Building Linq queries from string in C#4.0 - best practice - linq

Currently I am using LinqKit / Ms dynamic query example to dynamically build Linq Expressions from strings. This works fine.
Microsoft dynamic Linq queries:
Right now, I am migrating my application from C#3.5 to C#4.0. I am wondering if there is another way (standard way of the framework) to build queries from strings.
I have checked the documentation, but did not find anything yet. Also this is not an issue, since I have the above solution.
Only I'd prefer to use the "standard" features if there some. What's the best practice?

I'm currently doing something like this and I'm very happy with the result. The way I did it was with Entity Framework and the ObjectQuery.Select(string query, ObjectParameters[] params) method. More info here:
You won't be making expression from string but using SQL to Entities which does the work very well and was made exactly for that purpose as dynamically making Expression isn't trivial and is actually slower.


Entity Framework Syntax for Beginners

Can anyone please help me with a general Entity Framework question? I'm a newbie and trying to teach myself from reading and trial & error. However, I'm getting REALLY confused on all the syntax and terminology. And the more I google, the more confused I get!
What in the world are those little arrows (=>) used in the syntax? And I'm not even sure what the name of the syntax it Entity Framework syntax? Linq to method syntax? Linq to Entity syntax?
Why does it seem like you can use random letters when using that syntax? the "f" below seems interchangeable with any alphabet letter since Intellisense gives me options no matter what letter I type. So what is that letter supposed to stand for anyway? There seems to be no declaration for it.
var query = fruits.SelectMany(f => f.Split(' '));
Is it better to use the syntax with the little arrows or to use the "psuedo SQL" that I keep seeing, like below. This seems a little easier to understand, but is this considered not the Real Entity Framework Way?
var query = from f in fruits from word in f.Split(' ') select word;
And, for any of them - is there any documentation out there ANYWHERE?? I've been scouring the internet for tutorials, articles, anything, but all that comes back are small sample queries varying with the little arrows or that psuedo SQL, with no explanations beyond "here's how to do a select:"
I would much appreciate any guidance or assistance. I think if I can just find out where to start, then I can build myself from there. Thanks!
There is no real entity way, there is LINQ and there is LINQ extension methods which is my opinion is much cleaner to the eyes. Also you can use LINQ not just with EE.
Language Integrated Query
LINQ extends the language by the addition of query expressions, which are akin to SQL statements, and can be used to conveniently extract and process data from arrays, enumerable classes, XML documents, relational databases, and third-party data sources. Other uses, which utilize query expressions as a general framework for readably composing arbitrary computations, include the construction of event handlers2 or monadic parsers.3
1 It is called lambda expression and it is basically an anonymous method.
Exploring Lambda Expression in C#
2 You can use anything you want, word, or letters, anything that is a valid name for a parameter, because that is a parameter
3 I find the LINQ extension methods to be cleaner, and to be honest the last I want to see is SQL like statements laying in the code.
4 A good start can be found here
The arrow is called a Lambda operator, and it's used to create Lambda expressions. This has nothing to do with EF, or Linq or anything else. It's a feature of C#. EF and Linq just use this feature a lot because it's very useful for writing queries.
Marco has given links to the relevant documentation.
Linq is a library of extension methods that primarily operate on types like IEnumerable and IQueryable interfaces, and give you a lot of power to work with collections of various types. You can write Linq queries either in two formats, so called Method syntax and Query Syntax. They are functionally identical, but their usage is generally a matter of personal preference which one you use (although many of us use both, depending on the context it's used in.. one or the other is easier to use).

Tradeoffs using NHibernate 3.0 QueryOver or LINQ provider

I have not found a clear comparison of what is supported with the NHibernate 3.0 LINQ Provider compared to using the QueryOver syntax. From the surface, it seems like two large efforts into two very similar things.
What are the key trade offs to using each?
LINQ and QueryOver are completely different query methods, which are added to the ones that existed in NHibernate 2 (Criteria, HQL, SQL)
QueryOver is meant as a strongly-typed version of Criteria, and supports mostly the same constructs, which are NHibernate-specific.
LINQ is a "standard" query method, which means the client code can work on IQueryable without explicit references to NHibernate. It supports a different set of constructs; it would be hard to say if there are more or less than with QueryOver.
My suggestion is to learn all the supported query methods, as each use case is different and some work better with one, some work better with other.
I have used both NH-Linq-providers (the old NHContrib for Version 2.1, and also the new for NH3.0) and also used QueryOver. With all the experience made during development of quite complex data-driven applications, I would strongly suggest NOT to use the existing linq-provider with nHibernate if you plan to go behind just basic CRUD-operations!
The current implementation (linq) sometimes produces really unreadable and also unefficient SQL. Especially joining some tables quickly becomes a nightmare if you want to optimize database-performance.
Despite all these drawbacks, I did never encounter wrong queries.
So if you don't care about performance and are already familiar with LINQ, then go for NH-Linq. Otherwise QueryOver is your realiable and typesafe friend.
LINQ to NHibernate (as of version 3.0) does not support the .HasValue property on Nullable types. One must compare to null in queries.
I started to use NH-Linq, because i was already done with LinqToSql and Entity Framework. But, for more complex queries, i have always finished with QueryOver. Reasons:
It's happen that query with NH-Linq doesn't work as expected. I can't remember exactly, but it doesn't work correct with some complex queries. Seems that is too young. And as dlang stated in previous answer, it's produce unefficient SQL.
When you learn QueryOver, it's easy to call functions, do projections, subqueries, seems to me more easy then with NH-Linq.
Good thing for NH-Linq - it can be extended, like Fabio Maulo explained here. But, similar is quite possible with QueryOver, but not so fancy as with NH-Linq :)

How do I build up LINQ dynamically

I have a scenario where I have custom configured column names, associated operators like < > = between etc. and then a value associated.
I'm trying to determine if it is possible to build up a LINQ query with a dynamic (string) where clause?
I've noticed the Predicate.OR Preditcate.AND stuff, but that is not quite what I'm talking about.
Any suggestions?
If you are talking about a string Where clause (rather than building the expression etc yourself) - then the Dynamic LINQ Library (in the 3.5 samples, IIRC) should suffice.
Note that the example below is for database usage; but you can use it with LINQ-to-Objects by calling .AsQueryable() on your in-memory data.
Actually, there is a specific library from Microsoft (System.Linq.Dynamic) that comes with the C# VS2008 samples that supports this. Get it from here (Microsoft Download)
The library is included in the \LinqSamples\DynamicQuery directory of the samples of above download.
For extensive usage examples check this page:
Also you can use expression trees to created dynamic queries. See:

Simple (Dumb) LINQ Provider

How easy would it be to write a dumb LINQ provider that can just use my class definitions (which don't have any object references as properties) and give me the translated SQL. It can assume the name of the properties and the columns to be same as well as the names of the classes and the underlying tables. Can you please give me some pointers.?
It took me about 4 months of fulltime work (8 hours a day) to build a stable, working provider that implements the entire spec of linq. I would say I had a very simple, buggy and unstable version after about three weeks, so if you're just looking for something rough I would say you're probably looking at anything from a week up to two months depending on how good you are and what types of requiements you have.
I must point you to the Wayward blog for this, Matt has written a really good walkthrough on how to implement a linq provider, and even if you're probably not going to be able to copy and paste, it will help you to get to grips with how to think when working. You can find Matt´s walkthrough here: . I recommend you go about it the same way Matt does, and extend the expression tree visitor Matt includes in the second part of his tutorial.
Also, when I began working with this, I had so much help from the expression tree visualizer, it really made parsing a whole lot easier once you could see how linq parsed to queries.
Building a provider is really a lot of fun, even if a bit frustrating at times. I wish you all the best of luck!
Give a look to the LINQExtender project, is a toolkit for creating custom LINQ providers.
Another option for giving you a leg up seems to be re-linq which is a framework for creating custom LINQ providers.
Here's the Source code and a nice overview (pdf) of what's involved in writing one.
I’ve written a tutorial series on my blog base on my experience developing a LINQ-to-SQL provider from scratch, starting with the expression tree composition stage (calling the LINQ methods), continuing with the expression visitor, breaking down of the query into components, parsing the where clause, generating the text and parameter and, eventually, compiling the whole thing into IL using the .NET expression namespace.
I’ve seen many incomplete posts that promised to explain how to write a provider, falling very short of the mark, barely scratching the surface and not actually delivering anything remotely executable.
The blog series I’ve written based on my experience has a sample project available for download with the simple provider that covers only the functionality required by the tutorial example. However, it also includes the production version supporting a number of operations (where, join, first, count, top, etc.), subqueries, nested statements, and etc. Additionally, it produces a cleaner SQL than a lot of what I’ve seen from Entities and LINQ-to-SQL. There’s no unnecessary/redundant nesting, wrapping everything in brackets and etc.
For anyone with a good level of abstract thinking, developing such a provider isn’t such a difficult task many set it out to be. I’ve developed one that’s used in production environment in about 3 months of part time work (meaning some evenings and weekends). From the get go it was aimed with performance and tidy SQL in mind – a goal it achieved.
It was a little hard to find the time to publish this material, but I thought – if it may help someone out there, there’s no reason for this experience to go to waste:
How to write a LINQ to SQL provider in C# Part 1 - Introduction
How to write a LINQ to SQL provider in C# Part 2 - Expression Visitor
How to write a LINQ to SQL provider in C# Part 3 - Where Clause Visitor
How to write a LINQ to SQL provider in C# Part 4 - Compiling Expression Trees
I have created a project 'LinqToAnything' which is designed to make it very very easy to implement a (simple) Linq provider.

A DSL for Linq Queries - looking for ideas

I am currently using a CMS which uses an ORM with its own bespoke query language (i.e. with select/where/orderby like statements). I refer to this mini-language as a DSL, but I might have the terminology wrong.
We are writing controls for this CMS, but I would prefer not to couple the controls to the CMS, because we have some doubts about whether we want to continue with this CMS in the longer term.
We can decouple our controls from the CMS fairly easily, by using our own DAL/abstraction layer or what not.
Then I remembered that on most of the CMS controls, they provide a property (which is design-time editable) where users can type in a query to control what gets populated in the data source. Nice feature - the question is how can I abstract this feature?
It then occurred to me that maybe a DSL framework existed out there that could provide me with a simple query language that could be turned into a LINQ expression at runtime. Thus decoupling me from the CMS' query DSL.
Does such a thing exist? Am I wasting my time? (probably the latter)
this isn't going to answer your question fully, but there is an extension for LINQ that allows you to specify predicates for LINQ queries as strings called Dynamic LINQ, so if you want to store the conditions in some string-based format, you could probably build your language on top of this. You'd still need to find a way to represent different clauses (where/orderby/etc.) but for the predicates passed as arguments to these, you could use Dynamic LINQ.
Note that Dynamic LINQ allows you to parse the string, but AFAIK doesn't have any way to turn existing Expression tree into that string... so there would be some work needed to do that.
(but I'm not sure if I fully understand the question, so maybe I'm totally of :-))
