Memory Usage of Windows CE Devices - windows

Is there any tools to measure memory usage of devices running Windows CE that don't require Platform Builder?

There is a commercial tool called Soti Pocket Controller that allows you to inspect memory usage, cpu usage, windows registry etc from your desktop workstation by using either a network connection or Active Sync.

Entrek is quite a good tool. Have a look at it.


My cpu doesn't support virtualization technology. Is there a way to test wp apps without it?

I've got an Intel Pentium CPU B960. Doing some researches I've found out that my cpu can't support virtualization technology, so I can't enable Hyper-V. You certainly know that the abilitation of hyper-v is necessary to run emulators on PCs, (like virtual box for operating systems).. In particular I need to test my wp apps, using visual studio, and my question is.. Is there a way to test wp apps with a cpu like mine?
Sorry for my English, I hope you'll understand. Thanks.
You should be able to debug your app on a windows phone. The only emulators available require hyper-v

Task manager on windows 6.0 ce for Motorola MC3190 Handheld Computer

I try to find out why a web page causes a memory leak on Motorola MC3190.
Barcode scanners are new with Windows 6.0 CE. There are no programs installed only default. We use it only IE.
When we used it for two weeks on, scanner memory ran out and it crashed. After the full restart, it works normally, restarting only Internet Explorer doesn't help.
Only Internet Explorer is being used.
I try to find some program like task manager to find out if IE has a memory leak.
I ask because Windows CE 6.0 doesn't have a task manager.
Any ideas on how to check the memory usage?
I question whether you did much investigation on your own. A simple search engine query for me turned up a lot of promising results like these:
Task Manager on CodeProject
Remote Task Monitor
Windows CE Task Manager
In addition, if all you want to do is monitor a process' memory usage, rolling your own monitoring app using the toolhelp APIs would be pretty straightforward.
I tried the remote task monitor for wince. It does the job well.

Building a dedicated visual studio 2010 virtual machine, which path has least resistance?

I'd like to ask anybody who has built a virtualized VS2010 environment in VirtualBox or VMware, which one was able to work out of the box without too much tweaking? Or both need workarounds to get stuff working?
Both are fine as long as you install the respective tools and drivers provided for the guest OS
If you're using VMWare Workstation, you can leverage even more out of the environment by installing Visual Studio on the Host PC, and using the Guest VM for debugging, if your application crashes you can actually rewind back to before the crash and step through your code with the same heap and stack before it crashed!
Basically, I suggest going with VMWare Workstation. It's pretty cheap (assuming you get paid to program) and has many, many awesome features that you'll come to love. If you're a hobbyist/student programmer however, you'll likely find VirtualBox to be a little more functional than the free VMWare Player.
As far as performance goes, Intel and AMD both have shipped chips with hardware virtualization since 2005/2006 respectively. This is called VT-x or AMD-V, and often has to be enabled in the bios on older machines.
Basically this means that your BIOS handles Memory and I/O virtualization on this chip, while specialist drivers (e.g. VMWare Tools) are installed to improve graphics and mouse performance - effectively this means the resulting VM has near native performance with minimal overhead.
Hope that helps!
You can work with a VS2010/Windows virtualized environment with no problems.
I've worked with such combination and I had no problems. Both VMWare and VirtualBox are stable so far since years and Windows OS virtualization works properly.
Obviously, you can have performance loss, because a virtualized OS has more bottle necked access to resources than a host one, but current CPUs from Intel and AMD have advanced virtualization instruction extensions which accelerates virtualization operations.
So... Just go ahead!
I don't know your requirement but there is also a great alternative using Win 7.
You can create a vhd file and boot on the vhd file.
A few steps more, you can create a base vhd file with everything you need, mark it as readonly and create as many differential disk as you want.
The drawback of this method are these ones :
it's a bit tricky to create the base and diff disk, because you have to do it in the setup console of windows setup (but google can help you)
there is a small performance impact on the disk I/O (but lower than the visualization environment)
you can run only one system at a time. In fact, nothing disallow you to install a virtualization software
you can't have your "host" and it's potential tools (corporate email, etc.)
but at least, the performance will be greatly better than a virtualization software.

Using Windows Performance Tools for tracing an application running on a remote computer

How can I trace a system responsiveness and application resource usage issue on a remote computer? I deployed my application(written using unmanaged c++ code) on my client's computer running Windows XP sp3 pro, but its running very slowly and I want to diagnose it since it runs well on my Windows 7 machine. How can i fo it remotely and if thats too difficult how can i do it onsite?
You need to find the bottleneck.
Usually it is either a CPU, disk or memory bottleneck. You can find out this by using perfmon or sysinternals tools such as filemon,diskmon, procmon ... These can be left running to gather and store data, although there could be some performance implications.
After you find the bottleneck, you need to see if it is due to anything you are doing or just the machine does not have enough resources ...
There are some profiling tools as well which come with VS and you can use to isolate the problem.
You can't use XPerf against Windows XP, sorry :(

Hyper-V monitor virtual machine disk activity

How can I get the number of bytes read from/written into the physical disk of the host system by Hyper-V virtual machines?
You can try a commercial tool called ApexSQL VM Monitor. I can mention that it has a lot of predefined metrics for inspecting hypervisor and virtual machine performance, such as disk read/write rate for both host and virtual machine.
It also provides graphical presentation of monitored data and has alerting ability so you can be just-on-time alerted when some of the hardware resources or virtual machines is poorly performing or utilizing too much resources.
Beside this tool, you may also check out other commercial tools like tools from ManagEngine, Paessler or SolarWinds
Of course, you can always use each hosted machine's own built-in performance monitoring, such as Perfmon for Windows clients.
However, the hosting Hyper-V server also exposes a ton of counters not only for its own OS, but also for each hosted machine. For more info, see articles here and here.
You can use typeperf from the command line
typeperf \PhysicalDisk(*)\Disk Write Bytes/sec
you may need to enable disk performance counters through
diskperf -y
Some variants of windows server use slightly different names. If the above doesn't work you can use:
typeperf -q | find /I "Physical"
