is it possible to search firefox cache memory and disk cache - firefox

is it some how possible to search firefox cache entries from an application which is online and doesn't ask user to install anything on his computer...does mozilla provide any api for this or some functions to do this.

Probably not the cache you want, maybe something more along the line of
HTML5 local storage or Offline Web Application, apart from that it would be difficult to know what is in the entire cache due to security constrains, but you can use the server response header to detect what item the browser think it has in cache (detect the response 304 in http server header, if you provide the proper headers ).

I'm not sure if the local cache is available online from any other computer, but you can type about:cache in the URL bar and it'll take you to a page that can identify things in both memory and disk.
Hope that helps.


How firefox fetches correct data from Browser Cache

Once we open a link in a new tab in Firefox, the data corresponding to that web page(static or dynamic) gets stored in Browser Cache. Then, when we switches at that tab again, it extracts data of that page from Cache(not requesting from the server of that site) and paints it at the frame buffer of the screen.
I want to know that how Firefox fetches this data in correct sequence?
What kind of mapping does the Firefox uses to extract the page data from its Cache?
Firefox (like any other browser) uses heuristics to decide when and what to cache. This is assuming no caching information is included in the resources. When no caching information is provided, Firefox might still decide to cache the files for certain period of time.
If you want to avoid Firefox to cache your resources altogether, you must include the following response header on your resources:
Cache-Control:no-cache, no-store
Now, the exact algorithm that Firefox uses to fetch from cache I don't think is public. Maybe somebody from Mozilla is able to answer this.

Does the majority A-grade browsers cache content over https to disk?

I have read somewhere that javascript and css files that only get cached in memory sooner or later get pushed out by other content. Is this true? Are there any other issues regarding cashing SSL-objects?
Firefox only caches HTTPS content to disk if the Cache-Control: Public response header is set.
There's more information about this and other HTTPS tuning tips in the following blog post:
If i am not wrong JS and CSS files get copied to the temp directory. With this it really helps for the browser to speed up the download process.
I am not sure regarding in memory object as its in memory i think as soon as the session is over its done.

Programmatically reset browser cache in Ruby (or remove select item from browser cache)?

I would like to create a rake task or something to clear the browser cache. The issue is, I am running a Flash app, and if I change the data, I more often than not need to reset the browser cache so it removes the old swf and can see the new xml data.
How do you reset the browser cache with ruby? Or even more precisely, how can I only remove a select item from the browser cache?
Thanks for the help!
I see a few possible solutions:
Write some shell script that deletes the temporary files from disk out the cache (what browser are you using?). I'm am not sure deleting the files on disk will necessarily work if the browser has them cached in memory.
Use and HTTP header (No-Cache) to avoid caching in the browser, Adobe has documentation on No-Cache. You could set this header only in development mode, so that in production the swf is cached.
Depending on your browser, force a page and cache refresh (e.g. Crtl-F5 in Firefox)
I'm not sure how you're loading the xml data, but in the past, I've gotten around the issue by appending a random number to the path of the xml file:
Basically, Flash will always think the file is a different URL. It won't be able to find a match in your cache.
Again, I'm not sure how you're loading the XML data, so I'm not sure if this applies to your situation.
Hope it helps, though.
You cannot reset browser cache, even if you would sometimes it will not be sufficient because caching can occur not only on the server and/or client, but also on any number of nodes your response goes through on its way from your server to your client.
The only tool at your disposal is the caching headers.
You can set them to NoCache just keep in mind that it will be hitting the server every time
Since you're using Safari, here's an article describing how to use AppleScript to clear the cache. But you can probably just skip the AppleScript part and remove the files directly in the rake task. The only catch might be that you have to restart the browser for it to take affect, but that could be done with a kill on the process and an "open /Applications/" (I'm assuming you're on a Mac; in Windows it would be something like start "c:\program files\Safari...").

How do I share Safari's NSURLCache store?

I'm building an app that links recent
web pages you've visited together.
To do this, I need to get the HTML
for recent URLs using Cocoa.
Right now, I'm using an invisible
WebView to do this.
As I understand it, if the URL isn't
in the cache for my app, this is
hitting web servers.
What I want
The chances are high that the URL I'm grabbing has already been cached by Safari as the page has already been visited.
I want my app to check Safari's cache for the URL first. If it's there, it should just use this data. If not, it should hit the web server and store the page in my app's cache.
I don't really want to have to parse the cache.db file from Safari using sqlite3 - I've no idea if this format will stay the same. I'm after something simpler and more high level.
What I've tried
I know that you can set up your own NSURLCache using the method initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath: but I don't want to try pointing this to the Safari cache in case it screws up Safari by writing to it.
Is there an easy, high level way of sharing the Safari cache?
Aha. I've just realised there may be a way to do this I've been missing.
I could make a new instance of NSURLCache with initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath:, point it at the Safari cache, then specify a cache policy of NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataDontLoad for the URL Request when loading the page.
When this fails, I could just try and load the page as normal. I'll try this out and update the question when I know more.
To be honest, you just can't do this.
Firstly, I'm pretty certain -[NSURLCache initWithMemoryCapacity:diskCapacity:diskPath:] won't work as you expect. It will instead blow away the old cache file to create its own; potentially highly upsetting Safari.
Secondly NSURLCache is a composite cache. That is, it caches data first in memory, and then moves it out to disk at some point. So even if you could properly access Safari's cache file (which you can't) you'd only be able to access the older cached data; not the most recent.

Clear all website cache?

Is it possible to clear all site cache? I would like to do this when the user logs out or the session expires instead of instructing the browser not to cache on each request.
As far as I know, there is no way to instruct the browser to clear all the pages it has cached for your site. The only control that you, as a website author, have over caching of a page occurs when the browser tries to access that page. You can specify that cached versions of your pages should expire at a certain time using the Expires header, but even then the browser won't actually clear the page from its cache at that time.
i certainly hope not - that would give the web site destructive powers over the client machine!
If security is your main concern here, why not use HTTPS? Browsers don't cache content received via HTTPS (or cache it only in memory).
One tricky way to mimic this would be to include the session-id as a parameter when referencing any static piece of content on the site. When the user establishes the session, the browser will recognize all the pieces of content as new due to the inclusion of this parameter. For the duration of the session the browser will used the static content in its cache. After the user logs out and logs back in again, the session-id parameter for the static contents will be different, so the browser will recognize this is as completely new content and will download everything again.
That being said... this is a hack and I wouldn't recommend pursuing it.. For what reason do you want the user's cache to be cleared after their session expires? There's probably a better solution that can fit your situation as opposed to what you are currently asking for.
If you are talking about cache objects, you can use this:
For Each elem As DictionaryEntry In Cache
to remove items from the cache, but that may not be the full-extent of what you are trying to accomplish.
