Interesting IEnumerable (or IQueryable) Extension Methods - linq

Has anyone written some interesting or cool Linq extension methods they would like to share? I'm attempting to build up a library of such methods for our developers, to help them transition into Linq and away from T-SQL.
Thanks very much.

You can find hundreds of user submitted, ranked and commented extension methods on (for instance, the IEnumerable section contains 40 entries as of today).

I started MoreLINQ - and Reactive Extensions has some extra operators for LINQ to Objects as well, in System.Interactive.
(Both of these are for LINQ to Objects rather than LINQ to SQL. There's a fair amount of overlap, too.)
Just as a blatant plug, I'm likely to blog about some ideas for what else LINQ to Objects might sensibly have had as part of the wrap-up posts for my Edulinq blog series. That may or may not provide some more food for thought :)


Entity Framework Syntax for Beginners

Can anyone please help me with a general Entity Framework question? I'm a newbie and trying to teach myself from reading and trial & error. However, I'm getting REALLY confused on all the syntax and terminology. And the more I google, the more confused I get!
What in the world are those little arrows (=>) used in the syntax? And I'm not even sure what the name of the syntax it Entity Framework syntax? Linq to method syntax? Linq to Entity syntax?
Why does it seem like you can use random letters when using that syntax? the "f" below seems interchangeable with any alphabet letter since Intellisense gives me options no matter what letter I type. So what is that letter supposed to stand for anyway? There seems to be no declaration for it.
var query = fruits.SelectMany(f => f.Split(' '));
Is it better to use the syntax with the little arrows or to use the "psuedo SQL" that I keep seeing, like below. This seems a little easier to understand, but is this considered not the Real Entity Framework Way?
var query = from f in fruits from word in f.Split(' ') select word;
And, for any of them - is there any documentation out there ANYWHERE?? I've been scouring the internet for tutorials, articles, anything, but all that comes back are small sample queries varying with the little arrows or that psuedo SQL, with no explanations beyond "here's how to do a select:"
I would much appreciate any guidance or assistance. I think if I can just find out where to start, then I can build myself from there. Thanks!
There is no real entity way, there is LINQ and there is LINQ extension methods which is my opinion is much cleaner to the eyes. Also you can use LINQ not just with EE.
Language Integrated Query
LINQ extends the language by the addition of query expressions, which are akin to SQL statements, and can be used to conveniently extract and process data from arrays, enumerable classes, XML documents, relational databases, and third-party data sources. Other uses, which utilize query expressions as a general framework for readably composing arbitrary computations, include the construction of event handlers2 or monadic parsers.3
1 It is called lambda expression and it is basically an anonymous method.
Exploring Lambda Expression in C#
2 You can use anything you want, word, or letters, anything that is a valid name for a parameter, because that is a parameter
3 I find the LINQ extension methods to be cleaner, and to be honest the last I want to see is SQL like statements laying in the code.
4 A good start can be found here
The arrow is called a Lambda operator, and it's used to create Lambda expressions. This has nothing to do with EF, or Linq or anything else. It's a feature of C#. EF and Linq just use this feature a lot because it's very useful for writing queries.
Marco has given links to the relevant documentation.
Linq is a library of extension methods that primarily operate on types like IEnumerable and IQueryable interfaces, and give you a lot of power to work with collections of various types. You can write Linq queries either in two formats, so called Method syntax and Query Syntax. They are functionally identical, but their usage is generally a matter of personal preference which one you use (although many of us use both, depending on the context it's used in.. one or the other is easier to use).

Resources for learning LINQ?

I'm looking to learn LINQ, but I'm finding that there is a lot more to it then what I initally expected. In fact, there's so much that I'm not sure where is the best place to start. I know that there's LINQ to SQL, and LINQ to Entities, and a number of other LINQ whatevers out there.
Which is the best to start with? It seems that I see more information readily available about LINQ to SQL, but I have seen quite a bit of information about LINQ to Entities also. Is LINQ to Entities more difficult than LINQ to SQL?
Also, I'm looking for some good resources on learning LINQ. I've seen that Scott Gu has a few blogs on LINQ to SQL, but I'm looking for a little more. Does anyone have a LINQ book that they're impressed with?
LINQ Pad is a good way to start learning, its also free...
I have been looking quite alot for the same, but i have found that there isnt really a place where everything is together..
But there is a few good resources.
LinQ 101 -
And this one got quite a few small example snippets on how to do things in alot of different languages.
And it got a section for linq too
Id say start with linq to sql, they stopped developing that a while back, but the syntax is exactly like linq to entities, linq to entities and linq to sql is almost the same, there is a few things different, but id say start from the "bottom" :)
This is a really good tutorial about how to jump from "linq to sql" to "linq to entities"
In the beginning, I found Standard Query Operators (MS Word .doc) an invaluable reference.
Pro LINQ by Joseph Rattz is a great book on the subject, although it doesn't cover LINQ to Entities.
As well as in depth examples for each of the standard query operators, it covers:
LINQ to Objects
LINQ to DataSet
Although this isn't free, and might seem "daunting" to a beginner. But the Professional LINQ book published by Wrox I found was good as a "get your feet wet" book. It's not what I would consider part of their professional series despite the title and doesn't go into nearly as much depth as it should, but it's a good start nevertheless.
This book/ebook is very good also. Very good for starters.
Here's a great site for practicing it (and also c#).
It still doesn't have LOTS of questions, but there are just enough to get you going (and you can also add questions yourself).
The next best thing to a personal beginner LINQ tutor:
Another good way to learn LINQ is by browsing through code examples, and try them out on your own, if time permits.
Here are two of my personal favorite LINQ resources, which both have easy to understand code examples, and in my view are great for the beginner:

Quickest way to learn Linq to Entities

I am developing my first ASP.NET MVC application using the Entity Framework. I have no previous .NET experience, although I'm fluent in other OO languages. I am having trouble understanding Linq to Entity query expressions, more specifically its syntax and how to render the results on an ASP page.
For example, I am joining three tables (entities) together and trying to iterate over the results, but I get all sorts of type errors. Every example I find on Google, SO, or MSFT hasn't been straightforward and each site takes their own approach. I looked at the book Programming Entity Framework, but this too seems to be over my head at the moment.
I am looking for clear, concise examples of executing the equivalent of complex multiple joins and iterating over the results.
I've just started this myself, and I bought both the wrox book and the o'reilly one.
I've found the wrox one a little more inaccessible - the language used in it is a bit heavier, and the layout/organisation isn't quite so 'flowy' (is that a word? hehe).
The o'reilly one on the other hand is a cracking read, and really does lead you nicely through it. It's available on safaribooks too if you have a sub, I got it from Amazon who seemed one of the few places to have it in stock. Very much recommended.
take a look at these samples -
i picked up the concept from these examples itself
Scott Guthrie's blog has also really good explanation & samples
Sounds to me like you should get yourself a good book on the subject. Since you have no previous experience in .NET a general book that covers LINQ might be a start and then a ASP.NET-MVC specific one.
Perhaps the reason why being fluent in "other" OO languages isn't helping is that LINQ isn't an OO language, its much more functional and therefore takes a different way of reasoning to understand well.

drawbacks of linq

What are the drawbacks of linq in general.
Can be hard to understand when you first start out with it
Deferred execution can separate errors from their causes (in terms of time)
Out-of-process LINQ (e.g. LINQ to SQL) will always be a somewhat leaky abstraction - you need to know what works and what doesn't, essentially
I still love LINQ massively though :)
EDIT: Having written this short list, I remembered that I've got an answer to a very similar question...
The biggest pain with LINQ is that (with database backends) you can't use it over a repository interface without it being a leaky abstraction.
LINQ is fantastic within a layer (especially the DAL etc), but since different providers support different things, you can't rely on Expression<Func<...>> or IQueryable<T> features working the same for different implementations.
As examples, between LINQ-to-SQL and Entity Framework:
EF doesn't support Single()
EF will error if you Skip/Take/First without an explicit OrderBy
EF doesn't support UDFs
etc. The LINQ provider for ADO.NET Data Services supports different combinations. This makes mocking and other abstractions unsafe.
But: for in-memory (LINQ-to-Objects), or in a single layer/implementation... fantastic.
Some more thoughts here: Pragmatic LINQ.
Like any abstraction in programming, it is vulnerable to a misunderstanding: "If I just understand this abstraction, I don't need to understand what's happening under the covers."
The truth is, if you do understand what's happening under the covers, you'll get much better value out of the abstraction, because you'll understand where it ceases to be applicable, so you'll be able to apply it with greater confidence of success where it is appropriate.
This is true of all abstractions, and applies to Linq in bucketfuls. To understand Linq to Objects, the best thing to do is to learn how to write Select, Where, Aggregate, etc. in C# with yield return. And then figure out how yield return replaces a lot of hand-written code by writing it all with classes. Then you'll be able to use it with an appreciation of the effort it is saving you, and it will no longer seem like magic, so you'll understand the limitations.
Same for the variants of Linq where the predicates are captured as expressions and transported off to another environment to be executed. You have to understand how it works in order to safely use it.
So the number 1 drawback of Linq is: the simple examples look deceptively short and simple. The problem is, how did the author of the sample know what to write? Because they knew how to write it all out in long form, and they knew how pieces of Linq could be used as abreviations, and so they arrived at the nice short version.
As I say, not really specific to Linq, but highly relevant to it anyway.
Anonymous types. Proper ORM should always return objects of 'your' type (partial class, with possiblity of adding my methods, overriding etc.). There are doezne of tutorials and examples of different complex queries using linq but non of them care to explain the advantage of returning a 'bag of properties' (return new { .........} ). How am I supposed to work with anonymous type, wrap it in another class again?
Actually I can´t think of any drawbacks. It makes programming life a lot simpler because a lot of things can be written in a more compact but still better readable way.
But having said this, I must also agree with Jon that you should have some idea what you´re doing (but that holds for all technological advances).
the only drawback which it has is its performance see this article

How does Linq work (behind the scenes)?

I was thinking about making something like Linq for Lua, and I have a general idea how Linq works, but was wondering if there was a good article or if someone could explain how C# makes Linq possible
Note: I mean behind the scenes, like how it generates code bindings and all that, not end user syntax.
It's hard to answer the question because LINQ is so many different things. For instance, sticking to C#, the following things are involved:
Query expressions are "pre-processed" into "C# without query expressions" which is then compiled normally. The query expression part of the spec is really short - it's basically a mechanical translation which doesn't assume anything about the real meaning of the query, beyond "order by is translated into OrderBy/ThenBy/etc".
Delegates are used to represent arbitrary actions with a particular signature, as executable code.
Expression trees are used to represent the same thing, but as data (which can be examined and translated into a different form, e.g. SQL)
Lambda expressions are used to convert source code into either delegates or expression trees.
Extension methods are used by most LINQ providers to chain together static method calls. This allows a simple interface (e.g. IEnumerable<T>) to effectively gain a lot more power.
Anonymous types are used for projections - where you have some disparate collection of data, and you want bits of each of the aspects of that data, an anonymous type allows you to gather them together.
Implicitly typed local variables (var) are used primarily when working with anonymous types, to maintain a statically typed language where you may not be able to "speak" the name of the type explicitly.
Iterator blocks are usually used to implement in-process querying, e.g. for LINQ to Objects.
Type inference is used to make the whole thing a lot smoother - there are a lot of generic methods in LINQ, and without type inference it would be really painful.
Code generation is used to turn a model (e.g. DBML) into code
Partial types are used to provide extensibility to generated code
Attributes are used to provide metadata to LINQ providers
Obviously a lot of these aren't only used by LINQ, but different LINQ technologies will depend on them.
If you can give more indication of what aspects you're interested in, we may be able to provide more detail.
If you're interested in effectively implementing LINQ to Objects, you might be interested in a talk I gave at DDD in Reading a couple of weeks ago - basically implementing as much of LINQ to Objects as possible in an hour. We were far from complete by the end of it, but it should give a pretty good idea of the kind of thing you need to do (and buffering/streaming, iterator blocks, query expression translation etc). The videos aren't up yet (and I haven't put the code up for download yet) but if you're interested, drop me a mail at and I'll let you know when they're up. (I'll probably blog about it too.)
Mono (partially?) implements LINQ, and is opensource. Maybe you could look into their implementation?
Read this article:
Learn how to create custom LINQ providers
Perhaps my LINQ for R6RS Scheme will provide some insights.
It is 100% semantically, and almost 100% syntactically the same as LINQ, with the noted exception of additional sort parameters using 'then' instead of ','.
Some rules/assumptions:
Only dealing with lists, no query providers.
Not lazy, but eager comprehension.
No static types, as Scheme does not use them.
My implementation depends on a few core procedures:
map - used for 'Select'
filter - used for 'Where'
flatten - used for 'SelectMany'
sort - a multi-key sorting procedure
groupby - for grouping constructs
The rest of the structure is all built up using a macro.
Bindings are stored in a list that is tagged with bound identifiers to ensure hygiene. The binding are extracted and rebound locally where ever an expression occurs.
I did track the progress on my blog, that may provide some insight to possible issues.
For design ideas, take a look at c omega, the research project that birthed Linq. Linq is a more pragmatic or watered down version of c omega, depending on your perspective.
Matt Warren's blog has all the answers (and a sample IQueryable provider implementation to give you a headstart):
