C# EF Linq bitwise question - linq

Ok for example, I am using bitwise like such: Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 4, Thursday = 8 etc...
I am using an Entity Framework class of Business.
I am using a class and passing in a value like 7 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday).
I want to return records that match any of those days
public List<Business> GetBusinesses(long daysOfWeek)
using (var c = Context())
return c.Businesses.Where(???).ToList();
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Ok, so I am attempting the following:
var b = new List<Business>();
var b1 = new Business(){DaysOfWeek = 3};
var b2 = new Business() { DaysOfWeek = 2 };
var decomposedList = new[]{1};
var l = b.Where(o => decomposedList.Any(day => day == o.DaysOfWeek)).ToList();
But l returns 0 results assuming in the decomposedList(1) I am looking for monday.
I created b1 to contain Monday and Tuesday.

Use the bitwise and operator & to combine your desired flags with the actual flags in the database and then check for a non-zero result.
var b1 = new { DaysOfWeek = 3 };
var b2 = new { DaysOfWeek = 2 };
var b = new[] { b1, b2 };
var filter = 1;
var l = b.Where(o => (filter & o.DaysOfWeek) != 0);
foreach (var x in l)
If you have an array of filter values simply combined then with an OR | first:
var filterArray = new []{1, 4};
var filter = filterArray.Aggregate((x, y) => x | y);

You must decompose the long value(bitflagged enum will be better) to it's parts then pass it to Where
return c.Businesses.Where(o=> DecomposeDays(dayParam).Any(day => day==o)).ToList();
decompose method:
private static IEnumerable<byte> DecomposeDays(byte dayParam)
var daysOfWeek = new List<byte> { 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 ,16};
return daysOfWeek.Where(o => (o & dayParam) == dayParam);


Linq FirstOrDefault List inside a query

I have this linq query
var numberGroups =
from n in VISRUBs.Where(a => a.VISANA.VISITE.DATEVIS <= d && a.VISANA.VISITE.PANUM == p)
group n by n.RUBRIQUE into g
select new {
RemainderLIB = g.Key.LIBELLE,
RemainderRUNUM = g.Key.RUNUM,
vals = from vlist in g.OrderByDescending(a=>a.VISANA.VISITE.DATEVIS)
select vlist.VALEUR
which gives me this result in Linqpad
What I want is to select the first and second item from the last field (vals) which is a List<string>.
I have tried this:
var numberGroups =
from n in VISRUBs.Where(a => a.VISANA.VISITE.DATEVIS <= d && a.VISANA.VISITE.PANUM == p)
group n by n.RUBRIQUE into g
select new {
RemainderLIB = g.Key.LIBELLE,
RemainderRUNUM = g.Key.RUNUM,
vals = from vlist in g.OrderByDescending(a => a.VISANA.VISITE.DATEVIS)
select vlist.VALEUR
var lst = from n in numberGroups
select new
RemainderCHAPLIB = n.RemainderCHAPLIB,
RemainderLIB = n.RemainderLIB,
RemainderRUNUM = n.RemainderRUNUM,
VAL = n.vals.FirstOrDefault()
but it didn't work, I got an exception:
Dynamic SQL ErrorSQL error code = -104Token unknown - line 54, column 1OUTER
found it !
var lst = from n in numberGroups.ToList()
select new
RemainderCHAPLIB = n.RemainderCHAPLIB,
RemainderLIB = n.RemainderLIB,
RemainderRUNUM = n.RemainderRUNUM,
VAL = n.vals.FirstOrDefault(),
ANT = n.vals.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault()

Map/Fold the multiple .OBJ-index-buffers to OpenGL's 1 index buffer

I am trying to load in a .obj-File and draw it with the help of glDrawElements.
Now, with glDrawArrays everything works perfectly, but it is - of course - inefficient.
The problem I have right now is, that an .obj-file uses multiple index-buffers (for each attribute) while OpenGL may only use one. So I need to map them accordingly.
There are a lot of pseudo-algorithms out there and I even found a C++ implementation. I do know quite a bit of C++ but strangely neither helped me with my implementation in Scala.
Let's see:
private def parseObj(path: String): Model =
val objSource: List[String] = Source.fromFile(path).getLines.toList
val positions: List[Vector3] = objSource.filter(_.startsWith("v ")).map(_.split(" ")).map(v => new Vector3(v(1).toFloat,v(2).toFloat,v(3).toFloat))//, 1.0f))
val normals: List[Vector4] = objSource.filter(_.startsWith("vn ")).map(_.split(" ")).map(v => new Vector4(v(1)toFloat,v(2).toFloat, v(3).toFloat, 0.0f))
val textureCoordinates: List[Vector2] = objSource.filter(_.startsWith("vt ")).map(_.split(" ")).map(v => new Vector2(v(1).toFloat, 1-v(2).toFloat)) // TODO 1-y because of blender
val faces: List[(Int, Int, Int)] = objSource.filter(_.startsWith("f ")).map(_.split(" ")).flatten.filterNot(_ == "f").map(_.split("/")).map(a => ((a(0).toInt, a(1).toInt, a(2).toInt)))
val vertices: List[Vertex] = for(face <- faces) yield(new Vertex(positions(face._1-1), textureCoordinates(face._2-1)))
val f: List[(Vector3, Vector2, Vector4)] = for(face <- faces) yield((positions(face._1-1), textureCoordinates(face._2-1), normals(face._3-1)))
val indices: List[Int] = faces.map(f => f._1-1) // Wrong!
new Model(vertices.toArray, indices.toArray)
The val indices: List[Int] was my first naive approach and of course is wrong. But let's start at the top:
I load in the file and go through it. (I assume you know how an .obj-file is made up)
I read in the vertices, texture-coordinates and normals. Then I come to the faces.
Now, each face in my example has 3 values v_x, t_y, n_z defining the vertexAtIndexX, textureCoordAtIndexY, normalAtIndexZ. So each of these define one Vertex while a triple of these (or one line in the file) defines a Face/Polygon/Triangle.
in val vertices: List[Vertex] = for(face <- faces) yield(new Vertex(positions(face._1-1), textureCoordinates(face._2-1))) I actually try to create Vertices (a case-class that currently only holds positions and texture-coordinates and neglects normals for now)
The real problem is this line:
val indices: List[Int] = faces.map(f => f._1-1) // Wrong!
To get the real indices I basically need to do this instead of
val vertices: List[Vertex] = for(face <- faces) yield(new Vertex(positions(face._1-1), textureCoordinates(face._2-1)))
val indices: List[Int] = faces.map(f => f._1-1) // Wrong!
Iterate over all faces
Iterate over all vertices in a face
Check if we already have that combination of(position, texturecoordinate, normal) in our newVertices
create a new Vertex from the face
store the new vertex in the vertex list
Yet I'm totally stuck. I've tried different things, but can't come up with a nice and clean solution that actually works.
Things like:
val f: List[(Vector3, Vector2, Vector4)] = for(face <- faces) yield((positions(face._1-1), textureCoordinates(face._2-1), normals(face._3-1)))
and trying to f.distinct are not working, because there is nothing to distinct, all the entries there are unique, which totally makes sense if I look at the file and yet that's what the pseudo-code tells me to check.
Of course then I would need to fill the indices accordingly (preferably in a one-liner and with a lot of functional beauty)
But I should try to find duplicates, so... I'm kind of baffled. I guess I mix up the different "vertices" and "positions" too much, with all the referencing.
So, am I thinking wrong, or is the algorithm/thinking right and I just need to implement this in nice, clean (and actually working) Scala code?
Please, enlighten me!
As per comments, I made a little update:
var index: Int = 0
val map: mutable.HashMap[(Int, Int, Int), Int] = new mutable.HashMap[(Int, Int, Int), Int].empty
val combinedIndices: ListBuffer[Int] = new ListBuffer[Int]
for(face <- faces)
val vID: Int = face._1-1
val nID: Int = face._2-1
val tID: Int = face._3-1
var combinedIndex: Int = -1
if(map.contains((vID, nID, tID)))
println("We have a duplicate, wow!")
combinedIndex = map.get((vID, nID, tID)).get
combinedIndex = index
map.put((vID, nID, tID), combinedIndex)
index += 1
combinedIndices += combinedIndex
where faces still is:
val faces: List[(Int, Int, Int)] = objSource.filter(_.startsWith("f ")).map(_.split(" ")).flatten.filterNot(_ == "f").map(_.split("/")).map(a => ((a(0).toInt, a(1).toInt, a(2).toInt)))
Fun fact I'm still not understanding it obviously, because that way I never ever get a duplicate!
Meaning that combinedIndices at the end just holds the natural numbers like:
ListBuffer(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...)
This is javascript (sorry not scala) but it's commented and shoul be fairly easy to convert.
// bow-tie
var objString = "v 0 0 0\nv 1 1 0\nv 1 -1 0\nv -1 1 0\nv -1 -1 0\n" +
"vt 0 .5\nvt 1 1\nvt 1 0\n" +
"vn 0 0 1\n" +
"f 1/1/1 2/2/1 3/3/1\nf 1/1/1 4/2/1 5/3/1";
// output indices should be [0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 4]
// parse the file
var lines = objString.split("\n");
var data = lines.map(function(line) { return line.split(" "); });
var v = [];
var t = [];
var n = [];
var f = [];
var indexMap = new Map(); // HashMap<face:string, index:integer>
var nextIndex = 0;
var vertices = [];
var indices = [];
// fill vertex, texture and normal arrays
data.filter(function(d) { return d[0] == "v"; }).forEach(function(d) { v.push([parseFloat(d[1]), parseFloat(d[2]), parseFloat(d[3])]); });
data.filter(function(d) { return d[0] == "vt"; }).forEach(function(d) { t.push([parseFloat(d[1]), parseFloat(d[2])]); });
data.filter(function(d) { return d[0] == "vn"; }).forEach(function(d) { n.push([parseFloat(d[1]), parseFloat(d[2]), parseFloat(d[3])]); });
console.log("V", v.toString());
console.log("T", t.toString());
console.log("N", n.toString());
// create vertices and indices arrays by parsing faces
data.filter(function(d) { return d[0] == "f"; }).forEach(function(d) {
var f1 = d[1].split("/").map(function(d) { return parseInt(d)-1; });
var f2 = d[2].split("/").map(function(d) { return parseInt(d)-1; });
var f3 = d[3].split("/").map(function(d) { return parseInt(d)-1; });
// 1
if(indexMap.has(d[1].toString())) {
} else {
vertices = vertices.concat(v[f1[0]]).concat(t[f1[1]]).concat(n[f1[2]]);
indexMap.set(d[1].toString(), nextIndex);
// 2
if(indexMap.has(d[2].toString())) {
} else {
vertices = vertices.concat(v[f2[0]]).concat(t[f2[1]]).concat(n[f2[2]]);
indexMap.set(d[2].toString(), nextIndex);
// 3
if(indexMap.has(d[3].toString())) {
} else {
vertices = vertices.concat(v[f3[0]]).concat(t[f3[1]]).concat(n[f3[2]]);
indexMap.set(d[3].toString(), nextIndex);
console.log("Vertices", vertices.toString());
console.log("Indices", indices.toString());
The output
V 0,0,0,1,1,0,1,-1,0,-1,1,0,-1,-1,0
T 0,0.5,1,1,1,0
N 0,0,1
Vertices 0,0,0,0,0.5,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,-1,0,1,0,0,0,1,-1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,-1,-1,0,1,0,0,0,1
Indices 0,1,2,0,3,4
The JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/8q7jLvsq/2
The only thing I'm doing ~differently is using the string hat represents one of the parts of a face as the key into my indexMap (ex: "25/32/5").
EDIT JSFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/8q7jLvsq/2/ this version combines repeated values for vertex, texture and normal. This optimizes OBJ files that repeat the same values values making every face unique.
// bow-tie
var objString = "v 0 0 0\nv 1 1 0\nv 1 -1 0\nv 0 0 0\nv -1 1 0\nv -1 -1 0\n" +
"vt 0 .5\nvt 1 1\nvt 1 0\nvt 0 .5\nvt 1 1\nvt 1 0\n" +
"vn 0 0 1\nvn 0 0 1\nvn 0 0 1\nvn 0 0 1\nvn 0 0 1\nvn 0 0 1\n" +
"f 1/1/1 2/2/2 3/3/3\nf 4/4/4 5/5/5 6/6/6";
// output indices should be [0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 4]
// parse the file
var lines = objString.split("\n");
var data = lines.map(function(line) { return line.split(" "); });
var v = [];
var t = [];
var n = [];
var f = [];
var vIndexMap = new Map(); // map to earliest index in the list
var vtIndexMap = new Map();
var vnIndexMap = new Map();
var indexMap = new Map(); // HashMap<face:string, index:integer>
var nextIndex = 0;
var vertices = [];
var indices = [];
// fill vertex, texture and normal arrays
data.filter(function(d) { return d[0] == "v"; }).forEach(function(d, i) {
v[i] = [parseFloat(d[1]), parseFloat(d[2]), parseFloat(d[3])];
var key = [d[1], d[2], d[3]].toString();
if(!vIndexMap.has(key)) {
vIndexMap.set(key, i);
data.filter(function(d) { return d[0] == "vt"; }).forEach(function(d, i) {
t[i] = [parseFloat(d[1]), parseFloat(d[2])];
var key = [d[1], d[2]].toString();
if(!vtIndexMap.has(key)) {
vtIndexMap.set(key, i);
data.filter(function(d) { return d[0] == "vn"; }).forEach(function(d, i) {
n[i] = [parseFloat(d[1]), parseFloat(d[2]), parseFloat(d[3])];
var key = [d[1], d[2], d[3]].toString();
if(!vnIndexMap.has(key)) {
vnIndexMap.set(key, i);
console.log("V", v.toString());
console.log("T", t.toString());
console.log("N", n.toString());
// create vertices and indices arrays by parsing faces
data.filter(function(d) { return d[0] == "f"; }).forEach(function(d) {
var f1 = d[1].split("/").map(function(d, i) {
var index = parseInt(d)-1;
if(i == 0) index = vIndexMap.get(v[index].toString());
else if(i == 1) index = vtIndexMap.get(t[index].toString());
else if(i == 2) index = vnIndexMap.get(n[index].toString());
return index;
var f2 = d[2].split("/").map(function(d, i) {
var index = parseInt(d)-1;
if(i == 0) index = vIndexMap.get(v[index].toString());
else if(i == 1) index = vtIndexMap.get(t[index].toString());
else if(i == 2) index = vnIndexMap.get(n[index].toString());
return index;
var f3 = d[3].split("/").map(function(d, i) {
var index = parseInt(d)-1;
if(i == 0) index = vIndexMap.get(v[index].toString());
else if(i == 1) index = vtIndexMap.get(t[index].toString());
else if(i == 2) index = vnIndexMap.get(n[index].toString());
return index;
// 1
if(indexMap.has(f1.toString())) {
} else {
vertices = vertices.concat(v[f1[0]]).concat(t[f1[1]]).concat(n[f1[2]]);
indexMap.set(f1.toString(), nextIndex);
// 2
if(indexMap.has(f2.toString())) {
} else {
vertices = vertices.concat(v[f2[0]]).concat(t[f2[1]]).concat(n[f2[2]]);
indexMap.set(f2.toString(), nextIndex);
// 3
if(indexMap.has(f3.toString())) {
} else {
vertices = vertices.concat(v[f3[0]]).concat(t[f3[1]]).concat(n[f3[2]]);
indexMap.set(f3.toString(), nextIndex);
console.log("Vertices", vertices.toString());
console.log("Indices", indices.toString());

LINQ Grouping: Is there a cleaner way to do this without a for loop

I am trying to create a very simple distribution chart and I want to display the counts of tests score percentages in their corresponding 10's ranges.
I thought about just doing the grouping on the Math.Round((d.Percentage/10-0.5),0)*10 which should give me the 10's value....but I wasn't sure the best way to do this given that I would probably have missing ranges and all ranges need to appear even if the count is zero. I also thought about doing an outer join on the ranges array but since I'm fairly new to Linq so for the sake of time I opted for the code below. I would however like to know what a better way might be.
Also note: As I tend to work with larger teams with varying experience levels, I'm not all that crazy about ultra compact code unless it remains very readable to the average developer.
Any suggestions?
public IEnumerable<TestDistribution> GetDistribution()
var distribution = new List<TestDistribution>();
var ranges = new int[] { 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 };
var labels = new string[] { "0%'s", "10%'s", "20%'s", "30%'s", "40%'s", "50%'s", "60%'s", "70%'s", "80%'s", "90%'s", "100%'s", ">110% "};
for (var n = 0; n < ranges.Count(); n++)
var count = 0;
var min = ranges[n];
var max = (n == ranges.Count() - 1) ? decimal.MaxValue : ranges[n+1];
count = (from d in Results
where d.Percentage>= min
&& d.Percentage<max
select d)
distribution.Add(new TestDistribution() { Label = labels[n], Frequency = count });
return distribution;
// ranges and labels in a list of pairs of them
var rangesWithLabels = ranges.Zip(labels, (r,l) => new {Range = r, Label = l});
// create a list of intervals (ie. 0-10, 10-20, .. 110 - max value
var rangeMinMax = ranges.Zip(ranges.Skip(1), (min, max) => new {Min = min, Max = max})
.Union(new[] {new {Min = ranges.Last(), Max = Int32.MaxValue}});
//the grouping is made by the lower bound of the interval found for some Percentage
var resultsDistribution = from c in Results
group c by
rangeMinMax.FirstOrDefault(r=> r.Min <= c.Percentage && c.Percentage < r.Max).Min into g
select new {Percentage = g.Key, Frequency = g.Count() };
// left join betweem the labels and the results with frequencies
var distributionWithLabels =
from l in rangesWithLabels
join r in resultsDistribution on l.Range equals r.Percentage
into rd
from r in rd.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new TestDistribution{
Label = l.Label,
Frequency = r != null ? r.Frequency : 0
distribution = distributionWithLabels.ToList();
Another solution if the ranges and labels can be created in another way
var ranges = Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
.Select(c=> new {
Min = c * 10,
Max = (c +1 )* 10,
Label = (c * 10) + "%'s"})
.Union(new[] { new {
Min = 100,
Max = Int32.MaxValue,
Label = ">110% "
var resultsDistribution = from c in Results
group c by ranges.FirstOrDefault(r=> r.Min <= c.Percentage && c.Percentage < r.Max).Min
into g
select new {Percentage = g.Key, Frequency = g.Count() };
var distributionWithLabels =
from l in ranges
join r in resultsDistribution on l.Min equals r.Percentage
into rd
from r in rd.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new TestDistribution{
Label = l.Label,
Frequency = r != null ? r.Frequency : 0
This works
public IEnumerable<TestDistribution> GetDistribution()
var range = 12;
return Enumerable.Range(0, range).Select(
n => new TestDistribution
Label = string.Format("{1}{0}%'s", n*10, n==range-1 ? ">" : ""),
Frequency =
d =>
d.Percentage >= n*10
&& d.Percentage < ((n == range - 1) ? decimal.MaxValue : (n+1)*10))

Scheduling algorithm for a round-robin tournament?

I recently did studying stuff and meet up with Donald Knuth. But i didn't found the right algorithm to my problem.
The Problem We have a league with n players. every week they have a match with one other. in n-1 weeks every team fought against each other. there are n/2 matches a day. but one team can only fight once in a week. if we generate an (n/k) combination we get all of the combinations... (assuming k = 2) but i need to bring them in the right order.
My first suggestion was... not the best one. i just made an array, and then let the computer try if he finds the right way. if not, go back to the start, shuffle the array and do it again, well, i programmed it in PHP (n=8) and what comes out works, but take many time, and for n=16 it gives me a timeout as well.
So i thought if maybe we find an algorithm, or anybody knows a book which covers this problem.
And here's my code:
The classic algorithm works like this:
Number the teams 1..n. (Here I'll take n=8.)
Write all the teams in two rows.
1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
The columns show which teams will play in that round (1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, ...).
Now, keep 1 fixed, but rotate all the other teams. In week 2, you get
1 8 2 3
7 6 5 4
and in week 3, you get
1 7 8 2
6 5 4 3
This continues through week n-1, in this case,
1 3 4 5
2 8 7 6
If n is odd, do the same thing but add a dummy team. Whoever is matched against the dummy team gets a bye that week.
Here is the code for it in JavaScript.
function makeRoundRobinPairings(players) {
if (players.length % 2 == 1) {
const playerCount = players.length;
const rounds = playerCount - 1;
const half = playerCount / 2;
const tournamentPairings = [];
const playerIndexes = players.map((_, i) => i).slice(1);
for (let round = 0; round < rounds; round++) {
const roundPairings = [];
const newPlayerIndexes = [0].concat(playerIndexes);
const firstHalf = newPlayerIndexes.slice(0, half);
const secondHalf = newPlayerIndexes.slice(half, playerCount).reverse();
for (let i = 0; i < firstHalf.length; i++) {
white: players[firstHalf[i]],
black: players[secondHalf[i]],
// rotating the array
return tournamentPairings;
Fixed a bug reported in the comments
I made this code, regarding the Okasaki explanation
const roundRobin = (participants) => {
const tournament = [];
const half = Math.ceil(participants.length / 2);
const groupA = participants.slice(0, half);
const groupB = participants.slice(half, participants.length);
tournament.push(getRound(groupA, groupB));
for(let i=1; i < participants.length - 1; i ++) {
groupA.splice(1, 0, groupB.shift());
tournament.push(getRound(groupA, groupB));
console.log("Number of Rounds:", tournament.length)
return tournament;
const getRound = (groupA, groupB) => {
const total = [];
groupA.forEach((p, i) => {
total.push([groupA[i], groupB[i]]);
return total;
P.S.: I put an example with an odd amount, so there is a team doesn't play every round, dueling with undefined, you can customize it the way you want
I made an updated solution for this with reusable functions (inspired by varun):
const testData = [
const matchParticipants = (participants) => {
const p = Array.from(participants);
if (p % 2 == 1) {
const pairings = [];
while (p.length != 0) {
participantA = p.shift();
participantB = p.pop();
if (participantA != undefined && participantB != undefined) {
pairings.push([participantA, participantB]);
return pairings;
const rotateArray = (array) => {
const p = Array.from(array);
const firstElement = p.shift();
const lastElement = p.pop();
return [firstElement, lastElement, ...p];
const generateTournament = (participants) => {
const tournamentRounds = [];
const rounds = Math.ceil(participants.length / 2);
let p = Array.from(participants);
for (let i = 0; i < rounds; i++) {
p = rotateArray(p);
return tournamentRounds;
here is the code in python for those interested :
def makePairing(inputList):
if len(inputList) % 2 == 1:
inputList.append("No Opponent")
pairings = list()
for round in range(len(inputList) - 1):
round_pairings = list()
first_half = inputList[:int(len(inputList)/2)]
second_half = list(reversed(inputList[int(len(inputList)/2):]))
for element in range(len(first_half)):
round_pairings.append((first_half[element], second_half[element]))
inputList = inputList[0:1] + inputList[2:] + inputList[1:2]
return pairings

How to calculate multiple averages in one query in linq to entities

How to do this in linq to entities in one query?
SELECT avg(Column1), avg(Column2), ... from MyTable
where ColumnX = 234
You could do something like that:
var averages = myTable
.Where(item => item.ColumnX == 234)
new { count = 0, sum1 = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0 },
(acc, item) => new { count = acc.count + 1, sum1 = acc.sum1 + item.Column1, sum2 = acc.sum2 + item.Column2 },
acc => new { avg1 = acc.sum1 / acc.count, avg2 = acc.sum2 / acc.count });
Note the call to AsEnumerable() to force Aggregate to be executed locally (as EF probably doesn't know how to convert it to SQL) Actually it seems to work ;)
Alternatively, you could use this query:
var averages =
from item in table
where item.ColumnX == 234
group item by 1 into g
select new
Average1 = g.Average(i => i.Column1),
Average2 = g.Average(i => i.Column2)
The use of group by here is not very intuitive, but it's probably easier to read than the other solution. Not sure it can be converted to SQL though...
