Need Recommendation on impression tracking - web-analytics

I'm doing a research for my work which needs to track impression of a little web app sitting in 3rd party (authorized) websites. I need to analyze the impression close to real time.
I know there are at least two ways
1) use image, and parse the server log for reporting.
2) js sends ajax, and save the request in DB. (either mysql or mongo or other noSQL).
so, which way is the faster way and can handle tones of traffic?
I suspect that server log is slower because it has to append to a file. But I'm not sure if it is really slower, or it is not.
So, what is the pros and cons of each approach? Thanks. :)
P.S. I can't use Google Analytics because there is a limit on Data Export..and also other limitations. :-)

Both options are valid, the image and server logs are simple and work as long as the visitor loads images. This is faster in most cases, since there is no extra processing.
If using JavaScript, I would do what the web-analytics companies do and create a image call with JS and at the other end have either a image file with server logs or a script reading data in to a DB and returning a 1x1 pixel transparent GIF.
If all you need is impressions, I would go with the simpler solution, less to go wrong.


Conditional Incremental builds in Nextjs

I am learning Nextjs which is a framework for developing react applications quickly by providing many functionalities out of the box such as Server Side Rendering, Fast Refresh and many others out of the box without any configuration. It also provides a functionality to optionally generate some web pages statically which are pre rendered at build time instead of rendering on demand. It achieves it by querying the data required for the page at build time. Nextjs also provides an optional argument expressed in seconds after which the data is re queried and the page re rendered. All of it happens on page level rather than rebuilding the entire website.
We cannot know in advance how frequently data would change, the data may change after 1 second or 10 minutes and it is impossible to know in advance and extremely hard to predict. However, it is most certainly not a constant number of seconds. With this approach, I might show outdated information due to higher time limit or I might end up querying the database unnecessarily even if data hasn't changed.
Suppose I have implemented some sort of pagination and I want to exploit the fact that most users would only visit first few pages before going to a different link. I could statically pre render first 1000 pages, so the most visited pages are served statically without going to the database whereas the rest are server side rendered. Now, if my data might change frequently, I would have to re render the first 1000 pages after regular intervals and each page would issue a separate query against the same database or external API which would cause too many round trips. I am not aware of the details of Nextjs but I suspect this would be true because Nextjs does not assume anything about the function which pulls the data and a generic implementation would necessitate it.
Attempted Solution
Both problems can be solved by client or server side rendering because the data would be fetched on demand but we lose the benefits of static generation specifically serving static assets compared to querying the database. I believe static generation would be useful if mutations to my data happen infrequently most of the time but we still want to show the updated information as fast as we can when it becomes available.
If I forget about Nextjs for a a while, both problems can be solved by spawning a new process which listens for mutations to the relevant data and only rebuilds those static assets which needs to be updated; kind of like React updates components but on server side. However Nextjs offers a lot of functionalities which would be difficult to replicate, so I cannot use this approach.
If I want to use Nextjs, problem (1) seems impossible to solve due to (perceived?) limitation of Nextjs which only offers one way to rebuild static pages, periodically re render them after a predetermined time. However, (2) can be solved by using some sort of in memory cache which pulls all the required data from the data store in one round trip and structures it up for every page. Then every page will pull data from this cache instead of the database. However, it looks like a hack to me.
Are there other ways to deal with the problem I might have have missed?
Is there a built-in way to deal with problem (1) and (2) in Nextjs?
Is my assessment of attempted solutions and their viability correct?

Dynamically loaded Markers: DDOS prevention

My app shows a map where locations (or Markers) are dynamically loaded via an ajax (and database) request after every map Bounds changes.
I'm convinced that this solution is not scalable : at the moment, Europe area shows a total of 10 markers.
If the database grows and I display for instance 1000 locations, that means 1000 rows would be returned to the user.
This is not a JS / UI since I use the MarkerCluster plugin and I avoid the redraw of loaded locations's markers.
I made some tweaks :
- Delay the Ajax request thanks to an Idle gmaps event
- Increase the minimal zoom level, so the entire world can't be displayed.
But this is not enough.
There are lots of ways to approach this but I will just put here the two I think are most appropriate from your question.
First is to really control from your web app what information is asked for and when. You could write this all yourself in javascript and implement caching techniques ect. There are a number of libraries out there that do most of this work for you though.
I would recommend one of the following:
OpenGeo SDK
All of these have ways of controlling local caching, when to get the data and what data is gathered from the server. Most of them can also be extended to add any functionality that is missing. The top two I know support google maps (as well as a number of others) as well.
If you need to add even more control over your data locally you could even look at implementing something like PouchDB. I think this is more suited to mobile applications or instances where the network connection is either really slow or intermittent.
This sort of solution should be able to easily handle 1000's to 10000's of features with 100's of users.
If you are really going to scale up to 100000's to 1000000's of features with 100's to 1000's of users then I would suggest adding a tile server to the soloution above. The tile server will sit between your web application and your data base. Most of them have lots of caching settings and optimistions for dealing with large datasets and pushing them out to a client. Because they push out tiles rather than features the data output remains reasonably constant even as the number of features grow. The OpenGeo SDK and Openlayers libraries I mentioned above can work really well with any of the following tile servers:
Quantum GIS Server
If you are reluctant to do any coding there are some offers that work out of the box for enterprise environments. They are all expensive and from your question I think they are probably not what you are looking for.

Web site loading speed is slow

My website is taking more loading time than before
initially i had ny server in US at that time my website speed is around 5 sec.
but now i had transferred my server to Singapore and loading speed is got increased is about 10 sec.
the more waiting time is going in getting result from Store Procedure(sql server database)
but when i execute Store Procedure in Sql Server it is returning result very fast
so i assume that the time taken is not due to the query execution delay but the data transfer time from the sql server to the web server how can i eliminate or reduce the time taken any help or advice will be appreciated
thanks in advance
I took a look at your site on You can see the test here:
I can see what you mean about the performance. In Singapore, it's definitely fastest, but even there its pretty slow. Elsewhere around the world it's even worse. There are a few things I would look at.
First pick any sample, such as Now you can get some of this info in the Chrome DevTools, or FireBug, but the advantage here is seeing the measurements from different locations around the world.
Scroll down to the waterfall. All the way on the right side of the Timeline column heading is a drop down. Choose to sort descending. Here we can see the real bottlenecks. The first thing in the view is GetSellerRoller.json. It looks like hardly any time is spent downloading the file. Almost all the time is spent waiting for the server to generate the file. I see the site is using IIS and I would definitely look at taking advantage of some server-side caching to speed this up.
The same is true for the main html, though a bit more time is spent downloading that file. Looks like its taking so long to download because it's a huge file (for html). I would take the inline CSS and JS out of there.
Go back to the natural order for the timeline, then you can try changing the type of file to show. Looks like you have 10 CSS files you are loading, so take a look at concatenating those CSS files and compressing them.
I see your site has to make 220+ connection to download everything. Thats a huge number. Try to eliminate some of those.
Next down the list I see some big jpg files. Most of these again are waiting on the server, but some are taking a while to download. I looked at one of a laptop and was able to convert to a highly compressed png and save 30% on the size and get a file that looked the same. Then I noticed that there are well over 100 images, many of which are really small. One of the big drags on your site is that there are so many connections that need to be managed by the browser. Take a look at implementing CSS Sprites for those small images. You can probably take 30-50 of them down to a single image download.
Final thing I noticed is that you have a lot of JavaScript loading right up near the top of the page. Try moving some of that (where possible) to later in the page and also look into asynchronously loading the js where you can.
I think that's a lot of suggestions for you to try. After you solve those issues, take a look at leveraging a CDN and other caching services to help speed things up for most visitors.
You can find a lot of these recommendations in a bit more detail in Steve Souder's book: High Performance Web Sites. The book is 5 years old and still as relevant today as ever.
I've just taken a look at and that website is completely not right at all, my site is amoung the 97% fastest and using that website is says its 26% from testing 13 locations. Their servers must be over loaded and I recommend you use a more reputatable testing site such as which is backed by many big companies.
Looking at your contact details it looks like the focus audience is India? if that is correct you should use hosting where-ever your main audience is, or closest neighbor.

search APIs versus screen scraping

I would like to know as a newbie programmer what the benefits are of using for example google search API or newest buzz API for data content gathering instead of screen scraping; obviously apart from the legal aspects.
API's are less likely to change than a screen layout.
One big downside of screen scraping is that the screen can change and break your scraper. So you end up having to continually adjust your code to match theirs, and since you don't know about changes ahead of time, you suffer downtime/outages as a result.
Also, you may be violating their TOS, and they won't like it. If you have paying customers for your service, you can find yourself between a rock and a hard place pretty quickly.
Also, if you're simulating many users, you'll produce an unanticipated drag on the servers. So using a published/permitted API would be much more efficient for you, and for the web site serving up the source material.

CMS - Save pictures in database, What is the proper structure?

I currently build a CMS system that need to save a lot of pictures per article. I have a lot of questions :-)
I need to show the pictures in a few sizes, with or without watermark. In addition I need to have the original picture too, for archive and admin purpose. What that I think to do right now is to save the pictures in the database, in two versions: 1. the original picture, 2. web-optimized version.
It is really convenient way to save all the images in a table. But does it really good idea? Let say that the database will contain a hundred of thousand pictures, the original pictures size is probably around 3MB. so the db can be easily 100TB size.... Is this really good strategy?
On the other hand, I save a smaller version to each picture. This version need to be shown in a few sizes, with and without watermark. Currently I think to do think to this in on each request. the request will have parameters width, and according to this I can decide the size and the watermark. (I'll cache this work of course). Again, Is this a good strategy? do it really gonna work, or this is very expensive extra work?
Is it really better to save this on the db? I mean each request to article, will need around 50 another requests to its images, and each request required open/close connection to the database.
Technologies that I going to use: .net, sql-server 2008, NHibernate.
The best approach would be storing those images in filesystem and ids on database. Because of performance and maintenance reasons. Backing up and restoring would be much easier on filesystem and pushing the DBMS for such a work is not the best idea, you will need to transfer them from db to application and then push to the client. I just believe that's not it's job. Put a lighttpd daemon or something for image hosting and leave it do its job.
But if you like the idea, since you are going with sql server 2008, you can use FILESTREAM to store your images in your tables. Eventually, it will create files in a storage location that you choose and store the binary data in filesystem while providing transactional features and data integrity, it is a big bonus. Take a look at that option. As I remember, that performs good and the actual database will be much compact.
About the dynamic resizing, I say avoid that. Storage is cheaper than CPU time, just create variety of thumbnails and watermarked versions upon upload time and store them once in somewhere then use when required. Do not perform same operations again and again. You may do that at first request to the resized version, this way it will be easier to add new versions or purging the cache periodically to remove unused files. You will also be able to backup just the original versions.
Putting the images in the database has a couple of advantages. ACID tanscations and backup consistency come to mind. If you absolutely need that then put the images in the database. As you pointed out, this comes with a price: you'll need a huge database infrastructure like machines, licenses, operation team. Each image retrieval is a huge DB I/O effort.
A lot of things will be much easier with only storing metadata in the DB and putting the image blobs on a filesystem.
Two approaches to come to a decison:
What is the killer feature you absolutely (absolutely like in "if I don't have that, the whole thing will not work at all") need from the image-in-database approach? If there is one, go for it
Do a back-of-the-napkin business case, calculating the total cost of the image-in-database approach (project efforts, infrastructure, machine, license, operation) and compare that with an image-in-filesystem approach. That should give some hints on how to proceed.
