Is there a way to disable Castle Active Record validation for an nhibernate session / active record scope - validation

Is there a way to disable Active Record validation for an nhibernate session / active record scope?
I have a scenario whereby we are performing deletion of a large number of items - and in some cases customers have data in their database that will not pass validation (it was captured prior to new validation rules being introduced, or due to manual manipulation of the database etc.)
When deleting, due the way the database is constructed, some validation checks on existing entities occur, and fail with an exception - preventing the deletion of those entities.
For the deletion scenario we would like to disable all validation from occurring associated with the transaction/session/scope the entities are being deleted within, is this possible?
Update 23/01/2011
Implemented a simple validation active record base class for disabling validation:
public class DisabledValidationProvider : IValidationProvider
public bool IsValid()
return true;
public bool IsValid(RunWhen runWhen)
return true;
public string[] ValidationErrorMessages
get { return null; }
public IDictionary PropertiesValidationErrorMessages
get { return null; }
public class DisableValidationScope : IDisposable
public DisableValidationScope()
Local.Data["DisableValidationScope"] = true;
public static bool IsValidationDisabled
get { return Local.Data["DisableValidationScope"] != null; }
public void Dispose()
Local.Data["DisableValidationScope"] = null;
public abstract class ScopeAwareValidationBase : ActiveRecordHooksValidationBase
static readonly IValidationProvider DisabledProvider = new DisabledValidationProvider();
protected override IValidationProvider ActualValidator
if (DisableValidationScope.IsValidationDisabled)
return DisabledProvider;
return base.ActualValidator;
My ActiveRecord models inherit from ScopeAwareValidationBase and then I can just emplot a using statement around my transaction code, works a treat.
using (new DisableValidationScope())
// do transactional thing...

I'd look into overriding the ActualValidator property, there you could either:
provide a setter, to let your code decide whether to apply validation or not on a per-instance basis, or
(better) look up some context associated to the current SessionScope that decides whether to apply validation or not.
To disable validation, you'd return a dummy IValidationProvider that always returned true to IsValid(), etc.


How and Where to tell if a ViewComponent has been invoked x times in a view?

I have a ViewComponent that I need to invoke twice only! How and where can I tell the invokations count?
Currently I can use a session but I dislike using session in mvc apps! How may I achieve this?
namespace Partials.Components
public class MyComponent : ViewComponent
public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
var model = new{
Website="Stack Overflow",
return View("_MyComponent ", model);
and in my view
<span>Invoked ViewComponent <span>#Session["invoked"]</span> times</span>
You can use TempData. It persists only until the next request.
<span>Invoked ViewComponent <span>#TempData["invoked"]</span> times</span>
Note: TempData uses session under the covers.
You can use HttpContext.Items which has the advantage of not using the session. These items are stored and shared per request, which would also fit your objective.
In your viewComponent you can add/retrieve an item as in this.Context.Items["MyComponentInvocationCount"]. Whenever the count is greater than 2 you can just return an empty content with return Content(String.Empty).
You can combine that with an extension method so you can get the count from outside that class:
[ViewComponent(Name = "MyComponent")]
public class MyViewComponent : ViewComponent
internal static readonly string ContextItemName = "InvocationCount";
public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
this.InvocationCount = this.InvocationCount + 1;
if (this.InvocationCount > 2) return Content(String.Empty);
//return your content here
return Content("Can be invoked");
private int InvocationCount
return this.Context.InvocationCount();
this.Context.Items[ContextItemName] = value;
public static class MyViewComponentExtensions
public static int InvocationCount(this HttpContext context)
var count = context.Items[MyViewComponent.ContextItemName];
return count == null ? 0 : (int)count;
Then you could use it in a view as follows:
<span>Invoked ViewComponent <span>#Context.InvocationCount()</span> times</span>
If you add the above lines 3 times in a view, you will see that the third one does not add any content.
EDIT - Using ViewComponentInvoker
I have been exploring how to implement this feature adding a custom ViewComponentInvoker.
I started by adding a new attribute that can be used to decorate ViewComponents so they are limited to a certain number of invocations per request:
public class PerRequestInvocationLimitAttribute: Attribute
public int PerRequestInvocationLimit { get; set; }
You would then create your view component as usual, the only change being adding this attribute:
[PerRequestInvocationLimit(PerRequestInvocationLimit = 2)]
public class MyViewComponent : ViewComponent
//implementation of view component
We can then create a custom IViewComponentInvoker that decorates the DefaultViewComponentInvoker.
This custom view component invoker will keep track of the number of
times a view component has been invoked in the current request.
When a view component that has the new attribute is invoked, it will only
really invoke it if the number of invocations is below the limit.
Implementing this view component invoker looks like:
public class LimitedPerRequestViewComponentInvoker : IViewComponentInvoker
private readonly IViewComponentInvoker _defaultViewComponentInvoker;
public LimitedPerRequestViewComponentInvoker(IViewComponentInvoker defaultViewComponentInvoker)
this._defaultViewComponentInvoker = defaultViewComponentInvoker;
public void Invoke(ViewComponentContext context)
if (!CanInvokeViewComponent(context)) return;
public Task InvokeAsync(ViewComponentContext context)
if (!CanInvokeViewComponent(context)) return Task.WhenAll();
return this._defaultViewComponentInvoker.InvokeAsync(context);
private bool CanInvokeViewComponent(ViewComponentContext context)
// 1. Increase invocation count
var increasedCount = context.ViewContext.HttpContext.IncreaseInvocationCount(
// 2. check if there is any limit for this viewComponent, if over the limit then return false
var limitAttribute = context.ViewComponentDescriptor.Type
if (limitAttribute != null && limitAttribute.PerRequestInvocationLimit < increasedCount)
return false;
// 3. There is no limit set or the limit has not been reached yet
return true;
It uses some extension methods to set/get the invocation count from HttpContext.Items (That you could also use in your view to get the number of times a view component was invoked)
public static class ViewComponentExtensions
public static int InvocationCount(this HttpContext context, string viewComponentName)
var count = context.Items[GetHttpContextItemsName(viewComponentName)];
return count == null ? 0 : (int)count;
internal static int IncreaseInvocationCount(this HttpContext context, string viewComponentName)
var count = context.InvocationCount(viewComponentName);
context.Items[GetHttpContextItemsName(viewComponentName)] = ++count;
return count;
private static string GetHttpContextItemsName(string viewComponentName)
return string.Format("InvocationCount-{0}", viewComponentName);
The final piece is to create a new IViewComponentInvokerFactory replacing the default one, so it creates an instance of the new custom view component invoker instead of the default one. You also need to register it on Startup.cs:
public class MyViewComponentInvokerFactory : IViewComponentInvokerFactory
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
private readonly ITypeActivatorCache _typeActivatorCache;
private readonly IViewComponentActivator _viewComponentActivator;
public MyViewComponentInvokerFactory(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITypeActivatorCache typeActivatorCache, IViewComponentActivator viewComponentActivator)
_serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
_typeActivatorCache = typeActivatorCache;
_viewComponentActivator = viewComponentActivator;
public IViewComponentInvoker CreateInstance(ViewComponentDescriptor viewComponentDescriptor, object[] args)
return new LimitedPerRequestViewComponentInvoker(
new DefaultViewComponentInvoker(_serviceProvider, _typeActivatorCache, _viewComponentActivator));
//Configure the ViewComponentInvokerFactory in Startup.ConfigureServices
services.AddTransient<IViewComponentInvokerFactory, MyViewComponentInvokerFactory>();
With all these pieces in place, you can use your view component 3 times and you will see how it will be rendered only twice:
<span>Invoked ViewComponent <span>#Context.InvocationCount("MyComponent")</span> times</span>
I prefer this solution for a few reasons:
It is based on the hooks provided by the new mvc framework.
Does not need changes to your view component, other than adding the attribute that sets the invocation limit.
It works when invoking view component asynchronously.

Validating deserialised object with Postsharp Contracts

[This is kind of an obvious question but I couldn't find anything about it - if someone could reference me, it'll be grand.]
In a WebAPI project:
public class MyObject
public string Name {get;set;}
public class MyController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody]MyObject obj)
/// ...
During compilation, I guess PostSharp's validations put themselves in the setter of the property, so when obj is deserialised from the request's body, its fields aren't validated.
So, what's the best/clean way to validate that object?
There is currently no clean way to achieve such validation as it is presumed that once-serialized object is already valid.
In order to force the validation logic, one would need to use ISerializationCallback interface's OnDeserialized method, go through properties and forcibly set them to their current value in order to enforce validation.
This can be done by a PostSharp aspect, but it would be certainly non-trivial. Other possibility is to use reflection/expression trees to achieve the same.
If you think that this would be a nice feature of PostSharp, you can vote PostSharp's UserVoice page.
As Daniel Balas wrote, there's no simple solution to trigger PostSharp's validations after deserializing an object, except implementing OnDeserialized method of ISerializationCallback interface. So I post an Aspect I wrote that deep copies public properties of objects one by one through reflection, and hence activating the validations in the setters.
public sealed class ArgsValidationAspect : MethodInterceptionAspect
public override bool CompileTimeValidate(MethodBase method)
if (!method.GetParameters().Any(p => p.ParameterType.IsClass))
Message.Write(method, SeverityType.Error, "MY001", "Cannot apply HttpObjectValidationAspect to method '{0}'.", method);
return false;
return true;
public override void OnInvoke(MethodInterceptionArgs args)
foreach (var arg in args.Arguments)
catch (Exception e)
throw e.InnerException ?? e;
private static object RecursiveCopyInstance(object origin)
var type = origin.GetType();
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance))
var val = prop.GetValue(origin);
if (val != null && !prop.PropertyType.IsPrimitive && !prop.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(string)))
val = RecursiveCopyInstance(val);
prop.SetValue(instance, val);
return instance;

Access action method parameters from custom Authorize attribute in MVC 3

I am writing an MVC 3 app where users will be able to log in and manage their data. I want to prevent users from viewing or tampering with other user's data. My first instinct was to just verify access to the relevant object in each action method like this:
public ActionResult ShowDetails(int objectId)
DetailObject detail = _repo.GetById(objectId);
if (detail.User.UserID != (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)
return RedirectToAction("LogOff", "Account");
This works fine, but I thought it might be better to put the object authorization code into a custom Authorize attribute derived from AuthorizeAttribute, which I could then apply to the controller. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a way to access the action method parameters from within my custom Authorize attribute. Instead, the only way I have found to access the incoming objectId is by examining httpContext.Request or filterContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values:
public class MyAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
private int _objectId = 0;
private IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public MyAuthorizeAttribute(IUnitOfWork uow)
_unitOfWork = uow;
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
int.TryParse((string) filterContext.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["id"], out _objectId);
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
int objectId = 0;
if (httpContext.Request.Params.AllKeys.Contains("id", StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
int.TryParse(httpContext.Request[idKey], out objectId);
if (objectId != 0)
if (!IsAuthorized(objectId, httpContext.User.Identity.Name))
return false;
if (_objectId != 0)
if (!IsAuthorized(objectId, httpContext.User.Identity.Name))
return false;
return base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext);
private bool IsAuthorized(int objectId, string userName)
DetailObject detail;
detail = _unitOfWork.ObjectRepository.GetById(objectId);
if (detail == null)
return false;
if (userName != detail.User.UserName)
return false;
return true;
I find this approach to be very clunky. I really don't want to have to poke around in the RouteData or Request objects; it would be much cleaner to be able to access the action method parameters since model binding would have already pulled out the relevant data from the RouteData and Request.
I know I can access action method parameters from a custom Action Filter (as detailed here), but shouldn't data authorization code be placed in an Authorize Filter? The more examples I see of Authorize filters, the more I get the impression that they are intended only to handle roles.
My main question is: How do I access action method parameters from my custom Authorize Attribute?
Answer to your main question: no, unfortunately AuthorizationContext does not provide access to action parameters.
First off, you could use ValueProvider to not have to deal with whether the id is part of the route or a query parameter or HTTP posted, as follows:
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
string id = filterContext.Controller.ValueProvider.GetValue("id").AttemptedValue;
This works for simple data types and introduces little overhead. However once you start using custom model binders for your action parameters, you have to inherit your filter from ActionFilterAttribute to avoid double binding:
public ActionResult MyAction([ModelBinder(typeof(MyModelBinder))] MyModel model)
public class MyFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var model = filterContext.ActionParameters["model"] as MyModel;
While semantically inheriting from AuthorizeAttribute for authorization purposes sounds better, there are no other reasons for doing this. Moreover, I find using ActionFilterAttribute easier, as all you have to do is override only one method, not keeping a state for subsequent methods.

Issues with my MVC repository pattern and StructureMap

I have a repository pattern i created on top of the entity framework. When i tried to implement StructureMap to decouple my objects, i kept getting StackOverflowException (infinite loop?). Here is what the pattern looks like:
IEntityRepository where TEntity : class
Defines basic CRUD members
MyEntityRepository : IEntityRepository
Implements CRUD members
IEntityService where TEntity : class
Defines CRUD members which return common types for each member.
MyEntityService : IEntityService
Uses the repository to retrieve data and return a common type as a result (IList, bool and etc)
The problem appears to be with my Service layer. More specifically with the constructors.
public PostService(IValidationDictionary validationDictionary)
: this(validationDictionary, new PostRepository())
{ }
public PostService(IValidationDictionary validationDictionary, IEntityRepository<Post> repository)
_validationDictionary = validationDictionary;
_repository = repository;
From the controller, i pass an object that implements IValidationDictionary. And i am explicitly calling the second constructor to initialize the repository.
This is what the controller constructors look like (the first one creates an instance of the validation object):
public PostController()
_service = new PostService(new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState));
public PostController(IEntityService<Post> service)
_service = service;
Everything works if i don't pass my IValidationDictionary object reference, in which case the first controller constructor would be removed and the service object would only have one constructor which accepts the repository interface as the parameter.
I appreciate any help with this :) Thanks.
It looks like the circular reference had to do with the fact that the service layer was dependent on the Controller's ModelState and the Controller dependent on the Service layer.
I had to rewrite my validation layer to get this to work. Here is what i did.
Define generic validator interface like below:
public interface IValidator<TEntity>
ValidationState Validate(TEntity entity);
We want to be able to return an instance of ValidationState which, obviously, defines the state of validation.
public class ValidationState
private readonly ValidationErrorCollection _errors;
public ValidationErrorCollection Errors
return _errors;
public bool IsValid
return Errors.Count == 0;
public ValidationState()
_errors = new ValidationErrorCollection();
Notice that we have an strongly typed error collection which we need to define as well. The collection is going to consist of ValidationError objects containing the property name of the entity we're validating and the error message associated with it. This just follows the standard ModelState interface.
public class ValidationErrorCollection : Collection<ValidationError>
public void Add(string property, string message)
Add(new ValidationError(property, message));
And here is what the ValidationError looks like:
public class ValidationError
private string _property;
private string _message;
public string Property
return _property;
private set
_property = value;
public string Message
return _message;
private set
_message = value;
public ValidationError(string property, string message)
Property = property;
Message = message;
The rest of this is StructureMap magic. We need to create validation service layer which will locate validation objects and validate our entity. I'd like to define an interface for this, since i want anyone using validation service to be completely unaware of the StructureMap presence. Besides, i think sprinkling ObjectFactory.GetInstance() anywhere besides the bootstrapper logic a bad idea. Keeping it centralized is a good way to insure good maintainability. Anyway, i use the decorator pattern here:
public interface IValidationService
ValidationState Validate<TEntity>(TEntity entity);
And we finally implement it:
public class ValidationService : IValidationService
#region IValidationService Members
public IValidator<TEntity> GetValidatorFor<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
return ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IValidator<TEntity>>();
public ValidationState Validate<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
IValidator<TEntity> validator = GetValidatorFor(entity);
if (validator == null)
throw new Exception("Cannot locate validator");
return validator.Validate(entity);
I'm going to be using validation service in my controller. We could move it to the service layer and have StructureMap use property injection to inject an instance of controller's ModelState to the service layer, but i don't want the service layer to be coupled with ModelState. What if we decide to use another validation technique? This is why i'd rather put it in the controller. Here is what my controller looks like:
public class PostController : Controller
private IEntityService<Post> _service = null;
private IValidationService _validationService = null;
public PostController(IEntityService<Post> service, IValidationService validationService)
_service = service;
_validationService = validationService;
Here i am injecting my service layer and validaton service instances using StructureMap. So, we need to register both in StructureMap registry:
That's it. I don't show how i implement my PostValidator, but it's simply implementing IValidator interface and defining validation logic in the Validate() method. All that's left to do is call your validation service instance to retrieve the validator, call the validate method on your entity and write any errors to ModelState.
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Exclude = "PostId")] Post post)
ValidationState vst = _validationService.Validate<Post>(post);
if (!vst.IsValid)
foreach (ValidationError error in vst.Errors)
this.ModelState.AddModelError(error.Property, error.Message);
return View(post);
Hope i helped somebody out with this :)
I used a similar solution involving a generic implementor of IValidationDictionary uses a StringDictionary and then copied the errors from this back into the model state in the controller.
Interface for validationdictionary
public interface IValidationDictionary
bool IsValid{get;}
void AddError(string Key, string errorMessage);
StringDictionary errors { get; }
Implementation of validation dictionary with no reference to model state or anything else so structuremap can create it easily
public class ValidationDictionary : IValidationDictionary
private StringDictionary _errors = new StringDictionary();
#region IValidationDictionary Members
public void AddError(string key, string errorMessage)
_errors.Add(key, errorMessage);
public bool IsValid
get { return (_errors.Count == 0); }
public StringDictionary errors
get { return _errors; }
Code in the controller to copy the errors from the dictionary into the model state. This would probably be best as an extension function of Controller.
protected void copyValidationDictionaryToModelState()
// this copies the errors into viewstate
foreach (DictionaryEntry error in _service.validationdictionary.errors)
ModelState.AddModelError((string)error.Key, (string)error.Value);
thus bootstrapping code is like this
public static void BootstrapStructureMap()
// Initialize the static ObjectFactory container
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
and code to create controllers is like this
public class IocControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
return (Controller)ObjectFactory.GetInstance(controllerType);
Just a quick query on this. It's helped me out quite a lot so thanks for putting the answer up, but I wondered which namespace TEntity exists in? I see Colletion(TEntity) needs System.Collections.ObjectModel. My file compiles without anything further but I see your TEntity reference highlighted in Blue which suggests it has a class type, mine is Black in Visual Studio. Hope you can help. I'm pretty keen to get this working.
Have you found any way to seperate validation into the service layer at all? My gut tells me that validating in the Controller is a bit smelly but I've looked high and low to find a way to pass validation error messages back to the controller without tightly coupling the service layer to the controller and can't find anything. :(
Again, thanks for the great post!

Validation in a Domain Driven Design

How do you deal with validation on complex aggregates in a domain driven design? Are you consolidating your business rules/validation logic?
I understand argument validation and I understand property validation which can be attached to the models themselves and do things like check that an email address or zipcode is valid or that a first name has a minimum and maximum length.
But what about complex validation that involves multiple models? Where do you typically place these rules & methods within your architecture? And what patterns if any do you use to implement them?
Instead of relying on IsValid(xx) calls all over your application, consider taking some advice from Greg Young:
Don't ever let your entities get into
an invalid state.
What this basically means is that you transition from thinking of entities as pure data containers and more about objects with behaviors.
Consider the example of a person's address:
person.Address = "123 my street";
person.City = "Houston";
person.State = "TX";
person.Zip = 12345;
Between any of those calls your entity is invalid (because you would have properties that don't agree with each other. Now consider this:
all of the calls relating to the behavior of changing an address are now an atomic unit. Your entity is never invalid here.
If you take this idea of modeling behaviors rather than state, then you can reach a model that doesn't allow invalid entities.
For a good discussion on this, check out this infoq interview:
I like Jimmy Bogard's solution to this problem. He has a post on his blog titled "Entity validation with visitors and extension methods" in which he presents a very elegant approach to entity validation that suggest the implementation of a separate class to store validation code.
public interface IValidator<T>
bool IsValid(T entity);
IEnumerable<string> BrokenRules(T entity);
public class OrderPersistenceValidator : IValidator<Order>
public bool IsValid(Order entity)
return BrokenRules(entity).Count() == 0;
public IEnumerable<string> BrokenRules(Order entity)
if (entity.Id < 0)
yield return "Id cannot be less than 0.";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Customer))
yield return "Must include a customer.";
yield break;
I usualy use a specification class,
it provides a method (this is C# but you can translate it in any language) :
bool IsVerifiedBy(TEntity candidate)
This method performs a complete check of the candidate and its relations.
You can use arguments in the specification class to make it parametrized, like a check level...
You can also add a method to know why the candidate did not verify the specification :
IEnumerable<string> BrokenRules(TEntity canditate)
You can simply decide to implement the first method like this :
bool IsVerifiedBy(TEntity candidate)
return BrokenRules(candidate).IsEmpty();
For broken rules, I usualy write an iterator :
IEnumerable<string> BrokenRules(TEntity candidate)
if (someComplexCondition)
yield return "Message describing cleary what is wrong...";
if (someOtherCondition)
yield return
string.Format("The amount should not be {0} when the state is {1}",
amount, state);
For localization, you should use resources, and why not pass a culture to the BrokenRules method.
I place this classes in the model namespace with names that suggest their use.
Multiple model validation should be going through your aggregate root. If you have to validate across aggregate roots, you probably have a design flaw.
The way I do validation for aggregates is to return a response interface that tells me if validation pass/fail and any messages about why it failed.
You can validate all the sub-models on the aggregate root so they remain consistent.
// Command Response class to return from public methods that change your model
public interface ICommandResponse
CommandResult Result { get; }
IEnumerable<string> Messages { get; }
// The result options
public enum CommandResult
Success = 0,
Fail = 1
// My default implementation
public class CommandResponse : ICommandResponse
public CommandResponse(CommandResult result)
Result = result;
public CommandResponse(CommandResult result, params string[] messages) : this(result)
Messages = messages;
public CommandResponse(CommandResult result, IEnumerable<string> messages) : this(result)
Messages = messages;
public CommandResult Result { get; private set; }
public IEnumerable<string> Messages { get; private set; }
// usage
public class SomeAggregateRoot
public string SomeProperty { get; private set; }
public ICommandResponse ChangeSomeProperty(string newProperty)
if(newProperty == null)
return new CommandResponse(CommandResult.Fail, "Some property cannot be changed to null");
SomeProperty = newProperty;
return new CommandResponse(CommandResult.Success);
This questions a bit old now but in case anyone is interested here's how I implement validation in my service classes.
I have a private Validate method in each of my service classes that takes an entity instance and action being performed, if validation fails a custom exception is thrown with the details of the broken rules.
Example DocumentService with built in validation
public class DocumentService : IDocumentService
private IRepository<Document> _documentRepository;
public DocumentService(IRepository<Document> documentRepository)
_documentRepository = documentRepository;
public void Create(Document document)
Validate(document, Action.Create);
document.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
public void Update(Document document)
Validate(document, Action.Update);
public void Delete(int id)
Validate(_documentRepository.GetById(id), Action.Delete);
public IList<Document> GetAll()
return _documentRepository
.OrderByDescending(x => x.PublishDate)
public int GetAllCount()
return _documentRepository
public Document GetById(int id)
return _documentRepository.GetById(id);
// validation
private void Validate(Document document, Action action)
var brokenRules = new List<string>();
if (action == Action.Create || action == Action.Update)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(document.Title))
brokenRules.Add("Title is required");
if (document.PublishDate == null)
brokenRules.Add("Publish Date is required");
if (brokenRules.Any())
throw new EntityException(string.Join("\r\n", brokenRules));
private enum Action
I like this approach because it allows me to put all my core validation logic in one place which keeps things simple.
