Installing web developer plugin for Firefox 3.6 from corp. network - installation

I'm trying to install the web developer plugin, and it's failing with a message that "Web Developer 1.1.8 could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 3.6.13".
I don't believe that it's actually incompatible; rather I think the problem is because the installation fails during a validation check, probably because the corp. network is messing with the connections. The message I get is that: uses an invalid security certificate
and when I view the certificate, it's issued by the networking group, not mozilla.
Is there a way to by-pass the version check so I can install it?

The most likely explanation is that the XPI you were trying to install had em:maxVersion in its install.rdf smaller than the Firefox version, so Firefox was checking with to see if the version you were trying to install was marked as compatible ( allows to bump the maxVersion, but doesn't update the XPI it serves to the users).
If for any reason that update check failed, Firefox wouldn't let you install the extension.
The solution in that case (extension version actually compatible with Firefox, but has stale information in its install.rdf) would be to edit the XPI to bump maxVersion manually before attempting to install the XPI.

That's weird that it's giving you the "not compatible with Firefox version x" message since, as you say, that doesn't seem to be the actual problem. See if this works: Right-click on the installer link and select "Save Link As..." and save the file on your hard drive. It will be called something like webdeveloper.xpi. Then just drag and drop the file onto Firefox.


Test with older versions of Firefox

I had a situation where a user saw an error on her browser which is Firefox. It might be an older version. Is there a way to test multiple versions of Firefox without downloading a bunch of them?
You can use Utili Mozilla Firefox collection if you want to test your site in different versions of Firefox. It's really convenient - a lot of versions in one pack.
(I'm not associated with this company)
I have a folder /browsers with custom versions of browsers, e.g. firefox, chrome, opera.
Then launch the different version when you need to test a specific version rather than launching the default one from your Applications.
*e.g. just rename the installed .app. rename to e.g. need to disable auto-updates rename to
firefox releases
Chrome releases
Opera releases
Multi Safari
Yes you can do this. I have gone through multiple links to find its solution. For example you want to install firefox 4.0 but want to keep 3.6 as well then you need to install Firefox 4.0 using the Custom Installation option, in a uniquely named folder — like /Program Files/Firefox 4.0/ — don't let 4.0 run after the installation procedure is complete.
Create a new profile exclusively for the 4.0 beta version and create a desktop shortcut with -P "profile" appended to the target to launch that profile.
Helpful links will be link1 and link2.
During the search I have also found one software utilu that may be useful, but clearly speaking I have not tried that yet, will try later.
there sites like these They let you test browsers without downloading.
If you're on OSX using Homebrew, you can install via brew cask:
brew tap goldcaddy77/firefox
brew cask install firefox-46
More info can be found at the git repo homebrew-firefox

How to troubleshoot Firefox Addon: could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox <x.x.x.x>

I created a simple extension based on an existing one, but when I try to test it and add to Firefox manually I get this general error message:
<Extension Name> could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox <x.x.x.x>
How can I troubleshoot this?
I even tried setting maxVersion to a high value in install.rdf.
If you have verified that you have the correct minVersion and maxVersion, the other thing that can cause this is an invalid updateURL.
The Firefox bug about this is
If you are planning to host your add-on on, you do not need an updateURL and if you are in the process of developing an add-on, there should be no updateURL in your install.rdf at all.
If minVersion and maxVersion are correct but your extension still doesn't install then these values are probably overridden. In addition to the values in install.rdf Firefox will also look up the update URL of your extension and get updated compatibility information from there. This information takes priority over whatever you specify in install.rdf.
If you specify an updateURL explicitly then you should update the information in the file it points to and clear the browser cache. If you don't specify an updateURL then by default it points to If an extension with the same ID and version number is found on then its compatibility information is taken over. If that's the case then changing the version number in install.rdf to something unknown to should be sufficient (obviously, you should also change extension ID of the extension hosted on isn't yours).
Plus there is the bug mentioned by Mike Kaply of course - bad error message if an insecure updateURL is specified and no updateKey.
Your max version should look something like:
That indicates the max version of Firefox that supports the extension. Firefox 150 is a long way off! ;-)
Do you have the source code posted anywhere? I'd be glad to take a look. I've written a couple of Firefox extensions now, so I'm sure I can help.
First, check to see if any of those reasons apply.
With the release of Firefox 57 (14 Nov 2017), developers can no longer build "legacy" add-on .xpi files locally and load them in Firefox, only add-ons built using the webextensions API will load.
Hope this helps :)

Unable to run firefox extension

I'm new to Firefox extension development, friendly speaking it's first day, I had followed the following article in order to start with Firefox extension development: How to develop a Firefox extension.
If I download the example from above given link's tutorial and try to install, it is installed perfectly but, when I update that example (just updating its name to the new extension name, where it is necessary in all files), and then install, I get the following message: "X could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox 15.0.1." (where X is the name of my extension).
Strange behavior same code one is installing fine and other one giving error.
Any idea where it is going wrong and what is causing this?
The problem is that you forgot to adjust the compatibility range in install.rdf so em:maxVersion is still saying 3.1b2 (meaning Firefox 3.1b2 - a rather old version). You should change that into 15.* if you want to support the current stable Firefox version or 16.* if you want to support the current beta versions. You can also change em:minVersion into something more meaningful: I doubt that you will verify whether your extension still works with Firefox 2.0.
As to why the extension installs if you don't change the extension ID, this is more complicated. First of all, there is a soft override mechanism for the compatibility ranges which allows extension authors to change the compatible version range without releasing a new version. In this particular case Firefox will check for extension updates by requesting this address or a similar one. The update server tells it that version 1.0 is still current but adjusts maxVersion to Firefox 8.0 - this value will override whatever is specified in install.rdf.
But that's not the end of the story. The compatibility check mechanism was changed significantly in Firefox 10, the default assumption is now that the add-on is compatible with newer versions even if that isn't specified explicitly anywhere. The requirements are that the extension doesn't opt out of lax compatibility checking, doesn't contain binary components and is compatible with at least Firefox 4. The original extension is compatible with Firefox 8 thanks to the soft override, with a different extension ID it is only compatible with Firefox 3.1b2 however (it isn't hosted on so the update server doesn't know about it) which means that the lax compatibility checking doesn't apply to it.
For reference: the behavior described in the previous paragraph is controlled by the extensions.strictCompatibility, extensions.minCompatibleAppVersion and extensions.minCompatiblePlatformVersion preferences.

Add on builder helper could not be installed because firefox cannot modify the needed file

I am trying to run the sample program for add-on Firefox.
When I try to do the "Test"
Its asking me to download:
Install Add-on Builder Helper
To test this add-on, please install the Add-on Builder Helper add-on
When I try to install I am getting the following error:
add on builder helper could not be installed because firefox cannot modify the needed file
can you please let me know how to resolve this.
I googled it but could not the solution form my case.
I found during my saerach that some said "please change the length of the package" I have no idea how to do that
You need to run the installation for Add-On Builder Helper as administrator. Windows 7 is more restrictive with rights to the Program Files folder than previous versions of Windows; non-administrator users don't have write access to that folder tree.
It might be this:
The first known issue there highlights a weakness on Windows where very long path names prevent installation. Unsure how long the path to your profile is. See this Mozilla support article for more info on profile directory locations:

Attempting to install Magento Mage_GoogleShopping extension

But all I get from my Connect Manager is the following message:
community/Mage_GoogleShopping: Version for 'Mage_GoogleShopping' was not detected
If I try and use the version 1 extension key all I get is:
Couldn't resolve host 'magento-core'
I am using a mostly fresh install of Magento Community (I say mostly because we do have our own template but it is very basic).
Anyone have any luck installing this extension. GoogleShopping is a huge boon to our hit count and the recent changes to the google products API has really affected our implementation.
this extension is still in alpha stability, you need to change your preference settings ("settings" tab in your magento connect manager) for "preferred state"
OSdave had the right answer ... but the way I fixed the error message was I blew away the download folder on the server and re-copied over from the original Magento install package.
Once I had done that I re-ran the Extension Key in Connect and this time it actually said. "That Extension is in Alpha stage. You'll need to change your preferences to install it."
I did NOT get the error above anymore. At that point everything worked like a charm.
