Execute unicode command from script on Windows - windows

I need to execute a command like vlc 舨.avi programatically on Windows. When done directly in cmd.exe this works just fine, proving that VLC has the capability to recognize unicode arguments. However, I'm having trouble putting this in a script and having it work.
Has anyone done this successfully? I would love to do this in Ruby (I have 1.9.2) but Python-win32, Perl-win32, batch, .cmd, VB/W/JScript are all options. Target O/Ses are XP and Vista.

It's most likely an encoding issue.
Encoding in command prompts and in windows is not always the same. If your script in Notepad, then execute it, you may end up with the filename being converted to unicode differently hence the error.
Somehow, you'll have to make sure that the encoding is correct, maybe by saving you batch file as Unicode text file? Would that work?


Opening an image using 'system' or 'exec'

My goal is to open image files in a default image viewer (Windows 10 Photos app), and close them per user input. My file path contains backslashes, not standard slashes, although replacing them doesn't seem to change the results I mention below.
I tried the following:
or the same thing using exec instead, but it simply returns a format error Errno::ENOEXEC. Manually entering the file path in the command interpreter works even if the interpreter is opened via:
I tried to avoid the shell by using a multi-argument version of system, but I could not.
Is it possible to do what I want to?
According to this answer, this should work on windows.
system("start #{path_to_image}")

In Windows 10 how do I rename a file to a filename that includes a character with an umlaut?

I'm on Win10 and I have a .bat file to rename a bunch of files. Some of the entries need to be renamed to a non-English name, e.g.
RENAME "MyFile1.txt" "Eisenhüttenstadt.txt"
However, when I run this, the 'ü' comes out as something else, other characters with an umlaut also are replaced by different characters.
I've tried saving the .bat file in Notepad with Unicode and UTF-8 encoding but then Windows doesn't recognise the command when I try to run it.
I've read this and other similar issues but not found a solution, surely it's simple when you know how?
Any suggestions?
The default code page in the console is 437(USA) or 850(Europe), which does not support characters with umlaut, so you must change this to 1252(West European Latin). So, use Chcp command in the beginning of your batch file to change it, like this:
Chcp 1252
image via http://www.pctipp.ch/tipps-tricks/kummerkasten/windows-7/artikel/windows-7-umlaute-in-batch-dateien-55616/
Sources:http://ss64.com/nt/chcp.html , http://www.pctipp.ch/tipps-tricks/kummerkasten/windows-7/artikel/windows-7-umlaute-in-batch-dateien-55616/ (The article says for Windows 7 but this applies for Windows 10 too)

Why does one code execute from one folder but not the other?

I was just curious as to why with Windows O/S a simple Ruby file that prints one line to the command prompt can execute correctly from one path, but not the other.
Currently, I have said file in C:\Ruby193\test\lib saved inside the lib folder. When I go to the command prompt and set the path to C:\Ruby193\test\lib, I'd expect to see the code string be printed to the command prompt. However, nothing but an empty line is produced, and if I go up the path and set it to C:\Ruby193\test and execute the ruby file from there, it works just fine.
Does anyone have a sound explanation as to why it works that way? Would this also be the same case for a MAC O/S as well?

individual command running but not batch file

I have the below command which runs perfectly fine on command prompt
start "heythere" "c:\script\ABC.XYS.CreateXML.exe" -SiteCollectionUrl:"http://site-prd" -TargetPath:"C:\destFolder" -LoginName:"GLOBAL\username"
However when I save the exaack command in a batch file and execute it, it doesn't run at all
I really can't figure out the problem.
I finally figured it out. As the contents of the file were generated via code, there were issues with its encoding. Thus changing the encoding to ASCII solved the issue.

When to use .exe and when not?

I dont really understand whats going on and cant see the difference:
I'm downloaded the base64.exe for creating base64 text under windows. i copied it to C:\Windows\ because its in the %PATH% variable.
Now i want to try it: echo Hello | base64 works great. Okay i dont need to append .exe and as far as i know i dont need to do it also with .bat and .com files.
But now i have some cygwin tools installed and for example tried which base64, which doesnt work, because it says that base64 is not in path. Then i typed in which base64.exe and got C:\Windows.
So my question is now: when i need to use .exe and when i dont? Is it only when i'm using cygwin tools that i need to append .exe?
Cygwin is a shell which emulates UNIX behaviour. UNIX doesn't know anything about .exe, thats why Cygwin can't find base64.exe. Under UNIX, binaries are stored without an extionsion added to their filename, e.g. just base64.
Windows CMD automatically appends .bat, .com, .exe and the like to your file names. Cygwin does not. So if you are using a linux shell you have to append it manually.
Since Cygwin is aware that it always runs under Windows it might append .exe if you want to perform certain actions in the shell itself (e.g. opening a file), to behave more friendyl to Windows users who expect this behaviour. However programs running under Cygwin might not integrate those features since they were mainly devoloped for usage under UNIX. That could be a reason why which base64 fails.
