What is the link file limit using Visual Studio's link.exe? - visual-studio

I know some linkers have a limit of how many object files are allowed on the command line. What is Visual Studio's? Also, if you exceed this number, some linkers allow you to specify a file containing the name of all the object files, and you would only pass that as an argument. Here's an example to show you what I mean:
some_linker file1.o file2.o ... file9000.o -out=some.lib
Suppose 9000 is too much for this linker, but it allows you to write the path to the objects in another file, example.txt:
And the linker call becomes:
some_linker -input=example.txt -out=some.lib
How is Visual Studio behaving in this situation? Does it allow for something like this?

The maximum number of arguments doesn't appear to be specified in that portion of the documentation. I'm not sure if this is provided elsewhere, but I personally haven't seen it.
However, link.exe does allow you to specify a text file containing the name of all the object files, which it calls a "command file". According to the documentation, you specify a command file by prepending its filename with an at sign:
LINK #commandfile
The arguments in the command file can be separated by either spaces or tabs (as on the command line) and by newline characters.


How to specify makefile dependencies when source and object suffixes are the same?

I'm using GNU Make 4.0 to compile objects on an IBM i. Most items are ok and conflict-free (.c compiles to a .module, .pf compiles to a .file), but a couple types of items use the same filename suffix for both source and object. For example, commands end in .cmd for the source code and also for the compiled command object. This results in a makefile definition like this:
C_CODE1.MODULE: C_CODE1.C # This is ok -- no conflict
COMMAND1.CMD: COMMAND1.CMD # Error! Make thinks it's a circular dependency.
What can be done to tell Make that the .cmd item on the left and the one on the right are actually two different items? The object suffixes are fixed by the operating system and cannot be changed. The source code suffixes could be changed, but then they wouldn't appear correctly in our code editors without customization. The source code does exist in a separate directory from the objects, but paths aren't really specified in the makefile, other than when setting up VPATH.
If the target name does not have to match the prerequisites, I would change the target name to something else, for example COMMAND1: COMMAND1.CMD.
If they have to be matched then I would write like the following to add the extension explicitly in the recipe.
cat $< > ${#}.CMD
For the source, even if you are using traditional source files, it's not necessary to use the standard source member type. You could use say CMDSRC for the source member type of your command source.

gcc: passing list of preprocessor defines

I have a rather long list of preprocessor definitions that I want to make available to several C programs that are compiled with gcc.
Basically I could create a huge list of -DDEF1=1 -DDEF2=2 ... options to pass to gcc, but that would create a huge mess, is hard to use in a versioning-system and may at some time in the future break the command line length limit.
I would like to define my defines in a file.
Basically the -imacros would do what I want except that it only passes it to the first source file: (below from the gcc documentation):
-include file Process file as if #include "file" appeared as the first line of the primary source file. However, the first directory searched
for file is the preprocessor's working directory instead of the
directory containing the main source file. If not found there, it is
searched for in the remainder of the #include "..." search chain as
normal. If multiple -include options are given, the files are included
in the order they appear on the command line.
-imacros file Exactly like -include, except that any output produced by scanning file is thrown away. Macros it defines remain defined.
This allows you to acquire all the macros from a header without also
processing its declarations. All files specified by -imacros are
processed before all files specified by -include.
I need to have the definitions available in all source files, not just the first one.
Look at the bottom of this reference.
What you might want is the #file option. This option tells GCC to use file for command-line options. This file can of course contain preprocessor defines.
Honestly - it sounds like you need to do a bit more in your build environment.
For example, one suggestion is that it sounds like you should create a header file that is included by all your source files and #define all your definitions.
You could also use -include, but specify an explicit path - which should be determined in your Makefile/build environment.
The -imacros would work, if your Makefile were building each source file independently, into its own object file (which is typical). Its sounds like you're just throwing all the sources into building a single object.

About a deep header file in Makefile

Say I have a header file which is included by many source files, maybe with a very deep hierarchy. It is very boring to list this common header file in the prerequisites of each source object, and not sure whether there is an elegant solution. Thanks!
You can generate such dependencies with gcc -M. From TFM:
-M Instead of outputting the result of preprocessing, output a rule suitable for make describing the dependencies of the main source file. The preprocessor outputs one make rule containing the object file name for that source file, a colon, and the names of all the included files, including those coming from -include or -imacros command line options.
Also see Generating Prerequisites Automatically.

Makefile -L command

If I have this line in the make file:\
libpqxx_Libs = -L/share/home/cb -lpqxx-2.6.9 -lpq
Does this indicate the compiler to use the lpqxx-2.6.9.so shared object file or does this indciate the compiler to use all the .so in the foler lpqxx-2.6.9? Or is this something else altogether?
Thanks for the help!
-L in this context is an argument to the linker, that adds the specified directory to the list of directories that the linker will search for necessary libraries, e.g. libraries that you've specified using -l.
It isn't a makefile command, even though it's usually seen in makefiles for C projects.
The -L is actually not a makefile command (as you state it in the title of your question).
What actually happens in this line is an assignment of a value to the variable libpqxx_Libs -- nothing more and nothing less. You will have to search in your makefile where that variable is used via $(libpqxx_Libs) or ${libpqxx_Libs}. That is most likely as a argument in a link command, or a compile command that includes linking.
In that context, the meaning of -L and -l can be found in, for example, the gcc man pages, which state that
Use the library named library when linking.
The linker searches a standard list of directories for the li-
brary, which is actually a file named `liblibrary.a'. The linker
then uses this file as if it had been specified precisely by
The directories searched include several standard system direc-
tories plus any that you specify with `-L'.

How to get only file name in preprocessor?

I am (was) using the __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros for printing diagnostic messages out of my code. This works quite well when you use GCC with make, the file is as short as you specified it on the command line. I recently switched to using CodeLite which uses fully qualified file names (at least under windows) when building. Suddenly my diagnostic output is almost not readable.
It there a way to get only the file component of the filename in the preprocessor? I can live with a non portable GCC specific solution. (I will fallback to plain __FILE__ other cases.)
Sure I can pass the contents of __FILE__ through a function and extract only the file component, but string operations was not what I had in mind for diagnostic messages that should not change runtime behavior...
NOTE: I use the filename the way GNU uses it. A Path is collection of filenames and a filename is either a relative or absolute identifier of a file. A filename can be made up of a directory component and file component.
If you are using GNU Make then you can simply pass -D BASE_FILE_NAME=\"$*.c\" in on the preprocessing stage of compilation (if you're doing them separately, or at compilation if in a single stage, which is the norm).
This depends upon the way you have your file names determined. Mine come from a list of plain file names and are prefixed with directories using functions in the makefile at a later stage.
IE, this works well for me, but your mileage may vary! :-)
A simplified version of my make "code" :
CLASSES = main.c init.c
PREPROCESSED = $(patsubst %.c,$(PPCDIR)/%.pp.c,$(CLASSES))
$(PREPROCESSED): $(PPCDIR)/%.pp.c: %.c $(ALLH)
$(GCC) $(GCCOPTS) -D BASE_FILE_NAME=\"$*\" -E $< > $#
The simply use BASE_FILE_NAME in your code as you like :-)
There is no known preprocessor macro that provides the functionality. Passing __FILE__ through a function seams like the only sensible option.
In reply to FredCooke above, you can exchange this line:
-D BASE_FILE_NAME=\"$*.c\"
This will give you proper file name expansion, for .cpp as well.
As has already been mentioned in other answers, the only portable way to do this is by passing in a define from the compiler, there are however compiler spesific extensions:
Clang: __FILE_NAME__
