games_played):
best = rounds_all[games_played]
except KeyError:
for next_round in possible_rounds:
next_games_played = games_played.union(next_round)
next_games_played, to_players(next_round), best + 2,
next_round, [])
for last_players, score in rounds_last[games_played].items():
for next_round in possible_rounds:
if not last_players.intersection( to_players(next_round) ):
next_games_played = games_played.union(next_round)
solution( next_games_played, to_players(next_round), score + 1,
next_round, last_players)
all_games = frozenset(games)
print rounds_all[ all_games ]
round, prev = choices_all[ frozenset(games) ]
while all_games:
print "X ", list(round)
all_games = all_games - round
if not all_games:
round, prev = choices_last[all_games][ frozenset(prev) ]
solve(2, 6)
X [(1, 2), (0, 3)]
X [(4, 5)]
X [(1, 3), (0, 2)]
X []
X [(0, 5), (1, 4)]
X [(2, 3)]
X [(1, 5), (0, 4)]
X []
X [(2, 5), (3, 4)]
X [(0, 1)]
X [(2, 4), (3, 5)]
This means it will take 11 rounds. The list shows the games to be played in the rounds in reverse order. (Although I think the same schedule works forwards and backwords.)
I'll come back and explain why I have the chance.
Gets incorrect answers for one court, five players.
Some thoughts, perhaps a solution...
Expanding the problem to X players and Y courts, I think we can safely say that when given the choice, we must select the players with the fewest completed matches, otherwise we run the risk of ending up with one player left who can only play every other week and we end up with many empty weeks in between. Picture the case with 20 players and 3 courts. We can see that during round 1 players 1-6 meet, then in round 2 players 7-12 meet, and in round 3 we could re-use players 1-6 leaving players 13-20 until later. Therefor, I think our solution cannot be greedy and must balance the players.
With that assumption, here is a first attempt at a solution:
1. Create master-list of all matches ([12][13][14][15][16][23][24]...[45][56].)
2. While (master-list > 0) {
3. Create sub-list containing only eligible players (eliminate all players who played the previous round.)
4. While (available-courts > 0) {
5. Select match from sub-list where player1.games_remaining plus player2.games_remaining is maximized.
6. Place selected match in next available court, and
7. decrement available-courts.
8. Remove selected match from master-list.
9. Remove all matches that contain either player1 or player2 from sub-list.
10. } Next available-court
11. Print schedule for ++Round.
12. } Next master-list
I can't prove that this will produce a schedule with the fewest rounds, but it should be close. The step that may cause problems is #5 (select match that maximizes player's games remaining.) I can imagine that there might be a case where it's better to pick a match that almost maximizes 'games_remaining' in order to leave more options in the following round.
The output from this algorithm would look something like:
Round Court1 Court2
1 [12] [34]
2 [56] --
3 [13] [24]
4 -- --
5 [15] [26]
6 -- --
7 [35] [46]
. . .
Close inspection will show that in round 5, if the match on Court2 had been [23] then match [46] could have been played during round 6. That, however, doesn't guarantee that there won't be a similar issue in a later round.
I'm working on another solution, but that will have to wait for later.
I don't know if this matters, the "5 Players and 2 Courts" example data is missing three other matches: [1,3], [2,4] and [3,5]. Based on the instruction: "Everyone plays a match against everyone else."
Good morning,
Imagine a list of many bags (100).
Each bag can be color=red/yellow/green, size=small/big, heavy=yes/no, woolmade=yes/no
I want to select P=10 numbers of bags that satisfies these conditions:
A=3 number of red bags
B=5 number of small bags
C=2 number of heavy=yes bags
D=3 number of woolmade=yes bags
Here is a concrete example (simplified to 2 attributes):
List of 10 bags (id, color, woolmade Y/N):
(1, red, Y), (2, red, Y), (3, red, Y), (4, red, Y), (5, red, N), (6, green, N), (7, green, N),(8, green, N), (9, green, N), (10, green, Y)
I want to get 5 bags with 3 of red and 4 of woolmade=Y
One possible answer are IDs: 1, 2, 3, 9 & 10
The following answer is NOT correct: IDs 1, 2, 3, 5 & 10 because I will have 4 of red (I only want 3 of red) and 4 of woolmade=Y (correct)
I am interested in a algorithm explanation and a possibly implementation (nodes, java, python, vba, ...)
Brute Force:
I just thought about, how to search in all possible combinations for the right ones.
There are 24 different kinds of bags so there are 24 ^ 10 possible combinations.
These can be generated like numbers to root 24 simply by incrementing these.
Each number can be checked according to your criteria.
If the checking of one combinations needs 1 microsecond, about 17612 hours are necessary to check all combinations.
Using only one thread, in about 2 years you might find all possible combinations that fit your criteria.
If you stop at the first combination of 10 bags that works out, you implemented a backtracking algorithm. How long this might last I can't calculate right now.
Better Brute Force:
Looking at the example below, you see that not all numbers to base 24 are interesting. The problem can be solved by looking at all combinations of 10 elements of numbers between 0 and 23 which may repeat themselves and check these elements. There are 92561040 possible combinations. The check of those may last about 92 seconds. Afterward you will have all possible combinations which solve your problem, if you stop at the first combination you might be much faster.
to understand the 10 numbers see the bag mapping below.
0000000000 10 red, 10 small, 10 heavy, 10 wool
0000000001 9 red, 1 yellow, 10 small, 10 heavy, 10 wool
0000000002 9 red, 1 green, 10 small, 10 heavy, 10 wool
000000000A 9 red, 1 yellow, 9 small, 1 big, 9 heavy, 1 small, 10 wool
000000000B 9 red, 1 green, 9 small, 1 big, 9 heavy, 1 small, 10 wool
as you can see, for the result, it is only important the name of the same digits, not the place. therefore the number of interesting combinations are not all numbers to the base 24 with 10 places, but all combinations of 10 numbers between 0 and 23 which may be repeated:
(24 + 10 - 1)!/((24 - 1)!10!) = 92561040 combinations which may be checked in 92 seconds if each check need 1 microsecond.
red/small/yes/yes = 0
yellow/small/yes/yes = 1
green/small/yes/yes = 2
red/big/yes/yes = 3
yellow/big/yes/yes = 4
green/big/yes/yes = 5
red/small/no/yes = 6
yellow/small/no/yes = 7
green/small/no/yes = 8
red/big/no/yes = 9
yellow/big/no/yes = A
green/big/no/yes = B
red/small/yes/no = C
yellow/small/yes/no = D
green/small/yes/no = E
red/big/yes/no = F
yellow/big/yes/no = G
green/big/yes/no = H
red/small/no/no = I
yellow/small/no/no = J
green/small/no/no = K
red/big/no/no = L
yellow/big/no/no = M
green/big/no/no = N
I'm studying about algorithms and recently found the interesting challenge.
It will give us some row/column, and our mission is to fill table with integer 1~N which displays only once and their row and column sums are equal to given row/column.
The challenge simple example:
[ ] [ ] [ ] 13
[ ] [ ] [ ] 8
[ ] [ ] [ ] 24
14 14 17
[2] [6] [5] 13
[3] [1] [4] 8
[9] [7] [8] 24
14 14 17
As far as I know there is no straightforward algorithm to solve this specific problem more efficiently than using a backtracking approach.
You can however do this more intelligently than simply enumerating over all possible solutions. An efficient way to do this is Constraint Programming (CP) (or derived paradigms like Constraint Logic Programming (CLP)). Basically it comes down on reasoning about the constraints you have put on your problem trying to reduce the domain of the variables.
After reducing the domains, you make a choice on which you can later backtrack. After making such choice you again reduce domains and possibly have to make additional choices.
You can for instance use ECLiPSe (not the IDE, but a constraint logic programming tool) for this:
:- lib(ic).
:- import alldifferent/1 from ic_global.
:- import sumlist/2 from ic_global.
solve(Problem) :-
puzzle(N,LA,LB,Grid) :-
N2 is N*N,
Grid[1..N,1..N] :: 1..N2,
(for(I,1,N), param(N,Grid,LA,LB) do
Sc is nth1(I,LA),
Lc is Grid[1..N,I],
Sr is nth1(I,LB),
Lr is Grid[I,1..N],
print_Grid(Grid) :-
( for(I,1,N), param(Grid,N) do
( for(J,1,N), param(Grid,I) do
X is Grid[I,J],
( var(X) -> write(" _") ; printf(" %2d", [X]) )
), nl
), nl.
nth1(1,[H|_],H) :- !.
nth1(I,[_|T],H) :-
I1 is I-1,
The program is vaguely based on my implementation for multi-sudoku. Now you can solve the problem using ECLiPSe:
ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System [kernel]
Kernel and basic libraries copyright Cisco Systems, Inc.
and subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public Licence 1.1
(see legal/cmpl.txt or
Source available at
GMP library copyright Free Software Foundation, see legal/lgpl.txt
For other libraries see their individual copyright notices
Version 6.1 #199 (x86_64_linux), Sun Mar 22 09:34 2015
[eclipse 1]: solve(1). loaded in 0.00 seconds
WARNING: module 'ic_global' does not exist, loading library... loaded in 0.00 seconds loaded in 0.00 seconds loaded in 0.00 seconds loaded in 0.03 seconds loaded in 0.00 seconds loaded in 0.00 seconds loaded in 0.01 seconds loaded in 0.05 seconds
2 5 6
3 1 4
9 8 7
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 1, maybe more) ? ;
5 2 6
1 3 4
8 9 7
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 2, maybe more) ? ;
2 6 5
3 1 4
9 7 8
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 3, maybe more) ? ;
3 6 4
2 1 5
9 7 8
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 4, maybe more) ? ;
6 2 5
1 3 4
7 9 8
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 5, maybe more) ? ;
6 3 4
1 2 5
7 9 8
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 6, maybe more) ? ;
2 6 5
4 1 3
8 7 9
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 7, maybe more) ? ;
4 6 3
2 1 5
8 7 9
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 8, maybe more) ?
6 2 5
1 4 3
7 8 9
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 9, maybe more) ? ;
6 4 3
1 2 5
7 8 9
Yes (0.05s cpu, solution 10, maybe more) ? ;
No (0.06s cpu)
One simply queries solve(1) and the constraint logic programming tool does the rest. There are thus a total of 10 solutions.
Note that the program works for an arbitrary N, although - since worst case this program performs backtracking - evidently the program can only solve the problems for a reasonable N.
Oh, I just love it when these little optimisation problems pop up. They always remind me of that one time in my very first year when I built a thing that would solve Sudoku's and had a ton of fun with it! You may guess how many sudoku's I've solved ever since :).
Now, your problem is an ILP (Integer Linear Program). Even before you read up on that article, you should take note that ILP's are hard. Restricting the solution space to N or Z is severely limiting and oftentimes, such a solution does not exist!
For your problem, the task at hand essentially boils down to solving this,
Minimise 0 (arbitrary objective function)
Subject to,
x1 + x2 + x3 = 13
x4 + x5 + x6 = 8
x7 + x8 + x9 = 24
x1 + x4 + x7 = 14
x2 + x5 + x8 = 14
x3 + x6 + x9 = 17
x_i in N, x_i distinct.
In matrix form, these equations become,
|1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0|
|0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0|
A = |0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1|
|1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0|
|0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0|
|0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1|
| 8|
B = |24|
Such that the constraints reduce to A*x = B. So the problem we want to solve can now equivalently be written as,
Minimise 0
Subject to,
A * x = B
x in N^7, x_i distinct.
Does this look hard to you? If not, think about this: the real line is huge, and on that line, every once in a while, is a tiny dot. That's an integer. We need some of those. We do not know which ones. So essentially, a perfect analogy would be looking for a needle in a haystack.
Now, do not despair, we are surprisingly good at finding these ILP needles! I just want you to appreciate the nontrivial difficulty of the field this problem stems from.
I want to give you working code, but I do not know your preferred choice of language/toolkit. If this is just a hobbyist approach, even Excel's solver would work beautifully. If it is not, I do not think I could've phrased it any better than Willem Van Onsem already has, and I would like to direct you to his answer for an implementation.
Below is another Constraint Programming model, using a similar approach as Willem Van Onsem's solution, i.e. using the global constraint "all_different", which is an efficient method to ensure that the numbers in the matrix are assigned only once. (The concept of "global constraints" is very important in CP and there is much research finding fast implementations for different kind of common constraints.)
Here's a MiniZinc model:
include "globals.mzn";
% parameters
int: rows;
int: cols;
array[1..rows] of int: row_sums;
array[1..cols] of int: col_sums;
% decision variables
array[1..rows,1..cols] of var 1..rows*cols: x;
solve satisfy;
all_different(array1d(x)) /\
forall(i in 1..rows) (
all_different([x[i,j] | j in 1..cols]) /\
sum([x[i,j] | j in 1..cols]) = row_sums[i]
forall(j in 1..cols) (
all_different([x[i,j] | i in 1..rows]) /\
sum([x[i,j] | i in 1..rows]) = col_sums[j]
output [
if j = 1 then "\n" else " " endif ++
| i in 1..rows, j in 1..cols
% Problem instance
rows = 3;
cols = 3;
row_sums = [13,8,24];
col_sums = [14,14,17];
Here are the first two (of 10) solutions:
2 5 6
3 1 4
9 8 7
5 2 6
1 3 4
8 9 7
An additional comment: A fun thing with CP - as well as an important concept - is that it is possible to generate new problem instances using almost the identical model:
The only difference is the following lines, i.e. change "row_sums" and "col_sums" to decision variables and comment the hints.
array[1..rows] of var int: row_sums; % add "var"
array[1..cols] of var int: col_sums; % add "var"
% ...
% row_sums = [13,8,24];
% col_sums = [14,14,17];
Here are three generated problem instances (of 9!=362880 possible):
row_sums: [21, 15, 9]
col_sums: [19, 15, 11]
5 9 7
8 4 3
6 2 1
row_sums: [20, 16, 9]
col_sums: [20, 14, 11]
5 8 7
9 4 3
6 2 1
row_sums: [22, 14, 9]
col_sums: [18, 15, 12]
5 9 8
7 4 3
6 2 1
I think the backtracking alghorithm would work very well here.
Altough the backtracking is still "brute-force", it can be really fast in average case. For example solving SUDOKU with backtracking usually takes only 1000-10000 iterations (which is really fast considering that the O-complexity is O(9^n), where n are empty spaces, therefore average sudoku have about ~ 9^60 possibilities, which would take years on average computer to finish).
This task has a lot of rules (uniqueness of numbers and sum at rows/cols) which is quite good for bactracking. More rules = more checking after each step and throwing away branches that cant bring a solution.
This can help :
I was asked this question in a test and I need help with regards to how I should approach the solution, not the actual answer. The question is
You have been given a 7 digit number(with each digit being distinct and 0-9). The number has this property
product of first 3 digits = product of last 3 digits = product of central 3 digits
Identify the middle digit.
Now, I can do this on paper by brute force(trial and error), the product is 72 and digits being
Now how do I approach the problem in a no brute force way?
Let the number is: a b c d e f g
So as per the rule(1):
axbxc = cxdxe = exfxg
more over we have(2):
axb = dxe and
cxd = fxg
This question can be solved with factorization and little bit of hit/trial.
Out of the digits from 1 to 9, 5 and 7 can rejected straight-away since these are prime numbers and would not fit in the above two equations.
The digits 1 to 9 can be factored as:
1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3, 4 = 2X2, 6 = 2X3, 8 = 2X2X2, 9 = 3X3
After factorization we are now left with total 7 - 2's, 4 - 3's and the number 1.
As for rule 2 we are left with only 4 possibilities, these 4 equations can be computed by factorization logic since we know we have overall 7 2's and 4 3's with us.
1: 1X8(2x2x2) = 2X4(2x2)
2: 1X6(3x2) = 3X2
3: 4(2x2)X3 = 6(3x2)X2
4: 9(3x3)X2 = 6(3x2)X3
Skipping 5 and 7 we are left with 7 digits.
With above equations we have 4 digits with us and are left with remaining 3 digits which can be tested through hit and trial. For example, if we consider the first case we have:
1X8 = 2X4 and are left with 3,6,9.
we have axbxc = cxdxe we can opt c with these 3 options in that case the products would be 24, 48 and 72.
24 cant be correct since for last three digits we are left with are 6,9,4(=216)
48 cant be correct since for last three digits we are left with 3,9,4(=108)
72 could be a valid option since the last three digits in that case would be 3,6,4 (=72)
This question is good to solve with Relational Programming. I think it very clearly lets the programmer see what's going on and how the problem is solved. While it may not be the most efficient way to solve problems, it can still bring desired clarity and handle problems up to a certain size. Consider this small example from Oz:
fun {FindDigits}
D1 = {Digit}
D2 = {Digit}
D3 = {Digit}
D4 = {Digit}
D5 = {Digit}
D6 = {Digit}
D7 = {Digit}
L = [D1 D2 D3] M = [D3 D4 D5] E= [D5 D6 D7] TotL in
TotL = [D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7]
{Unique TotL} = true
{ProductList L} = {ProductList M} = {ProductList E}
(Now this would be possible to parameterize furthermore, but non-optimized to illustrate the point).
Here you first pick 7 digits with a function Digit/0. Then you create three lists, L, M and E consisting of the segments, as well as a total list to return (you could also return the concatenation, but I found this better for illustration).
Then comes the point, you specify relations that have to be intact. First, that the TotL is unique (distinct in your tasks wording). Then the next one, that the segment products have to be equal.
What now happens is that a search is conducted for your answers. This is a depth-first search strategy, but could also be breadth-first, and a solver is called to bring out all solutions. The search strategy is found inside the SolveAll/1 function.
{Browse {SolveAll FindDigits}}
Which in turns returns this list of answers:
[[1 8 9 2 4 3 6] [1 8 9 2 4 6 3] [3 6 4 2 9 1 8]
[3 6 4 2 9 8 1] [6 3 4 2 9 1 8] [6 3 4 2 9 8 1]
[8 1 9 2 4 3 6] [8 1 9 2 4 6 3]]
At least this way forward is not using brute force. Essentially you are searching for answers here. There might be heuristics that let you find the correct answer sooner (some mathematical magic, perhaps), or you can use genetic algorithms to search the space or other well-known strategies.
Prime factor of distinct digit (if possible)
0 = 0
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 2 x 2
5 = 5
6 = 2 x 3
7 = 7
8 = 2 x 2 x 2
9 = 3 x 3
In total:
7 2's + 4 3's + 1 5's + 1 7's
With the fact that When A=B=C, composition of prime factor of A must be same as composition of prime factor of B and that of C, 0 , 5 and 7 are excluded since they have unique prime factor that can never match with the fact.
Hence, 7 2's + 4 3's are left and we have 7 digit (1,2,3,4,6,8,9). As there are 7 digits only, the number is formed by these digits only.
Recall the fact, A, B and C must have same composition of prime factors. This implies that A, B and C have same number of 2's and 3's in their composition. So, we should try to achieve (in total for A and B and C):
9 OR 12 2's AND
6 3's
(Must be product of 3, lower bound is total number of prime factor of all digits, upper bound is lower bound * 2)
Consider point 2 (as it has one possibility), A has 2 3's and same for B and C. To have more number of prime factor in total, we need to put digit in connection digit between two product (third or fifth digit). Extract digits with prime factor 3 into two groups {3,6} and {9} and put digit into connection digit. The only possible way is to put 9 in connection digit and 3,6 on unconnected product. That mean xx9xx36 or 36xx9xx (order of 3,6 is not important)
With this result, we get 9 x middle x connection digit = connection digit x 3 x 6. Thus, middle = (3 x 6) / 9 = 2
My answer actually extends #Ansh's answer.
Let abcdefg be the digits of the number. Then
From these relations we can exclude 0, 5 and 7 because there are no other multipliers of these numbers between 0 and 9. So we are left with seven numbers and each number is included once in each answer. We are going to examine how we can pair the numbers (ab, de, cd, fg).
What happens with 9? It can't be combined with 3 or 6 since then their product will have three times the factor 3 and we have at total 4 factors of 3. Similarly, 3 and 6 must be combined at least one time together in response to the two factors of 9. This gives a product of 18 and so 9 must be combined at least once with 2.
Now if 9x2 is in a corner then 3x6 must be in the middle. Meaning in the other corner there must be another multiplier of 3. So 9 and 2 are in the middle.
Let's suppose ab=3x6 (The other case is symmetric). Then d must be 9 or 2. But if d is 9 then f or g must be multiplier of 3. So d is 2 and e is 9. We can stop here and answer the middle digit is
Now we have 2c = fg and the remaining choices are 1, 4, 8. We see that the only solutions are c = 4, f = 1, g = 8 and c = 4, f = 8, g = 1.
So if is 3x6 is in the left corner we have the following solutions:
3642918, 3642981, 6342918, 6342981
If 3x6 is in the right corner we have the following solutions which are the reverse of the above:
8192463, 1892463, 8192436, 1892436
Here is how you can consider the problem:
Let's note the final solution N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 for the 3 numbers N1N2N3, N3N4N5 and N5N6N7
0, 5 and 7 are to exclude because they are prime and no other ciphers is a multiple of them. So if they had divided one of the 3 numbers, no other number could have divided the others.
So we get the 7 remaining ciphers : 1234689
where the product of the ciphers is 2^7*3^4
(N1*N2*N3) and (N5*N6*N7) are equals so their product is a square number. We can then remove, one of the number (N4) from the product of the previous point to find a square number (i.e. even exponents on both numbers)
N4 can't be 1, 3, 4, 6, 9.
We conclude N4 is 2 or 8
If N4 is 8 and it divides (N3*N4*N5), we can't use the remaining even numbers (2, 4, 6) to divides
both (N1*N2*N3) and (N6*N7*N8) by 8. So N4 is 2 and 8 does not belong to the second group (let's put it in N1).
Now, we have: 1st grp: 8XX, 2nd group: X2X 3rd group: XXX
Note: at this point we know that the product is 72 because it is 2^3*3^2 (the square root of 2^6*3^4) but the result is not really important. We have made the difficult part knowing the 7 numbers and the middle position.
Then, we know that we have to distribute 2^3 on (N1*N2*N3), (N3*N4*N5), (N5*N6*N7) because 2^3*2*2^3=2^7
We already gave 8 to N1, 2 to N4 and we place 6 to N6, and 4 to N5 position, resulting in each of the 3 numbers being a multiple of 8.
Now, we have: 1st grp: 8XX, 2nd group: X24 3rd group: 46X
We have the same way of thinking considering the odd number, we distribute 3^2, on each part knowing that we already have a 6 in the last group.
Last group will then get the 3. And first and second ones the 9.
Now, we have: 1st grp: 8X9, 2nd group: 924 3rd group: 463
And, then 1 at N2, which is the remaining position.
This problem is pretty easy if you look at the number 72 more carefully.
We have our number with this form abcdefg
and abc = cde = efg, with those digits 8,1,9,2,4,3,6
So, first, we can conclude that 8,1,9 must be one of the triple, because, there is no way 1 can go with other two numbers to form 72.
We can also conclude that 1 must be in the start/end of the whole number or middle of the triple.
So now we have 819defg or 918defg ...
Using some calculations with the rest of those digits, we can see that only 819defg is possible, because, we need 72/9 = 8,so only 2,4 is valid, while we cannot create 72/8 = 9 from those 2,4,3,6 digits, so -> 81924fg or 81942fg and 819 must be the triple that start or end our number.
So the rest of the job is easy, we need either 72/4 = 18 or 72/2 = 36, now, we can have our answers: 8192436 or 8192463.
7 digits: 8,1,9,2,4,3,6
say XxYxZ = 72
1) pick any two from above 7 digits. say X,Y
2) divide 72 by X and then Y.. you will get the 3rd number i.e Z.
we found XYZ set of 3-digits which gives result 72.
now repeat 1) and 2) with remaining 4 digits.
this time we found ABC which multiplies to 72.
lets say, 7th digit left out is I.
3) divide 72 by I. result R
4) divide R by one of XYZ. check if result is in ABC.
if No, repeat the step 3)
if yes, found the third pair.(assume you divided R by Y and the result is B)
YIB is the third pair.
so... solution will be.
You have your 7 numbers - instead of looking at it in groups of 3 divide up the number as such:
AB | C | D | E | FG
Get the value of AB and use it to get the value of C like so: C = ABC/AB
Next you want to do the same thing with the trailing 2 digits to find E using FG. E = EFG/FG
Now that you have C & E you can solve for D
Since CDE = ABC then D = ABC/CE
Remember your formulas - instead of looking at numbers create a formula aka an algorithm that you know will work every time.
ABC = CDE = EFG However, you have to remember that your = signs have to balance. You can see that D = ABC/CE = EFG/CE Once you know that, you can figure out what you need in order to solve the problem.
Made a quick example in a fiddle of the code:
var findMidNum = function() {
var num = [8, 1, 9, 2, 4, 3, 6];
var ab = num[0] * num[1];
var fg = num[5] * num[6];
var abc = num[0] * num[1] * num[2];
var cde = num[2] * num[3] * num[4];
var efg = num[4] * num[5] * num[6];
var c = abc/ab;
var e = efg/fg;
var ce = c * e
var d = abc/ce;
console.log(d); //2
You have been given a 7 digit number(with each digit being distinct and 0-9). The number has this property
product of first 3 digits = product of last 3 digits = product of central 3 digits
Identify the middle digit.
Now, I can do this on paper by brute force(trial and error), the product is 72 and digits being
Now how do I approach the problem in a no brute force way?
use linq and substring functions
example var item = array.Skip(3).Take(3) in such a way that you have a loop
for(f =0;f<charlen.length;f++){
var xItemSum = charlen[f].Skip(f).Take(f).Sum(f => f.Value);
// untested code
I am new to Prolog and I want to write a function that returns all different ways to make change for a dollar (100 cents). We have 2-cent coins, 11-cent coins, 38-cent coins, and, interestingly, -8-cent coins (a coin worth -8 cents). Also we only have 10 pieces of "-8" cent coins in total. (no upper bound for other kinds of coins)
Here is my try:
change100([P2, P11, P38, Pn8]):-
Pn8 =< 10,
Pn8 >= 0,
P2 >= 0, P11 >= 0, P38 >= 0,
D is 2 * P2 + 11 * P11 + 38 * P38 - 8 * Pn8,
D = 100.
But it doesn't work. When I run it and query
?- change100(A).
I got message
=< /2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated.
Why is this? How can I fix it?
The original problem statement:
There are 4 kinds of coins: a 2-cent piece, an 11-cent piece, a 38-cent piece, and, interestingly, a -8-cent piece (a coin worth -8 cents). Even more interesting, a total of only 10 -8- cent pieces have ever been created, so you never need to worry about situations with more than 10 -8-cent pieces.
How many different ways can you make change for a dollar (100 cents)?
For example, one way to make change for 100 cents is to use 4 2-cent pieces, 8 11-cent pieces, 2 38-cent pieces, and 9 -8-cent pieces.
It’s possible to have 0 of some coins, e.g. 50 2-cent pieces is one way to make change for a dollar.
Write a Prolog function called change100(Coins) that begins like this:
change100([P2, P11, P38, Pn8]) :-
% ...
P2 is the number of 2-cent coins, P11 is the number of 11-cent coins, and so on. Keep in mind that, as specified in the problem description, Pn8 is at most 10.
To be used in numeric inequalities, variables in Prolog must be instantiated.
You code tries to arithmetically compare uninstantiated variables, that's not what Prolog can do.
But you can use so-called "constraint logic programming" - Prolog extension that solves this problem.
Here is the code in SWI-Prolog (almost the same as your original code):
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
change100([P2, P11, P38, Pn8]):-
Pn8 #=< 10,
Pn8 #>= 0,
P2 #>= 0, P11 #>= 0, P38 #>= 0,
D #= 2 * P2 + 11 * P11 + 38 * P38 - 8 * Pn8,
D #= 100,
label([P2, P11, P38, Pn8]).
It can be verified that you get 195 different solutions with this program.
You mentioned that there should be 108 different solutions. This number of solutions can be obtained with incorrect assumption that number of a coin times the coin value should be less or equal 100 (i.e. no more then 100/2=50 coins of value 2). This assumption would be correct if we had only positive coins, but for the problem this assumption will lead to omission of "90 * 2 + 0 * 11 + 0 * 38 - 10 * 8", for example.
To emulate this incorrect logic and get 108 solutions you can add 2 * P2 #=< 100, 11 * P11 #=<100, 38 * P38 #=< 100, line to the program. But please argue that there are really 195 solutions.
If you have 5 distinct numbers, how many comparisons at most do you need to sort this using merge sort?
What is stopping you from coding a merge sort, keeping a counter for the number of comparisons in it, and trying it out on all permutations of [0,1,2,3,4]?
I find the question interesting, so I decided to explore it thoroughly (with a little experimentation in Python).
I downloaded from here and modified it to add a cmp argument for a comparator function. Then:
import collections
import itertools
import mergesort
import sys
class CountingComparator(object):
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
def __call__(self, a, b):
self.count += 1
return cmp(a, b)
ms_histo = collections.defaultdict(int)
for perm in itertools.permutations(range(int(sys.argv[1]))):
cc = CountingComparator()
lperm = list(perm)
mergesort.mergesort(lperm, cmp=cc)
ms_histo[cc.count] += 1
for c in sorted(ms_histo):
print "%d %2d" % (c, ms_histo[c])
The resulting simple histogram (starting with a length of 4, as I did for developing and debugging this) is:
4 8
5 16
For the problem as posted, with a length of 5 instead of 4, I get:
5 4
6 20
7 48
8 48
and with a length of 6 (and a wider format;-):
7 8
8 56
9 176
10 288
11 192
Finally, with a length of 7 (and even wider format;-):
9 16
10 128
11 480
12 1216
13 1920
14 1280
Surely some perfectly regular combinatorial formula lurks here, but I'm finding it difficult to gauge what it might be, either analytically or by poring over the numbers. Anybody's got suggestions?
When merge-sorting two lists of length L1 and L2, I suppose the worst case number of comparisons is L1+L2-1.
Initially you have five 1-long lists.
You can merge two pairs of lists with 2 comparisons, resulting in lists of length 2,2 and 1.
Then you can merge a 2 and 1 long list with at most another 1+2-1 = 2 comparisons, yielding a 2 and 3 long list.
Finally you merge these lists with at most 2+3-1 = 4 comparisons.
So I guess the answer is 8.
This sequence of numbers results in the above:
[2], [4], [1], [3], [5] -> [2,4], [1,3], [5] -> [2,4], [1,3,5] -> [1,2,3,4,5]
Here is a naive Erlang implementation. Based on this, the number of comparisons is 5,6,7 or 8 for permutations of 1..5.
test() ->
lists:sort([{sort(L),L} || L <- permutations()]).
sort([]) -> {0, []};
sort([_] = L) -> {0, L};
sort(L) ->
{L1, L2} = lists:split(length(L) div 2, L),
{C1, SL1} = sort(L1), {C2, SL2} = sort(L2),
{C3, RL} = merge(SL1, SL2, [], 0),
{C1+C2+C3, RL}.
merge([], L2, Merged, Comps) -> {Comps, Merged ++ L2};
merge(L1, [], Merged, Comps) -> {Comps, Merged ++ L1};
merge([H1|T1], [H2|_] = L2, Merged, Comps) when H1 < H2 -> merge(T1, L2, Merged ++[H1], Comps + 1);
merge(L1, [H2|T2], Merged, Comps) -> merge(L1, T2, Merged ++[H2], Comps + 1).
permutations() ->
L = lists:seq(1,5),
[[A,B,C,D,E] || A <- L, B <- L, C <- L, D <- L, E <- L, A =/= B, A =/= C, A =/= D, A =/= E, B =/= C, B =/= D, B =/= E, C =/= D, C =/= E, D =/= E].
According to Wikipedia: In the worst case, merge sort does an amount of comparisons equal to or slightly smaller than (n ⌈lg n⌉ - 2^⌈lg n⌉ + 1)
For just five distinct numbers to sort, the maximum number of comparisons you can have is 8 and minimum number of comparisons is 7. Here's why:-
Suppose the array is a,b,c,d,e
divide recursively: a,b,c and d,e
divide recursively: a,b&c and d&e
divide recursively: a&b & c and d&e
Now, merging which will require comparison-
a & b : one comparison to form a,b
a,b & c : two comparisons to form a,b,c
d & e : one comparison to form d,e
a,b,c and d,e : four comparison in worst case or three comparisons id d is the largest element of array to form a,b,c,d,e
So, the total number of comparisons will be eight in worst case and seven in the best case.