Upgrade from MVC3 rc2 to RTM - asp.net-mvc-3

The release notes cover the MVC2 -> MVC3 path. What about RC2 -> RTM? I installed the RTM via Web Platform Installer but looking to the path that System.Web.Mvc reference in my existing project (C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 3\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll) has a date stamp of 1/4/11 so that can't be right.
If i use WPI to install RTM, shouldn't i expect it to have upgraded the RC? Are special steps required in instances where the RC had been installed?

You don't need to do anything to upgrade. The RC2 projects are compatible with RTM. And the file date on disk is probably just the date that you installed Mvc, not he version of the mvc dll

Not sure if there is a question in there.
If you installed a newer version of MVC3 on your machine, you'll need to add a new reference to it in your project. Otherwise, your project will stay on the version of the assembly it currently references to avoid breaking changes.
If you find yourself with a lot of problems keeping your assemblies in an up to date reference, check out Microsoft's NuGet project.


WCF Data Services, WindowsAzure.Storage and Microsoft.Data.OData version nightmare

I am using Visual Studio 2015 (Pre), Framework 4.5.2
I have the folowing project structure
nuget package Microsoft.WidowsAzure.Storage is installed
This Nuget package has (among others) dependencies on Microsoft.Data.OData, wich is also installed
Has a refernce on StorageProject
Does not have any nuget package or other refernces (except default references on the framework)
Here is the list of the packages installed in StorageProject
WindowsAzure.Storage 4.3.0
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ConfigurationManager 3.1.0
System.Spatial 4.3.0
Microsoft.Data.Edm 5.6.4
Microsoft.Data.OData 5.6.4
Microsoft.Data.Services.Client 5.6.4
These are all dependencies of WindowsAzure.Storage, latest versions.
There is no other version of these packages installed anywhere on the solution.
I will focus on Microsoft.Data.OData, but the same problem occurs with Microsoft.Data.Edm and Microsoft.Data.Services.Client 5.6.4
When building StorageProject, the correct version of these dll (5.6.4) ends up in the bin folder of the project.
But when building AnotherProject, the bin folder contains version 5.6.2 of the dll.
Now I passed all day trying to figure out where these dlls come from.
There is a version in the GAC, wich I cannot uninstall. (gacutil yields it is used by something).
I did a file search on C:\ to find that the only place where this version of the dll is (beside the bin folder of my project) is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft WCF Data Services\5.6.2. If I delete (move) this folder, my project builds "normally" and everything is fine. In fact, in this case OData is not in the bin folder at all. And as far as I am concerned, that's ok this way.
Now the real question(s) :
Why is it the version from Microsoft WCF Data Services that ends up in the bin, instead of the version actually installed in the referenced project?
Where does Microsoft WCF Data Services comes from ? I don't remember installing it at all, maybe it comes with a version on Visual Studio? (I have 2012, 2013 and 2015 installed)
Can I uninstall it? I don't see it in Windows' control panel.
•Why is it the version from Microsoft WCF Data Services that ends up in the bin, instead of the version actually installed in the referenced project?
This could be due to the fact that the storage client does not depend on a specific version of the Data Service Client. Since Specific Version is set to false, the GAC will be searched first during compilation, any version will be considered "acceptable", and no other version will be exported.
•Where does Microsoft WCF Data Services comes from ? I don't remember installing it at all, maybe it comes with a version on Visual Studio? (I have 2012, 2013 and 2015 installed)
It could be installed due to a variety of reasons. The Azure SDK contains this as well. So if you ever installed the Azure SDK, it could have come with that.
•Can I uninstall it? I don't see it in Windows' control panel.
Looks like this is only possible by uninstalling the MSI package that installed the assembly via Add/Remove programs. For that, you would have to again figure out which installation brought this assembly with it and check whether that is needed or not.

What is the aspnet50 target framework, and can I reference it from VS2013?

The packages at https://www.myget.org/gallery/aspnetrelease target aspnet50, and when I try to install them I get:
You are trying to install this package into a project that targets
'.NETFramework,Version=v4.5', but the package does not contain any
assembly references or content files that are compatible with that
Is there a way?
You can't do that (currently). If you insist on working with ASP.NET vNext in VS2013, you can use it as an editor and run everything from the commandline with the tools from the aspnet Home repository.
You should install the newest CTP of VS14 if you want to work with asp.net vNext, which you can download the newest version of from here and learn how to use it in this guide. ASP.NET vNext is in alpha currently, so documentation and information can be a bit sparse. aspnet50 is the (current) name for the new .Net framework introduced with ASP.NET vNext.
I was able to manually download the nuget packages and had no problem referencing from VS 2013.

Deploying VS2010 SP1 using .NET 4 bootstrapper

I recently updated Visual Studio 2010 to SP1 and noticed the .NET 4 framework changed from version "4.0.30319.1" to "4.0.30319.225". I was not able to locate an updated .NET 4 framework installer for "4.0.30319.225". I could only find an update exe which is used to update a particular machine. When I deploy my application now, it still uses the older pre-SP1 version of the framework.
Is there a new bootstrapper that I should be using? Are there any issues with deploying an application that is developed/tested on "4.0.30319.225" to a target machine which only has "4.0.30319.1" ?
According to a comment on Announcing Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (check page two of the comments) from Jason Zander:
There have been questions about
updates to the .NET Framework. There
is no full service pack for .NET
Framework 4. However there is an
update which you can download from
here: go.microsoft.com/fwlink. The
outline of fixes (linked from the
download page) is here:
This update is titled "Microsoft .NET
Framework 4 KB2468871". You can read
more about what is in the update on
the download page.
As I mentioned in a previous comment,
VS2010 SP1 requires this update and
will automatically install it as part
of setup.
When you build a project using VS2010
SP1, it does not force a dependency on
the update. Whether you need to
deploy the update with your client or
server application depends on your
need for the fixes in the update. You
will need to look through what it
contains to make that call.
I've personally seen no issue publishing to a server before running the update manually.
I can't speak to the bootstrapper question.

Visual Studio 2010 - Web deployment project includes framework DLLs

I have just upgraded a solution with two web deployment projects from VS 2008 to 2010 (upgrading all the projects to .net 4.0 as I went).
I installed the new VS2010 web deployment projects to allow me to open my old build projects (these build up my web sites, clean up a few files and zip them for upload).
I've got these working again, but when I look at the built files, all the referenced .net framework files (e.g. System.Web.dll etc) have been included in the deployed site. Does anybody know why this might be happening and how to turn it off?
Maybe you are using a component (DLL) which is using that files probably by needing specific file version of some framework libraries. VS will automatically copy dependencies of a dependency.
It seems you're using .Net framework Client profile version. Please check the .Net framework version selected for upgraded projects under Project properties.
Here is the MSDN article on .Net framework client profile:
One reason could be the Copy Local = True property of the referenced .net framework files.

dotnet Framework 4 missing from visual studio 2010

I just installed visual studio 2010 but when i create a new project Framework 4 does not appear in the options for target framework. I know framework 4 installed correctly because the new app pools set to v4 were created in IIS. For some reason it's just not showing up in visual studio. I tried repairing dotnet 4 and reinstalling visual studio but still no luck. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
First of all you shoul use the .NET Framework Setup Verification Tool to check the .NET 4 have been properly installed.
I also recommend you to check the both products language, sometimes it could be the problem.
If everything is ok, i guess you have registry problem, so you would have to check the installation keys or use .NET uninstall tools.
More info:
Detection keys for .NET Framework 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010
Uninstall .NET Framework Tool
Visual Studio does not detect .NET Framework 4
Hope helps!
I had the same problem and it turned out to be that I needed the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting Pack. No other combination of actions would fix this.
I tried all the ways but no success,
According to this link,you can solve this problem by copy frameworklist.xml file from another computer and paste it in your system.
I had the same problem and I resolved it. I found out that there were no file FrameworkList.xml in folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\RedistList.
But I noticed this file in machine where .Net Framework 4 is accessible from VS
2010. Then I copied this file to my computer and restarted VS 2010. And .Net Framework 4
appeared from drop down list.
I attached frameworklist.xml file from my system :Download frameworklist.xml
Changes which lead to missing .Net4 problem:
I changed some registry settings in
CommonFilesDir (x86)
ProgramFilesDir (x86)
All those were moved from C: drive to another drive (E: in my case)
I changed the location of some user folders:
Those were moved (via Properties->Path->"Move" button) from C: drive to F: drive.
After reverting 1. back to drive C:
and creating symbolic links in C:\Users\<name>\AppData to the new locations,
it worked again (note: I uninstalled VS before reverting the changes, and installed again afterwards)
(Create link with: mklink /d C:\Users\<name>\AppData\LocalLow E:\Data\LocalLow)
I can not say if both changes are really needed, because I changed both at once.
But finally it works again ;)
I'm seeing the same problem. We were using my build box to test installs of a WinForms app on a machine without 4.0. We bundled 4.0 in the manifest and the app works, Framework 4 Client Profile and Framework 4 Extended show up in add/remove programs, but there is still no 4.0 Framework in the VS2010 options.
BTW, reloading SP1 was no help.
I finally got this working by running the VS2010 setup in repair mode. I now see Framework 4.0 options in VS2010.
That was a long and tedious process and now I have to patch to SP1 again. MSFT should fix this behavior in a SP soon.
Had the same problem. Numerous uninstalls and reinstalls of visual studio 2010 and the .NET 4.X frameworks didn't fix it.
Manually uninstalling the "Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools" item and then doing a repair install of VS2010 seems to have done the trick.
I had the same problem this week and it got resolved by installing Visual Studio 2012 RC.
Removing and reinstalling .NET Framework 4 didn't help and I couldn't reinstall Visual Studio 2010. After installing the 2012 RC the Framework 4
I had installed .NET 4.5, which ended up breaking something, so decided to uninstall. VS 2010 could not longer see .NET 4.0. I tried using the .NET cleanup tool and reinstalling, but no go.
Eventually what worked was what is posted at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/eu/netfxsetup/thread/3dede142-82ce-430c-bbe6-d824f0fb94a4. I installed Windows Phone Developer Tools (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13890) up until the multi-targeting package, at which point I canceled installation.
You can reinstall the targeting pack using this command, this solved my issue:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Multi-Targeting PAck
COMMAND--> NetFx_DTP.msi EXTUI=1 /log "%TEMP%\dd_netfx_dtp.txt"
I think it's because you installed higher version of .net framework, such as .net framework 4.6, Which caused the mistake of missing .net framework 4.0.
For me using Arash's fix worked "there were no file FrameworkList.xml in folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.0\RedistList".
I noticed I had other .NET versions and just copied the FrameworkList.xml from one of those to 4.0 RedistList folder and it worked.
VS2010 ->Right Click on Project -> Property Pages - > Build->Target Framework
is showing up to .NET 3.5 only. I have installed up to .NET 4.5 framework.
I tried many solutions and decided to take a drastic step to format. The following way I got the solution without formating o/s.
Removed all .NET installations
Installed one by one from 1.0 to 4.6 with sps available.
VS2010 setup with repair option selected.
Opened vs2010 project and .NET framework up to 4.0.3 found in the list.
