I've tried solutions in http://messenger-support.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!8B3F39C76A8B853F!13937.entry
and others search out from Google, none of them works.
I don't know if this thread is still active but had the same issue and just found out that changing the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) size (to 1492 in my case) resolves the sign-in problems in Live Messenger 2011 (both the 8100030d and 81000306 errors).
The MTU size can be changed :
On the router
Using DrTCP (optional)
We recently observe rare UDP communication issues that show the following symptoms:
A socket sendto() call fails with error WSAENOBUFS (10055)
A subsequent recvfrom() call on this socket does not receive anything, even though Wireshark shows that the network interface actually received the expected datagrams. This situation persists for approximately 8 seconds, afterwards new incoming datagrams can be received again from the socket.
In Windows System Log, there appears a Kernel-General information entry at the time of the sendto() error:
The access history in hive \??\C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Provisioning\Microsoft-Desktop-Provisioning-Sequence.dat was cleared updating 0 keys and creating 0 modified pages.
The issue happens on a customer system running Microsoft Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763.
On that system we were able to reproduce the issue with a simple test program written in C++ that echoes UDP datagrams. We verified that the thread receiving from the socket was actually responsive all the time, by specifying a timeout of 1 second using SO_RCVTIMEO, printing some “still alive” output and immediately calling recvfrom() again.
On our own test system, we were unable to observe the issue under the same circumstances as the customer. However, we were able to provoke similar effects when playing around with the network adapter settings while the test was running. Enabling Microsoft LLDP Protocol Driver showed the sendto() error and sometimes also resulted in the 8 second “silence” period, but without any Windows System Log entry.
Any hints are greatly appreciated.
The issue seems to be related to Microsoft Provisioning Tool since Windows 10 1809.
Disabling it fixed the issue in our case:
Open Task Scheduler, go to Microsoft/Windows/Manangement/Provisioning and disable Logon task.
Source: Windows TenForums
we are currently working on device detection for our subscription. Problem is easy but complicated to solve.
Problem we have
Want to have premium subscription which allows you to read our published content on maximum of three devices. These devices can be smartphones, tablets, computers.
What we tried
User-Agent parsing - problem of this method is simple, if you have ONE device, you can use multiple browsers (still on one device), and UA is changing - so in the end, we thought that our customers are using more than one device.
Another problem was that UA contains minor versions of browsers and OS, so when somebody updated for example Chrome, we detect that it's new device.
Data we have in moment of authorisation
We have proxy written in LUA which is Varnish module for checking if user is logged, if have subscription and how many devices this user is using.
So we are checking device on Varnish level (which is cache level) - first level. In this case we have informations about request, cookies, ip address, user-agent...
We have a little problem with algorithm which should improve our detection. There are many possibilities but we didn't find any suitable for us.
Cases which are problematic
When somebody update browser - problem with UA solution
When somebody leave wi-fi or have dynamic IP address - IP address detection problem
Set cookie - Browser related problem
When somebody want to show
desktop version of our mobile website - UA is changed
The timing section of the Firefox Network Monitor documentation, "Blocked" is explained as:
Time spent in a queue waiting for a network connection.
The browser imposes a limit on the number of simultaneous connections that can be made to a single server. In Firefox this defaults to 6
Is the limit on the number connections the only limitation? Or is the browser blocked waiting to get a connection from the OS count as blocked too?
In a fresh browser, on a first connection, before any other connection is made (so the limit should not apply here), I get blocked for 195 ms.
Is this the browser waiting for the OS? Was does "Blocked" mean here?
We changed the Firefox setting (about:config) 'network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server' to 64 and the blocks went away. We changed it back to 6. We changed our design/development method to a more 'asynchronous' loading method so as not to have a large number simultaneous connections. The blocks were mostly loading a lot of png flags for locale settings.
I have a server that takes several seconds to respond, which allowed me to cross-reference the firefox measurement with a wireshark trace. I see that the first SYN is sent out immediately. The end of the "Blocked" time corresponds to when the Server Hello comes back.
I couldn't relate the end of "TLS setup" to any wireshark packet. It extends a few seconds belong the last data that is exchanged on the initial TLS connection.
Bottom line: it doesn't look like the time spent in "Blocked" and "TLS setup" is very reliable, at least in some cases.
My setup has a TLS reverse proxy that forwards the connection with SNI. I'm not sure if that might be related.
Time spent in a queue waiting for a network connection.
The browser imposes a limit on the number of simultaneous connections
that can be made to a single server. In Firefox this defaults to 6,
but can be changed using the
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server preference. If all
connections are in use, the browser can't download more resources
until a connection is released.
Source : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Network_Monitor
It's very clear that the browser fixes the limit to 6 concurrent connections per server (domains/IP), the OS question is not very relevent.
In my case both waiting for network connection and DNS lookup times were pretty high, up to 2 seconds each, caused significant page load times if the page was loaded for the first time. Firefox was freshly installed without addons and just started with no other opened tabs. I tried on both Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 19.04 with the same results. Although my ISP doesn't provide support, my router assignes IPv6 addresses. As it turned out the problem was the IPv6 broken network, which forced Firefox to fall back to IPv4 (of course after some time(time-out)). After I turned off the IPv6 support in Linux the requests speeded up significantly.
Here is a relavant discussion: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1452028
I encountered this error whilst using an Angular 9 'dist' deployment. I discovered that the error appeared because I was trying to access an unreachable API, according to the specified IP address and port.
Therefore to solve it, I just have to reference a valid and accessible API.
My app was rejected today due to 'not supporting IPv6'. I've attached screenshots of the error they received which comes from a Parse.com API call.
I could really use some help on this, as I have no clue where to start with this.
Does anyone know if Parse.com supports IPv6? Or do I need to add something to my code? Do I need to migrate to Parse Server?
Please help =\
---- EDIT ---- 9/22/16
OK so, after my first rejection due to "IPv6" issues, I re-submitted and the app was approved. I'd still like to understand if Parse.com and Parse Server are officially IPv6 compatible but as for now, I'm just happy my app was approved. I'll keep this thread open and will edit it when I find the answer.
I have a parse server hosted on Heroku which doesn't support IPv6 yet (see here). But your server is not the reason why the app is rejected. It is your app which should support IPv6.
A possible solution is to download the latest Parse framework from https://github.com/ParsePlatform/Parse-SDK-iOS-OSX/releases/tag/1.14.2 and replace the old ones. I think it should work.
Below is my comparison with the logs in the console for my app with the two different versions of Parse framework.
I have used Parse.framework and Bolts.framework from Feb 2016 in my Apple TV app and also just got rejected also for not supporting IPv6. I checked the log and found that
nw_resolver_start_crazy_eyeballs_timer Received IPv4 result first, performing crazy eyeballs: waiting 50ms on IPv6 for myapp.herokuapp.com:0.
__nw_resolver_start_crazy_eyeballs_timer_block_invoke Crazy eyeballs timer fired: did not receive IPv6 in time, reporting only IPv4 result for myapp.herokuapp.com:0
nw_resolver_cancel_crazy_eyeballs_timer Cancelling crazy eyeballs timer for myapp.herokuapp.com".
It seems the performance issue comes from the 50ms when the app loads.
I use the latest Parse framework and no "crazy_eyeballs_timer" shows up. The log seems more promising because I can see a IPv6 address in the log now.
nw_resolver_create_dns_service_on_queue Starting host resolution myapp.herokuapp.com:0, flags 0x4000d000
nw_resolver_host_resolve_callback flags=0x3 ifindex=0 error=NoSuchRecord(-65554) hostname=myapp.herokuapp.com. addr= ttl=60
nw_resolver_host_resolve_callback flags=0x2 ifindex=0 error=NoError(0) hostname=us-east-1-a.route.herokuapp.com. addr=88:ffff::bbbb:afb9.0 ttl=74
Here I changed the addr of my server in the log for security reason.
I will send a new update of my app to review and I believe that it should work. I will leave a comment when it gets accepted :)
I spend lot of time searching how to determine the current network type such as WIFI, 3G, Ethernet.
But I cannot find any information online in windows platform.
I want to detect the Ethernet network type, but I cannot find any API that can retrieve the network type.
I've find Connection Manager for keyword but there's less information.
Did anyone have any idea?
Please help me...I was blocked by this for 2 weeks.
Look in the registry key HKLM\system\state\connections, there is are entries for each of the possible network types, for instance:
When connected to a wireless network:
Descriptions="Business World"
when connected to activesync:
The Count value under HKLM\system\state\connections gives you the total number of active connections.
In HKLM\system\state\Hardware you can find the current power state of the various devices.
There is an API on Windows Mobile that makes it easier to access these values vs. going directly to the registry. See the SystemState class documentation, specifically the ConnectionsNetworkCount and ConnectionsCount properties.