When timing how long a quick process runs, how many runs should be used? - performance

Lets say I am going to run process X and see how long it takes.
I am going to save into a database a date I ran this process, and the time it took. I want to know what to put into the DB.
Process X almost always runs under 1500ms, so this is a short process. It usually runs between 500 and 1500ms, quite a range (3x difference).
My question is, how many "runs" should be saved into the DB as a single run?
Every run saved into the DB as its
own row?
5 Runs, averaged, then save that
10 Runs averaged?
20 Runs, remove anything more than 2
std deviations away, and save
everything inside that range?
Does anyone have any good info backing them up on this?

Save the data for every run into its own row. Then later you can use and analyze the data however you like... ie, all you the other options you listed can be performed after the fact. It's not really possible for someone else to draw meaningful conclusions about how to average/analyze the data without knowing more about what's going on.

The fastest run is the one that most accurately times only your code.
All slower runs are slower because of noise introduced by the operating system scheduler.
The variance you experience is going to differ from machine to machine, and even on identical machines, the set of runnable processes will introduce noise.

None of the above. Bran is close though. You should save every measurment. But don't average them. The average (arithmetic mean) can be very misleading in this type of analysis. The reason is that some of your measurments will be much longer than the others. This will happen becuse things can interfere with your process - even on 'clean' test systems. It can also happen becuse your process may not be as deterministic as you might thing.
Some people think that simply taking more samples (running more iterations) and averaging the measurmetns will give them better data. It doesn't. The more you run, the more likelty it is that you will encounter a perturbing event, thus making the average overly high.
A better way to do this is to run as many measurments as you can (time permitting). 100 is not a bad number, but 30-ish can be enough.
Then, sort these by magnitude and graph them. Note that this is not a standard distribution. Compute compute some simple statistics: mean, median, min, max, lower quaertile, upper quartile.
Contrary to some guidance, do not 'throw away' outside vaulues or 'outliers'. These are often the most intersting measurments. For example, you may establish a nice baseline, then look for departures. Understanding these departures will help you fully understand how your process works, how the sytsem affecdts your process, and what can interfere with your process. It will often readily expose bugs.

Depends what kind of data you want. I'd say one line per run initially, then analyze the data, go from there. Maybe store a min/max/average of X runs if you want to consolidate it.

Bryan is right - you need to investigate more. if your code has that much variance even "most" of the time then you might have a lot of fluctuation in your test environment because of other processes, os paging or other factors. If not it seems that you have code paths doing wildly varying amount of work and coming up with a single number/run data to describe the performance of such a multi-modal system is not going to tell you much. So i'd say isolate your setup as much as possible, run at least 30 trials and get a feel for what your performance curve looks like. Once you have that, you can use that wikipedia page to come up with a number that will tell you how many trials you need to run per code-change to see if the performance has increased/decreased with some level of statistical significance.

While saying, "Save every run," is nice, it might not be practical in your case. However, I do think that storing only the average eliminates too much data. I like storing the average of ten runs, but instead of storing just the average, I'd also store the max and min values, so that I can get a feel for the spread of the data in addition to its center.
The max and min information in particular will tell you how often corner cases arise. Is the 1500ms case a one-in-1000 outlier? Or is it something that recurs on a regular basis?


Multiple parameter optimization with a stochastic element

I am looking for a method to find the best parameters for a simulation. It's about break-shots in billiards / pool. A shot is defined by 7 parameters, I can simulate the shot and then rate the outcome and I would like to compute the best parameters.
I have found the following link here:
Multiple parameter optimization with lots of local minima
suggesting 4 kinds of algorithms. In the pool simulator I am using, the shots are altered by a little random value each time it is simulated. If I simulate the same shot twice, the outcome will be different. So I am looking for an algorithm like the ones in the link above, only with the addition of a stochastical element, optimizing for the 7 parameters that will on average yield the best parameters, i.e. a break shot that most likely will be a success. My initial idea was simulating the shot 100 or 1000 times and just take the average as rating for the algorithms above, but I still feel like there is a better way. Does anyone have an idea?
The 7 parameters are continuous but within different ranges (one from 0 to 10, another from 0.0 to 0.028575 and so on).
Thank you
At least for some of the algorithms, simulating the same shot repeatedly might not be neccessary. As long as your alternatives have some form of momentum, like in the swarm simulation approach, you can let that be affected by the outcome of each individual simulation. In that case, a single unlucky simulation would slow the movement in parameter space only slightly, whereas a serious loss of quality should be enough to stop and reverse the movement. Thos algorithms which don't use momentum might be tweaked to have momentum. If not, then repeated simulation seems the best approach. Unless you can get your hands on the internals of the simulator, and rate the shot as a whole without having to simulate it over and over again.
You can use the algorithms you mentioned in your non-deterministic scenario with independent stochastic runs. Your idea with repeated simulations is good, you can read more about how many repeats you might have to consider for your simulations (unfortunately, there is no trivial answer). If you are not so much into maths, and the runs go fast, do 1.000 repeats, then 10.000 repeats, and see if the results differ largely. If yes, you have to collect more samples, if not, you are probably on the safe side (the central limit theorem states that the results converge).
Further, do not just consider the average! Make sure to look into the standard deviation for each algorithm's results; you might want to use box plots to compare their quartiles. If you rely on the average only, you could pick an algorithm that produces very varying results, sometimes excellent, sometimes terrible in performance.
I don't know what language you are using, but if you use Java, I am maintaining a tool that could simplify your "monte carlo" style experiments.

How to Compare the Running Times of Two Data Structures' Operations

I want to compare the performance of two search trees of integers (an AVL tree vs a RedBlack tree). So how should I design/engineer the tests to accomplish this ? For instance, let's consider the insert operation, what steps should I follow in order to state that on average this operation is faster in the RB case ? Should I time inserting just one element (assuming the trees are pre-populated) or should I time a sequence of insertions ? Also what considerations should I take to correctly measure CPU time accurately ?
Thanks in advance.
This is a really broad question, and as such, I don't think you should be hoping for anybody to get on here and give you the one final correct answer regarding how to measure performance. That being said...
First, you should develop a suite of tests. Two popular techniques exist for doing this: monitor a real-world sequence of operations done by an application (so, find some open source application that uses either an AVL or RB tree, and add some code to print out the sequence of operations it performs) or create such a stream of operations analytically (or synthetically) to target any number of cases (the average usage, particular kinds of abnormal or otherwise unusual usage, random usage, etc.). The more of these kinds of traces you get to test, the better.
Once you have your set of traces to test, you need to develop a driver to do the evaluation. The driver should be simple, the same for both AVL and RB trees (I think that in this case, this shouldn't be a problem; both present the same interface to users, differing only in terms of internal implementation details). The driver should be able to reproduce the usage recorded in your trace sets efficiently and cause the traced operations to be carried out on your data structures. One thing I like to do is to include a third "dummy" candidate that does nothing; this way, I can see how much of an influence the processing of traces is exerting on overall performance.
Each trace should be executed many, many times. You can formalize this somewhat (to reduce statistical uncertainty to within known bounds), but a rule of thumb is that the order of your error will shrink according to 1/sqrt(n), where n is the number of trials. In other words, by running each trace 10,000 times instead of 100 times, you will get errors in the average that are 10x smaller. Record all values; things to look for are the mean, median, mode(s), etc. For each run, try to keep the system conditions the same; no other programs running, etc. To help eliminate spurious results due to external factors changing, you can cull the bottom and top 10% of outliers...
Now, simply compare the data sets. Perhaps what you care most about is the average time the trace takes? Perhaps the worst? Maybe what you really care about is consistency; is the standard deviation big or small? You should have enough data to compare the results for a given trace executed on both test structures; and for different traces, it might make more sense to look at different figures (for instance, if you created a synthetic benchmark that should be the worst case for RB trees, you might ask how badly RB and AVL trees did, whereas you might not care about this for another trace representing the best case for AVL trees, etc.)
Timing on the CPU can be a challenge in its own right. You'll need to ensure that the resolution of your timer is sufficient for measuring your events. clock() and gettimeofday() functions - and others - are popular choices for recording the time of events. If your traces finish too quickly, you can get the aggregate time for several trials (so that if your timer supports microsecond timing and your traces finish in 10 microseconds, you can measure 100 executions of the trace instead of 1, and get time values on 10s of milliseconds, which should be accurate).
Another potential pitfall is providing the same execution environment each time. In between trace runs, at the very least, you might consider techniques for ensuring that you start with a clean cache. Either that, or don't time the first execution, or understand that this result might be culled when you eliminate outliers. It might be safer to just reset the cache (by manipulating every element of some large array, for instance in between executions of traces), since code A might benefit from having some of the values in cache while code B might suffer.
These are a few of the things you might consider when doing your own performance evaluation. Other tools - like PAPI and other profilers, for instance - can measure certain events - cache hits/misses, instructions, etc. - and this information can allow for much richer comparisons than simple comparisons of wall-clock run time.
Measuring CPU time accurately can be very tricky depending on your particular programming language, implementation, etc. For example, with Java's JIT compilation, the results can be extremely different depending on how much you've run the code before now!
Can you give more detail about your situation?

algorithm to calculate ETA of a file downloading session [duplicate]

We've all poked fun at the 'X minutes remaining' dialog which seems to be too simplistic, but how can we improve it?
Effectively, the input is the set of download speeds up to the current time, and we need to use this to estimate the completion time, perhaps with an indication of certainty, like '20-25 mins remaining' using some Y% confidence interval.
Code that did this could be put in a little library and used in projects all over, so is it really that difficult? How would you do it? What weighting would you give to previous download speeds?
Or is there some open source code already out there?
Edit: Summarising:
Improve estimated completion time via better algo/filter etc.
Provide interval instead of single time ('1h45-2h30 mins'), or just limit the precision ('about 2 hours').
Indicate when progress has stalled - although if progress consistently stalls and then continues, we should be able to deal with that. Perhaps 'about 2 hours, currently stalled'
More generally, I think you are looking for a way to give an instant mesure of the transfer speed, which is generally obtained by an average over a small period.
The problem is generally that in order to be reactive, the period is usually extremely small, which leads to the yoyo effect.
I would propose a very simple scheme, let's model it.
Think of a curve speed (y) over time (x).
the Instant Speed, is no more than reading y for the current x (x0).
the Average Speed, is no more than Integral(f(x), x in [x0-T,x0]) / T
the scheme I propose is to apply a filter, to give more weight to the last moments, while still taking into account the past moments.
It can be easily implement as g(x,x0,T) = 2 * (x - x0) + 2T which is a simple triangle of surface T.
And now you can compute Integral(f(x)*g(x,x0,T), x in [x0-T,x0]) / T, which should work because both functions are always positive.
Of course you could have a different g as long as it's always positive in the given interval and that its integral on the interval is T (so that its own average is exactly 1).
The advantage of this method is that because you give more weight to immediate events, you can remain pretty reactive even if you consider larger time intervals (so that the average is more precise, and less susceptible to hiccups).
Also, what I have rarely seen but think would provide more precise estimates would be to correlate the time used for computing the average to the estimated remaining time:
if I download a 5ko file, it's going to be loaded in an instant, no need to estimate
if I download a 15 Mo file, it's going to take between 2 minutes roughly, so I would like estimates say... every 5 seconds ?
if I download a 1.5 Go file, it's going to take... well around 200 minutes (with the same speed)... which is to say 3h20m... perhaps that an estimates every minute would be sufficient ?
So, the longer the download is going to take, the less reactive I need to be, and the more I can average out. In general, I would say that a window could cover 2% of the total time (perhaps except for the few first estimates, because people appreciate immediate feedback). Also, indicating progress by whole % at a time is sufficient. If the task is long, I was prepared to wait anyway.
I wonder, would a state estimation technique produce good results here? Something like a Kalman Filter?
Basically you predict the future by looking at your current model, and change the model at each time step to reflect the changes to the real world. I think this kind of technique is used for estimating the time left on your laptop battery, which can also vary according to use, age of battery, etc'.
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter for a more in depth description of the algorithm.
The filter also gives a variance measure, which could be used to indicate your confidence of the estimate (allthough, as was mentioned by other answers, it might not be the best idea to show this to the end user)
Does anyone know if this is actually used somewhere for download (or file copy) estimation?
Don't confuse your users by providing more information than they need. I'm thinking of the confidence interval. Skip it.
Internet download times are highly variable. The microwave interferes with WiFi. Usage varies by time of day, day of week, holidays, and releases of new exciting games. The server may be heavily loaded right now. If you carry your laptop to cafe, the results will be different than at home. So, you probably can't rely on historical data to predict the future of download speeds.
If you can't accurately estimate the time remaining, then don't lie to your user by offering such an estimate.
If you know how much data must be downloaded, you can provide % completed progress.
If you don't know at all, provide a "heartbeat" - a piece of moving UI that shows the user that things are working, even through you don't know how long remains.
Improving the estimated time itself: Intuitively, I would guess that the speed of the net connection is a series of random values around some temporary mean speed - things tick along at one speed, then suddenly slow or speed up.
One option, then, could be to weight the previous set of speeds by some exponential, so that the most recent values get the strongest weighting. That way, as the previous mean speed moves further into the past, its effect on the current mean reduces.
However, if the speed randomly fluctuates, it might be worth flattening the top of the exponential (e.g. by using a Gaussian filter), to avoid too much fluctuation.
So in sum, I'm thinking of measuring the standard deviation (perhaps limited to the last N minutes) and using that to generate a Gaussian filter which is applied to the inputs, and then limiting the quoted precision using the standard deviation.
How, though, would you limit the standard deviation calculation to the last N minutes? How do you know how long to use?
Alternatively, there are pattern recognition possibilities to detect if we've hit a stable speed.
I've considered this off and on, myself. I the answer starts with being conservative when computing the current (and thus, future) transfer rate, and includes averaging over longer periods, to get more stable estimates. Perhaps low-pass filtering the time that is displayed, so that one doesn't get jumps between 2 minutes and 2 days.
I don't think a confidence interval is going to be helpful. Most people wouldn't be able to interpret it, and it would just be displaying more stuff that is a guess.

Estimating/forecasting download completion time

We've all poked fun at the 'X minutes remaining' dialog which seems to be too simplistic, but how can we improve it?
Effectively, the input is the set of download speeds up to the current time, and we need to use this to estimate the completion time, perhaps with an indication of certainty, like '20-25 mins remaining' using some Y% confidence interval.
Code that did this could be put in a little library and used in projects all over, so is it really that difficult? How would you do it? What weighting would you give to previous download speeds?
Or is there some open source code already out there?
Edit: Summarising:
Improve estimated completion time via better algo/filter etc.
Provide interval instead of single time ('1h45-2h30 mins'), or just limit the precision ('about 2 hours').
Indicate when progress has stalled - although if progress consistently stalls and then continues, we should be able to deal with that. Perhaps 'about 2 hours, currently stalled'
More generally, I think you are looking for a way to give an instant mesure of the transfer speed, which is generally obtained by an average over a small period.
The problem is generally that in order to be reactive, the period is usually extremely small, which leads to the yoyo effect.
I would propose a very simple scheme, let's model it.
Think of a curve speed (y) over time (x).
the Instant Speed, is no more than reading y for the current x (x0).
the Average Speed, is no more than Integral(f(x), x in [x0-T,x0]) / T
the scheme I propose is to apply a filter, to give more weight to the last moments, while still taking into account the past moments.
It can be easily implement as g(x,x0,T) = 2 * (x - x0) + 2T which is a simple triangle of surface T.
And now you can compute Integral(f(x)*g(x,x0,T), x in [x0-T,x0]) / T, which should work because both functions are always positive.
Of course you could have a different g as long as it's always positive in the given interval and that its integral on the interval is T (so that its own average is exactly 1).
The advantage of this method is that because you give more weight to immediate events, you can remain pretty reactive even if you consider larger time intervals (so that the average is more precise, and less susceptible to hiccups).
Also, what I have rarely seen but think would provide more precise estimates would be to correlate the time used for computing the average to the estimated remaining time:
if I download a 5ko file, it's going to be loaded in an instant, no need to estimate
if I download a 15 Mo file, it's going to take between 2 minutes roughly, so I would like estimates say... every 5 seconds ?
if I download a 1.5 Go file, it's going to take... well around 200 minutes (with the same speed)... which is to say 3h20m... perhaps that an estimates every minute would be sufficient ?
So, the longer the download is going to take, the less reactive I need to be, and the more I can average out. In general, I would say that a window could cover 2% of the total time (perhaps except for the few first estimates, because people appreciate immediate feedback). Also, indicating progress by whole % at a time is sufficient. If the task is long, I was prepared to wait anyway.
I wonder, would a state estimation technique produce good results here? Something like a Kalman Filter?
Basically you predict the future by looking at your current model, and change the model at each time step to reflect the changes to the real world. I think this kind of technique is used for estimating the time left on your laptop battery, which can also vary according to use, age of battery, etc'.
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter for a more in depth description of the algorithm.
The filter also gives a variance measure, which could be used to indicate your confidence of the estimate (allthough, as was mentioned by other answers, it might not be the best idea to show this to the end user)
Does anyone know if this is actually used somewhere for download (or file copy) estimation?
Don't confuse your users by providing more information than they need. I'm thinking of the confidence interval. Skip it.
Internet download times are highly variable. The microwave interferes with WiFi. Usage varies by time of day, day of week, holidays, and releases of new exciting games. The server may be heavily loaded right now. If you carry your laptop to cafe, the results will be different than at home. So, you probably can't rely on historical data to predict the future of download speeds.
If you can't accurately estimate the time remaining, then don't lie to your user by offering such an estimate.
If you know how much data must be downloaded, you can provide % completed progress.
If you don't know at all, provide a "heartbeat" - a piece of moving UI that shows the user that things are working, even through you don't know how long remains.
Improving the estimated time itself: Intuitively, I would guess that the speed of the net connection is a series of random values around some temporary mean speed - things tick along at one speed, then suddenly slow or speed up.
One option, then, could be to weight the previous set of speeds by some exponential, so that the most recent values get the strongest weighting. That way, as the previous mean speed moves further into the past, its effect on the current mean reduces.
However, if the speed randomly fluctuates, it might be worth flattening the top of the exponential (e.g. by using a Gaussian filter), to avoid too much fluctuation.
So in sum, I'm thinking of measuring the standard deviation (perhaps limited to the last N minutes) and using that to generate a Gaussian filter which is applied to the inputs, and then limiting the quoted precision using the standard deviation.
How, though, would you limit the standard deviation calculation to the last N minutes? How do you know how long to use?
Alternatively, there are pattern recognition possibilities to detect if we've hit a stable speed.
I've considered this off and on, myself. I the answer starts with being conservative when computing the current (and thus, future) transfer rate, and includes averaging over longer periods, to get more stable estimates. Perhaps low-pass filtering the time that is displayed, so that one doesn't get jumps between 2 minutes and 2 days.
I don't think a confidence interval is going to be helpful. Most people wouldn't be able to interpret it, and it would just be displaying more stuff that is a guess.

How to detect anomalous resource consumption reliably?

This question is about a whole class of similar problems, but I'll ask it as a concrete example.
I have a server with a file system whose contents fluctuate. I need to monitor the available space on this file system to ensure that it doesn't fill up. For the sake of argument, let's suppose that if it fills up, the server goes down.
It doesn't really matter what it is -- it might, for example, be a queue of "work".
During "normal" operation, the available space varies within "normal" limits, but there may be pathologies:
Some other (possibly external)
component that adds work may run out
of control
Some component that removes work seizes up, but remains undetected
The statistical characteristics of the process are basically unknown.
What I'm looking for is an algorithm that takes, as input, timed periodic measurements of the available space (alternative suggestions for input are welcome), and produces as output, an alarm when things are "abnormal" and the file system is "likely to fill up". It is obviously important to avoid false negatives, but almost as important to avoid false positives, to avoid numbing the brain of the sysadmin who gets the alarm.
I appreciate that there are alternative solutions like throwing more storage space at the underlying problem, but I have actually experienced instances where 1000 times wasn't enough.
Algorithms which consider stored historical measurements are fine, although on-the-fly algorithms which minimise the amount of historic data are preferred.
I have accepted Frank's answer, and am now going back to the drawing-board to study his references in depth.
There are three cases, I think, of interest, not in order:
The "Harrods' Sale has just started" scenario: a peak of activity that at one-second resolution is "off the dial", but doesn't represent a real danger of resource depletion;
The "Global Warming" scenario: needing to plan for (relatively) stable growth; and
The "Google is sending me an unsolicited copy of The Index" scenario: this will deplete all my resources in relatively short order unless I do something to stop it.
It's the last one that's (I think) most interesting, and challenging, from a sysadmin's point of view..
If it is actually related to a queue of work, then queueing theory may be the best route to an answer.
For the general case you could perhaps attempt a (multiple?) linear regression on the historical data, to detect if there is a statistically significant rising trend in the resource usage that is likely to lead to problems if it continues (you may also be able to predict how long it must continue to lead to problems with this technique - just set a threshold for 'problem' and use the slope of the trend to determine how long it will take). You would have to play around with this and with the variables you collect though, to see if there is any statistically significant relationship that you can discover in the first place.
Although it covers a completely different topic (global warming), I've found tamino's blog (tamino.wordpress.com) to be a very good resource on statistical analysis of data that is full of knowns and unknowns. For example, see this post.
edit: as per my comment I think the problem is somewhat analogous to the GW problem. You have short term bursts of activity which average out to zero, and long term trends superimposed that you are interested in. Also there is probably more than one long term trend, and it changes from time to time. Tamino describes a technique which may be suitable for this, but unfortunately I cannot find the post I'm thinking of. It involves sliding regressions along the data (imagine multiple lines fitted to noisy data), and letting the data pick the inflection points. If you could do this then you could perhaps identify a significant change in the trend. Unfortunately it may only be identifiable after the fact, as you may need to accumulate a lot of data to get significance. But it might still be in time to head off resource depletion. At least it may give you a robust way to determine what kind of safety margin and resources in reserve you need in future.
