How to pass event and other arguments in grid's context menu item handler? - events

I'm using Dojo 1.5, and I'm trying to create a context menu that can invocate a function myFunction passing the event and other arguments. So far I've the following code:
<div dojoType="dijit.Menu" id="bankerMenu" style="display: none;">
<div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem" onclick="copyDocuments('bankerFolder');" iconClass="dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconCopy">Copy to Client</div>
<div dojoType="dijit.PopupMenuItem" onclick="doNothing()" iconClass="dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconCopy">
<span><s:text name="CopyTo.label"/></span>
<div dojoType="dijit.Menu" id="bigsubmenu">
<div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem" onclick="myFunction(event,'bankerFolder',1)"><s:property value='distributionListName'/></div>
But it is not recognizing the 'event' that I want to pass to the function. I know I can susbtitute the call using this:
<div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem" label="Some menu item 2">
<script type="dojo/method" event="onClick" args="evt">
but I would like to simplify it and used the first syntax. How can I do that?

Passing event literally would likely end up leaving you at the mercy of cross-browser inconsistencies. However, since events connected through Dojo worry about this for you, and since onClick is a widget event that already receives the event object as an argument, you should be able to get away with the following:
<div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem" onClick="myFunction(arguments[0],'bankerFolder',1)"><s:property value='distributionListName'/></div>
Also note the capital C in onClick - widget events always use camel case; they are not actual DOM events, though they are often mapped to analogous DOM events. I get the impression you were testing with capital C though, based on the problem you described encountering.
Here's a simplified example of the idea working (initially provided/suggested by Dustin Machi in the Dojo IRC channel):

Following from Ken's comment to the answer above, I managed to figure this out as outlined here: It connects to onCellContextMenu and pulls the relevant information out of the event, saving it into the grid object.


Dijit form stops validating when mvc Group is used in it

I have a page which uses dijit/form/Form to validate all of the form widgets in it.
Validation works correctly if I put widgets directly under the Form (tag).
Once I surround the widgets with a dojox/mvc/Group (within the form), Form validation stops completely and none of the widgets seem to validate when I call Form::validate().
Debugging the Dojo code shows that nested widgets are never considered validatable in the Form so when I surround widgets with Group they get excluded from validation.
Is there a workaround for this?
AFAICT from dijit/form/_FormMixin#_getDescendantFormWidgets() and dijit/_WidgetBase#getChildren(), the issue can be solved by adding data-dojo-mixins="dijit/_Container" to the element having data-dojo-type="dojox/mvc/Group".
Also (though I'm not sure if it meets your requirement), dojox/mvc/tests/test_mvc_new_loan-stateful.html example shows form validation solution with dojox/mvc.
Hope it helps.
Best, Akira
It seems like there is no easy way to solve this with dijit/form/Form. At the very least, it should be subclassed or monkey-patched to make it consider nested widgets.
However, it seems that dojox/form/Manager handles nested widgets properly, so I have switched to it.
Switching to Manager required some refactoring since it cannot be simply converted into an object with dom-form (dijit/form/Form can be converted).
HTML code before:
action="" method=""
... form widgets (surrounded with MVC Groups...etc)
<form id="_pg_detailForm">
... form widgets (surrounded with MVC Groups...etc)

Where has an image been dropped with fineuploader?

Is it possible to know where an image has been dropped?
Assume we have a checkerboard with different divs
<div id="jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader"></div>
<div id="checkerboard">
<div id="A1" class="ffup"></div>
<div id="A2" class="ffup"></div>
<div id="A3" class="ffup"></div>
<div id="A4" class="ffup"></div>
$(document).ready(function () {
request: {
endpoint: 'endpoint.php'
dragAndDrop: {
extraDropzones: [$('.ffup')]
First of all, your code will only designate the first ffup div (A1) as it currently stands. You will need to pass a selector for each individual drop zone into your extraDropzones array. The jQuery wrapper will only pass the first element covered by your jQuery selector to the library. Ideally, it would pass along all items represented by the selector, but, to do this, it would have to be aware of the intended type of the parameter. The jQuery wrapper must convert all jQuery objects to HTMLElements before passing the data on to Fine Uploader's core code (which is not aware of jQuery). This is something I'd like to look into more in the future, but this is the way it has worked since 3.0. Note that this limitation does NOT apply to the target of a Fine Uploader plug-in instance, i.e. $(".myTarget").fineUploader(...).
As to your question, Fine Uploader does not currently pass any information along to callbacks that would allow you to determine which drop zone received an associated file. This is an interesting feature, and I can see how it may be useful. Please open up a feature request in the issue tracker so we can discuss and prioritize this for a future release.

Want new divs to push down older divs dynamically

I have 3 divs parallel to each other holding some information. I want three new divs, in the same position as the previous ones (refer image), take the position of the last ones while pushing the same downwards.
I want this action to happen dynamically i.e. when someone enters information on the back-end module, the more recent information takes place of the older one.
I am pretty new to Ajax and jQuery but I am sure this is the way to go. Can someone please direct me to a suitable direction?
You are right, Ajax and jQuery can be the way to go.
Simplest solution is probably to put the three blocks into one div and call
on it. You can arrange the blocks how you want using CSS
<div id='parent-div'>
<div class="col left">Hello World</div>
<div class="col">Hello World</div>
<div class="col">Hello World</div>
Tried it out on jsFiddle, just have a look.
$('<div>new div</div>').insertBefore('#divName');

jQTouch AJAX Form Callback

I've got a simple AJAX POST form set up in a jQTouch application. We're talking out-of-the-box simple here:
<form id="contact" class="topPage" method="post" action="/process/mobile-submit.cfm">
<!-- Various form guts go here -->
And this works just great. My users punch in their info, my server-side script does its job and gobbles up the lead data and spits back an out-of-the-box simple response.
<div class="toolbar">
<div class="info">
<strong>Thank You For Your Submission</strong><br />
We have received your inquiry, and blah blah blah jibber jabber.
Everyone's happy... except those of us who are trying to track the conversion in Google Analytics. Now, I've got virtual pageviews set up on each panel in this application using the pageAnimationEnd event, which is easy as pie when you know what selectors those are going to be attached to in advance, but when jQTouch creates a new segment from the form return, it has a generic serialized ID like #page-N.
I've tried adding a loose script block into the form return. That works fine for Firefox on my desktop, not so much for Safari on my phone.
Since I've allowed jQTouch to handle the AJAX particulars for me in this instance, is there a straightforward way to attach a success handler to it? Or am I better off trying to bind a pageAnimationEnd handler on $('[id^=page-]') and hope the business doesn't want me to do anything else with ad hoc form returns until we replace this app with one written in jQuery Mobile?
Worked it out.
The return fragment can declare its own ID, naturally, and jQTouch will then treat it as though it were an original part of the document. I had previously assumed jQTouch didn't give a toss about what attributes I gave the fragment; I was wrong.
This means that you could goTo it like any other portion of the document. It also means that you can bind a pageAnimationEnd handler on the return fragment either by ID or by class name and it will behave as expected. Thus:
<div class="formResult">
<div class="toolbar">
<div class="info">
<strong>Thank You For Your Submission</strong><br />
We have received your inquiry, and blah blah blah jibber jabber.
$('.formReturn').live('pageAnimationEnd', function(evt, info) {
if (info.direction == 'in') {
// Goal completion code
} else {

jQuery's delegate conflict with another delegate in IE

It seems that in IE, some delegates may somehow cause another delegate to fail to work.
This is one possible case:
<script src='jquery-1.4.2.min.js'></script>
$(function() {
.delegate('div', 'click', function() {
alert('on div!');
.delegate('[name=first]', 'change', function() {
.delegate('[name=second]', 'change', function() {
<div id="main">
<input name="first" />
<input name="second" type="checkbox" />
In this particular case, the handler for the checkbox won't fire.
As usual, the problem doesn't show up in other browsers.
Changing the call orders may solve an issue , but at the risk of causing another. Note that the delegate works on mutually exclusive elements so the order should be irrelevant.
What causes this?
I cannot offer an explanation; but I have encountered similar behavior in IE8. Oddly, in my case everything worked well if I rearranged bindings so that the delegate binding on one of my checkboxes came before delegate bindings on other form elements. A delegated click handler on a link before the checkbox handler did not seem to cause problems.
In my case I had one click handler on a checkbox, two change handlers on select boxes, two click handlers on radio buttons, another click handler on another class of checkboxes, and several click handlers on links.
There are a lot of variables to account for and it is difficult to account for all of them here. For example, the delegated selector for the checkbox that caused a problem for me was an id selector while the selector for the innocuous checkboxes was a class.
It seems that the problem has been resolved in the latest version of jQuery or Internet-Explorer (as of this writing, 1.5 and 9, respectively).
I ran into this as well. For some reason, reversing the order of registering the events fixed it for me. I'd love an explanation though.
