How to write a LINQ statement with a GroupBy condition - linq

I have this LINQ statement as follows;
var RequestList = (from emp in _employeeIds
from x in db.AnnualLeaveBookeds
where x.EmployeeId == emp
orderby x.AnnualLeaveDate
select new RequestInfo
AnnualLeaveBookedId = x.AnnualLeaveBookedId,
AnnualLeaveDate = x.AnnualLeaveDate,
MorningOnlyFlag = x.MorningOnlyFlag,
AfternoonOnlyFlag = x.AfternoonOnlyFlag,
Forename = x.Employee.Forename,
Surname = x.Employee.Surname,
EmployeeId = x.Employee.EmployeeId,
RequestDate = x.RequestDate,
CancelRequestDate = x.CancelRequestDate,
ApprovedFlag = (x.ApprovalDate.HasValue && x.ApproverId != Employee.LoggedInUser.EmployeeId),
ApproveFlag = false,
RejectFlag = false,
Reason = string.Empty,
FontColour = "Black"
For every RequestInfo I return a FontColour property of Black.
However if I have 2 or more RequestInfo objects with the same AnnualLeaveDate, I want the FontColour to be set to red.
How do I rewrite this query to do that?

Try something like this:
var RequestList = (
from emp in _employeeIds
from x0 in db.AnnualLeaveBookeds
where x0.EmployeeId == emp
orderby x0.AnnualLeaveDate
group x0 by x0.AnnualLeaveDate into xs
from x in xs
select new RequestInfo
AnnualLeaveBookedId = x.AnnualLeaveBookedId,
AnnualLeaveDate = x.AnnualLeaveDate,
MorningOnlyFlag = x.MorningOnlyFlag,
AfternoonOnlyFlag = x.AfternoonOnlyFlag,
Forename = x.Employee.Forename,
Surname = x.Employee.Surname,
EmployeeId = x.Employee.EmployeeId,
RequestDate = x.RequestDate,
CancelRequestDate = x.CancelRequestDate,
ApprovedFlag = (x.ApprovalDate.HasValue
&& x.ApproverId != Employee.LoggedInUser.EmployeeId),
ApproveFlag = false,
RejectFlag = false,
Reason = string.Empty,
FontColour = xs.Count() > 1 ? "Red" : "Black"


linq sum of multiple values

i need to get the sum of billableHours and nonBillableHours.
this is my code.
var currentMonth = 10;
var userQuery =
from timeEntry in TimeEntries
join ta in Tasks on timeEntry.TaskID equals ta.TaskID
where timeEntry.DateEntity.Month == currentMonth && timeEntry.DateEntity.Year == DateTime.Today.Year
select new
HoursEntered = timeEntry.HoursEntered,
Billable = ta.Billable
var localrows = userQuery.ToList();
var grouping = localrows.GroupBy(x => x.Billable);
var userList = grouping.Select(q => new
billableHours = q.Where(x=> x.Billable == true),
nonBillableHours = q.Where(x=> x.Billable != true)
i cannot seem to find a way to get the sum.
I need the sum of those two columns, so i can call them,
and calculate values i get from them.
When you need more than one aggregate, you can still get the result with a single query by using group by constant technique. Which in this specific case can be combined with conditional Sum:
var hoursInfo =
(from timeEntry in TimeEntries
join ta in Tasks on timeEntry.TaskID equals ta.TaskID
where timeEntry.DateEntity.Month == currentMonth && timeEntry.DateEntity.Year == DateTime.Today.Year
group new { timeEntry.HoursEntered, ta.Billable } by 1 into g
select new
BillableHours = g.Sum(e => e.Billable ? e.HoursEntered : 0),
NonBillableHours = g.Sum(e => !e.Billable ? e.HoursEntered : 0),
You do not need to group them. Try this query:
var userQuery =
from timeEntry in TimeEntries
join ta in Tasks on timeEntry.TaskID equals ta.TaskID
where timeEntry.DateEntity.Month == currentMonth
&& timeEntry.DateEntity.Year == DateTime.Today.Year
select new
HoursEntered = timeEntry.HoursEntered,
Billable = ta.Billable
var billableHours = userQuery
.Where(m => m.Billable) // Billable
.Select(m => m.HoursEntered)
var nonBillableHours = userQuery
.Where(m => !m.Billable) // Non-bilable
.Select(m => m.HoursEntered)
var currentMonth = 10;
var TimeEntries = new List<TimeEntry>() {
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 1,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),HoursEntered =2},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 2,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2),HoursEntered =3},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 3,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3),HoursEntered =2},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 4,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(4),HoursEntered =4},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 5,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5),HoursEntered =2},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 6,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(6),HoursEntered =6}
var UserTasks = new List<UserTask>(){
new UserTask(){TaskID = 1,Billable = true} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 2,Billable = false} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 3,Billable = true} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 4,Billable = false} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 5,Billable = true} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 6,Billable = false}
var userQuery =
from x in
(from timeEntry in TimeEntries
join ta in UserTasks on timeEntry.TaskID equals ta.TaskID
where timeEntry.DateEntity.Month == currentMonth && timeEntry.DateEntity.Year == DateTime.Today.Year
select new
HoursEntered = timeEntry.HoursEntered,
Billable = ta.Billable
group x by x.Billable into g
select new
IsBillable = g.Key,
Billabe = g.Where(t => t.Billable == true).Sum(x => x.HoursEntered),
NonBillable = g.Where(t => t.Billable == false).Sum(x => x.HoursEntered)
foreach (var item in userQuery.ToList())
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - {1}", item.IsBillable? "Billable":"Non-Billable",item.IsBillable?item.Billabe:item.NonBillable));

i am trying to join 3 tables below is the code

var result = (from p in db.push_notifications
join nu in db.notification_recievers on equals nu.push_notification_id
join nt in db.notification_types on p.notification_type_id equals
where ( == pushNotificationId && p.send_criteria == criteria && nu.delete_flag == false && p.delete_flag == false && nt.delete_flag == false)
select new NotificationList
conferenceId = p.conference_id,
pushNotificationId =,
notificationId =,
notificationType = nt.notification_type,
nottificationDate = p.created_dt_tm,
criteria = (int)p.send_criteria,
notificationMessage = p.notification_msg,
userInterests = **getInterestNamesByPushNotificationId(**,
public string getInterestNamesByPushNotificationId(int id)
string interests = string.Empty;
var query = from i in db.interests
join pn in db.notification_recievers
on equals pn.interest_id
where pn.push_notification_id == id && pn.delete_flag == false
select new
name =
foreach (var intr in query.Distinct())
if (interests == "")
interests =;
interests = interests + ", " +;
return interests;
this is throwing me error
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String
getInterestNamesBy PushNotification(Int32)' method, and this method
cannot be translated into a store expression.
The Entity Framework is trying to execute your LINQ clause on the SQL side, obviously there is no equivalent to 'getInterestNamesBy PushNotification(Int32)' from a SQL perspective.
You need to force your select to an Enumerable and then reselect your object using the desired method.
Not ideal but something like this should work - (not tested this so be nice).
var result = (from p in db.push_notifications
join nu in db.notification_recievers on equals nu.push_notification_id
join nt in db.notification_types on p.notification_type_id equals
where ( == pushNotificationId && p.send_criteria == criteria && nu.delete_flag == false && p.delete_flag == false && nt.delete_flag == false)
select new { p=p, nu = nu, nt = nt }).AsEnumerable().Select( x => new NotificationList()
conferenceId = x.p.conference_id,
pushNotificationId =,
notificationId =,
notificationType = x.nt.notification_type,
nottificationDate = x.p.created_dt_tm,
criteria = (int)x.p.send_criteria,
notificationMessage = x.p.notification_msg,
userInterests = getInterestNamesByPushNotificationId(,
i have done it this way
In my model
using (NotificationService nService = new NotificationService())
modelView = nService.DetailsOfNotifications(pushNotificationId, criteriaId).Select(x => new NotificationViewModelUI(x.conferenceId, x.pushNotificationId, x.notificationId, x.notificationType, x.nottificationDate, x.criteria, x.notificationMessage, x.userEmail, nService.getInterestNamesByPushNotificationId(x.pushNotificationId), nService.getIEventTitlesByPushNotificationId(x.pushNotificationId))).ToList();
public NotificationViewModelUI(int conferenceId, int pushNotificationId, int notificationId, string notificationType, DateTime dateTime, int criteria, string nMessage, string emailId = null, string interestNames = null, string eventTitles = null)
this.conferenceId = conferenceId;
this.pushNotificationId = pushNotificationId;
this.notificationId = notificationId;
this.notificationType = notificationType;
this.notificationDate = dateTime;
this.sendCriteria = (NotificationCriteria)criteria;
this.notificationMessage = nMessage;
this.emailId = NotificationCriteria.SpecificUser.Description() +"... "+ emailId;
this.interestNames = NotificationCriteria.UserByInterests.Description() + "... " + interestNames;
this.eventTitles = NotificationCriteria.UserByEvents.Description() + "... " + eventTitles;

Convert query to lambda

I want to know how can I write this query:
var query = from p in context.DimProduct
from psc in context.DimProductSubcategory
// on psc.ProductCategoryKey equals pc.ProductCategoryKey
where psc.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName
&& psc.ProductSubcategoryKey == p.ProductSubcategoryKey
select new DimProductDTO
ProductKey = p.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = p.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = p.EnglishProductName,
Size = p.Size,
StandardCost = p.StandardCost
I tried some queries, but no success. My problem is that I don't know how to have access to DimProduct and DimProductSubcategory.
Any suggestions?
.SelectMany(p => new { p, psc = context.DimProductSubcategory })
.Where(x => x.psc.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName
&& x.psc.ProductSubcategoryKey == x.p.ProductSubcategoryKey)
.Select(x => new DimProductDTO {
ProductKey = x.p.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = x.p.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = x.p.EnglishProductName,
Size = x.p.Size,
StandardCost = x.p.StandardCost })
However, you're not selecting anything from DimProductSubcategory, so I think the same can be done using Any() extension method:
.Where(x => context.DimProductSubcategory
.Any(y => y.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName
&& y.ProductSubcategoryKey == x.ProductSubcategoryKey))
.Select(x => new DimProductDTO {
ProductKey = x.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = x.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = x.EnglishProductName,
Size = x.Size,
StandardCost = x.StandardCost });
It should generate IN SQL statement within the query.
That is not exactly same query, but it produces same result via inner join (I believe that is more efficient than cross join)
.Where(x => x.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName),
p => ProductSubcategoryKey,
psc => ProductSubcategoryKey,
(p,psc) => new { p, psc })
.Select(x => new DimProductDTO {
ProductKey = x.p.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = x.p.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = x.p.EnglishProductName,
Size = x.p.Size,
StandardCost = x.p.StandardCost })
Also your original query can be rewritten as
var query = from p in context.DimProduct
join psc in context.DimProductSubcategory
on p.ProductSubcategoryKey equals psc.ProductSubcategoryKey
where psc.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName
select new DimProductDTO {
ProductKey = p.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = p.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = p.EnglishProductName,
Size = p.Size,
StandardCost = p.StandardCost
Generated SQL will look like:
SELECT [t0].[ProductKey], [t0].[ProductSubcategoryKey]
FROM [DimProduct] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [DimProductSubcategory] AS [t1]
ON [t0].[EnglishProductSubcategoryName] = [t1].[ProductSubcategoryKey]
WHERE [t1].[EnglishProductSubcategoryName] = #p0

LINQ join issue, returns all null value

I am new in EF and LINQ and I am facing a strange issue. When I check null value in my select new block, all values from child table is coming null. Below is the LINQ query.
My Linq Code
var linqResult = from pd in entities.tblpackagedetails
join ps in entities.tblpackageselecteds
on pd.PackageDetailsID equals ps.PackageDetailsID
into tabJoin
from tj in tabJoin.Where(ps => ps.UserID == userID
&& ps.IsActive == true).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
IsComplete = (tj == null) ? false : tj.IsComplete,
IsActive = (tj == null) ? false : tj.IsActive,
UserID = (tj == null) ? 0 : tj.UserID,
IsMandatory = pd.IsMandatory,
PackageSelectedID = (tj == null) ? 0 : tj.PackageSelectedID,
IsSelected = (tj == null ? false : tj.IsSelected),
foreach (var result in linqResult)
packagesSelected.Add(new PackageDetailDataModel()
Amount = result.Amount,
Code = result.Code,
Description = result.Description,
IsComplete = result.IsComplete,
IsMandatory = result.IsMandatory,
PackageDetailsID = result.PackageDetailsID,
PackageSelectedID = result.PackageSelectedID,
Points = result.Points,
IsActive = result.IsActive,
UserID = result.UserID,
IsSelected = result.IsSelected
SQL generated by Visualizer
FROM `tblpackagedetails` AS `Extent1`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `tblpackageselected` AS `Extent2`
ON (`Extent1`.`PackageDetailsID` = `Extent2`.`PackageDetailsID`)
AND ((`Extent2`.`UserID` = #linq_0) AND (1 = `Extent2`.`IsActive`))
When I ran above sql in MySQL workbench I got below output (repalcing #linq_0 with userID).
My Parent Table Structure
Child Table Structure
Output I want
But the values for IsComplete, IsActive, UserID, PackageSelectedID and IsSelected null as a result condition checking in select new block assign false or 0.
If I remove null checking, I get value for first 3 rows and in fourth iteration I get below exception.
The cast to value type 'Boolean' failed because the materialized value is null. Either the result type's generic parameter or the query must use a nullable type
Please help... :(
Working code block
packagesSelected = new List<PackageDetailDataModel>();
var linqResult = from pd in entities.tblpackagedetails
join ps in entities.tblpackageselecteds
on pd.PackageDetailsID equals ps.PackageDetailsID
into tabJoin
from tj in tabJoin.Where(ps => ps.UserID == userID
&& ps.IsActive == true).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
IsComplete = (bool?)tj.IsComplete,
IsActive = (bool?)tj.IsActive,
UserID = (int?)tj.UserID,
IsMandatory = pd.IsMandatory,
PackageSelectedID = (int?)tj.PackageSelectedID,
IsSelected = (bool?)tj.IsSelected,
foreach (var result in linqResult)
packagesSelected.Add(new PackageDetailDataModel()
Amount = result.Amount,
Code = result.Code,
Description = result.Description,
IsComplete = (result.IsComplete ?? false),
IsMandatory = result.IsMandatory,
PackageDetailsID = result.PackageDetailsID,
PackageSelectedID = (result.PackageSelectedID ?? 0),
Points = result.Points,
IsActive = (result.IsActive ?? false),
UserID = (result.UserID ?? 0),
IsSelected = (result.IsSelected ?? false)
Thanks to 2Kay :)
When tj is null, EF consieders all properties of tj as null. It's ok, but when EF trying to materialize them into value-types it fails. So the solution is to use nullable types..
Try this query:
var linqResult = from pd in entities.tblpackagedetails
join ps in entities.tblpackageselecteds
on pd.PackageDetailsID equals ps.PackageDetailsID
into tabJoin
from tj in tabJoin.Where(ps => ps.UserID == userID
&& ps.IsActive == true).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
IsComplete = (bool?) tj.IsComplete,
IsActive = (bool?) tj.IsActive,
UserID = (int?) tj.UserID,
IsMandatory = pd.IsMandatory,
PackageSelectedID = (int?) tj.PackageSelectedID,
IsSelected = (bool?) tj.IsSelected,

Optimize queries for Union, Except, Join with LINQ and C#

I have 2 objects (lists loaded from XML) report and database (showed bellow in code) and i should analyse them and mark items with 0, 1, 2, 3 according to some conditions
TransactionResultCode = 0; // SUCCESS (all fields are equivalents: [Id, AccountNumber, Date, Amount])
TransactionResultCode = 1; // Exists in report but Not in database
TransactionResultCode = 2; // Exists in database but Not in report
TransactionResultCode = 3; // Field [Id] are equals but other fields [AccountNumber, Date, Amount] are different.
I'll be happy if somebody could found time to suggest how to optimize some queries.
Bellow is the code:
//TransactionResultCode = 0 - SUCCESS
//JOIN on all fields
var result0 = from d in database
from r in report
where (d.TransactionId == r.MovementID) &&
(d.TransactionAccountNumber == long.Parse(r.AccountNumber)) &&
(d.TransactionDate == r.MovementDate) &&
(d.TransactionAmount == r.Amount)
orderby d.TransactionId
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = d.TransactionId,
TransactionAccountNumber = d.TransactionAccountNumber,
TransactionDate = d.TransactionDate,
TransactionAmount = d.TransactionAmount,
TransactionResultCode = 0
//JOIN on [Id] field
var joinedList = from d in database
from r in report
where d.TransactionId == r.MovementID
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = d.TransactionId,
TransactionAccountNumber = d.TransactionAccountNumber,
TransactionDate = d.TransactionDate,
TransactionAmount = d.TransactionAmount
//Difference report - database
var onlyReportID = report.Select(r => r.MovementID).Except(joinedList.Select(d => d.TransactionId));
//TransactionResultCode = 1 - Not Found in database
var result1 = from o in onlyReportID
from r in report
where (o == r.MovementID)
orderby r.MovementID
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = r.MovementID,
TransactionAccountNumber = long.Parse(r.AccountNumber),
TransactionDate = r.MovementDate,
TransactionAmount = r.Amount,
TransactionResultCode = 1
//Difference database - report
var onlyDatabaseID = database.Select(d => d.TransactionId).Except(joinedList.Select(d => d.TransactionId));
//TransactionResultCode = 2 - Not Found in report
var result2 = from o in onlyDatabaseID
from d in database
where (o == d.TransactionId)
orderby d.TransactionId
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = d.TransactionId,
TransactionAccountNumber = d.TransactionAccountNumber,
TransactionDate = d.TransactionDate,
TransactionAmount = d.TransactionAmount,
TransactionResultCode = 2
var qwe = joinedList.Select(j => j.TransactionId).Except(result0.Select(r => r.TransactionId));
//TransactionResultCode = 3 - Transaction Results are different (Amount, AccountNumber, Date, )
var result3 = from j in joinedList
from q in qwe
where j.TransactionId == q
select new TransactionList()
TransactionId = j.TransactionId,
TransactionAccountNumber = j.TransactionAccountNumber,
TransactionDate = j.TransactionDate,
TransactionAmount = j.TransactionAmount,
TransactionResultCode = 3
you may try something like below:
public void Test()
var report = new[] {new Item(1, "foo", "boo"), new Item(2, "foo2", "boo2"), new Item(3, "foo3", "boo3")};
var dataBase = new[] {new Item(1, "foo", "boo"), new Item(2, "foo22", "boo2"), new Item(4, "txt", "rt")};
Func<Item, bool> inBothLists = (i) => report.Contains(i) && dataBase.Contains(i);
Func<IEnumerable<Item>, Item, bool> containsWithID = (e, i) => e.Select(_ => _.ID).Contains(i.ID);
Func<Item, int> getCode = i =>
if (inBothLists(i))
return 0;
if(containsWithID(report, i) && containsWithID(dataBase, i))
return 3;
if (report.Contains(i))
return 2;
else return 1;
var result = (from item in dataBase.Union(report) select new {Code = getCode(item), Item = item}).Distinct();
public class Item
// You need also to override Equals() and GetHashCode().. I omitted them to save space
public Item(int id, string text1, string text2)
ID = id;
Text1 = text1;
Text2 = text2;
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Text1 { get; set; }
public string Text2 { get; set; }
Note that you need to either implement Equals() for you items, or implement an IEqualityComparer<> and feed it to Contains() methods.
