linq design patterns - linq

I'm building an ASP web application and for the moment I have a namespace called Queries that contains the linq queries that are called from the code behind pages. The whole site will initially contain about 40 queries; more will be added later.
Should I keep all my queries in one large namespace or should I create a namespace for the queries of each page? For instance, QueriesPageA, QueriesPageB, QueriesPageC... and end up with about 10 smaller namespaces.

It sounds like you're building a business logic layer.
If you're using LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework, you will already have a collection of entity classes that closely represent your business domain.
I prefer to add my queries to entity classes as static methods. This keeps my queries neatly distributed (so I don't end up with one huge business logic class) and easy to find (a query that retrieves a set of users will live in the User class).
If the query produces an aggregate or report (e.g. quantity of cookies sold grouped by year), then I usually create a new class for the report. That way, the report becomes a model in its own right, which works well in an MVC architecture, if that's something you're considering.

I think splitting them out is a good idea, but it would be more readable and less confusing to create namespaces based on the data they're returning instead of the page they're originally used on, e.g. MyApp.Queries.Customers, MyApp.Queries.Orders.


Performance benefit? Passing Class instances or just IDs. ( MVC3)

The small web application I am working on is becoming bigger and bigger. I've noticed that when posting forms or just calling other functions I've passed parameters that consist of IDs or a whole instance of a Model class.
In a performance stand point, is it better for me to pass the whole Model object (filled with values) or should I pass the ID, then retrieve from the database?
For Performance benefits, you can do lot of things, common things are
1) Fetch as many as records which are needed, e.g. customized paging, in LINQ use (skip and take methods)
2) Use Data caching in controllers and Cache dependencies for Lists which are bound with View
3) Use Compiled query to fetch records. (see here)
Apply all these and see the mark-able page load speed.
EDIt: For IDs recommendations, In this question, Both will be same performance impact if you pass only ID and fetch rest of the model from database OR pass filled model.
Do not solve problems which do not exist yet. Use a tool to measure the performance problem and then try to solve.
It is always best to consider these from the use case.
For example, if I want to get an item by ID, then I pass the ID, not the whole object with the ID filled out.
I use WCF services to host my BLL and interface to my DAL, so passing data around is a costly exercise, so I do it sparingly.
If I need to update an object, I pass the object, if I just want to perform an action on an object, such as delete or get, I use the ID.

LINQ DataContext Object Model, could it be used to manage a changing data structure

I am currently working on a project where we are rewriting software that was originally written in Visual DataFlex and we are changing it to use SQL and rewriting it into a C# client program and a C#/ASP.Net website. The current database for this is really horrible and has just had columns added to table or pipe(|) characters stuck between the cell values when they needed to add new fields. So we have things like a person table with over 200 columns because stuff like 6 lots of (addressline1, addressline2, town, city, country, postcode) columns for storing different addresses (home/postal/accountPostal/ect...).
What we would like to do is restructure the database, but we also need to keep using the current structure so that the original software can still work as well. What I would like to know is would it be possible using Linq to write a DataContext Object Model Class that could sort of interpret the data base structures so that we could continue to use the current database structure, but to the code it could look like we where using the new structure, and then once different modules of the software are rewritten we could change the object model to use the correct data structure???
First of all, since you mention the DataContext I think you're looking at Linq to SQL? I would advice to use the Entity Framework. The Entity Framework has more advanced modeling capabilities that you can use in a scenario as yours. It has the ability to construct for example a type from multiple tables, use inheritance or complex types.
The Entity Framework creates a model for you that consists of three parts.
SSDL which stores how your database looks.
CSDL which stores your model (your objects and the relationships between them)
MSL which tells the Entity Framework how to map from your objects to the database structure.
Using this you can have a legacy database and map this to a Domain Model that's more suited to your needs.
The Entity Framework has the ability to create a starting model from your database (where all tables, columns and associations are mapped) en then you can begin restructuring this model.
These classes are generated as partial so you could extend them by for exampling splitting the database piped fields into separate properties.
Have you also thought about using Views? If possible you could at views to your database that give you a nicer dataschema to work with and then base your model on the views in combination with stored procedures.
Hope this gives you any ideas.

how to use codeigniter database models

I am wondering how the models in code ignitor are suposed to be used.
Lets say I have a couple of tables in menu items database, and I want to query information for each table in different controllers. Do I make different model classes for each of the tables and layout the functions within them?
Models should contain all the functionality for retrieving and inserting data into your database. A controller will load a model:
The controller then fetches any data needed by the view through the abstract functions defined in your model.
It would be best to create a different model for each table although its is not essential.
You should read up about the MVC design pattern, it is used by codeigniter and many other frameworks because it is efficient and allows code reuse. More info about models can be found in the Codeigniter docs:
CodeIgniter is flexible, and leaves this decision up to you. The user's guide does not say one way or the other how you should organize your code.
That said, to keep your code clean and easy to maintain I would recommend an approach where you try to limit each model to dealing with an individual table, or at least a single database entity. You certainly want to avoid having a single model to handle all of your database tables.
For my taste, CodeIgniter is too flexible here - I'd rather call it vague. A CI "model" has no spec, no interface, it can be things as different as:
An entity domain object, where each instance represents basically a record of a table. Sometimes it's an "anemic" domain object, each property maps directly to a DB column, little behaviour and little or no understanding of objects relationships and "graphs" (say, foreign keys in the DB are just integer ids in PHP). Or it can also be a "rich (or true) domain object", with all the business intelligence, and also knows about relations: say instead of $person->getAccountId() (returns int) we have $person->getAccount(); perhaps also knows how to persist itself (and perhaps also the full graph or related object - perhaps some notion of "dirtiness").
A service object, related to objects persistence and/or general DB querying: be a DataMapper, a DAO, etc. In this case we have typically one single instance (singleton) of the object (little or no state), typically one per DB table or per domain class.
When you read, in CI docs or forums, about , say, the Person model you can never know what kind of patter we are dealing with. Worse: frequently it's a ungly mix of those fundamentally different patterns.
This informality/vagueness is not specific to CI, rather to PHP frameworks, in my experience.

In a MVC web application, who is responsible for filtering large collections of objects, view or model?

I have a web application built on an MVC design.
I have a database which contains a large number of objects (forum threads) which I can't load into memory at once. I now want to display (part of) this collection with different filters in effect (kinda like what stackoverflow does with questions sorted by date, votes, tags etc).
Where do I implement the filtering logic? It seems to me that this must go into the model part of the application, as only models interact with the database (in my implementation). If I make the filtering a part of the view, then the view must access the database directly to get the list of filtered objects, right? I'd like to avoid this, because it exposes the database layout to the view. But at the same time, displaying different views of the same data should be implemented in the view part of the application, as they are just that -- different views of the same data.
So how do I resolve this? Do I create an additional model, say, FilteredThreadsList, and have it remember the filter to use, and then use a FilteredView to display the list of threads that FilteredThreadsList spits out?
Or do I have to build a ThreadQueryier that allows views to query the database for certain thread objects, so I can have the filtering logic in a view without exposing the database backend?
You should never query data from the view. I don't know what framework you are using in particular but as for Ruby on Rails (should be the same for other frameworks) we always pull the necessary data from the controller and store all that information into a variable. The variable will be accessed by the view which can help you avoid querying your database directly from the view.If the code to query the database gets too lengthy in the controller, insert that code into the model instead so it's more maintainable for your project in the future. Additionally, you can call this model method from multiple places in your application if needed. Good luck!
From an architectural point of view, the model should be having the code for filtering. This is so, because in many applications the code for filtering is not trivial and has a good amount of domain logic in it. (Think of filtering top gainers from a list of stocks). From your example as well, it looks the same since you might want to filter by vote or by date or by tags and then by answered or unanswered etc.
In some very simple applications that deal with search/list of entities and allows Create/Read/Update/Delete of an entity, the pagination, sorting and filtering logic is usually very generic and can be implemented in a controller base class that is inherited by all entity-specific controller classes.
The bottom line is this: if your filtering logic is generic put it in the controller else put it in the model.
Model, that's only bunch of entities.
View provides a visual representation of the data from model - use as much of views as you want. If your application is web based, you can fetch data into browser just once (AJAX) using and re-use them for different UI components rendered in the browser.
As for what entities and what view to use for their representation, I think it's work of Controller. If you need some support for it on "model layer", add it but avoid tight coupling.

LINQ to SQL classes to my own classes

I'm looking at using LINQ to SQL for a new project I'm working on, but I do not want to expose the LINQ classes to my applications. For example, do an select in link returns a System.Linq.IQueryable<> collection. As well, all the classes generated to represent the database use Table, Column, EntityRef classes and attributes. It's fine if my data access layer has LINQ dependancies, but I don't want my application to.
So my thoughts are that I will have to use the LINQ to SQL generated classes as intermediate classes that are not exposed outside of my data access layer, and create my own classes which the application can use. What is the easiest/effecient way to get the data from the LINQ to SQL classes into my own classes?
I totally agree with your thinking - I would try to avoid exposing LINQ to SQL entities directly to the world.
I would definitely recommend using a "domain model" of your own, either a 1:1 mirror of the underlying LINQ to SQL entities, or a different one.
As long as you have a domain model that is quite similar to the underlying LINQ to SQL entities, you can use tools like AutoMapper to easily shuffle data between your LINQ to SQL entities and your domain model classes. It should be pretty easy and flexible to do it that way!
Rob Conery published a webcast series entitled the MVC-Storefront where he introduces a variation of the repository pattern that accomplishes what you want.
I've used ideas from the screencast on a reasonably large project and was quite pleased with the results.
There are, however, issues with the pattern, particularly around concurrency and detached scenarios that you will want to think about up front before fully committing to it.
I detailed some of my pain with concurrency in this pattern here.
I'll be interested in the responses you get because I'm considering the exact same thing. I want to use the L2S entities classes on our backend but use much lighter-weight entities for application consumption.
I would advise against using LINQ to SQL on a new project, since Microsoft will no longer be developing this project, except for maybe fine-tuning some issues. LINQ to SQL is perfectly usable and is acceptable, but I would not advise new projects to use it. If you like LINQ to SQL, you should definately look into using Entity Framework instead of LINQ to SQL.
This is my current incarnation of how I am going about doing this:
I have a DataContext class that I created by adding a LINQ to SQL class, and droping tables onto the designer. I called the class MyDataContext and put it in a namespace called Linq. My database has a table called Tag, which generated a class, also in the Linq namespace. I changed all the accessors to internal, so they would not be visible outside of the data access layer.
namespace Linq
internal partial class MyDataContext : System.Data.Linq.DataContext
internal partial class Tag
I then created a class called DataAccess which is what will be exposed to any application that references the assembly. I also created my own Tag class. The DataAccess class and my new Tag class are in a different namespace called Data to avoid collisions with the generated classes which are in the Linq namespace. I use Linq to Sql to query for an IList of Linq.Tag objects, then I use Linq to generate me a list of Data.Tag objects from the Linq.Tag objects.
I'd like to hear comments on this to see if there's a more performant way to do this, or one that requires less code. I also wasn't too happy with my use of duplicate class names (Tag) so I'm interested to hear any ideas on naming suggestions too.
namespace Data
public class DataAaccess
public IList<Tag> List_Tags()
using (Linq.MyDataContext dal = new Linq.MyDataContext ())
IList<Linq.Tag> lstTags = (from c in dal.Tags select c).ToList();
return (from tag in lstTags
select new Data.Tag()
ID = tag.ID,
Name = tag.Name,
Parent_ID = tag.Parent_ID
What you are proposing is having two separate models. That means boilerplate code, which I've found is not necessary. I have more or less the same idea as you, but realized that this would be useless. I've suggested Entity Framework in another answer in this thread, and I want to make that point again here.
What you end up with is a model-soup, where you have to maintain two models instead of just the one. And that is definitely NOT desirable.
To go from the LINQ to SQL classes to your classes is a matter of some fairly straightfoward LINQ to Objects (or just initialisation for single objects).
More fun is going back from your model to the LINQ to SQL objects but this is fairly standard stuff (although something I'm still working out or I'd find you some specific references).
