square numbers given in an sequence - algorithm

Given a positive integer sequence of numbers in an array with common difference 2
for e.g 2 4 6 8
Now replace each number by its square. Perform the computations efficiently.
I was asked this question in an interview and i gave him o(n) solution using bitwise operator since it is operation in the multiples of 2.If there is any better method please suggest.

I dunno if its better but it's recursive!!! :-)
(n+2)(n+2) = n**2 + 4*n + 4 // and you got n**2

class Square
public static int[] sequence(int[] array)
int[] result=new int[array.length];
for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++)
return result;
// test cases:
// Square.sequence(new int[]{2,4,6,8})
//out put->{ 4, 16, 36, 64 }

It really depends on the interviewer, and what they think is "the right thing". If it were me, I'd think the (n << 2) + 4 were neat, but on the other hand, I'd hate to see it in my code. It takes more thinking to maintain, and there's a fair chance a good optimizer might do just as good a job.
I think the phrase "perform the operation efficiently" is probably our clue that the interviewer was looking for a fast computation. It's still O(n), but let's not forget that when you are comparing two O(n) algorithms, the coefficients start to matter again.


First number that divides all numbers (1,2,...,100)

Given that the first number to divide all (1,2,..,10) is 2520.
And given that the first number to divide all (1,2,..,20) is 232792560.
Find the first number to divide all (1,2,..,100). (all consecutive numbers from 1 to 100).
The answer should run in less than a minute.
I'm writing the solution in Java, and I'm facing two problems:
How can I compute this is the solution itself is a number so huge that cannot be handled?
I tried using "BigInteger" by I'm doing many additions and divisions and I don't know if this is increasing my time complexity.
How can I calculate this in a less than a minute? The solution I though about so far haven't even stopped.
This is my Java code (using big integers):
public static boolean solved(int start, int end, BigInteger answer) {
for (int i=start; i<=end; i++) {
if (answer.mod(new BigInteger(valueOf(i))).compareTo(new BigInteger(valueOf(0)))==0) {
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
BigInteger answer = new BigInteger("232792560");
BigInteger y = new BigInteger("232792560");
while(!solved(21,100, answer)) {
answer = answer.add(y);
I take advantage of the fact that I know already the solution for (1,..,20).
Currently is simply not stopping.
I though I could improve it by changing the function solved to check for only values we care about.
For example:
100 = 25,50,100
99 = 33,99
98 = 49,98
97 = 97
96 = 24,32,48,96
And so on. But, this simple calculation of identifying the smallest group of number needed has become a problem itself to which I didn't look for / found a solution. Of course, the time complexity should stay under a minute either case.
Any other ideas?
The first number that can be divided by all elements of some set (which is what you have there, despite the slightly different formulation) is also known as the Least Common Multiple of that set. LCM(a, b, c) = LCM(LCM(a, b), c) and so on, so in general, it can be computed by taking n - 1 pairwise LCMs where n is the number of items in the set. BigInteger does not have an lcm function, but the LCM can be computed via a * b / gcd(a, b) so in Java with BigInteger:
static BigInteger lcm(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
return a.multiply(b).divide(a.gcd(b));
For 1 to 20, computing the LCM in that way indeed results in 232792560. It's easy to do it up to 100 too.
Find all max prime powers in your range and take their product.
E.g. 1-10: 2^3, 3^2, 5^1, 7^1: product is 2520, which is the right answer (not 5250). You could find the primes via the sieve of Eratosthenes or just download them from a list of primes.
As 100 is small, you can work this out by producing the prime factorization of all numbers from 2 to 100 and keep the largest exponent of each prime among all factorizations. In fact, trying divisions by 2, 3, 5 and 7 will be enough to check primality up to 100, and there are just 25 primes to consider. You can implement a simple sieve to find the primes and perform the factorizations.
After you found all exponents of the prime decomposition of the lcm, you can either leave this as the answer, or perform the multiplications explicitly.

All the ways to return 3 if you get 7 and vice versa – interview question

This is a question that I was asked in an interview:
Implement a function that gets an integer n and does the following:
1. if n is 3 -> return 7.
2. else if n is 7 -> return 3.
3. otherwise return any number you like (undefined behavior).
Also describe what's the runtime and space complexity of each way.
So first I gave the trivial way of using if-else statement - and said it's O(1) run-time + space complexity. Then the interviewer said: "what if you can't use if statements (including switch-case and other if statements similarities)?"
So I suggested using bitwise operations: return n^=4. Said that it's O(1) run-time + space complexity. Then the interviewer said: "what if you can't use bitwise operations?"
So I suggested using an array like this:
int mem[8] = {-1, -1, -1, 7, -1, -1, -1, 3};
return mem[n];
Said it's O(1) run-time + space complexity, how ever it might be non-efficient if we have large numbers instead of 3 and 7.
Then the interviewer said: "what if you can't use arrays?" - and here I got stuck.
It seems like there is a fourth way... any suggestions?
how about
def foo(n)
return 10 - n
foo(3) => 7
foo(7) => 3
How about this
function myfunc(n) {
return 21 / n
UPDATE: #2 Solution
function myfunc(n) {
return "37".replace(n, "")
Another one is. (n + 4) % 8.
"All the ways" is surely infinite.
The fourth way:
def foo(n):
return 10-n
For n=7, foo(7) returns 10-7=3.
For n=3, foo(3) returns 10-3=7.
For any other value of n, I can return any number I like, so I return 10-n.
So, time complexity: O(1) and space complexity: O(1).
Disclaimer: I'm not the interviewer. :P

Factorial of a big number [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Calculating factorial of large numbers in C
(16 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Consider problem of calculating factorial of a number.
When result is bigger than 2^32 then we will get overflow error.
How can we design a program to calculate factorial of big numbers?
EDIT: assume we are using C++ language.
EDIT2: it is a duplicate question of this one
As a question with just algorithm tagged. Your 2^32 is not an issue because an algorithm can never have an Overflow error. Implementations of an algorithm can and do have overflow errors. So what language are you using?
Most languages have a BigNumber or BigInteger that can be used.
Here's a C++ BigInteger library: https://mattmccutchen.net/bigint/
I suggest that you google for: c++ biginteger
If you can live with approximate values, consider using the Stirling approximation and compute it in double precision.
If you want exact values, you'll need arbitrary-precision arithmetic and a lot of computation time...
Doing this requires you to take one of a few approaches, but basically boils down to:
splitting your number across multiple variables (stored in an array) and
managing your operations across the array.
That way each int/element in the array has a positional magnitude and can be strung together in the end to make your whole number.
A good example here in C: http://www.go4expert.com/forums/c-program-calculate-factorial-t25352/
Test this script:
import gmpy as gm
print gm.fac(3000)
For very big number is difficult to stock or print result.
For some purposes, such as working out the number of combinations, it is sufficient to compute the logarithm of the factorial, because you will be dividing factorials by factorials and the final result is of a more reasonable size - you just subtract logarithms before taking the exponential of the result.
You can compute the logarithm of the factorial by adding logarithms, or by using the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_function, which is often available in mathematical libraries (there are good ways to approximate this).
First invent a way to store and use big numbers. Common way is to interpret array of integers as digits of a big number. Then add basic operations to your system, such as multiplication. Then multiply.
Or use already made solutions. Google for: c++ big integer library
You can use BigInteger for finding factorial of a Big numbers probably greater than 65 as the range of data type long ends at 65! and it starts returning 0 after that. Please refer to below Java code. Hope it would help:
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class factorial {
public factorial() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public static void main(String args[])
factorial f = new factorial();
public BigInteger fact(int num)
BigInteger sum = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
for(int i = num ; i>= 2; i --)
sum = sum.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i));
return sum;
If you want to improve the range of your measurement, you can use logarithms. Logarithms will convert your multiplication to additions making it much smaller to store.
factorial(n) => n * factorial(n-1)
log(factorial(n)) => log(n) * log(factorial(n-1))
5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120
log(5!) = log(5) + log(4) + log(3) + log(2) + log(1) = 2.0791812460476247
In this example, I used base 10 logarithms, but any base works.
Or 10^0.0791812460476247*10^2 or 1.2*10^2
Implementation example in javascript

Algorithm to check if a number if a perfect number

I am looking for an algorithm to find if a given number is a perfect number.
The most simple that comes to my mind is :
Find all the factors of the number
Get the prime factors [except the number itself, if it is prime] and add them up to check if it is a perfect number.
Is there a better way to do this ?.
On searching, some Euclids work came up, but didnt find any good algorithm. Also this golfscript wasnt helpful: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3472534/checking-whether-a-number-is-mathematically-a-perfect-number .
The numbers etc can be cached etc in real world usage [which I dont know where perfect nos are used :)]
However, since this is being asked in interviews, I am assuming there should be a "derivable" way of optimizing it.
Thanks !
If the input is even, see if it is of the form 2^(p-1)*(2^p-1), with p and 2^p-1 prime.
If the input is odd, return "false". :-)
See the Wikipedia page for details.
(Actually, since there are only 47 perfect numbers with fewer than 25 million digits, you might start with a simple table of those. Ask the interviewer if you can assume you are using 64-bit numbers, for instance...)
Edit: Dang, I failed the interview! :-(
In my over zealous attempt at finding tricks or heuristics to improve upon the "factorize + enumerate divisors + sum them" approach, I failed to note that being 1 modulo 9 was merely a necessary, and certainly not a sufficient condition for at number (other than 6) to be perfect...
Duh... with on average 1 in 9 even number satisfying this condition, my algorithm would sure find a few too many perfect numbers ;-).
To redeem myself, persist and maintain the suggestion of using the digital root, but only as a filter, to avoid the more expensive computation of the factor, in most cases.
[Original attempt: hall of shame]
If the number is even,<br>
compute its [digital root][1].
if the digital root is 1, the number is perfect, otherwise it isn't.
If the number is odd...
there are no shortcuts, other than...
"Not perfect" if the number is smaller than 10^300
For bigger values, one would then need to run the algorithm described in
the question, possibly with a few twists typically driven by heuristics
that prove that the sum of divisors will be lacking when the number
doesn't have some of the low prime factors.
My reason for suggesting the digital root trick for even numbers is that this can be computed without the help of an arbitrary length arithmetic library (like GMP). It is also much less computationally expensive than the decomposition in prime factors and/or the factorization (2^(p-1) * ((2^p)-1)). Therefore if the interviewer were to be satisfied with a "No perfect" response for odd numbers, the solution would be both very efficient and codable in most computer languages.
[Second and third attempt...]
If the number is even,<br>
if it is 6
The number is PERFECT
otherwise compute its [digital root][1].
if the digital root is _not_ 1
The number is NOT PERFECT
else ...,
Compute the prime factors
Enumerate the divisors, sum them
if the sum of these divisor equals the 2 * the number
If the number is odd...
same as previously
On this relatively odd interview question...
I second andrewdski's comment to another response in this post, that this particular question is rather odd in the context of an interview for a general purpose developer. As with many interview questions, it can be that the interviewer isn't seeking a particular solution, but rather is providing an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate his/her ability to articulate the general pros and cons of various approaches. Also, if the candidate is offered an opportunity to look-up generic resources such as MathWorld or Wikipedia prior to responding, this may also be a good test of his/her ability to quickly make sense of the info offered there.
Here's a quick algorithm just for fun, in PHP - using just a simple for loop. You can easliy port that to other languages:
function isPerfectNumber($num) {
$out = false;
if($num%2 == 0) {
$divisors = array(1);
for($i=2; $i<$num; $i++) {
if($num%$i == 0)
$divisors[] = $i;
if(array_sum($divisors) == $num)
$out = true;
return $out ? 'It\'s perfect!' : 'Not a perfect number.';
Hope this helps, not sure if this is what you're looking for.
int sumOfFactors(int );
int main(){
int x, start, end;
printf("Enter start of the range:\n");
scanf("%d", &start);
printf("Enter end of the range:\n");
scanf("%d", &end);
for(x = start;x <= end;x++){
if(x == sumOfFactors(x)){
printf("The numbers %d is a perfect number\n", x);
return 0;
int sumOfFactors(int x){
int sum = 1, i, j;
for(j=2;j <= x/2;j++){
if(x % j == 0)
sum += j;
return sum;

Fast algorithm for finding prime numbers? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Which is the fastest algorithm to find prime numbers?
(20 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
First of all - I checked a lot in this forum and I haven't found something fast enough.
I try to make a function that returns me the prime numbers in a specified range.
For example I did this function (in C#) using the sieve of Eratosthenes. I tried also Atkin's sieve but the Eratosthenes one runs faster (in my implementation):
public static void SetPrimesSieve(int Range)
Primes = new List<uint>();
int Half = (Range - 1) >> 1;
BitArray Nums = new BitArray(Half, false);
int Sqrt = (int)Math.Sqrt(Range);
for (int i = 3, j; i <= Sqrt; )
for (j = ((i * i) >> 1) - 1; j < Half; j += i)
Nums[j] = true;
i += 2;
while (i <= Sqrt && Nums[(i >> 1) - 1]);
for (int i = 0; i < Half; ++i)
if (!Nums[i])
Primes.Add((uint)(i << 1) + 3);
It runs about twice faster than codes & algorithms I found...
There's should be a faster way to find prime numbers, could you help me?
When searching around for algorithms on this topic (for project Euler) I don't remember finding anything faster. If speed is really the concern, have you thought about just storing the primes so you simply need to look it up?
EDIT: quick google search found this, confirming that the fastest method would be just to page the results and look them up as needed.
One more edit - you may find more information here, essentially a duplicate of this topic. Top post there states that atkin's sieve was faster than eras' as far as generating on the fly.
The fastest algorithm in my experience so far is the Sieve of Erathostenes with wheel factorization for 2, 3 and 5, where the primes among the remaining numbers are represented as bits in a byte array. In Java on one core of my 3 year old Laptop it takes 23 seconds to compute the primes up to 1 billion.
With wheel factorization the Sieve of Atkin was about a factor of two slower, while with an ordinary BitSet it was about 30% faster.
See also this answer.
I did an algorithm that can find prime numbers from range 2-90 000 000 for 0.65 sec on I 350M-notebook, written in C .... you have to use bitwise operations and have "code" for recalculating index of your array to index of concrete bit you want. for example If you want folds of number 2, concrete bits will be for example ....10101000 ... so if you read from left ... you get index 4,6,8 ... thats it
Several comments.
For speed, precompute then load from disk. It's super fast. I did it in Java long ago.
Don't store as an array, store as a bitsequence for odd numbers. Way more efficient on memory
If your speed question is that you want this particular computation to run fast (you need to justify why you can't precompute and load it from disk) you need to code a better Atkin's sieve. It is faster. But only slightly.
You haven't indicated the end use for these primes. We may be missing something completely because you've not told us the application. Tell us a sketch of the application and the answers will be targetted better for your context.
Why on earth do you think something faster exists? You haven't justified your hunch. This is a very hard problem. (that is to find something faster)
You can do better than that using the Sieve of Atkin, but it is quite tricky to implement it fast and correctly. A simple translation of the Wikipedia pseudo-code is probably not good enough.
